starhomecare · 1 year
What is a sleep study test is why it important?
Have you seen that recently the concept of a sleep study test at home has become extremely popular, and hence there are a lot of clinics that will assist you with the same? So have you ever wondered what a sleep study looks like? Today we will give you one of the most comprehensive understandings of a sleep study. Not only that, but we will also try to talk about what are the major benefits of conducting a sleep study at home. When it comes to a sleep study, it does have a lot of major implications, so you need to be very sure about the same.
Professionals usually conduct a sleep study, so you must be very sure about the one you choose. For a successful sleep study, you need to make sure you have a comfortable sleep as well; hence, the best thing you can do is conduct the study at home. You will notice that when it comes to an extensive sleep study, a doctor will usually administer the same to indicate the underlying implications. For those who do not know, the most important thing about a sleep study at home is that it is a deep study that assesses the physiological mechanism of your sleep.
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starhomecare · 1 year
Digital X-Ray Service is Marking a Change in the Healthcare Industry, Know How?
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Radical improvements in the field of radiology have led to the introduction of better, quicker, and more effective technology for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Modern digital radiography is quickly displacing outdated conventional x-rays. You can now simply receive a digital x-ray at home, guaranteeing superior patient care. It is generally used to:
Detect an underlying health condition painlessly and non-invasively, and keep track of treatment
Aid in the preparation of surgical or medical procedures
Instruct medical staff to place stents, catheters, and other devices inside the body or to remove blood clots, treat malignancies, or avoid blockages.
So let’s examine how x-ray trends for medical applications are being shaped by digital radiography.
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starhomecare · 1 year
Why Do Doctors Recommend An NCV Test
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Doctors recommend nerve conduction studies or NCV Tests for those who develop the symptoms like numbness in fingers, tingling in arms or legs, or experiencing weakness in arms and legs.
NCV test at home is conducted along with an EMG which points out the difference between a nerve and a muscle disorder. Moreover, Nerve Conduction Velocity determines any problem affecting the nerve, whereas an EMG detects the working of the muscle in response to the stimulus of the nerves.
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starhomecare · 1 year
Types of Ecg Are Usually Done to Monitor the Rhythm of the Heart
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A cardiologist may recommend an ECG test at home in Delhi if there are some symptoms related to the heart. Three types of ECG are usually done to monitor the rhythm of the heart.
-> In the Resting ECG, the person has to lie down, and absolutely no movement is allowed during the process. Any slight movement will interfere with the electrical impulses created by the muscles with those generated by the heart. It takes around 30 minutes.
-> In Ambulatory ECG/Holter ECG, a person has to wear a portable recording device for 24 hours. You have to walk freely and normally with a monitor attached. This ECG also is helpful in monitoring the heart’s function for those who had a heart attack.
-> An exercise stress test or EST records the ECG while the person is asked to exercise or walk on a treadmill. It takes about 30 to 40 minutes to perform the test.
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starhomecare · 2 years
Can ECG Test at Home Be Reliable Enough?
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There was a time when a patient had no choice but to undergo even the most basic diagnostic tests at a hospital or diagnostic facility since there was no other option. However, that is no longer the case, and you can choose services at home for any type of diagnosis requirement.
In order to ensure that the prognosis is going well, people with heart problems need to continuously check and diagnose the disorders that damage their hearts. As a result, you may now choose an ECG at home service and receive top-notch diagnostic results in the convenience of your own home.
If you are looking for a fast and convenient ECG service at home, contact Star Home Care Diagnostic Center, a leading healthcare service provider in Delhi/NCR. There are arrays of reasons to choose Star Home Care. With a unique USP, people at Star Home Care offer quality services to their patients, have dedicated staff, round-the-clock availability, and, most importantly, a holistic approach.
Now, ECG at home service is possible.
If you want to proceed with the ECG test at home or Holter monitor services and acquire precise test results, Star Home Care is one of the most promising names in this field.
The entire concept of providing ECG services at home is to give patients who lack the time or means to travel to labs, diagnostic centers, or hospitals and endure hours-long waits a viable option for their course of treatment. Due to this, Star Home Care was proposed with the intention of giving everyone who chooses not to go out better alternatives.
The cost of an ECG test at home in Delhi is quite nominal. Depending upon the services you choose, the entire cost is determined. Rest assured that you will always be charged less and cared more at Star Home Care.
At Star Home Care, you no more have to visit the healthcare provider's clinic to get your results. By availing of ECG service at home, you can also get your results at your doorstep.
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starhomecare · 2 years
Digital X-Ray at Home Service Now Available at Your Doorstep
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Did your doctor order an x-ray to be performed immediately, but you are in utter pain to carry yourself to a diagnostic center for an x-ray? It is time to throw away all your worries. Star Home Care Diagnostic Center is now offering x-ray at home services in Delhi.
X-ray services at home have gained popularity as it now offers portable digital machines that healthcare professionals can carry to your home. If you have your arm, hip or leg fractured due to an injury; you no more have to pain yourself to go to the diagnostic center; the diagnostic center will come to your rescue.
If you have a digital camera at your home, you must be aware of its comfort of it. Apart from film cameras, it has now become much easier to click pictures and upload them anywhere you like. Just like the features of a digital camera, in portable x-ray machines, you no longer have to keep a count of how many images you have captured. Storage space is unlimited since you can later transfer the images to a hard drive. Digital x-ray has made life so much easier than the images captured can easily be saved and accessed without image degradation later on.
Gone are the days of visiting a diagnostic center for an x-ray. Star Home Care Diagnostic Centre’s portable machines are ideal for you a safe home environment. Portable x-ray services include an x-ray of the arms, hips, chest, legs, and shoulders. Trusted radiologists of Star Home Care read the x-rays.
So, if your x-ray is not scheduled yet, or you are still looking for an ‘x-ray at home near me? Learn more about how to get ready for your X-ray process and give a quick call to Star Home Care diagnostic center.
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starhomecare · 2 years
PFT Service at Home Is Now Available
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If you have asthma, COPD, and other severe issues with your lungs, your healthcare provider will likely check your breathing at every check-up. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease denotes you have one of three lung diseases that makes it harder to breathe and worsen as time passes.
Chronic Bronchitis Chronic Obstructive Asthma Emphysema
If you are facing acute breathing problems and your doctor suggests you take a PFT test immediately, in this case, Star Home Care Diagnostic Center has your back. We offer PFT test at home service to patients who cannot travel to a diagnostic center with their acute condition.
Pulmonary function tests at home are performed to detect lung diseases. These are lung tests and show how well your lungs are working. They are a non-invasive process, which means the doctor does not perform any dissection in your body or insert any tool inside you.
Testing your lungs can help physicians diagnose lung diseases like:
Allergies Asthma Bronchitis COPD Damaged or scarred lung tissue Lung cancer and many more
Can you do a lung test at home? Yes, it is possible to do a lung test at home at ease. You can purchase a meter over the counter at your nearest drugstore. There are several types of meters available, but they work pretty similarly. You have to blow into the mouthpiece as hard and as fast as you can, and the meter provides you a number, telling whether your lungs are working properly.
If you cannot visit the drug store nearby, then just give Star Home Care a call. With one call, lab experts will come to your home and get your tests done with immediate results.
Visit Star Home Care Diagnostic center and inquire more about this test. Pulmonary test at home service will now give you a hassle-free test option that you can take sitting in the comfort of your home.
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starhomecare · 2 years
Can Uroflowmetry Be Done at Home?
Yes, now you can perform a uroflowmetry or a urine test at home.
Uroflowmetry is a urological examination necessary for diagnosing urinary tract symptoms, from which a graph shows the rate and pattern of urination. The way a patient urinates is variable, so performing more than one Uroflowmetry is usually recommended to ensure a reliable result. On the other hand, it is also common for the patient to feel inhibited when urinating in a medical setting like a diagnostic center, which may be more difficult and detrimental to the outcome.
Outpatient uroflowmetry is a study that allows you to perform multiple uroflowmetry at home in a comfortable environment.
This test requires the purchase of equipment that can be reused in the future if the test has to be repeated. The device presently used is suitable for patients of both sexes and also in pediatric age, whenever indicated.
The test will take at least seven days. During these seven days, you should use the device whenever you want to pee and have a chance to measure your normal and routine day-to-day life.
However, during three 24-hour periods, that necessarily do not have to be consecutive, you should use the appliance every time you urinate (day and night).
These measurements are checked against the bladder diary, which must be filled in on the same selected days. At the end of the testing period, the collected data will be downloaded via the clinic's specific software, and a report will be prepared based on the measurements made and the elements provided by the bladder diary.
Now that it can be performed at the ease of your home call Star Home Care Diagnostic center to book your appointment.
To book a Uroflowmetry test in Delhi, search best uroflowmetry test near me diagnostic lab, and get access to a top-notch lab in Delhi equipped with highly skilled technicians to help you carry on with your tests.
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starhomecare · 2 years
Tests are no longer a grave concern for patients with Star Home Care Diagnostic Center by their side. If your doctor has ordered you to take a sleep study test immediately, then you are all covered by our expert team of technicians. Look for an EEG test near me centers and find the best diagnostic center of your choice.
Learn More About EEG Tests?
An electroencephalogram test helps detect electrical activity in your brain and detect anomalies (if any). This test is performed by applying small electrodes to the scalp. These electrodes detect small electrical charges resulting from your brain cells' activity. The EEG test helps in diagnosing primary epilepsy and other seizure disorders and can help further understand patterns of sleep disorders from insomnia to narcolepsy.
Can a Sleep Study Test be Done at Home?
Our EEG test at home is performed by highly skilled technicians and advanced hi-tech instruments that provide accurate results with little or no hassle for patients. Our sleep analysis (polysomnography) services at home will help you understand all sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, insomnia, restless leg syndrome and narcolepsy, and more, depending on your early-stage or later-stage symptoms. Sleep analysis is performed by recording signals from your brain and muscle activity, which are digitally recorded and monitored for any sedative disease for which a specialist can prescribe appropriate treatment.
Reports on EEG tests at home and sleep study tests are available to patients within 24 hours at your home or at our center.
There are multiple centers that offer sleep study tests in Delhi, but you, as patients, must always choose the one that suits your budget, and you can gain a positive patient experience from the provider you choose. Star Home Care Diagnostic Center is the most suitable choice to make in this case.
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starhomecare · 2 years
Get an NCV Test at the Most Pocket-Friendly Price.
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Star Home Care now offers NCV test at home, which too hassles free. The first and one-of-its-kind diagnostic center in Delhi to offer this innovative facility is used to diagnose nerve damage and dysfunction. Also known as the nerve conduction test, the method measures how fast electrical signals pass through your peripheral nerves.
Your peripheral nerves begin where the nerve root takes off from the spinal cord. These nerves help you control your muscles and experience your senses and emotions. Healthy nerves send electrical signals faster and with higher strength than damaged nerves.
The NCV test at home can help doctors distinguish between damage to a nerve fiber and damage to the myelin sheath, the sheath, or the protective cover that surrounds the nerve. It will also help your doctor determine the difference between a nerve disease and a condition where nerve damage affects the muscles.
Making these differences is essential for accurate diagnosis and correctly determining the course of the treatment.
This NCV test at home is performed with the highest quality certified medical devices which help in providing accurate results, all in the comfort of your home. The NCV test is performed by highly skilled professionals with huge experience in the field of home care.
At Star Home Care, our priority has always been the comfort and safety of our patients and visitors while performing the tests which is why our specialized Home Care technicians will inform you about the test procedure, probable minor post effects (If any), while the reports will be made available to you within 48 hours of the test.
However, we make sure that the test is performed with the highest levels of safety and security in mind, so you never face any health concerns post the test.
Is your doctor recommending you get the NCV test done at the earliest? Browse Google with a keyword like an NCV test near me, and reach out to the reliable radiology partner, Star Home Care Diagnostic Center.
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starhomecare · 2 years
Go For Sleep Study Test At Home With Star Home Care
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Star Home Care offers high-quality services for a sleep study test at home and an EEG test at home in Delhi at affordable pricing. So, if your doctor advised you to get an EEG or sleep study at home and you are wondering, 'Does any clinic near me provide an EEG test near me?' The answer is 'Yes!' Please get in touch with us to get the test done.
An EEG test is used to detect epilepsy and other seizure disorders and learn more about sleep disorders, including insomnia and narcolepsy. While depending on your symptoms, our Sleep Study (Polysomnography) services at home will help you comprehend any sleep problems such as insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and narcolepsy.
Small electrodes are connected to your head for this examination. These electrodes diagnose small electrical charges produced by your brain cells' activity. A sleep study test is performed by digitizing the signals from your brain and muscle activities and analyzing them for any underlying disorders for which a specialized doctor can recommend a suitable therapy.
The tests cost around 500 to 1500 rupees. However, please search 'EEG test cost' or 'EEG test cost near me' for specific rates.
Star Home Care provides EEG and sleep study at home in the comfort of your own home, utilizing cutting-edge technology and specialized medical equipment to provide reliable results. We further guarantee that the EEG and sleep study tests are performed by highly trained professionals with vast expertise at your home.
Once you have scheduled your appointment with us, our team will guide you on any potential side effects and the whole test method and procedures. However, we ensure that the test is performed with the utmost care, ensuring that you will not have any health issues. We also deliver the results of the tests within 48 hours.
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starhomecare · 2 years
Get the Best Ecg at Home Service with Star Home Care
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Want the best ECG at home service but not sure whether the one you are choosing is good enough or not? Well, don't worry anymore, as Star Home Care is here to provide you with the best home diagnostic services at an affordable price range. The test process is ultimately a technical, medical process, and it ensures that you can get a clear picture of the electrical working of the heart.
The primary aim of the ECG service is to make sure that if there is any heart-related disorder that requires special attention, immediate medical assistance can be provided at the earliest. With Star Home Care, delivering home-based services, specifically ECG service at home, has become much more fluid, and you do not need to depend on anything or anyone to get the test done.
The genre of ECG service at home refers to making sure that the patient does not have to go anywhere,e and consequently, the process of ECG test can be done entirely at home. Once you book a service with your lab provider, they will make sure that an expert professional is sent, and you can sit back and relax while your ECG test gets done.
The process of an ECG test at home makes sure that patients who do not have the time or even the resources to visit the labs or wait for long hours do not have to compromise their health and can avail home diagnostic services and get the most accurate results. With Star Home Care, all you need to do is contact the professional, and the test will be done flawlessly.
All of us know that getting hold of expertise Holter monitor services at home is challenging; however, with Star Home Care, it has become much easier and more fluid. They have the expert services at hand, and it ensures that as clients, you do not have to worry much about anything.
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starhomecare · 2 years
Top Reasons to Choose Star Home Care for X-ray at Home
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Leveraging our expertise in advanced imaging, we now provide digital x-ray at home. This ensures high-quality imaging results but without the hassles or cost of visiting a clinic or hospital. Our at-home service is particularly suitable for the elderly, people who have been bed-ridden due to injury or illness or those recovering after surgery.
For them, we bring advanced portable x-ray devices right at home, along with certified technicians who can perform the scan with utmost efficiency and precision. Whenever you need x-ray service at home and wherever in Delhi/NCR, we are just a phone call away.
Safety is Our Priority
During an x-ray, patients are exposed to a certain level of radiation – though there are minimal risks of health hazards. Yet we take the safety of our patients and technicians as a foremost priority. All patients go through safety screening that enables us to understand whether they are at a risk with x-ray. Additionally, we use digital x-ray machines which reduce radiation exposure by up to 70% as compared to traditional film x-rays.
So, if you are looking for an “x-ray at home near me,” look no further than Star Home Care. With decades of experience and advanced imaging technologies, we are the most trusted choice for an x-ray at home service in Delhi/NCR.
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starhomecare · 2 years
Star Home Care: #1 Choice for NCV at Home
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When it comes to high-quality and reliable diagnostic services in Delhi, Star Home Care is a name you can trust. Having served the patients with top-notch services, we now provide Nerve Conduction Test at home. We are the first diagnostic centre in Delhi to provide this service right at your doorstep – performed by highly trained professionals using state-of-the-art technology.
What is Nerve Conduction Velocity Test?
The Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) test is used to examine how fast electrical impulses moves from one point to another point through your nerves. During the diagnostic procedure, electrode patches are attached to the skin to stimulate the nerve. The speed of electrical signals transmitting through your peripheral nerves is then recorded to diagnose anomalies.
Through this process, our NCV at home service helps identify a wide range of disorders of the nerves and the muscles.
Certified Professionals Performing NCV Test at Home
Star Home Care prides itself a team of highly qualified and certified technicians who are trained to performed nerve conduction test at home. They have vast expertise in the field of home care and are proficient in using modern NCV testing devices while maintaining high levels of safety.  
We rigorously monitor the expertise of our team and train them to help stay updated with the latest safety guidelines when performing the test at home.
NCV Test Near Me? Look No Further than Star Home Care
Check out what makes us the best choice for NCV test at home in Delhi:
• Advanced NCV testing machines that help achieve high levels of accuracy in diagnosing nerve dysfunctions or damages, if any. All our machines are medically certified and approved for use at home • Ensuring the safety and comfort of our patients while conducting the test is our priority • No potential side effects • Prompt reporting within 48 hours of the test and as per the medical guidelines • Most comprehensive and precise NCV testing at home • Affordable NCV test cost that fits your budget
Wondering where you can find reliable “Nerve Conduction Test near me?” Book an appointment with Star Home Care today and get prompt serve at your doorstep.
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starhomecare · 2 years
X Ray at Home, Get Digital X Ray in HD Image Quality
Our digital X Ray at home services are carried out with highly trained professionals using advanced portable DR System machine which enables the most accurate X-Ray depictions available in the market today, for almost all parts of the human body.
The reports are instantly generated and shared with the patient immediately in HD quality after the procedure on their phone, which enables quick access and sharing with the doctors, if that be the case.
These digital X-Ray services are completely safe, hassle free and follow all the latest norms and regulations defined by the industry with easy access to avail them via call or through our website.
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starhomecare · 2 years
Digital X-Ray at Home in Delhi NCR We are a top-notch digital X-ray service provider, offering all types of portable facilities with state-of-the-art equipment.
These digital X-Ray services are completely safe, hassle free and follow all the latest norms and regulations defined by the industry with easy access to avail them via call or through our website.
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starhomecare · 2 years
Get Home Healthcare Services in Delhi NCR at Best Cost
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The home tests by Star Home Care allow our patients to test their health in a safe zone. Star Home Care is primarily established to ensure a complete package of healthcare services at home. It is based on the idea of providing all the essential services at home that includes X-rays, nursing home care services, nanny care, attendees, etc. in addition to blood sample collection and test reports, without compromising on quality.
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