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Ukai stuck his face through the car window and kissed Takeda.
It wasn’t gentle like their first kiss, nor firm like the one Takeda had just given him. It was pleading, imploring, as if Ukai was begging Takeda to stay. A hand cupped the back of his head, pulling Takeda closer. One of Takeda’s hands pressed against the car door, the other reached for Ukai’s shoulder, attempting to steady himself as he kissed back.
If Ukai wanted him to stay, then stay he would.
Read the fic. Please.
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Artist:@kaizokuart , Writer: @starshardsandnightshade
Title: A Heart is a Heavy Burden Word count: 15,546 Rating: Teen Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Miscommunication, forbidden jutsus, Transformation, Inspired by Howl’s Moving Castle, Crash Landing, brief mention of trauma, Mutual Pining, two dorks in love who just won’t admit it
Summary: Iruka couldn’t have pinpointed the exact moment he knew something was wrong. It was a slow, creeping sort of dread that once he realized was there, he could see how long it had been plaguing him. This sense of unease had followed him around for the last few days. Faint, at first, like a low hum, mounting into a crescendo that made it impossible to ignore. And the crescendo was the night a bloody, shaking, feather-covered Kakashi all but crashed through his window. Inspired by Howl’s Moving Castle, Iruka finds himself caring for an injured and confused Kakashi night after night. But as the jounin gets progressively worse, Iruka struggles to find a way to save Kakashi from a never-ending nightmare.
🐸Read this Kakairu Reverse Bang Collaboration on Ao3🐸 
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For All Time
Three people sit at the end of time,
One is a liar and two are a crime.
One has answers, lives in his tomb
One is a fire, rage without room
And one is a pretender
To a throne gone too soon.
They shift in their paradigm
Of alliances and causes
One is a winner,
Two only accumulate losses.
Each of them wields their own kind of sword,
Two of them determined and one of them bored.
A tango performed on a shrinking dance floor,
A breath, a kiss, a promise of more,
But there is no dance without a partner’s trust
And needs will do as one’s needs must…
So three becomes two,
Pushed back to start,
And two becomes one
With a knife through the heart,
And one becomes none,
In a shower of tears,
The end of her nightmare,
The birth of new fears.
Three people sat at the end of time
One a survivor, now hitting his prime,
Two are the remnants of others’ bad choices,
Drowned out forever in a multiverse of voices.
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Burning souls 🔥🔥🔥
(au swap!)
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I talk too much, we talk too much 
18 year old Reddie sketches because they actually skipped town the moment they graduated and never faced the hell clown ever again
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“This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved we investigate mysterious disappearances that have plagued the town of Derry like clockwork every 27 years.”
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 “Richie wondered if he should have told him. He rationalized it didn’t matter. It was a dream. He knew the entire time.”
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it’s october 3rd so mean girls as a 90’s anime 💋💄💖✨
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one day, hollywood will cast a reasonable, down-to-earth person to play the joker. just a normal guy with a sensible separation between his identities on and off the screen
“yeah, it’s a fun role. I really get to chew the scenery, which is not the kind of part that I normally do, so I enjoy the change of pace”, he opines, probably while holding a cute dog
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into the woods
the blair witch playthrough inspired me :P
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27 years later:
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I never learned to love that song again.
Today I forced myself listen to his old ringtone while I grit my teeth and curled my teeth and imagined punching things.
I am going to learn to love this song again.
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This makes me so happy.
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this is ruining my fucking life
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Disney Siblings
A sibling loves you
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They are there when you need them
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They play and joke around with you
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And together you can fly to new places
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Sometimes they may tease you
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You may fight and argue with each other
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But you would do anything for each other
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They make you laugh and smile
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They love spending time with you
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They support you, even when you’re apart
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The ones you grew up with may not have been true siblings
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They may have been cruel and hurt you
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But you will find a sibling someday
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Even if you aren’t linked by blood
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They will be the sibling you need
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They will love and support you
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And you will find them
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Because everyone has a sibling somewhere
National Siblings Day is April 10th!
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