softvantes · 1 year
things that drive me crazy: 
when someone pats their belly while they’re eating
belching in the middle of a sentence. especially while talking about how much they’ve eaten
hiccups, especially when they visibly shake the belly and tits
being visibly stuffed; eating so much that clothing strains; undoing a button and the belly forces the zipper down
belly pressed up against table
gleeful overeating. the enjoyment of it. watching someone else’s pleasure
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softvantes · 1 year
DON'T EAT !! [ Hyunbin ]
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Gordito changbin le advierte a su novio Hyunjin que si sigue comiendo sus dulces terminará siendo un Dwaekki como él, Hyunjin obviamente lo ignora porque tiene un metabolismo rápido y su cuerpo no tiene "ni un gramo de grasa", PERO OH SORPRESA, cuando ella se da cuenta de que uno de sus pantalones ajustados ya no pueden subir sobre sus muslos gruesos.
IMPORTANTE: Este fanfic contiene feederism, aumento de peso intencional y alimentación, todo es SFW (no tiene nada sexual, pero por el fetiche es considerado contenido maduro), no recomendable si no conoces/te desagrada este kink; por favor no lo leas si ese es el caso.
【 ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘) 】
Todo esta cuenta simplemente va con motivos fetichistas, quedan advertidos.
"No deberías comer tanto" dijo Changbin mientras se acercaba al sillón donde su novio estaba sentado viendo un drama, dándose cuenta que sus sospechas eran ciertas una vez más; su novio había buelto a robar una de sus bolsas de papas sabor barbacoa tamaño familiar, empezaba a ser costumbre para el rubio.
"Hmm, ¿por qué?" dijo el rubio con inocencia mientras comía otra papita.
El pelinegro se sentó en las piernas del menor, haciendo que este soltará un gru��ido de molestia, le quitó la bolsa y tomó una de las papas y la sostuvo cerca de los carnosos labios del rubio "¿Quieres seguir comiendo?" preguntó, obteniendo un asentimiento como respuesta.
"Sí quieres seguir comiendo, tienes que hacer algo tierno~" dijo haciendo su voz un poco más aguda.
Hyunjin simplemente hizo un puchero y pico una de sus mejillas con su dedo, haciendo que Changbin riera de la felicidad.
"Ahh, que tierno" el pelinegro pellizco su otra mejilla con suavidad y alimentó a su novio con una papita "puedes seguir comiendo."
Hyunjin sonrió y abrió su boquita para que Changbin lo siguiera alimentando.
"Come más~ así te volverás un Dwaekki como yo" bromeó el pelinegro, sintiendo rápidamente el golpe del menor en uno de sus bíceps "¡Yah! ¿Por qué me pegas?"
"Yo no puedo engordar, hyung, no está en mi dna."
"Wah, ¿acaso eres un super humano, Hyunjin-ah?" dijo en burla el mayor, mientras miraba con incredulidad al rubio "Todos engordan, ¿por qué tú no podrías?"
"Mi cuerpo no me lo permite, mi metabolismo es perfecto y puedo comer lo que yo quiera sin subir ni un solo gramo."
El rubio levantó al Changbin y lo recostó de golpe en el sillón, robando la bolsa de papas sin que esté le prestara atención.
"¡Yah! ¿Acaso eres una clase de dios, mocoso?" Hyunjin simplemente gritó un Sí y empezó a huir del más bajo que empezó a correr detrás de él por toda la casa para poder recuperar la bolsa que en realidad era suya.
【   ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘)   】
La primera vez que Hyunjin sintió sus pantalones apretar más de lo normal simplemente se miró al espejo sorprendido, eran unos pantalones ajustados de color negro razgados de las rodillas, los tenía hace un parte de años y siempre le había quedado perfecto, remarcando sus culo y muslos; pero jamás se habían quedado atorados en su cadera y mucho menos habían sido imposibles de abotonar.
Bueno, porque antes no tenía una capa suave de pancita que interponía que cerraran correctamente.
Hyunjin se acercó al espejo y tomó el rollo que impedía que pudiera subir el cierre de los pantalones, tocándolo como si mágicamente hubiera aparecido de la noche a la mañana y no fuera consecuencia de haber comido pizza 1 vez por semana a él último mes.
No pudo evitar correr hacia el baño y subir a la báscula que tenían: de 68 kilos había subido a 79 kilos, parpadeó como si no pudiera créelo.
De repente todos los dulces que había robado de la reserva de su novio hacían ruido, así que hizo lo que cualquier otra persona haría; ponerse un par de pantalones de chándal y comer el resto de pastel que quedaba en su refrigerador hasta que su estómago estaba completamente lleno.
Hyunjin sabía que su cabeza no estaba del todo bien con respecto al peso, no por nada su Changbin era un ganador de 130 kilos y subiendo, desde hace 2 años, que era constantemente apoyado para seguir subiendo; pero aún así Hwang realmente pensaba que sería inmune, quiero decir, ¿cómo vas a subir 10 kilos si sólo comes pollo gritó y ramyon, no es una completa locura?
No es que le molestara ser más grande, jamás había estado del ganador, pero tampoco es que le causará algún tipo de placer el subir de peso, ¿verdad?
"Hyunie, despierta" el rubio sintió como alguien agitaba su hombro y le susurraba al oído ", traje el almuerzo, ¿quién tiene ganas de unos subways?"
Pues el echo de sentir su estómago satisfecho y aún asi querer complacer su gula y comer todo lo que su pareja le ponía enfrente no decía lo mismo.
Oh bueno, no es como si por no comer ese día fuera a perder todo ese peso.
【   ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘)   】
"Hyung" dijo el rubio, ambos estaban acostados en su cama matrimonial, mientras el rubio estaba recostado en el hombro del mayor y le daba suaves cariños a sus suaves pectorales.
"¿Hmm, qué pasa amor?" dijo el pelinegro, separando su mirada de su feed de Instagram y lo volteaba a ver.
"Creo que he subido un poco de peso" dijo sin mirarlo a los ojos, mirando a la camiseta negra como si fuera lo más interesante del mundo.
"¿Qué te hace pensar eso, Jinnie?"
"El otro día revisé la báscula, subí 11 kilos y mis pantalones ya no me quedan."
El pelinegro dejó su celular a su costado y tomó la mano que recorría su torso, Hyunjin amaba como sus largos dedos encajaban con los de Changbin, siempre lo habían hecho.
"¿Y que piensas de eso, Hyunie?" preguntó el mayor con una voz pacífica, la misma que siempre usaba cuando Hyunjin estaba estresado por algo.
"Es-... es extraño, pero no extraño malo, ¿sabes?" el rubio finalmente conecto su mirada con el mayor, el cual estaba con una cara neutral, prestando atención a las palabras del menor "se que bromeabanos mucho con el hecho de que yo no podía engordar, pero ver que finalmente pasó es medio shockeante, pero aún así... aún así creo que me gusta un poco."
El pelinegro bajo su mano izquierda y empezó a hacer círculos al rededor del ombligo del rubio, confirmando efectivamente que ahora había una cámara más de grasa que cubría el torso de su novio.
"Hmm, puedo notarlo, Jinnie, definitivamente robarte los dulces de hyung no fue una de tus mejores ideas, ¿no es así?" Dijo con un poco más de burla.
"¿Puedes culparme? Siempre traes un montón de cosas que están tentandome constantemente, ¿acaso yo no tengo derecho a darme un capricho de vez en cuando" el rubio hizo un puchero, el cual el pelinegro no tardó en besar.
"Claro que no es tu culpa, bebé, ¿no es irresistible, no es tan relajante sentir tu estómago cálido y lleno de comida deliciosa? Jamás podría culparte por disfrutar de buena comida justo como lo hace hyung" el pelinegro sigió explorando el cuerpo de su novio, sintiendo cada rollo y estría que ahora había en sus caderas y barriguita, mentiría si dijera que no se estaba volviendo un poco loco.
"¿No es encantador no preocuparse por lo que quieres comer?" el rubio pudo sentir su rostro comenzar a sonrojarse ante los susurros contra su cuello y toques de su novio a su torso, ese hombre siempre sabía como hacerlo sentir bien "además, ¿no sientes que te ves mucho más precioso? Siempre haz sido hermoso, pero ahora tienes un encanto que no puedo dejar pasar por alto, Jinnie."
"Háblame más sobre ese encanto, hyung, por favor" rogó el rubio, antes de sentir como su novio atacaba su cuello.
【    ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘)    】
"Bien, hablemos del elefante en la habitación" dijo Jisung.
"¿De qué hablas, Sung?" Preguntó confundido Seungmin.
"¡Hyunjin! Estás siguiendo malinfluenciado por Changbin-hyung" acusó Han, el trío estaban pasando el rato en el departamento de los menores y los ojos hábiles de Jisung no pudieron ignorar las mejillas más llenas del rubio y mucho menos su abultado estómago cuando esté se quitó su sudadera de gran tamaño.
"No tengo idea de lo que estás hablando, Han-ah" fingió ignorancia el mayor.
"Estoy seguro de que lo sabes" el pelinegro saltó rápidamente de su lado del sillón y fue a levantar la camiseta de su amigo, dejando a la vista la gran barriguita de Hwang, el cual intentó bajar la prenda lo más rápido que pudo.
"Wow, realmente has engordado, hyung" Seungmin se puso al otro lado de Hyunjin, colocando una mano en la pancita del rubio para sentir su suavidad "Felicidades, es un niño."
"No me sorprendería si el próximo mes descubrimos que son gemelos" bromeó Han.
"¡Yah! No vine a esta casa para que me hagan fatshaming."
"¿Fatshaming? Oh no no, creo que te estás confundiendo, cariño; si un novio no me separó de querer besarte hasta dejarte sin aire, tu nuevo sexy cuerpo tampoco lo hará" Jisung rápidamente se avalanzo contra su amigo y fingió que iba a darle un beso en los labios.
"¡Seungmin! ¡Quitame a tu lamentable novio de encima!"
"Jisung, deja de actuar tan necesitado, como si no recibieras amor todas las mañanas" el menor golpeó a su novio en la frente y lo separó del rubio.
"¡No es mi culpa! Hyunjin no puede simplemente ir por la vida siendo el hombre más hot del mundo y fingir que voy a estar con ello."
Seungmin rodó los ojos y deporte al pelinegro al sillón individual hasta que "le bajara a sus hormonas".
"Aunque tengo que concordar con Jisung, te ves muy bonito así" dijo Seungmin con un ligero sonrojó en las mejillas al ver como la camiseta de Hyunjin subia un poco por su regazo.
【    ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘)    】
Los rellenos no eran algo raro para la pareja hyunbin, a Changbin le encantaba preparar algo especial al menos una vez pero mes; solamente que a Hyunjin nunca le había tocado estar del otro lado.
"Vamos, Jinnie, solo una mordida más, ¿enserio ya estás lleno? Estoy seguro que ese estómaguito aún tiene bastante espacio" dijo Changbin mientras acercaba el último boneless a la boca del (ahora) pelirojo, el cual a pesar de lo lleno que se sentía no pudo rechazar la petición de su novio.
"Eso, buen chico" finalmente el pelirojo había terminado una orden completa de boneless con papas fritas, sentía su estómago casi reventar, pero era un sentimiento que había descubierto que le encantaba, pero más le encantaba sentir las frías manos de su novio recorrer su barriguita para calmar el dolor.
El pelinegro tomó una toallita húmeda y la empezó a pasar por las mejillas machadas del menor "Eres un comedor tan desordenado, ¿lo sabes" dijo mientras quitaba la salsa y grasa que tenía en la comisura de sus esponjosos labios.
Tiró la toallita y se acercó a la mesita de noche para tomar un aceite hidratante con olor a uva y lo vertió en el estómaguito de su novio, dando círculos para empezar a liberar presión de este, haciendo que Hyunjin soltará pequeños eructos y gemidos de dolor.
"Te lo dije, cariño, te dije que si seguías comiendo así terminarías siendo un Dwaekki como yo, pero jamás me haces caso" dijo con un tono de burla "o a lo mejor y me hiciste caso y todo esto fue a propósito, ¿hmm? ¿Acaso querías volverte un cerdito codicioso, Jinnie?" Changbin le dio un apretón fuerte a la barriguita del pelirojo, haciendo que este soltará un gemido más fuerte.
"Y-yah, Changbin-ah, no te b-burles de mi" dijo el menor con la voz entrecortada, estaba en un extasis tan grande que a penas y podía mantener los ojos abiertos, es solo que el sentimiento de plenitud y las deliciosas manos de su novio lo prendían rápidamente, era como estar en el cielo.
"Oh, tranquilo, no lo haré, Jinnie, se lo rápido que te pones caliente con eso y con tu barriguita tan delicada no creo que estés listo para que te monte o me montes, ¿no es así?" dijo el mayor mientras se reía de forma ruidosa.
Hyunjin solo alcanzó a golpear el muslo de su novio y fingir que su orejas ardiendo no era por el comentario de su novio.
Changbin siguió masajeando su barriguita hasta que esta se sintió lo suficientemente suave y Hyunjin no respiraba tan superficialmente, era tan hermoso verlo así; tan sensible y necesitado de cariño, con su cara más redonda con un ceño pacífico, su pecho y barriguita gordos subiendo y bajando por las tranquilas respiraciones que este soltaba, además de los suaves ronquidos que Hyunjin empezó a soltar a los minutos de haberse quedó dormido: completamente y absolutamente adorable.
Changbin fue a lavarse las manos y regresó para acurrucar apropiadamente al pelirojo, cubriéndolo con su edredón esponjoso y dejando un beso en su sien.
"Dulces sueños, bebé Dwaekki" río bajo al ver la expresión de molestia que su novio hizo ante sus acciones, pero dejándolo en paz, después de todo aún tenía que limpiar el desastre que ambos tenían en su habitación.
Muchas veces Hyunjin había tenido que hacer esto por él, supongo que esta vez era su hora de pagarle.
【 ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘) 】
I'm a basic bitch, sowwy.
One shot basado en el clip de este reel .
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softvantes · 1 year
are you a boob or an ass person?
i'm a tummy person, raise up your tshirt
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softvantes · 1 year
a little hint for the next vm¡n fic (i tried my best, please be kind)
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softvantes · 1 year
do i have any carat followers please say yes let’s talk about hoshi and seokmin being in a healthy happy relationship and they hang out a lot mostly to eat. which makes soonyoung starts to gain some pounds. chubby cheeks. a cute belly. i mean all domestic and seokmin really loves to kiss his bf’s every inch 😔
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softvantes · 1 year
When in San Francisco...
a/n: k y’all here it is. so like i was watching the nct hit the states thing and the taeyong x SF one had me lowkey shook he was eating the throughout entire goddamn video i’m. so this happened.  also this is my first fic on here for nct so. yay? lmao. also note: things said in italics are english
The best part about San Francisco, Taeyong soon decided, was the food.
As soon as they set foot in California, it became Taeyong’s mission to find an In ‘N’ Out. It was certainly easier than anticipated, with one right down the street from their hotel. He managed to sneak away before he was set to film his Hit the States segment with Doyoung, snagging whoever was interested (Jungwoo and Donghyuck) along with him.
The three of them thoroughly enjoyed their burgers and shakes, moaning about how good it was every other bite. They all might have overdone it, just a little: Donghyuck unbuttoning his jeans so he could have a third burger, Jungwoo imbibing more French fries than seemed humanly possible, and Taeyong’s own pants feeling a bit snug around his middle by the time they were done.
Taeyong was momentarily very jealous of Jungwoo and Donghyuck, who had nothing to do for the next few hours but fall into food comas while Taeyong had to walk around San Francisco, but he figured it was better he do it than either of the other two, with Jungwoo practically falling asleep standing up and Donghyuck clutching his belly and whining very loudly when Taeyong refused to get an Uber back to the hotel that was literally just at the end of the block, Hyuck.
He barely had time to drop Jungwoo and Donghyuck off at their rooms before he was whisked away for hair and wardrobe. The stylist frowned a bit when the pants Taeyong was supposed to wear barely closed over his bloated tummy.
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softvantes · 1 year
the horny is back
it is. sorry.
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softvantes · 1 year
It’s Definitely A Tradition At This Point
a/n: i know i know wrong fucking birthday and a month fucking late but i finally finished it? ok so this kinda takes place in the same universe as my hoshi birthday fic, you don’t have to read it, but this might make a bit more sense if you do lol. i had also started a fic months ago for wonwoo’s birthday, also taking place in this same universe, and i never finished it but i also reference it in this fic? so maybe read that one too?? anywayyy happy (extremely late) birthday jihoonie~
“No. Ugh, hyung, stop giving me those eyes.”
“Jihoon-ah, at least consider it.”
Jihoon sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose. “Can’t we just feed it to Soonyoung again?”
“Why is it always me?” Soonyoung whined from where he was sprawled over an armchair. Jihoon couldn’t help but get distracted by the way the older boy’s shirt had ridden up, revealing a soft tummy that pushed over the waist of his sweatpants, a product of the countless meals and desserts and treats fed to him over the past few months.
“Because it looks good on you!” Jun replied, at the same time as Minghao said, “Because it’s hot.”
Soonyoung rolled his eyes, but a faint blush grew over his chubby cheeks. “You guys are so weird. I’ve gained a lot of weight from all this, y’know, whatever this is, anyway.”
“We can tell,” Seungkwan giggled, poking the exposed skin of Soonyoung’s stomach, his finger sinking in much more that it would have a few months ago.
“I mean,” Soonyoung said, lightly smacking away Seungkwan’s hands, “I’m, like, okay with it and stuff. It’s actually really great most of the time, but we need to kinda slow down? Coordi-noona says I need to stop gaining so fast.”
“That’s bullshit.”
“I can’t fit into most of my outfits.”
“That’s hot.”
“Still bullshit, though.”
“I think,” Seungcheol said loudly, effectively gathering everyone’s attention and putting a stop to any further bickering, “this is a topic for another time. It’s about Jihoonie now.”
Jihoon groaned. “I think we should go back to Soonyoung-hyung. Or literally anyone else.”
“Nope,” Seungcheol said. “Your birthday, your cake.”
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softvantes · 1 year
Maybe We’re Both Weird Like That
a/n: hey hey long time no see 😎 this was originally requested to @chubbygguks (go check them out!!) but was passed along to me lol. i hope i did it justice! ((also note: i call vernon ‘hansol’ in this bc that’s what i imagine seungkwan thinks of him as  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯))
Anonymous asked: Okay do you write for seventeen? Because I’m craving verkwan right now. If you can do one where seungkwan is embarrassed about how much he ate compared to everyone else and how chubby he got so vernon notices and takes him into the other room and feeds him and plays with his belly.
Seungkwan probably wouldn’t even have noticed if Jun hadn’t said anything: “Wow, Seungkwannie, I think you ate the most out of everyone! You must’ve been really hungry!”
Jun was giggling, but he wasn’t being malicious or teasing, just stating the facts. But this didn’t stop Seungkwan’s cheeks from burning as he looked down in embarrassment.
His eyes caught his stomach, bloated out with the five generous helpings of food he’d eaten, accentuated by the layers of fat he’d recently gained. It was full and heavy and sat in his lap, on top of thighs that strained the seams of the jeans he’d barely been able to squeeze into.
He put on a smile, forced a laugh. “Yeah, guess I was.” Seungkwan glanced around the table and was so incredibly thankful that no one seemed to be paying attention to their conversation. Except for Hansol. Hansol was staring, and Seungkwan decided that it would be very nice if the floor could swallow him up right now.
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softvantes · 1 year
the verkwan Halloween fic that nobody asked for but that I wrote anyway. and definitely includes way too much non-kink-related dialogue that no one wants lol. (I also reference their costumes a few times, the ones that they wore irl on their vlive, which you should really watch it’s super cute) (also hansol broke the real glasses for his costume so he had to paint them on. this boy…)
“Ugh, Hansoooolll, I can’t believe you let me do this.” Seungkwan dropped his head dramatically on the arm of the couch. He watched, vision almost upside down, as his boyfriend swiped a few stray candy wrappers from the kitchen counter into a trash bag. He turned to Seungkwan and gave him a soft smile.
“I’m pretty sure I was the one that said, ‘No, Seungkwan, don’t eat all of your Halloween candy at once,’ and you said, ‘Don’t tell me what to do, Chwe,’ and ate it all anyway.”
“You should’ve stopped me, though,” Seungkwan whined.
Hansol shrugged and resumed cleaning up.
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softvantes · 1 year
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i honestly think about this like hourly he has the cutest tummy ever
101/10  A++++++ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★/5
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softvantes · 1 year
U know I'm just super duper soft for Soonyoung's chubby lil cheeks they look so squishy I just wanna give them a squish or poke them he's so cute :')
ajfddjkalsk sAME
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enjoy this collection of gifs i’ve gathered :P
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cutest baby boy :’)
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softvantes · 1 year
Let Him Eat Cake
a/n: i spent an hour researching cakes. i am now a cake expert. a cake guru, if you will. i have seen and written the word ‘cake’ so many times that it no longer feels like a real word. worth it? hopefully. happy hoshi day bitches.
Soonyoung stared, open-mouthed, at the array of cakes all crammed onto the table before him. Eleven. Eleven cakes, and a box of cupcakes. He turned back to the rest of his members. “What did you do?”
“Happy birthday?” Seokmin supplied, a bit sheepishly.
“Did you each buy me a cake?”
“To be fair, it was an accident at first,” Jeonghan said.
“How is all this,” Soonyoung gestured wildly to the cakes, “an accident?!”
“Well, I had gone out to get you a cake, and when I got back I saw Chan trying to make cupcakes–”
At this, Seungkwan snorted, Hansol then elbowed him in the side, and Chan gave a small whine.
“It was a great attempt, Channie,” Jeonghan ruffled the younger boy’s hair. “But we figured store-bought ones would probably be a bit more edible.”
“So we went to that bakery you really like,” Chan continued, “and we ran into Seungcheol-hyung!”
“But we didn’t see each other until after we’d already bought everything.”
“And then, when we got back to the dorm, there was an ice cream cake in the freezer!”
“It kinda just went from there,” Seungcheol shrugged.
“Wow. Okay. Um, thanks?” Soonyoung chuckled weakly. “Like, this is super nice and all, but seriously guys, what are we going to do with all this? We barely have any room in our fridge– maybe if Mingyu got rid of some of his crap–”
“If you eat it all then it won’t be a problem,” Wonwoo stated.
“If we eat it all,” Soonyoung corrected.
“I know what I said.”
Soonyoung blanched. “That’s literally not possible! I’ll die!”
“We can try!” Seokmin beamed at him.
Soonyoung glanced at their leader, hoping that maybe he’d have more of a sensible input, but was instead greeted with Seungcheol’s best puppy dog eyes. Soonyoung sighed. There was no way he could say no to him now. “Alright, where do we start?”
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softvantes · 1 year
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@chubbybubbyjoonie1 this request was the last puzzle piece i needed to finally make a domestic vm¡n wg fic. i'm still sorting out the story but take this as a little appetizer (ôㅈô)
th cheerfully laughs as he pokes jm's tummy. it barely dips for how packed full he is. "you know. you should have changed into something more comfortable if you planned to gorge yourself."
"i didn't have anything else in hand to open the door. and i refuse to open it in underwear like you do."
"just saying." th pulls at the elastic of his sweats and let's go for it to slap his underbelly, jiggling it.
i mean, it's an obvious solution. but now, with his tummy distended further enough to cover his crotch area off sight, he just wants to take his jeans off at all cost.
and it hurts so bad. jm tries to undo the button, grunting as he sucks in but nothing works with how hard his little belly is. so stubborn. "these. fucking. jeans," he complains. he gives up and lets his belly round out with an exhale and then pop!
the button flickers to th's lap, making him laugh when it hits his thick thigh. "if you wanted the last slice, you could have said so," th says, with his cheeks full, getting crumbs on his tshirt and sweats.
"tæhyung, that's not– don't you think we're getting a bit… fat? it's our second box already."
th takes a sip of his coke. "not fat –uURrp, it's happy relationship weight."
jm's stomach gurgles angrily, either from pain or hunger. he no longer knows the difference, so he rubs it over his strained tshirt. "no, tætæ. these are already the third pair of jeans i outgrown."
th turns to him, his concerned eyes eclipsing the mess in the corners of his mouth. "we can stop whenever you want," he says. "i wish you could see yourself like i do."
jm rolls his eyes, hiccuping as he fidgets on his spot on the couch. "tæhyung."
"i mean it. i don't want you to diet every time you gain weight just from eating comfortably. look at us. i'm twice as you and you still love me and i'm happy with you, no matter the weight."
"you really let yourself go,,"
th pats his belly and shakes the side. "what can i say, i never liked to exercise." he burps rumbly on his fist through a mouthful of pizza, chewing still when he says, "you want the last piece, though? i'm still a bit hungry."
jm shakes his head, kneading th's love handles as he helps himself with the last slice of the pizza. "you're becoming such a hog, tæhyu–*hic* –uuuuUUuRP."
jm freezes in embarrassment, he didn't see that one coming and th's face is not helping at all as he licks his lips. "that was a good one, j¡minie."
"don't get turned on by that," he deadpants
th makes a quick job in finishing his food. on a mission to get closer to his boyfriend (with a bit of discomfort from his full gut) to steal a hungry kiss from his lips.
"i can't help it when you look so hot." he rubs circles on the other's tummy, gaining a more silent burp from jm who just gives in the sensation and starts to dozze out. "i think we should take this to the bedroom, don't you think, m¡nnie?"
he hums expectantly. "yeah, but no pajamas tonight."
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softvantes · 1 year
jm resting his head on th's tummy during their cuddle nights.
casually leaving kisses on the ample span of honey skin and occasionally dipping his tongue inside his belly button to check if he tastes just as sweet.
loving how th's hand on his hair tightens its grip when he goes deeper, savouring the younger's goosebumps on his way out and repeat.
the air thickens and their arousal takes the best of them. th is a moaning mess, whimpering as his j¡minie makes out with his belly while caressing and kneading the doughty flesh.
even better if th feels gassy, jm loves to hear the vocal response of his boyfriend's overstuffed gut directly. casual gurgles tingling his tongue and satisfied burps spilling from th's pretty mouth between moans and pleads for more.
thanks that they choose to sleep on th's room tonight, who knows if they will even sleep. for now, they have some important things that need their full attention. 🤭
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softvantes · 1 year
“I can’t believe we had no one come tonight.” Hoseok questioned as he sat their large candy bucket on the couch between himself and Seokjin. Normally they had kids knocking on the door every few minutes, but this year they didn’t even get one trick or treater. It was odd.
“Well what will we do with all these chocolates?” Jin said already picking one up and opening it. “We have like $60 worth of diabetes sitting in a bowl.” The sweet flavour in his mouth just reaffirmed his statement, but that didn’t stop his hand diving back in.
“I’m sure we will be able to deal with it. Now I won’t have to buy your late night treats for the next couple weeks.” Hoseok chuckled, watching his roommate take a third treat.
“Oh come on, you totally always eat half.” Jin scoffed remembering that one night he came home to a shirtless, sleepy Hoseok sitting by the open fridge and sneaking som chocolates when he thought Jin wouldn’t notice.
“Well maybe I deserve a little cheat day too.” Hoseok nudged the elder before digging his hand in and pulling out three gummies, shoving them right in his mouth. “Mm-your jush jealou-sh I *gulp* have a better metabolism.” He mumbled between handfuls of sweets, suddenly feeling like he had to compete.
Jin’s eyes squinted staring at his friend. They usually had fun little competitions, mostly due to Jin nature more than Hoseok’s, but it was fun to play. That’s why the were friends after all.
“$25 back to the person who can eat the most amount of candy. We will see who has the better metabolism…” the glint in Jin’s eyes had Hoseok agreeing easily.
It was a silent mutual agreement that they would start instantly, both rushing forward collecting sugary sweet after sugary sweet.
With adam’s apples bobbing every few seconds the bulk of candy began to lower rapidly as it filled the two friends stomachs.
“God!” Jin huffed, unbuttoning his pants as his sore stomach started to feel uncomfortable, but would he stop? Not until he crushed his roommate.
“Slowing down Hyung? Not feeling full are you?” They were only 2/3rds down but Hoseok was seeing his win in sight.
“Absolutely not!” Jin huffed, hardening his brow. “Move aside lightweight.” Jin shoved Hoseok’s hand out the way, taking all the sweets he was about to eat.
The two resumed their race, but the speed wasn’t the same as it was. The sugar that was supposed to be making them hyperactive was actually just slowing them down to a sluggish pace and before they even saw the bottom plastic, Hoseok and Jin collided together on the couch in pain from their full tummies. The bucket long forgotten, tipped upside down on the floor.
“Oh I think I’m gonna be sick.” Jin grunted, lowering his fly, letting his distended middle fall through. Hoseok wasn’t fairing much better, struggling with his own button that was now far too tight.
“Oh god, Hyung. I think we made a mistake.” The younger gagged slightly. The chocolate still bubbling in his oesophagus as his stomach was already filled to the brim. 
Jin looked up from where his head rested on Hoseok’s shoulder. The two stared into each other’s eyes for a moment. Though they were both in pain, it felt nice to be so close.
The elder leaned up and placed a soft peck on Hoseok’s cheek, the younger blushing. “Let’s call it a tie.”
I don’t know what the fuck that was! Just an idea that seemed to take itself away. Oh well, hopefully it makes sense. 🫢
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softvantes · 1 year
hi 🤠 i’m back again. don’t think anyone remembers me but!!! glad to be back (again) 💕💞💓💗💖💘💝
hoping to see what i’ve missed and catch up w/ my mutuals works :D
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