sillyl1on · 3 months
Sad times again boys
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sillyl1on · 4 months
Holy smokes is that a vent ???? Feat. Eve
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sillyl1on · 4 months
Blog trigger warnings : traumadumping (venting.) , insystem abuse, CSA, SA, r*pe, transphobia & a lot more
Hello! I am being forced to make this blog against my will/hj
My headmates think it would be healthy for me to have some where to talk about my problems so here we are
I am Lio, I use he/it and am a transmasc aroacespec gay man, I am also part lion
I am 39 years old (bodily we are 14)
I am a fusion between Lio convoy and an old Brainmade alter (who's age ranged from 5-15), I fused close to a year ago I believe
Oh also I have two amazing kids whom I love with all my heart <3 (also a cool old man(dad)/silly)
Me, if you even care vv
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#cool stuff : stuff I've made
#kill me : vent related
(Explanation of my situation under cut)
Now, for the past 10 years (from ages 5-15) I've been experiencing severe insystem abuse by a few people, but namely
> Cain (main abuser), ageless but about 50 years old, persecutor, sign off :📜
> Eve ("mother" figure), early-late 30s, married to Adam, gatekeeper, sign off : ⛪
> Adam, early-late 30s, married to Eve, gatekeeper, sign off : ✝️
I am listing them partly because they might post on this acount, do not entertain them. (I would honestly prefer if you roasted the shit out of them lol)
They might and will call me lilly, do *not* call me that name
Me and them used to live together in an abandoned (?) House in headspace
The abuse I've endured from them has ranged from beatings, yelling, psychological abuse, severe CSA, being "sold" to other headmates ect ect
I would also witness all of them fight on the regular, which wasn't pretty
Before anyone assumes, my other headmates have tried to stop them both in the past and currently, Cain is our higher ups son, so he refuses to do anything to stop him
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