I Am A Fool
Not all thoughts are final, thoughts are fleeting with the same emotions that start them. But we as emotional creatures learn something the very moment we say things out loud, or when we write them down. Do I believe this pain will last forever? Was hate a strong word for the feeling of betrayal or rejection? Will I survive this? Should I have known? Did I do enough? These questions are the ones that have kept me up at night, and I found the answers to them after having written them down. Not in the way where its written or spoken to you from a friend who knew something, but by seeing my friends and peers deal with the same. 
From exploding when you should've taken a breathe, from remembering every conversation and moment that led up to what you thought and said.
People will disappoint you. 
Because they don't know the right thing to say, or do. I've disappointed you, someone that loved me by saying the wrong thing. Wanting to take it back, wishing I had said something else. But its only after we've disappointed each other, do we know what should've been the right thing to do. And if no one knows the right thing to say or do, and they hurt us; do we forgive them? Eventually? Can we trust them even if we've forgiven them? I forgive you.
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