sayaoftheredroses · 2 months
+300 Followers Fic Giveaway!?
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I don’t know where all of you came from but, wow, this is surely nice! I’ve been active in quite a few fandoms over the past 15(?) years and I gotta say, I don’t think there were +300 people gathering around me and my silly little brain worms, ever.
As a thank you, I would really love to do a little Astarion-fanfic giveaway!
I’ll randomly select one person who can send me a request for a 1.5-3k words oneshot centered around the elf himself, Astarion. All you have to do is: 1. Be following me. 2. Reblog this post before April 15. Easy. I’ll happily write any genre, SFW and NSFW content, gn!/ f!Tav/Durge x Astarion, Dadstarion, etc.—but there’s little that can’t be discussed.
I’ve never had the privilege to meet so many insanely talented, kind and supportive people until my fellow Pale Elf simps Enthusiasts came along. I’m really so happy to be part of this community, and I want this to continue being a place everyone can enjoy!
I appreciate you so much, my darliings! ♡
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sayaoftheredroses · 4 years
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SenshiStock’s gallery consists of millions of pictures that are free to use as reference.
General Drawing Poses Sit and Kneel Dramatic and Reaching Drawing Poses Magic and Hogwarts Drawing Poses Staff Weapon Pose Reference Hammer, Axe and Bat Pose Reference Sword Weapon Drawing Reference Small Bladed Weapon Pose Reference Gun Weapon Pose Reference Bow and Arrow Archery Stock Foreshortening and Perspective Poses Dynamic Flying Falling Action Poses Deafeated or Laying Drawing Poses Magic Crystal Magical Girl Wand Weapon Transformations and Dance Cards Back Pose Reference Pin Up Inspired Poses for Drawing Performances Poses Life in General Poses Fights and Fighting Pose Reference Leaning Poses Classic Sailor Senshi Poses Wings Sailor Moon Villains Pairs Romance or Couples Pose Reference All the Male Stock Hanging Stock Drawing Reference Three or More Groups Instruments Mirrors Whip  Technobabble  
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sayaoftheredroses · 4 years
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Masquerade! Paper faces on parade…
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sayaoftheredroses · 4 years
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Saranna loves her pancakes with strawberries and bananas with simple syrup and whipped cream.
(PS Sorry this is late my phone refused to upload the image no matter how hard I tried so I had to buckle down and use PC to upload)
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You’re invited! Everyone is invited! What Pancake will your MC make in this PANCAKE EVENT?!
Reblog with your MC’s Pancake! 🥞💖
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sayaoftheredroses · 5 years
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Saranna: I’d be happy to accept your invitation, Ollie. It’s the least I can do after you made me such a beautiful tea blend.
(Here’s the tea for the party)
The Arcana Apprentice Tea Party
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Use the picrew link to make a beverage for you Apprentice and reblog with the result. Join Ollie’s apprentice tea party. No tagging necessary!
(Picrew by: @sui349)
Ollie’s tea:
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sayaoftheredroses · 5 years
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(Realized I uploaded the original art with the wrong fonts. Many apologies. Anyway let me try again.) Introducing my first of the three apprentices I made for The Arcana. Her name is Saranna Kallima and she’s the Apprentice I made for Julian’s route. This was my first time making digital art in Photoshop and I hope I did decently with both the art and her design. While her major design influence was Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) I took inspiration from many things in pop culture ranging from anime, video games, movies and cartoons. (Ex. her hair design is a reference to Father Abel Nightroad from Trinity Blood, Jedi Padawan apprentice braids from Star Wars and Princess Elyon’s hair braids from W.I.T.C.H.) I could write down all the pop culture refrences in her design but I’ll save that for another post. I hope you all enjoy Saranna and my attempts at digital art.
Process: Pencil Sketch, 2D Photo Scan, Adobe Photoshop CC 2018
Grimoire Template by @savenkey
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sayaoftheredroses · 5 years
This style really works for Sailor Saturn. Gawd I wanna pinch her cheeks she’s so Adorable!
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.sailor saturn
i felt quite “retro” and drew some sailor moon fanart :3 my fav is neptune but i always loved saturn’s colors <3 
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sayaoftheredroses · 5 years
Thank you so MUCH for making an apprentice tea for Saranna! I greatly and immensely appreciate it.
If you're still doing Apprentice Teas for The Arcana could I have one for my protective and determined apprentice Saranna? She LOVES thistle tea with her second favorite being heather tea but in the mornings she prefers to have a strong black tea to wake herself up. She likes the subtle sweetness found in the aforementioned teas as she likes floral teas, plus she was introduced to said teas from her aunt who raised her as her own daughter, so there's a personal reason behind her love for them.
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sayaoftheredroses · 5 years
Look at her! Who’s a cute little demigoddess of destruction? You are! (Sailor Saturn has been my sweet precious baby since I was 8 and that will not change)
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✧・゚:*Today’s magical girl of the day is: Sailor Saturn from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon!✧・゚:*
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sayaoftheredroses · 5 years
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All I can say is that is safe for work is I LOVE what I’m seeing, Lucio!
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he’s. he’s so shameless I’m speechless dgjjgdcjhDTJFYIFIYFJGJFHJFG
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sayaoftheredroses · 5 years
Waiting with bated breath more like it! 🎵I’m so excited! And I just can’t hide it! I’m about to loose control And I think I like it!🎵 Pardon me, lost control for a moment there.
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I’m terrible at waiting. ⌛
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sayaoftheredroses · 5 years
I actually ship Esther with Valerius. IMO opinion he needs more love. Plus I love your portrayal of him and his interactions with her.
honestly you are so right he for sure needs more love 😩💙 and esther will give it to him
they are really sweet together though u wu 💙🍷
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sayaoftheredroses · 5 years
Apprentice Velia - The Arcana
Full Name: Velia Sevarius-Auditore
The enigmatic and elegant apprentice with hidden desires
AKA Vels, Dear Velia (By Lucio) My Dear Intended (By Valerius, during their engagement) Witch (After her return)
Relatives: Marcianus Sevarius (Father) Ornella Sevarius-Bornese (Mother) Magister Theoclerican Alexandrius XIII -Jeremías Bornese (Grandfather) Lucille Cantanei-Auditore (“Aunt,” Teacher) Consul Valerius (Fiancé) Count Lucio (Lover)
Occupation: Noblewoman Magician’s Apprentice
Favorites: Favorite Meal: Truffle Tagliatelle Favorite Drink: Red Wine Favorite Flower: Snapdragon
Personality Traits Birthday: October 23rd Zodiac Sign: Scorpio MBTI: ESTJ
Physical Description Gender: Female Height: 5’7” (170cm) Eye Color: Violet Hair Color: Black
Trivia: Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Caramel Swirl Favorite Fruit: Muscadine Grapes Favorite Season: Autumn Language Knowledge: Can read and speak five languages Singing Voice: Operatic alto voice, prefers to sing alone when painting or drawing Sleeping Habits: Has to be outright exhausted before falling asleep because if not will remain awake for odd hours of the night going over plans, personal studies or her art once asleep becomes clingy to any warmth nearby, gets frisky when awakened prematurely Hobbies: reading, writing in her diary, drawing and painting - especially in the garden, knows how to dance and sing decently, doesn’t have as strong a passion for them but still enjoys them, has had lessons in playing the harp and is somewhat competent but needs to know the song in advance
Character Inspirations Lucrezia Borgia - Italian History and The Borgias (Portrayed by Holliday Grainger) (Historical “Mafia Princess” and femme fatale, who was married off numerous times to ensure her family’s power and control, has a friendship with her father’s mistress who taught her how to use her beauty, wit and intelligence to her advantage, and catches on to those lessons quickly in to win over potential allies to herself, especially when she meets a handsome man during her time as the wife of an abuser, has mastered the art of poisoning and observation as part of her “education”) Chiyo/Sayuri - Memoirs of a Geisha (Loves the man who impacted her life so deeply and actively sought to be part of his world after he inspired her to keep moving forward when she fell into despair, has a sisterly bond with her teacher the same way Mameha had one for Sayuri) Anthy Himemiya - Revolutionary Girl Utena (Appears as a demure, friendly and passive but hides a far darker side to her not just in her desires but also in her hidden motives, after escaping her abusive situation with her ex thanks to someone special coming in and changing her life she chooses to not let others take her sense of choice from her anymore, passive aggressive in her wit despite her tone seeming placid and calm, has a love for animals and sweets) Margaery Tyrell - Game of Thrones (Subtly cunning and with a magnetic personality, while she uses acts of kindness to get people to like her it’s also not only for the sake of her own agenda but also because she enjoys people liking her for her and not for her title along with her ability to influence those around her to her advantage) Elizabeth - Bioshock Infinite (Begins as an innocent, sheltered character with some strong intelligence and observational skills who finds magic in the world around her and starts out with an adventure loving personality when she is without her memories and in her life before leaving her home, however after suffering abuse and when her memories begin to return and learns of not only what truly happened the Count but also to herself in her life before and after she came to Vesuvia she begins to change because of the darkness in the world around her) Rarity - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Knows how to use her feminine wiles to get what she wants, has Rarity’s passion for the arts and possess the high class act and a rich accented voice)
(PS personal thanks to @arcanathots for helping me develop her character and her backstory, HUGE fan of your work)
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sayaoftheredroses · 5 years
Apprentice Aitan - The Arcana
Full Name: Aitan Shahin
The strong minded and encouraging magician’s apprentice in search of answers
AKA My Aitan, My Darling (By Nadia) Tanny (By Lucio) Warlock/Conjuror (By Valerius)
Relatives: Manoja Shahin (Father, Deceased) Jolanda Shahin-Ferraro (Mother) Dario Ferraro (Stepfather) Cirroco Ferraro (Stepbrother) Giovanna Ferraro (Aunt) Nadia Satrinava (Wife Upright Ending, Lover Reversed Ending)
Occupation: Aspiring Magician Magician’s Apprentice Doctor’s Apprentice (Former) Palace Archivist (Upright Ending) Countess’ Consort (Upright Ending)
Favorites: Favorite Meal: Shrimp Scampi Favorite Drink: Peppermint Hot Chocolate Favorite Flower: Clematis
Personality Traits Birthday: May 4th Zodiac Sign: Taurus MBTI: INFJ
Physical Description Gender: Male Height: 5’10” (178) Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Burt Sienna
Trivia: Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Mint Cookies and Cream Favorite Fruit: Apple Favorite Season: Spring Language Knowledge: Can read and write in four languages as long as he has his research materials in front of him, speaks his first language well but struggling with speaking his second language Singing Voice: Soft and soothing baritone voice that can become theatrical depending on the type of song he sings, particularly villain songs, prefers either singing alone or performing a duet with another without an audience Sleeping Habits: Has a habit of falling asleep whilst reading a book and finding him either holding the book in his sleep or outright falling asleep on said book Hobbies: reading, studying, solving riddles, playing strategy based board and card games, sometimes plays games of risk but doesn’t like gambling with currency
Character Inspirations: Spock - Star Trek (1966) (Logic based mindset in both thought and action, however he’s not without emotions, knows the time and place when to have fun and let that emotional side of him out, however when things appear to not have any sense to them or have no logic to them it drives him up a proverbial wall, enjoys the companionship of his friends and values them deeply to the point he would willingly risk his life for them) Destiny - Sandman (Aesthetic of a cloaked man figuratively and literally bound to his book, helps souls reach where they are destined to go and sometimes guides them on their respective paths to their fate) Benjamin “Hawkeye” Pierce - M*A*S*H (Love for women and witty personality and sharp tongue along with being philosophical and strong in his morals in regards to not only doing the right thing because it’s the right thing but also not remaining silent when he sees something wrong or someone doing something wrong, also possesses his love for pranking individuals who he deems have earned it) Yusuke Kitagawa - Persona 5  (Takes a gorgeous woman crossing his path to being his first step to not only the truth but also a world he never knew, possessing of bizarre traits that match his unique mindset and can get lost in his passions with no regard to time, was immensely introverted but grows to love and care for those around him, seeks to better understand the subject of his interest by interacting with opposing ideas to broaden his horizons) Edward and Alphonse Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist  (Studious young men in search of answers to their questions of restoring something they’ve lost, while possessing Edward’s skill in alchemy towards magic and his interest in the subject, he also has Alphonse’s supportive and polite personality) Bruno von Glanzreich - The Royal Tutor (Studious young man determined to increase his intelligence, was willing to take the counsel and apprenticeship of another after realizing he still had much to learn) Hoka Inumuta - Kill la Kill  (High intelligence combined with a need to collect information about the subject of his interest, possesses his sarcastic streak along with getting enraged if his ANY of his books are damaged, his notebook in particular, like Inumuta gets if his computer gets damaged) Aladdin - Aladdin (Witty sarcastic personality and rags to riches story combined with falling in love with a princess) Lina Belan - Vampire Hunter D: Raiser of Gales (Suffers from amnesia along with possessing not only high intelligence but also a strong biting wit and sarcastic personality and is showcased towards those that earn his ire, seeks to understand the history of the subject of his interest as a means of understanding not only what happened to him but what will happen to him, falls in love with a beautiful stranger not from around his part of town)
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sayaoftheredroses · 5 years
Apprentice Saranna - The Arcana
Full Name: Saranna Kallima
The protective and determined magician’s apprentice in search of lost memories
AKA Sweet Saranna, My Dear (By Julian, there’s others but there’s too many to list here) Sanna (By Lucio) Witch (By Valerius)
Relatives: Theocleric Orfeo Angelo (Father, Deceased) Aemilia -Aislin- Ètaín (Mother, Deceased) Laelia -Léan- Étaín-Kallima (Aunt) Amar Kallima (Uncle) Julian Ilya Devorak (Husband, Upright Ending, Lover Reversed Ending)
Occupation: Aspiring Magician Magician’s Apprentice Doctor’s Apprentice (Former) Magician (Upright Ending) Doctor’s Assistant (Upright Ending)
Favorites: Favorite Meal: Smoked Salmon Favorite Drink: Thistle Tea Favorite Flower: Gladiola
Personality Traits Birthday: August 3rd Zodiac Sign: Leo MBTI: ENTJ
Physical Description Gender: Female Height: 5’8” (173cm) Eye Color: Turquoise Hair Color: Blonde
Trivia: Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Cappuccino Favorite Fruit: Strawberry Favorite Season: Summer Language Knowledge: Can read in two languages, can speak two languages and attempting to learn another Singing Voice: Melodious mezzo-soprano voice but can unintentionally fall flat on high notes if not careful Sleeping Habits: Hard time falling asleep but once asleep is a contented sleeper, (unless awakened by a nightmare) gets particularly grouchy when awakened prematurely (exception being when she is kissed awake) Hobbies: studying and practicing her magic (particularly self defense and protective/shielding magic), reading, singing and dancing has been experimenting with playing the tambourine or the crotals as she dances, and making attempts to learn how to play the hurdy gurdy her aunt gave her as a gift, she’s decent with playing the instrument but evidently needs more practice
Character Inspirations: Esmeralda - The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Costume inspiration -especially with the Romani/Bohemian style clothing,- along with her love and skill for dancing, determined and strong willed personality combined with her compassionate nature along with her sharp sass, feels like an outcast but reaches out in faith towards the Divine when in face of the unknown and in hope in the midst of despair) Anastasia Romanov (Anya) - Anastasia (Character Arc of someone trying with no memories trying to find those she loved in the past along with possessing a blunt yet sharp tongue, quick thinking in times of trouble and showcases no fear towards those she deems her enemies, plus she also enjoys traditionally feminine things like dresses, flowers and a fondness for cute animals) Raven - Teen Titans (Magical abilities along with healing abilities, strong sarcastic wit and like Raven was protected by clerics from a temple, becomes fiercely protective of her friends during the progress of her character arc) Leiliana - Dragon Age (Devout in her faith and part of an equivalent of the Church and steadfast in her morals and values and doesn’t wish to compromise them, there are moments when she doubts her beliefs along with the fact that she strives not to repeat the mistakes of her past too, has a passion for her faith and doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do but refuses to be preachy or judgmental about it and prefers to live by example and is a passionate storyteller) Cortana - HALO 3 (Good at what she does and grows to understand the main antagonist’s powers to the point she can use it against the aforementioned foe, but still humble in how she perceives her skills, also has a strong sense of devotion and loyalty to those she loves which enables her to push herself to not only better her skills but also protect them from potential threats, grows to develop a slight existential crisis but overcomes it, can also be playful witty along with being cocky and teasing, not only towards her enemies but also her friends and loved ones) Saya Otonashi - BLOOD+  (Character Arc of a female amnesiac protagonist learning the horrors of what happened in the past, hates it when she discovers that secrets are being kept from her but when she learns the truth she accepts it albeit it causes her immense pain learning her involvement in the aforementioned horrors, after learning the truth becomes overly determined -sometimes goes overboard with it- to end the threats to those she loves and bears some guilt over getting them involved, acts reserved to those above her and has a preference for utilizing honorifics and/or titles, hates seeing those she loves suffering, especially on her behalf) Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist (Devout in studying the subject of interest passionately, had a hatred of an “absent father” until learning the truth about him, deeply respects people with talents not pertaining to the subject of interest, caring towards animals and falls in love with a type of healer)
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sayaoftheredroses · 5 years
Apprentices for The Arcana
Decided to announce that I’m making art for the Arcana and I made mini bios for my three apprentices for The Arcana: Saranna, Aitan and Velia, others may end up making debuts but these are my main three. I’m new to tumblr and I hope you all like my creations.
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sayaoftheredroses · 5 years
Note to self: either give my own fan Apprentice Velia a subtle-not subtle sharp wit for her characterization or her having an airheaded moment in that scene.
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Lucio wants them apple bottom jeans, cape with the fur.
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