stormsandspirits · 4 years
Bedridden Witch Series
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For those of you who don’t know me, I suffer from a chronic illness and I spend a LOT of time bedridden. I also happen to be a witch! I don’t let being trapped in bed stop me from practicing my craft. Here are some resources I’ve compiled from my personal experiences and the help of others <3
Bedridden witch - Original edition
Bedridden witch  - Nature edition
Bedridden witch  - Worship edition
Bedridden witch- Divination edition
Bedridden witch - Stale energy edition
Bedridden witch - Elements edition
Bedridden witch - Pastel edition
Bedridden witch - Kitchen edition
Bedridden witch - Winter edition
Bedridden witch - Ocean edition
Bedridden witch - Love edition
Bedridden witch - Weather edition
Bedridden witch - Garden edition
Bedridden witch - Bath edition
Bedridden witch - Wheel of the Year edition
Bedridden witch - Discreet edition
Bedridden witch - The Setup
Check the notes for future updates! Updated 1/14/2020
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
People love natives in such a superficial way. People wanna stand with natives when we’re talking about the trees, and the land. People wanna stand with natives when we talk about philosophies of love and togetherness. But as soon as it’s time to talk about political side of being native. About dismantling a system built on the genocide of our people. About how we need a new system that isn’t built upon capital gain and benefitting white bodies. About putting up a fight. About how the colonial state we reside in is a disgusting imperial plague on this land. Suddenly y’all don’t wanna talk native.
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
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there are guys in my dorm who decided to play cards in the elevator
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
fire salt 🧂🔥
used for protection, banishing, power, cursing/hexing, chaos magic, or as a strong symbol of fire for a spell/alter.
sea salt
chili powder
black pepper
red chili flake
crush everything till combined in mortar & pestle, charge with candles before use if desired to reawaken your salt
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earth salt [x] - air salt [x] - water salt [x]
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
How to return to the craft
I’m finally looking to the future and creating posts I can link, instead of answering the same questions over and over. It’s not that I mind answering them, it’s just that I usually don’t have the energy to give you the solid answer you deserve.\
Where to start?
I generally wouldn���t recommend picking up where you left off. You spent a lot of time building up to that point, jumping right in is going to be a lot. I would recommend starting slow, and slowly building back up. Get a solid foundation back under your feet:
Make a list of the things that you’d like to relearn, and do one per day. 
Start at the basics, even if you knew the advanced stuff. Act like a beginner again and relearn. Chances are, you’ll learn some things you missed before!
Don’t compare it to your old craft. Crafts and paths are constantly shifting over time, taking a break doesn’t change this, time has passed and your craft will likely be different.
Do what excites you! Learn new things too! What drew you back into the craft? This is a great chance for a fresh start!
Drawing a blank? Here’s some ideas of things to research/relearn:
Astral travel/projection.
Deities (perhaps learn about a new pantheon!)
Divination (any type)
Local wildlife; birds, animals, plants. 
Mythology (maybe local mythology and lore?)
Sigil creation and using.
Space; the cosmos.
Spell writing and casting. 
Spirit work.
Whatever you want!!
Some recommendations if you feel stuck/hit a block:
Browse the baby witch tag and help some beginners out. They have so much motivation and inspiration, and it’ll likely leak over to you (and you’ll reinforce some of the knowledge you forgot you had).
Buy yourself something witchy (it doesn’t have the be expensive, even just a new little candle you only burn for witchy things).
Find a friend who is also getting back into the craft, talk about your practices!
Look up some tips and tricks on overcoming art block/writer’s block and find a way to apply them.
Know that it’s perfectly normal to hit blocks and lose motivation (it happens to me all the time at least). And it’s okay to take as many breaks/hiatuses as you need.
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
☁Cloud Reading☁
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☁️ Being able to read clouds is one of the many abilities a weather witch can master, knowing what types of clouds there are in the sky will tell us what winds are affecting our area at the moment, their qualities (temperature, humidity levels, etc) and more! Here's a quick reference of the main types of cloud formations and my personal correspondences for them☁️
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☁️ Stratus: moving, incoming change, be careful not to make the wrong decisions, or they'll cause conflict, take everything people around you say with a pinch of salt. Hidden truths to be revealed or finally grasping a concept, getting to know or understand something after a long time.
☁️ Cumulus: prosperity, abundance, luck in travels, new journeys, enjoyment, and also finding peace within when your environment changes. Calm before the storm.
☁️ Cumulonimbus: the storm. Chaos, lightning, furu and rage, emotions out of control, letting go, banishing, exorcism. That feeling after finally getting it out of your chest.
☁️ Stratocumulus: doubts, fear, stasis. Not knowing what to do or how to act, feeling lost, getting behind, or feeling left behind. Unacknowledged feelings. Doing things the hard way.
☁️ Altocumulus: problems solving, the path before you getting cleared, new beginnings, getting new hopes, rearranging, reorganizing your life, getting a new perspective, or a more positive point of view of a situation.
☁️ Nimbostratus: strength, power, reaching new hights, claiming what's yours, dominance.
☁️ Altostratus: light, love, kindness. Sweet, childish feelings, fluttery heart. Healing emotionally and evolving as a person, or in a relationship.
☁️ Cirrus: sharpness, boldness, starting new projects, money, prosperity, business affairs, justice, speaking your truth, getting recognized for your successes.
☁️Cirrostratus: getting over the past, healing, closing a chapter of your life and starting anew, cleansing, purification.
☁️ Cirrocumulus: luck, fertility, love, children, passion, renewing energies, wishes, future planning, abundance.
☁️Some tips☁️
☁️"—stratus" clouds are associated with fogs, drizzling rain, and cold air flowing at low height.
☁️"—cumulus" clouds are associated with anticyclones, a.k.a. very low temperatures, high pressure, often high humidity, and will cause rain, more likely a storm.
☁️Research what specific winds affect your area and what kind of clouds they're associated with!
☁️With love, Nao☁️
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
Crash course on fake stones/misrepresentations
Because I have been too lazy to type this all up.
If your quartz has teeny air bubbles it’s glass.
If it’s got a fruit name it’s dyed. End of story. (strawberry, cherry, lemon, pineapple, blueberry) yes there may be some very rare exceptions-fire quartz being dubbed strawberry- but due to the rise in fakes with that name it’s generally called fire quartz now.
Aura quartz is a regular quartz that’s been bonded with another material. (man made)
Cinnabar Infused Quartz usually reconstituted and mixed together to make a red crystal.
Green quartz can be grown in a lab and anything that forrest green color is
Magnesite and howlite look very very similar to turquoise when they’ve been dyed, magnesite will have very deep cracks in it though.
No there is no white turquoise. 
You can do a uv test to see if it’s real
Often faked with Copal. They look nearly identical.
Amber will float in salt water-copal will not.
Irradiated/dyed stones:
Very vibrant colors!!
Irradiated: (they irradiate the crystals to get a deeper or more vibrant color)
deeply pigmented topaz or kunzite
dark (almost black) smokey quartz 
very deep pink or red tourmaline 
colored diamonds 
some cultured pearls 
vibrant yellow heliodor 
other stones may be dyed as well, generally if it looks fake..it is.
Heat treated stones: (really not a bad thing but if you’re going for natural)
Amethyst-lighten color+remove brown
Citrine-heat treated amethyst.
Aquamarine-remove green
Ruby-clearer stone 
Sapphire-clearer stone
Rainbow Cal-Silica
Nope, completely fake 100%
Literally just car paint layered with calcite and resin.
Citrine: (im so sorry)
Much of the citrine on the market is lab made.
If it’s lab made it’s usually amethyst that’s been heated until it changes color
The bottom of these stones will be white with more color at the tips.
Lapis Lazuli:
High quality is vibrant blue, hard to come by, and very expensive.
Low quality howlite, jasper or sodalite is dyed blue, and passed off as lapis.
Acetone will remove the dye but damage the stone.
The clear green obsidian you see all over ebay is slag glass.
Natural green obsidian has been found but it is opaque and is more gray than green.
there is red obsidian as well but again, it’s not a vibrant red and is more brick colored.
Wikipedia is not always right.
it’s glass it’s legitimately just glass
also glass. 
real opalite exists but it’s green and not commonly found
once again, don’t believe everything on wikipedia.
Doesn’t naturally form in the crystals, lab made!!!
rlly pretty though
Not naturally magnetic!
Magnetic hematite is 100% man made!
I’ll add more as I come across them~
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
Yes I AM cranky because I received NO PROPHETIC DREAMS to help me on my quest.
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
There have already been several parties at my University and classes haven't even started yet.
All employees were told to update their wills.
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
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Dionysos—god of the vine, grape-harvest, wine-making, wine, fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, theatre
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
Hey guys! Sorry I've been gone I was in rehab for a bit but I'm back now and will be posting and active again.
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
Dionysus: I admire how when babies don’t want to hold something anymore they just drop it
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
Paean to Dionysus within Antigone
God of many names
of Kadmeian Semele
Guardian of the West of Eleusis’ plain
[Strophe 1]
[Exit CREON.] 
O Iacchos son
O born of the Thunder! Regent
O Prince of maenad Thebes
 and the Dragon Field by rippling Ismenos
God of many names 
flares on our hills
the flame of torches
the nymphs of Iacchos dance at the spring of Castalia:
from the vine-close mountain
come ah come in ivy:
Evohe evohe! Sings through the streets of Thebes
God of many names
heavenly Child
[Strophe 2] 
Iacchos of Thebes
of Semele bride of the Thunderer! The shadow of plague is upon us:
with clement feet down the long slopes
oh come from Parnasos
across the lamenting water 
Io Fire! Chorister of the throbbing stars! O purest among the voices of the night! Thou son of God, blaze for us!
Come with choric rapture of circling Maenads Who cry Io Iacche!
God of many names! 
- Antigone, by the playwrite Sophocles. Translation by Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald. 
For my new “Dionysus’ historic hymns” series.
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
I'm currently getting high and giving some offerings to Bacchus so if anyone wants some quick high readings hmu
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stormsandspirits · 4 years
Took a mental health break and got reconnected to Bacchus and took some time to work on myself with him and I'm back now
I deleted all reading requests because they were stressing me out because I felt bad aboht not having energy but I'm going to open them back up now :)
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