sunrisemiracles · 4 days
Please reblog, I'm curious
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sunrisemiracles · 12 days
Reblog if you’re 30 or older
This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!
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sunrisemiracles · 13 days
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sunrisemiracles · 13 days
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@radioroseweek begins on June 8th through June 14th ! 
How does it work? Each day of the week will come with two general prompt to give you inspiration for your work. You can follow the prompt(s) as loosely or closely, as literal or abstract, make it platonic or romantic, whatever you want! Prompts are mainly there to give you a starting point to create from, but you can completely ignore the prompts if you don’t feel particularly inspired but have your own great idea. You can also submit for as many or as few days as you’d like, and creations can be any length or size. We want to see as much new fan work in the fandom as possible, so don’t feel limited to one creation!
The schedule for this year’s celebration is as follows:
Day 1 (June 8th) - Routine | Gifts - Little habits they have or Gifts they give each other
Day 2 (June 9th) - Meeting | Dance - Shared meetings or Dancing Together
Day 3 (June 10th) - Jokes | Horror - Who doesn't love a joke or Committing horrific crimes
Day 4 (June 11th) - Roses | Smile - Roses come in all varieties or A smile can mean so much
Day 5 (June 12th) - Heal | Protect - Healing might take two or Overlords being protective
Day 6 (June 13th) - Dates | Marriage - Platonic/Romantic Dates or Marriage (For Taxes or Love)
Day 7 (June 14th) - Human AU | Partnership - Imagine them as human / not in hell or The strength of their partnership
We accept a variety of mediums, including but not limited to fanfiction, fanart, gifs, fanmixes, videos, and more. Please remember to use #radioroseweek2024 to tag your posts or to tag @radioroseweek in your post to make sure we see them. We hope the tag will be busy June 8th - 14th, and onward - we will definitely be checking the tag for late submissions!
Thank you so much for @elsa-fogen and @kame-artist for planning out the prompts, scheduling radiorose week and for the amazing graphic!
If anyone has any questions, feel free to message or send in an ask!
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sunrisemiracles · 19 days
not everyone is either butch or femme actually. That's a false dykeotomy.
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sunrisemiracles · 22 days
To a homophobe, even the most chaste kiss on the cheek between gay people is exactly as disgusting and degenerate as a hardcore BDSM orgy hosted in the town square, so you may as well ally with the BDSM orgy enthusiasts to throw bricks at the cops who are going to try and arrest all of you together anyway.
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sunrisemiracles · 22 days
I agree, I feel we have solid evidence to suggest that cannibals are Sinners and not Hellborn demons. The red blood yes, but also Vaggie was kicked out of the exorcists for sparing a cannibal child. The exorcists wouldn't have been attacking cannibals in the first place if they weren't Sinners, we had multiple lines confirming in S1 that Hellborn demons were granted a pardon in the deal between Heaven and Lucifer. And Vaggie was kicked out years before the final Extermination where they threw the deal out the window by killing Hellborn.
Also, plenty of religions (including the sect of Christianity I was raised in) preach that children can go to Hell. That's how they get kids to behave: threatening them with eternal torture. That's the point. Hazbin is criticizing mainstream Christianity and making you look at how fucked up reality would be if it was how they say it is.
Okay, so I'm trying to find evidence for Cannibal Town being hellborn or sinners (I personally think hellborn because I refuse to believe in any universe where kids go to hell, but that's beside the point).
Is there any time in Episode 8 where we see cannibals bleeding during the battle? Cause in Episode 7, I'd say the blood we see on their mouths is from sinners since they seem amicable enough not to eat each other. Or any other solid evidence pointing either way?
i think there were few moments where we see that cannibals have red blood...
i personally like the idea that children can go to hell, it makes the whole universe even more fucked up.
And cannibals look alike because Rosie owns them (my headcanon)
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sunrisemiracles · 24 days
Out of pure curiosity and fun!
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sunrisemiracles · 26 days
Hey, just wanted to say I am LOVING your Velvette/Vaggie fanfic! I'm always so excited when you update! Really thrilled to see where you go with it
Thanks anon, that means a lot to me! <3
I've had a lot of trouble keeping up consistent motivation to finish the story, partly because of life stuff and partly because I don't think I have the same stamina that I once did when it comes to writing toxic romance. I am determined to finish the story though, so don't fret.
Thanks again for your kind words.
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sunrisemiracles · 27 days
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coping real hard
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sunrisemiracles · 29 days
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sunrisemiracles · 29 days
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sunrisemiracles · 29 days
Yeah it really came across as mean-spirited to me
Sweden trying so hard to justify stealing the win from Finland lol
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sunrisemiracles · 1 month
Just saw this, absolutely worth the wait!
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*proceeds to drink the whole bottle*
Yeah Alastor you're gonna be loved and appreciated wether you want it or not :)
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sunrisemiracles · 1 month
Have you ever seen one of those old west movies where they have a shootout in the middle of the street? Yeah.
you. american adult with a drivers license. can you tell me who has the right of way at a 4 way stop
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sunrisemiracles · 1 month
I guess it depends, like if I can tolerate these items as ingredients in a recipe and that's covered under "eating these items" then I'm at 8. If I have to eat an oyster all by itself, I'm at 19.
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I’m at 5 what about you?
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sunrisemiracles · 1 month
stop holding ya pee for so damn long
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