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The day when it all came crumbing down...
The day that changed their whole lives...
The day their hearts stopped...
The day the Torino stood between Starsky and Hutch, taking the bullets, protecting Hutch, and allowing Starsky to sacrifice himself...
Starsky get down!
But Starsky had no intentions of getting down and letting them get Hutch!
‘Over my dead-body’ Starsky thought as he tried to pull his gun out.
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The first episode that started it all for us...
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Starsky is upset about his car- He clearly doesn't care a damn that the hit was on him when Hutch asks the question.
Wonder what’s going on in Hutch’s mind during all of this.
What if this was Starsky’s car? What if Starsky was in it?
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Once placed, Starsky’s arms never leave Hutch’s body. And that would be the only comfort Hutch would ever need for his hurt!
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I just want Starsky and Hutch to be the adoptive parents of Molly... Imagine all the possibilities Starsky would have--- I mean, he and Molly can partner up and make poor Hutch so miserable, from early morning until bedtime, with their choices of food, clothing, and just their mere existence.
No-- seriously-- They would have been an ideal family!
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Meeting the Parents (Fanfic in gifs)
I’m going to call it a Fan-Giffic
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H: We need to talk to you
Mom: We know
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H: You want to tell them?
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S: You kidding?
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H: Someone has to do it
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S: You came up with the idea. I had nothing to do with it. You deal with it yourself!
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(Why is it alwasy me?)
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There’s no easy way to say this. Starsky and I have been dating each other for a while now.
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Mom: We already know!
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(Why are they always one step ahead of me?
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S: Yeah!
Of course they knew-- They got to know about us during last Christmas, when we were visiting them. I told Hutch to not to make too much noise at night-- you know-- when we... But did he listen to me?
The original post is here:
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That butt belongs to me!
Hutch isn’t pleased at all when the nurse sticks the needle in Starsky’s butt. No one else is allowed to stick anything there-- How dare she!!!!!
And Hutch is all ready to take Starsky ‘up there’ so that he can kiss and make him better. Come on, ladies and gentleman, take a hint!
Happy Friday Y’all!
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Reblogging for obvious reasons
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How to make a room hot and steamy and stay cool!
Is it me or is it already hot in here?
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Facing death is nothing at all --- when you know death has no chance against the person who is going to take care of your life!
The man who loves you like no one ever has will save you, protect you, and never let go no matter what-- and you know it!
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No matter how you say it, what you say in front of a ‘patient’ will very rarely be the right thing. Dr. Meredith *is* a good doctor, but even he made a mistake. 
Hutch is pissed-- Who wouldn’t, when you’ve just been given a death sentence-- straight up!
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‘Nuff said - Seriously!!! Isn’t it obvious? Do you need more proof? MORE!!!???
Isn’t it clear that Starsky’s favorite lunchtime activity is nailing Hutch!?
Oh, Starsky, you trashy boy!
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“You let me find me something to hit you with!”
Merle just cracks me up!
Leave it to Hutch to compare pieces of machinery to fruits and vegetables!
Trust Starsky to always defend pieces of art and sculpture!
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Picking up after Hutch!
This whole scene– Notice the dialogue (not in words) that goes between them?
Starsky’s thoughts: Here we go again–  Why cannot Hutch stop throwing stuff on the floor? Oh, yes– because he knows I’ll be picking up after him!
Hutch’s thoughts: I Love him - I Love him - I Love him! I want him all for myself!
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You can take the book away from the man, but you can’t take this man away from his book!
Starsky sees everything in black and white-- Either it’s there or it’s not! Either it’s true or it isn’t. Either you’re eating butterfly bones or you ain’t!
Starsky’s logic: Just because it doesn’t make sense doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t true!
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Talking about beautiful flashing blue eyes is just one of those alternative ways of Starsky saying ‘I love you, you big lummox’ – and judging how calmly and naturally Hutch takes everything in, followed by giving Starsky the flirtatious famous Hutchinson finger at the end… one could only imagine what Starsky must be saying at other times.
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I did what I had to do, Hutch!
What’s the point of me surviving if thee ain’t around to spend my life with? If I have to do it again, I won’t change a thing -- I’ll do it all just the same.
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Starsky!!!! What have you done, buddy?
Why did you save my life at the cost of yours? Don’t you know that I don’t have a life without you?
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You guys look an awful lot alike
You’re right on, Eddie! Starchy and Hup are basically identical twins. Anyone can see that!
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