saqrqa3d · 6 months
While we may repeat the following words of 'Omar (may Allah be pleased woth him) often, how much have we contemplated them?
“We are a people who Allah has honoured with Islam, so whenever we seek to be honoured through other than it, Allah will bring us humiliation.”
We are close to 1.9 billion Muslims in the world today, yer we are like the foam (scum and rubbish) such as is carried down by a torrent. Our numbers are large, our lands have unimaginable resources and wealth, but we see our state of affairs. There is only one explanation, and it is that we have strayed from the teachings of our Religion.
Shirk and innovations are widespread, abandonment of salah is a norm, dealing in haram transactions is normalized, imitating the kuffar is seen as a matter of pride, running behind wealth is the focus, and the list goes on. Jihad is looked upon as extreme and terrorism, religiosity is deemed backwardness and lewdness and lack of haya are considered progress.
Then we wonder...
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saqrqa3d · 7 months
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Two sitting positions between prostrations and during the tashahhuds, as prescribed in the Hanbali madhhab.
The first position – Iftirash – is to be performed during the first tashahhud.
The second position – Tawarruk – is to be performed during the second tashahhud.
If there is only one tashahhud in the prayer, such as in any two-unit prayer, the musallī is to conclude their salah in the iftirash position.
The tawarruk position is to only be utilized to conclude a three or four-unit prayer.
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saqrqa3d · 9 months
As dusk is approaching, this knowledge will be very beneficial to every parent who wishes no harm to their household, In sha Allah.
The prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: ”After the sun sets, Hold on to your kids, as the Devils are spreading at that time. After an hour has gone past you can let them go, but keep your doors closed while making Dhikr (saying Bismillah), as the Devil does not open a closed door. And close any water bottle, while making Dhikr and put the lid on any pan while making Dhikr, even if you cover them with anything and turn your lights off”
Al-Bukhari no. 3280 and Muslim no. 2012
The prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Do not send your kids or animals (such as sheep, cattle or camels) after the sun sets, until the darkness of Isha falls, As the devils are being discharged between those times"
Muslim no. 2013
You might be asking yourself:
“What could possibly be the reason behind this? What happens between Maghrib and Ishaa? Well, what happens is that the Shaytaan (devils) start to look for a place to hide, as they move around earth in large numbers, Only Allah knows how many and they move in extremely fast speed, much faster than we can imagine. This of course poses a threat to some as they might get crushed by other devils. So they start looking for a place to hide.
The Hadith is explaining to us what the devils might do in their search for a safe place to hide:
Some of them might enter a bottle and stay there until it’s safe, some might hide in a saucepan, or a bucket and some might enter the house of a human. A Shaytaan might hide behind a group of humans who are unaware of this. With those humans not making any Dhikr the Shaytaan is safe from the crushing power of other Shaytaan roaming the Earth like a hurricane. It is in the nature of Shaytaan to hide in dirty places, such as toilets, rubbish bins…etc.
They might also get into a child who doesn’t know yet how to make Dhikr and stay inside that child until it’s safe to get out. The parents of that child might notice a sudden change of mood in their child’s behaviour. The parents might think that the child needs to be disciplined when the child might cry as he/she is bothered by the Shaytaan in his body. One of the biggest attractions to Shaytaan is nappies, as it’s dirty and it belongs to a child who doesn’t know yet how to make Tahseen (prevention from Devils by reading Qur'an and making Du'a).
Therefore we remind Muslims to be careful and not to let their doors open between Maghrib and Isha. They also should read Qur'an aloud around their children to prevent Shaytaan from seeking refuge in their tiny bodies.
May Allah protect us all from Shaytaan and prevent them from harming our children…
آمــــــــــــــــــين يا رب العالمين
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saqrqa3d · 11 months
Narrations regarding the first ten of Dhul-Hijjah:
كان محمد بن سيرين يصوم العشر، عشر ذي الحجة كله، فإذا مضى العشر ومضت أيام التشريق، أفطر تسعة أيام مثل ما صام.
وكان مجاهد يصوم العشر، وكان عطاء يتكلفها.
Muhammad ibn Sīrīn used to fast the ten days. All the (first) ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. Then when the ten days and the days of tashrīq had passed, then he would not fast for nine days, just as he had fasted (because it is only the first nine days that one fast. As for the 10th day then it is forbidden to fast it).
And Mujāhid used to fast the ten days, and ‘Atā would (also) undertake them.
(Narrated by Ibn Abī Shaybah in Al-Musannaf)
وكان سعيد بن جبير إذا دخل أيام العشر اجتهد اجتهادًا شديدًا حتى ما يكاد يقدر عليه.
And Sa’īd ibn Jubayr used to – when the ten days would begin – to exert himself with a great effort till an extend that he almost was not able to fulfill it.
(Narrated by Ad-Dārimī in Al-Musnad)
وعنه أنه قال: لا تطفئوا سرجكم ليالي العشر، تعجبه العبادة، ويقول: أيقظوا خدمكم يتسحرون لصوم يوم عرفة.
And from him that he said: “Do not turn of your lights on the nights of the ten days.” And (performing) worship (on these days) would please him. And he would say: “Wake up your servants so they can eat the suhūr for fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah.”
وعن الحسن قال: صيام يوم من العشر يعدل شهرين.
And from Al-Hasan who said: “Fasting one day from the ten days is equal to (fasting) two months.”
(Narrated by ‘Abdur-Razzāq in Al-Musannaf)
وقال الأوزاعي: بلغني أن العمل في اليوم من أيام العشر كقدر غزوة في سبيل الله، يصام نهارها ويحرس ليلها إلا أن يختص امرؤ بشهادة.
And Al-Awzā’ī said: “It has reached me that performing deeds on a day from the ten days is equal to (attending) a battle in the path of Allāh. One fasts on its days and observes (the prayer during) its nights. (All this) except if a person is chosen for the Shahādah (i.e. attending martyrdom is bigger in reward).”
قال الأوزاعي: حدثني بهذا الحديث رجل من قريش من بني مخزوم، عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم.
Al-Awzā’ī said: “This hadīth was narrated to me by a man from Quraysh from Banū Makhzūm, from the Prophet (sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam)."
وعن أنس، رضي الله عنه، قال: كان يقال في أيام العشر بكل يوم ألف، ويوم عرفة عشرة آلاف يوم. يعني في الفضل.
And from Anas (radiAllāhu ‘anhu) who said: “It used to be said about the ten days that for every day there is (the reward of) thousand. And the day of ‘Arafah is equal to ten thousand days.” Meaning: In virtue.
(Shu’ab Al-Īmān)
عن أبي عثمان النهدي: كانوا يعظمون ثلاث عشرات؛ العشر الأول من المحرم، والعشر الأول من ذي الحجة، والعشر الأواخر من رمضان.
From Abū ‘Uthmān An-Nahdī (who said): “They (i.e. the Salaf) used to consider three ‘tens’ as something important: The first ten of Al-Muharram, the first ten of Dhul-Hijjah, and the last ten days of Ramadān.”
(Mukhtasar Qiyām Al-Layl)
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saqrqa3d · 1 year
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Ibn al-Jawzī رحمه الله said:
‎ “When your companion becomes angry and says something that is unwarranted, you should not take it too hard. His situation is that of a drunken person who is not aware of what is taking place.
Instead, be patient, even if it means only for a little while. If you reciprocate his words with harsh words of your own, you become like the sane person who seeks revenge on a madman, or the conscious person who seeks retribution from an unconscious one.
Look at him with a merciful eye and pity him for his actions.”
[سيد الخاطر صحفة ٤٠٦]
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saqrqa3d · 1 year
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A barber was once cutting a man's hair and the barber said: “I do not believe in the existence of God.”
The Muslim asked: “Why not?”
The barber said: “There is so much misery and chaos in the world. If God existed, this mess would not exist."
The Muslim said: "I also do not believe in barbers..."
The barber asked confused: “What do you mean?”
The Muslim said to the barber: “Do you see those men outside with long hair?”
The barber said: “Yes.”
The Muslim said: “If barbers existed, people with long and messy hair would not exist.”
The barber said: “We exist, but people do not come to us!“
The Muslim then said: “Exactly. God also exists, but people do not turn to God for guidance. That is why there are so many problems in the world.
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saqrqa3d · 1 year
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True #friends are those who #come to your #aid in times of #need.
وما أكثر الإخوان حين تعدهم * ولكنهم في النائبات قليل
How many brothers there are once you count them, but in the hard times you find very little of them!
~ Imam Shafi'i (r)
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saqrqa3d · 1 year
Pfizer didn't want to release their data for 75yrs
A judge had to order them to release the documents
The documents have been analysed
Some of the things that came to light:
• Pfizer knew that vaccines did not stop Covid19
• Pfizer admits that the 3rd most common side effect of its vaccine is Covid19 itself
• Within a month of the vaccines being out they were getting so many reports of side affects Pfizer had to employ 2,400 full time staffers to help with processing
• Pfizer knew in May 2021 that their vaccines had caused heart damage in 35 minors after a week of the injection
• The FDA / US Gov didn't make it known until August 2021 that there was an elevated risk of heart damage in healthy young adults
• That's 4 months in which the public was told the vaccine were safe. Heavy propaganda using numerous influencers.
• The CDC claimed that the materials (lipid nano particles , MRNA, spike protein) from the injection stay in the injection site. That was wrong, they don't stay in the injection site they actually bio distribute across a person's body (including the brain) and Pfizer knew that.
• Hence why some people have noticed changes in the personalities of loved ones that received the shot
• They bio distribute to the liver , adrenals , spleen & ovaries.
• These are industrial fats coated with Polyethylene glycol
Watch "What’s in the Pfizer Documents? | Naomi Wolf" on YouTube
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saqrqa3d · 1 year
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saqrqa3d · 1 year
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saqrqa3d · 1 year
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saqrqa3d · 1 year
Brother Hussein Miftar used to live with his family in #Sweden. He was a proactive, beloved, and influential individual.
About 6 years ago, the Swedish social services kidnapped his four children, a girl and three boys. There was no apparent reason for the abduction except the "religious upbringing" according to the statements of his friend, Mahmoud Aldbai.
Hussein strove earnestly to retrieve his children but to no avail.
His children loved him and were attached to him; they ran away from the social services in order to go back to him, but the social services kidnapped them once again.
One of his sons said in an interview: "My father never hit us, not even once, nor did he even raise a hand against us. Rather, he took dialoguing as an approach"
Before the end of last year, Hussein's daughter disappeared from the house of the family to whom the social services had given her, and her fate remains unknown!
Then, two months ago, Hussein was arrested on charges of "kidnapping his daughter"! And without any evidence.
A few days ago, the public prosecutor in a Swedish court issued a decision that there was no justification for detaining Hussein and ordered his release, but he was found dead in his cell!
The cause of his death is unknown, and the police claim that he suffered from a stroke.
Not only Muslims but even non-Muslim Swedish people and newspapers mourn Hussein now and say that he was oppressed...
O' Allah, have mercy on him and free his children, reunite them with their sister, reunite them with their father in Jannah, and take vengeance on those who oppressed him.
This should serve as a lesson to whoever considers going to these countries.
Penned by Shaykh Eyad al-Qunaibi حفظه الله ورعاه
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saqrqa3d · 1 year
Abandoning Hisbah leads to Destruction & Rejection of Supplication
Hisbah - Enjoining the Good & forbidding the Evil
Hudhayfah ibn Al-Yamān reported: The Prophet ﷺ said,
وَالَّذِي نَفْسِي بِيَدِهِ لَتَأْمُرُنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَلَتَنْهَوُنَّ عَنْ الْمُنْكَرِ أَوْ لَيُوشِكَنَّ اللَّهُ أَنْ يَبْعَثَ عَلَيْكُمْ عِقَابًا مِنْهُ ثُمَّ تَدْعُونَهُ فَلَا يُسْتَجَابُ لَكُمْ
“By the one in whose hand is my soul, you must enjoin good and forbid evil, or else Allāh will soon send punishment upon you. Then, you will call upon Allāh and it will not be answered for you.”
Sunan al-Tirmidhi‌ (no. 2169). Authenticated by Shaykh Ahmad Shākir in Umdah At-Tafsīr (1/715).
‘Aishah reported: The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said,
مُرُوا بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَانْهَوْا عَنْ الْمُنْكَرِ قَبْلَ أَنْ تَدْعُوا فَلَا يُسْتَجَابَ لَكُمْ
“Enjoin good and forbid evil before you call upon Allāh and He does not answer you.”
Sunan Ibn Ma‌jah (no. 4004).
Action Plan:
- Spread Salām to everyone in your community (males to males & same for women)
- Enjoin good, forbid evil with gentleness.
- Give your fellow Muslims humble advice without belittling them.
By Abu Ismail
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saqrqa3d · 1 year
At-Tabari died besieged, al Bukhari deserted, An-Nasaa’i murdered, Ibn Hazm hunted, Abu Hanifa died in captivity, Ibn Taymiyyah in prison, Malik Ibn Anas was imprisoned and flogged, Imam Shafi was also imprisoned, Al-Thawri died on the run, Al-Mussayib died deserted, Imam Ahmad got whipped/tortured.
وإذا عظمت المحنة كان ذلك للمؤمن الصالح سببا لعلو الدرجة وعظيم الأجر
"If trials become harder for the righteous believer, they're a means for him to reach a loftier rank and a greater reward."
~ الاستقامة ٤٨٢
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saqrqa3d · 1 year
Never Compromise on Worship and He Will Enrich You
The Prophet ﷺ said:
Your Lord (ﷻ) says:
“O son of Adam! Set aside time for my worship, I will fill your heart with richness (contentment) and fill your hands with provision.
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saqrqa3d · 1 year
Difficult times pass like bad weather, fading into a faint dream of the memory.
But one’s initial reaction to them remains to haunt in this life and the next. So choose patience — that will never be regretted.
صبر جميل والله المستعان
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saqrqa3d · 1 year
Our roles in society as men and women are quite clear in Islam. Allah has given each of us responsibilities and duties as they suit us and because they befit us. The man is the qawam in the home and he is responsible for his entire household. The woman is under his guardianship, as we find in the texts. Prophethood was restricted to men, and Allah is all-Wise and it was His decision and decree. Women have been created with the ability to bear children while men have not; this too is from the perfect wisdom of Allah.
Looking at the shari’ah, we also see that Allah, Al-‘Alim, Al-Khabir, Al-Hakim, Al-Latif, has laid down guidelines and restrictions on how men and women are to interact with one another. Therefore, positions of high public office are to be restricted to men, according to Islamic teachings. It is unfortunate that today we have many Muslims celebrating when Muslim women are placed in positions which are forbidden to them in Islam. How can we celebrate disobedience to Allah?!
In no way does Islam say women cannot have opinions or contribute. However, if this means free intermingling with and being alone with men, rubbing shoulders with them etc, as is customary in those positions, then Islam puts a stop to that.
– Shaykh Younus Kathrada
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