sapphic-scylla · 10 hours
Cassandra, Breaker of Names, Purveyor of Titles, The One Who Lives in Mystery and Enigma.
what if instead of having a fake name for internet personal-life purposes we could have a fake name for professional work-life purposes
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sapphic-scylla · 10 hours
The Pink Shades by L.C. Oak. This is about to be the most transgender book to ever grace this existence.
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Not gonna specifically tag anyone
but reblog if you feel like it and put yours in the tags.
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sapphic-scylla · 10 hours
Bob! It’s SO nice to see you today of all days! Truly a harbinger of the good in the world!
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sapphic-scylla · 10 hours
The not the hero post we deserve, but the one that we will always need.
Out of Touch
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sapphic-scylla · 10 hours
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sapphic-scylla · 10 hours
Why did it cut off? I genuinely wanted to know

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This is what I sound like talking about my current hyperfixation to people
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sapphic-scylla · 11 hours
Today is the day I take my rightful place as the “gay/trans cousin”. It’s like the coronation of new royalty or ascending to godhood. We all knew it would come to this and I welcome my new title with grand and unwavering confidence.
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sapphic-scylla · 2 days
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sapphic-scylla · 3 days
I love spiders.
All my homies love spiders.
Spiders, all of them, are the among crabs, alligators, and lobsters where evolution decided they were pretty and perfect in all of their variations and decided to just make more.
Love me some spiders.
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sapphic-scylla · 4 days
Hi! Questions for you:
Favorite souls game, and favorite color combo in mtg?
Yay! I love asks!!! :)
Detailed answers in question order:
I LOVE Dark Souls 3. The lore and environments have an incredible vibe, the characters are amazing, and the boss fights are truly the best they’ve ever been in DS3.
This is such a loaded question because I do have a lot of color combos I love running regularly with all of their fun nuances. My personal favorites are: Orzhov (White-Black), Grixis (Red-Blue-Black), Sultai (Green-Blue-Black), Mardu (Black-White-Red), and Naya (Red-Green-White).
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sapphic-scylla · 7 days
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sapphic-scylla · 7 days
You know damn well what will happen if we act like Trump is a better option than Biden. We knew going in that Biden was not a long term option, he was a SCAPEGOAT. We put him there to keep the Murder Cheeto out of fucking office because we knew damn well what would happen if he stayed.
Do we actively hate Biden’s presidency because of his choices? Absolutely we do.
Will our situation improve if we vote in Trump? ABSOLUTELY NOT!
What we can do is hold our leaders accountable for their actions and make sure they know that their words, actions, and choices are wrong and hold them responsible.
And we can vote. We did it once, we can do it again. Do not let Trump in that building ever again.
via 2rawtooreal2
(captions added by me)
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sapphic-scylla · 7 days
more like I can’t believe it’s not
"mens section"... more like where the hot women shop
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sapphic-scylla · 8 days
Ornstein was an ally and we killed him in cold blood.
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Ornstein started learning sorcery for Gwyndolin's sake.
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sapphic-scylla · 14 days
I agree with all of this. People kinda expect all older/younger sibling relationships to be the same and frankly, that’s not how it works. It’s like expecting Aelwyn and Adaine Abernant to get along in a normal sibling way. The family dynamic was very different due to the parenting and the situation. Azula was a SMART and CUNNING child. She knew what she was doing to the point of risking her entire sanity for the sake of keeping her brother safe, but Zuko didn’t understand and his mother and uncle only put him more in the dark. Nothing about that sibling relationship would ever be anywhere near normal and she knew that. She also knew that she was not a “parenting” older sister. Expecting Sokka and Katara and Zuko and Azula to have the same sibling relationship is just not how the human condition shakes out.
She broke because she felt herself slipping. She felt the full weight of what she was carrying and she felt herself start to believe her father and hate her mother and brother and it was fracturing her identity and her ability to care for herself because for so long, she truly couldn’t. She had to actively obey a direct order to hunt (and kill) her brother she spent the series trying to distance herself from out of care for him despite his grown hatred of her.
"What if Azula cared her brother and tried to protect him"--Dude, you're describing canon.
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sapphic-scylla · 14 days
Also, Rogues in general are infinitely more dangerous when attacking with their squad. Flanking maneuvers to get advantage, slipping around unseen to take advantage of distractions, using their common sense to pick off the wounded and the struggling.
Kipperlily did absolutely none of that. She tunnel visioned so hard on trying to outrogue Riz that the rest of her party got picked off one by one by one until she was practically the only one left because the Bad Kids were working as a team to single out threats and neutralize them before they became a problem. By the end, she got so greedy that one wrong move went from an oops to a truly fatal mistake.
kipperlily would have been so devastating this combat if she wasn't so obsessed with trying to be a better rogue than Riz. Her one sneak attack on Adaine was massive, if she went after her again or Kristen things would have been very different.
But instead she went after the one person that she couldn't get sneak attack on twice. She got into melee range with him twice despite being a mastermind rogue and died because she underestimated him.
Rogues are bad news but not when they're blinded by rage and arrogance
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sapphic-scylla · 21 days
Alright, my lovely moots. Since I actually have confidence in myself now, I wanted to show off the fit I’m wearing to MTG tonight. Your Sapphic Scylla, in (and I kid you not) a not-quite knee length skirt, a crop top, short socks, tied back hair, and a thong. Let’s. Fucking. Go. Transfem slut hours are upon us!
[If you want to see the money view of the thong, that’s what DM’s are for ;)]
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