spaesthetic · 2 years
the pilgrims did committed illegal activity
im so mad some crypto mining warehouse got doxxed and its only like a 4 hour drive away.....if i only had a car
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spaesthetic · 2 years
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spaesthetic · 2 years
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spaesthetic · 2 years
I am sorry. I’m bashing Apple here. And for good reason.
This is a plea to my followers.
Stop buying Apple products. I know you’ve used them for most of your life, and I know it’s inconvenient to move to a new brand because in most cases, you cannot take your contacts with you on various chat apps.
I know this is inconvenient. I truly do.
But Apple is not the company it was before. There is now no difference between an Apple computer and a Windows computer in terms of graphic design. I know this for a fact. I had to use both in college 20 years ago, and non-apple computers are now generally better for design work than Apple computers.
Most non-apple companies encourage self-repair of your own devices, while Apple refuses it. I also know this for a fact, as I watched Apple computers become slowly less reparable through the late 90s and early 2000s. Where I was once able to do the repairs on our office computers, we had to start sending out our Apple devices because they started gluing things down on their logic boards. Notably the glue they used was not heat-resistant and led to device damage should the heat sink system fail. But they did this because they wanted to dig more money out of their customers.
Apple software is also designed to fail. I cannot believe people are still buying new devices after the scandal where Apple was slowing their phones in order to force people to purchase new versions.
Apple hardware is designed to become obsolete. Motherboards and logic boards are designed to hold exactly what comes attached to them and will fail if upgrade attempts are made.
Apple refuses to work with software developers despite promises of cross-compatibility. One of the very first coding problems I discovered was to discover a gigantic hole in a software program that made a plotter (giant printer) compatible with iOS. This caused a memory leak, leading to necessary resets of the computer after every 2 feet of printing.
I know that it’s not possible for most of you to just throw your devices away and buy a new one. I wouldn’t be able to do that, either. But eventually there will come a time when you have to upgrade, and I encourage you to take the plunge and purchase a non-apple device. I don’t even have a recommendation for you because literally anything is better than Apple. A rock that you write on is better than an Apple phone.
Unfortunately I expect to be shadow-banned on Apple devices because of this, and I’ll try to report on decreased activity as much as I can.
It’s time to stop trying to beg Apple to change. They won’t. It’s time now to just stop supporting Apple.
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spaesthetic · 2 years
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spaesthetic · 2 years
i dont understand people’s perception of friendship anymore. do you only want to get to know people on a surface level? just for cute instagrammable moments? 
do you not care deeply about them and understand that they are complex human beings who experience a range of emotions?
your friend being vulnerable with you is not trauma dumping. you don’t have to be a grief counselor to be there for your friend while they cry about a loved one dying. or just a rough time they’re having.
i mean, do you only have deep discussions with a therapist and not friends or family? if so, that’s weird tbfh and not utilizing therapy properly.
it’s all so incredibly bizarre to me. everyone’s always talking about yearning and loneliness, but if a friend starts to cry about their dying grandma it’s like, “oop, girly i dont have the Headspace for that. here’s my discount code for betterhelp.com” weirdo shit tbh
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spaesthetic · 2 years
insane how movies people commend for their lgbt subtext (reservoir dogs, fight club, the matrix, generally most filmbro movies in this case) oftentimes end up being the best representation lgbt people get, considering most mainstream queer films are exaggerated portrayals of lgbt experiences that miss the mark because of bad representation or unrealistic characters, and films that people interpret as lgbt in any way despite not being explicitly so serve as more realistic portrayals because the characters aren't written like the stereotypes seen in "canon" queer media and they're allowed to have their stories told as fully formed people while also being gay or trans, since hollywood stereotypes don't apply to people irl. in short subtext can and does help subvert harmful characterisations whether it's obvious or not
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spaesthetic · 2 years
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If I drove a bulldozer through an apple store and the cops just shoved me in a closet and pumped me full of DMT for 8 hours id literally just do it again the second they let me out
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spaesthetic · 2 years
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Just answer the damn question google
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spaesthetic · 2 years
Orphan crushing machine:
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Unprofitable businesses plan to exploit child labor to operate.
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spaesthetic · 3 years
How many incarcerated people actually need to be rehabilitated, really? How many people just need a decent income, or better quality of life overall, or steady childcare, or to not be punished for made-up crimes?
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spaesthetic · 3 years
This post had my jaw on the floor and my eyebrows on the ceiling at every turn. Is this a troll? I'm like, 60% sure it is. I'm gonna write a long ass argument anyway
Lesbians, especially those that express themselves in a way that makes it noticeable at a glance get a lot of shit; I'm guessing you're picturing lesbians who are conventionally attractive and could pass as straight (I'm also guessing you haven't met anyone in the lgbt community over the age of 17, or who isn't constantly online(lol sorry that's rude)).
But even then, traditionally feminine lesbians still get loads of religious backlash and general ridicule if people find out, definitely not as much as gay men or trans people for sure, but they're still homosexual, which is still seriously frowned upon and calls for conversion therapy, and/or legal or physical punishment to the religious extremists who believe in that kind of thing. (not to mention the kind of shit they get from people like you whoops I mentioned it)
And bisexual erasure definitely seriously bugs me as a bi person, especially since you get it from both sides ever since people started using the word pansexual, but there's no way we have it worse than lesbians. In terms of annoying shit we get from people we either get about the same amount of hate that lesbians do, we're just considered to be half straight or secretly straight, or people just don't take it seriously and just sorta assume we're straight and so we're sort of treated like it.
Not really much like what exclusively homosexual people go through. if L isn't oppressed enough to qualify for the acronym then there's no way B should qualify. and I'm pretty sure we don't get brutally hate crimed as much.
And how fucking disgusting of you to make that the bar: how often you hear about a particular type of person getting brutally murdered? It might be related to the fact that lesbians date women, and I'm pretty sure women are less inclined to lure gay people into a trap to murder them. This doesn't even really apply to non-English speaking countries because you don't really hear about murders from places where the news needs to be translated, or when it doesn't even make the news because they don't care when gay people get murdered. This especially doesn't apply to the countries in which there are a high number of hate crimes against homosexuals, or ones in which you can be put to death for it.
also, "lesbians have nothing special?" what the hell? you don't need to be "special" to be in the lgbt community. this is what makes me think this is a troll, but I'm sort of afraid that it's not.
and honestly, this is a bit of a tangent but, seriously, why should any of us be bothered by sexualization? who cares what gets people off? other people's fetishes don't worry me, and they shouldn't concern you either. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but porn can never hurt me. There's things that're actually morally reprehensible going on that we could be upset about, not the fact that some people get more horny for people who don't fit perfectly into the main two modes of gender.
And shouldn't it be the least bit flattering that some people out there prefer people like you? as gross and creepy as it can be when somebody is overly horny at you online, or, goodness forbid, in person. but I think all types of people get creeps, there's unfortunately lots of them, but you seriously don't need to let them get to you.
Also LGBTQ just rolls off the tongue better and sounds more fitting for what it represents than GBTQ, and the acronym shouldn't be a fucking oppression contest. I personally think we should just come up with some word to name the community instead since it's so varied that it doesn't really fit into an acronym with just a few different labels for things (but not queer, I seriously hate that word, it sounds too like, impolite and unprofessional, I want something that sounds like just a normal word)
Lesbians being the L in LGBT is a privilege
I respect lesbians and all and i think they very much deserve the rights that they have but i dont think that they should be included in LGBT and honestly should be included in the “+” instead. Lesbians never faced the same discrimination that gay men faced over the course of history and they STILL do not face the same amount of discrimination and not even in the same degree. Lets not forget bisexual erasure and transphobes- even poc! In my own opinion i think that it should be GBTQ+ and the plus includes lesbians and everyone elses identity.
Now i know im going to be getting reblogs and comments saying that lesbians are often sexualized in media and by men in general and i understand that and im very well aware of that but is that anywhere NEAR what other people have gone through? You are all forgetting that all- gay, bi, and trans people have been sexualized for multiple decades as well and being bisexual was considered slutty and for some people is STILL considered slutty. gay is self explanatory, lets not forget tumblr circa 2012. there is a whole FETISH for trans people. Lesbians have nothing special.
When have you ever heard of a lesbian being tortured and brutally murdered for being gay in history books or even the past 10 years? But you can definitely find that with every other identity.
I just think they get more credit than worthy of getting.
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spaesthetic · 3 years
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i think any vietnam vet with the audacity to go back to vietnam on vacation should be overwhelmingly grateful their tour guide doesn’t just murder them
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spaesthetic · 3 years
"The US military is a war machine that exists to exploit and destabilize other countries to make the rich richer and give more power to the US"
and "the US military is an exploitative system that has a stranglehold on the economy and has spent decades investing in propaganda to manipulate people into joining with false promises of protecting their country and having financial stability, often deliberately targeting marginalized people who feel they have no other options"
and "soldiers willingly choose to enlist in the military and should be held accountable for their actions and complicity"
and "many soldiers are manipulated and exploited by the military, and then tossed on the street when they outlive their use, often ending up homeless or in poverty with disabilities and chronic mental illness and trauma that they can't receive treatment for because their promised medical care was a lie"
and "many soldiers become aware of the truth or the military while still enlisted and spend the rest of their lives speaking out against it, risking their health and safety to expose the truth of the US's horrific actions and crimes, often ending up dead or missing because they refused to be silenced"
are all statements that can and should coexist.
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spaesthetic · 3 years
"oh you sweet summer chi--"
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spaesthetic · 3 years
The narrative neurotypicals give about the mentally ill is so warped like how many times have you heard “If Van Gogh took medication, we wouldn’t have Starry Night,” and he literally painted that one on meds in a mental ward.
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spaesthetic · 3 years
Brew a pot of coffee, pour it into the blender, add honey, cinnamon and nutmeg (and a little bit of clove if you have it), your favorite non-dairy milk, and a couple of tablespoons of canned pumpkin. (US grocery stores have it year-round. It's in with the canned vegetables.) Blend till foam forms on top. Pour into a mug and sip.
500 times better than Starbucks pumpkin spice, plus it has nutrients, plus you don't have to wait for Starbucks to release anything, plus it's vegan,* plus you don't have to go to a coffee shop in a pandemic
*don't @ me about whether honey is vegan. Honeybees are better compensated for their labor than baristas
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