(I hate to say this to those who are still here waiting for an update but...)
(This askblog is discontinued until further notice.)
(I fell out of Cookie Run because I don't want to watch Ovenbreak crash and burn to the ground.)
(I sincerely apologize for any the was hoping for more)
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why tim kruger cookie not alten timeline??? the tree sure is bit odd but isn't thomason krinkle *whuspers close* kinda murderous
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That could be a possibility, but I highly doubt that there is another Timekeeper running about, I mean the both of us are the only two Croissants that ever joined the TBD. It's not a bad assumption, though.
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Also, Timekeeper is a bit more... Unhinged... Than murderous. But I can kinda see why you would think that.
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croissant cookie my dear would you kill for wonton suit
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Um, no? I wouldn't kill someone for anything really.
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(If any of you have questions for me, Feel free to ask, (whenever it's about my hobbies or somethings about the AU) just note that certain questions may not be given an exact answer due to spoilers)
(also have a Crossiant Cookie while I'm waiting for asks)
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Are you okay? You might want to calm down with good cup of tea?
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I'm doing a bit better than before... But having some tea does feel like a good idea...
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Welp, guess our first move will be to investigate the tree. And possibly DE.
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Yeah, we should probably do that instead of watching me have an existential crisis.
I'll go and take you guys to the timeline, however I'm not so sure if I can come along... If my hunch is correct, this place is keeping normal and if I leave I might change.
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Well, I’m ready to punch Millenial Tree.
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But he wouldn't do that, unless... unless something bad has happened to him...
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Alright, let's think. Who would benefit from messing with time?
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Well there are 3 cookies that are capable of altering time. Me, Timekeeper, and Millennial Tree.
We can scratch out me because I don't like to tamper with the timeline.
Timekeeper promise me that they wouldn't tamper with the timeline, and so far any anomalies I've come across wasn't cause by them.
Which leaves...
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Oh god no...
It can't be him....
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Well, you been up to anything lately?
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Actually, before I blacked out. I thought up a plan! I discovered that this specific area that we are in is hub for timelines. Clocks don't seem to move meaning time is frozen here, Which is probably why I'm still myself.
If we find where the timeline is located we could potentially figure out what's wrong!
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Welcome back, Croissant!
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Yeah, sorry about that. I'm guessing that I blacked out due to stress or something.
(I got a new phone and I couldn't for whatever reason transfer the pictures, so if you are wondering why the art is a bit different.)
(The last ask was one that I had in my inbox for a while.)
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(I will admit I was a bit confused with this ask but after reading it I get it now.)
(I decided to keep this change because I now for some reason like it again!)
(To clear things up even more, Timekeeper takes the the role of Crossiant! Which as you can tell leads Crossiant to take the role of Timekeeper, Which may confuse you why Crossiant don't look older or have an appearance akin to Timekeeper, let's just say currently you are at a "safe zone" place where certain things can't be exactly altered.)
(To the last part of your ask, Yeah basically. It's Pre-Director Timekeeper Cookie.)
(If this was later on in the plot I would explain more but we aren't at that part quite yet.)
If I may ask the Mun...Has Timekeeper been changed? I mean...Their design looked like how they probably looked when they were their old identity....
(There is a few things different, Timekeeper's design is supposed to make them look younger think of it like when Timekeeper wasn't the Director of TBD. I got rid of somethings that I believe that made Timekeeper older like the hat and eyepatch. However looking back at I feel as if it would be better if Timekeeper was still the same, although I want to know if would be okay to change it. But I apologize for any confusion that you have and I'm sorry that I answered your question so late.)
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Hello Again.
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(I would like to apologize for answering this ask late, I went into a "mini" hiatus)
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If I may ask the Mun...Has Timekeeper been changed? I mean...Their design looked like how they probably looked when they were their old identity....
(There is a few things different, Timekeeper's design is supposed to make them look younger think of it like when Timekeeper wasn't the Director of TBD. I got rid of somethings that I believe that made Timekeeper older like the hat and eyepatch. However looking back at I feel as if it would be better if Timekeeper was still the same, although I want to know if would be okay to change it. But I apologize for any confusion that you have and I'm sorry that I answered your question so late.)
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How's timekeeper
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Timekeeper? Last time I saw them they were good.
But now that you mentioned them, they promised to show me how to use this pocket watch they gave me....
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I hope they are doing okay...
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(Can I ask what this AU is about?)
(Yeah, I'm super sorry that I didn't explain it sooner. But here:)
"Something off is an au where everything is almost about the same except for a few traits (Personality, roles, Backstory, and/or looks) every single character has been altered in a certain way however there are a few characters that are aware of the sudden change of the timeline Croissant being an example of this."
(I hope that this helps! If you have anymore questions feel free to ask them and I'll answer them.)
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So, Croissant, any Christmas wishes?
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A Christmas wish of mine? Well I really did wanted to celebrate Christmas with my Family and friends.
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But how things are at the moment I don't think that wish is going to be true....
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*hands her Christmas chicken nuggets* so, what’s up(dog)?
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Bold of you to assume that I don't know that joke.
However on a more serious note, I am still quite distressed about the whole "Timeline is messed up and being unsure about I can fix it." thing.
Also thanks for giving me these..... (is this some Christmas tradition I'm not familiar with?)
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