sunsage · 3 days
Despite what people say, he rarely charges into things without a plan. The complexity and effectiveness of these plans tends to vary, sure, but that's not the point.
The point is, he knows what he's doing.
Hovering on his cloud slightly above his house, Wukong checks the list again. Umber is probably the best place to start, since it's closest. From there, he can travel to Mistwood and back to Sky-Strewn, and from there it should be a straight shot to the Gulf. Easy.
Well, no, pretty hard actually. But not impossible. Not if he's careful. And very, very lucky.
Swiping his golden eyes over the desert, he tries to find something that looks even a little like the cactus pear he's supposed to find (a few times his eyes drift to Sun's house, unbidden, but he looks away). There's... a lot of cacti out there and with Gold Vision he can't even be sure which ones are red. His leg throbs as the stone slowly climbs higher. It still doesn't hurt, but he can feel it now and that's almost worse.
No time to wait around.
Picking what appears to be the best match, Wukong spins the cloud in a wide circle. And another one, and another, faster and faster and faster until the cloud suddenly zips in the direction of Umber. It dissipates into nothing the moment they hit the border of Sky-Strewn, but the built-up momentum is enough to launch Wukong himself way past it, to the desert below. Even with his limited flight capabilities, the landing ends up being more than a little clumsy, with him plowing through several dunes at an impressive speed before he finally stops. But he's here, and that's what matters.
"Not the most graceful idea, but it worked." Shaking the sand off of himself to the best of his ability (he'll have to take a bath after this. probably more than one), Wukong looks around. He overshot a little, but he can still see where he needs to go from here. Like he said: easy.
Yeah, right. Sure, the heat of the desert doesn't bother him all that much even if he is covered head to toe, but as it turns out walking through the sand with both of your legs turning to stone is more than a little uncomfortable.
(It is both of his legs now. He can feel the foot go numb as it solidifies and tries very hard to not stress out about it).
It takes a good hour for him to get to the small patch of cacti. The fruits are red (as far as he can tell) and match the description (he thinks) so he plucks a few and stuffs them in his pockets, ignoring the way they prickle his hands. One down, two to go. If he can keep up the pace, he should be done with this challenge in no time.
(As long as he doesn't think about the fact that this was probably the easiest part and he still has to leave the desert and search for two more ingredients while he slowly loses control of his body-)
Sun Wukong is very good at compartmentalizing. Right now, thinking too far ahead is not going to do him any good, so he doesn't. Instead he chooses to focus on getting out of the desert. All that matters right now is that he knows which direction he needs to go. One step at a time.
He can do this, because he has to.
Using up all his flight for the day on the first leg of his challenge seems ill-advised, so instead Wukong takes advantage of his speed and small bursts of flight to leap across the sand towards the entrance canyon he can see in the distance. That is what dooms him in the end, when he lands heavily on a rippled patch of sand and it gives under his feet, and starts to sink. With the feeling gone in both feet it takes him a moment too long to notice and by then it's too late. The sand shifts and drags him in all the way to his knees, only seeming to get stronger, pull him in deeper when he tries to struggle. It presses against him firmly until he can't move at all, the heavy weight constricting him from all sides until he's completely submerged.
Before he can do anything, even cry for help, the sand pulls him in. Silently, it shifts in the spot where he just was before settling once again.
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sunsage · 3 days
🌸 for a spring outfit
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Send a symbol and my muse will pick an outfit for your muse (ACCEPTING)
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" Yeah, the fruit wine's part of the whole aesthetic. Also that's either necklace or wristband! Either's good. "
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sunsage · 4 days
google search how to stop experiencing anticipatory grief when this world has taken so much from me already
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sunsage · 6 days
Sun Wukong blinks awake with a slightly unsettling feeling in the back of his head. At first he thinks it could be the lingering effect of his dream - not a nightmare, but close (he doesn't remember much now, just sitting in an empty amphitheatre with someone and the dull pain their conversation left him with). And then he stretches, more stiff than usual, lowers his feet off the bed and places them on the ground and-
He catches himself before hitting the ground, grabbing hold of his nightstand. The angle gives him a good view of the problem, though it takes him another moment to understand what he's even looking at.
"Okay... okay." It's not, really, but he's not sure what else to say. Balancing on one foot, Wukong carefully brings the other up, fingers wrapping over what is undoubtedly stone. Is he reverting back or something? The thought makes his stomach drop in terror so he dismisses it instantly to stop himself from panicking. This is... something else. Definitely. He just needs to figure out what.
With a feeling of detached curiosity, Wukong expertly twists his own foot and rips it off completely. It regrows, as always, and... instantly gets covered in stone again. Doesn't hurt at all, he notes, fighting down a feeling of hysteria. Fuck, is it starting to crawl higher?
Okay, he can't panic right now. He grabs onto the table again, crumpling the letter on top of it as his hands shake. No they don't, he's fine and he can deal with this- whatever it is and- wait, where did this letter come from?
He sits back on the bed to read it, finding it too uncomfortable to stand for long. The contents are almost not surprising: a challenge issued from the Stars, seemingly for him alone. Which is a good thing, obviously, that at least he's the only one dealing with something like that. It does help him calm down, if only so much. The letter also gives him a list of ingredients that should cure him and a cheeky little note at the end that makes him frown. Do they really think he can't deal with this alone? He's Sun Wukong, and this is far from the worst thing that happened to him (though it does sit uncomfortably high on the list). He can do this. This is his challenge. There is no need to involve anyone else in this mess.
Tucking the letter into his pocket he gets up again, this time accounting for the numbness of his foot, and hobbles over to his closet. There should be a pair of soft shoes in there he can put on. Better cover up the rest of him too if it really is going to spread.
Impossible, they say. We'll see about that.
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sunsage · 11 days
Send me ' ~♫' For my muse to sing to yours, with random lyrics from a song the mun heard recently.
It's a warm evening, warm enough for him to sit at the steps of his house comfortably. The ancient-looking radio at his feet crackles through another song, soft and muffled. He heard this one before, on the same station. Leaning forward, elbows on his knees, Wukong hums to the beat and sways from side to side. Soon, the humming starts to sound more like words and by the middle of the song he's singing along quietly-
"'Cause all I need is time and now and I could leave this past behind me... And maybe I'll see a way for me to stay when there's so much out-" He stutters over the line when he feels movement beside him. It feels a little stupid to sing aloud next to someone, even if it's someone he trusts, but stopping here feels even more stupid so he keeps going, eyes focused somewhere on the horizon. The next line comes out a little quieter, softer, but his voice doesn't shake and that'll have to be good enough. "-I'll live forgetting for the time being
And I won't mind when it's over..."
There is an arm wrapped around his shoulders and he leans into the touch as always, head settling on the other's shoulder.
"At least I didn't think for a while."
EDEN - End Credits
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sunsage · 11 days
Send me ' ~♫' For my muse to sing to yours, with random lyrics from a song the mun heard recently.
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sunsage · 11 days
Send “👏”and I’ll describe what a fusion between our muses would look and act like.
As a bonus: pick out a song for the muses’ fusion dance.
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sunsage · 18 days
In Love
You're like the romantic interest of all time! You make people fall in love with you- you're just that charming! You've got a way of going about life to where people can't help but stare and admire. You have a sparkle in your eye and a face that beams, and wherever you go, someone will definitely want to follow. You like to live life like a protagonist, but you're not stupidly pretentious about it. You're very well rounded and you don't like arguing unless it's something you REALLY have a passion for. Maybe a bit super giggly from time to time, your sense of humor is sweet and makes everyone laugh. You've got everyone wrapped around your finger- including me!
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sunsage · 19 days
doing not great right now so i'd like to request a semi-hiatus for Monkey King here and Levi from Scavenger's Reign. today is 4/10. thanks
Hope everything gets better for you soon! Those semi-hiatuses will be noted for you.
– mod solaris
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sunsage · 23 days
He makes a surprised noise at being manhandled but otherwise doesn't protest, snuggling closer instead. This close he can feel Gabriel's skin heating up as he keeps talking which he doesn't comment on, but it does make him hide a smile in the other's shoulder. It's cute. He's cute. How nobody managed to snatch his angel up before he did is something he just can't understand.
"Yeah, I figured that out." Not right away, obviously, but after the whole puppet incident it was pretty easy to connect the dots. He doesn't remember exactly when their first fight happened (only that it was after he gave up trying to escape from the city (it wasn't a good period in his life here)) and he doesn't know who Meryl is (worms?) and this isn't really one of the dates they were talking about and also he's pretty sure that's not how it works (isn't 'anniversary' meant to imply they both were in love then?).
"Sure, we could do late May." Rules are for losers anyway. Wukong nestles into the embrace, eyes closing automatically. If he's not careful, he will fall asleep like this. Quietly, he adds, "I'm sorry about your friend."
He pulls Wukong over like an oversized teddy bear, wrapping his arms around the other guy's torso. "Don't know," he says, lacing his fingers together to loosely trap him there. "I mean, if you want to know—what about the time we fought," he mutters. "like on the isles. that's when i. um. started having a crush on you." His face gets warm instantly, but he finishes, bravely, "I don't remember when that was, though. I guess right after then I—"
He texted Wukong in what, early June? but if he brings that up he thinks he might die of embarrassment. The you're so fast incident. He sometimes doesn't understand why Wukong hadn't just written him off right there.
...he's blushing harder now, forever grateful his skin doesn't show it.
"—texted—Meryl. About worms. At the beginning of June. I don't know if you ever met, though she's not here anymore." (the chat being gone when he went to open it up for another midnight conversation made him do a double-take.)
He sighs. "So that would be late May?"
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sunsage · 24 days
The touch is pleasant if distracting and it's a little funny that Gabriel is treating him like his cat. He won't point that out. Not if it stops him from being pet!
"Yeah, I dunno either. It will be closer if we pick July, though-" I wasn't thinking about dating you then. He won't say that (no point in it other than being cruel, which is the last thing he wants), but he definitely never thought they'd end up here, sitting on the couch together less than a year later.
It's weird that it's been less than a year. Usually it takes him longer than that to even fall in love, much less admit it. This city sure had a way of speeding things up. Good things. And bad ones.
Part of him wants to pick July just so they can make it to a year, but that's not guaranteed either, is it?
He really doesn't want to think about that. Turning his head, Wukong places a kiss into Gabriel's palm. "Which date do you want to pick? Not that we have to celebrate it either way, just thought it might be nice."
He blinks, but with the helmet it just looks like he's staring down back at Wukong. They're sitting on the sofa, one of his arms wrapped around Wukong's shoulders. He frowns, scratching the fur above Wukong's ear and smoothing it back into place. More absentminded than intentional.
It's getting warmer, now that it's April (especially welcome because of the snowstorm), and it's a lazy afternoon at Wukong's place. House is oddly empty of monkeys, though, besides Macaque—who's sleeping somewhere on the roof, attracted to the sun-warmed clay tiles and lulled into a nap by the heat.
"Of dating? I thought we started in—"
Okay, so thinking about the time Spamton nearly destroyed a dessert shop to set them up still makes him go invisibly red. "Was it July," he says. "With the puppet? Or—" When the city had come under attack that one time. Or when they'd been made human, and they'd, um.
"I'm not sure what counts," he says, evenly, though he's a bit anxious now that the question's been brought to his attention and he can't find an answer. He hasn't been keeping track. Or didn't know he was supposed to.
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sunsage · 25 days
4. A late night text
[txt]: hey bud, have you considered getting a job here?
[txt]: so you wouldn't be tempted to stay up and text people in the middle of the night?
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sunsage · 25 days
beep beeeep
2. A sad text + 14. A text that wasn’t sent
[txt]: I wish I could just take you back home with me. I think you'd like it there. Could get you a good place somewhere in the city. Or back on the mountain with me, if you'd want that. Would you?
Select all text. Delete.
[txt]: i know it's selfish but sometimes I hope I will be the first one to leave. I mean, it's going to happen eventually, right? We can't stay here forever. And just once I don't want to be the one who has to stay. Is it bad?
Select all text. Delete.
[txt]: I don't think I'd like that if I'm being honest. Putting you into that position. It sucks to lose someone you love, you know? I couldn't do that to you. Besides, I should be used to it by now.
Select all text. Delete.
Maybe he should just go to bed.
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sunsage · 25 days
I’ll randomly generate a number between 1-29 for one of the following:
A funny text
A sad text
A scared text
A late night text
An excited text
A taunting text
An angry text
A frustrated text
A concerned text
A loving text
A confession via text
An accidental text
A wrong number text
A text that wasn’t sent
A text for help
A helpful text
A comforting text
A drunk text
A bad idea text
A rude text
A long text
A one word text
A text asking for advice
A final text
A flirty text
A hyper text
A weird text
A sarcastic text
A heartbreaking text
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sunsage · 28 days
Wukong swipes through the calendar app, frowning, clearly trying to calculate something in his head.
"A little over a year, then..." He murmurs, tilts his head up at @light-imperfected. "When do you think our anniversary should be?"
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sunsage · 29 days
What makes you the most emotional about your muse?
Would you like your muse as a person if you met them in real life?
If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away?
questions for the mun, regarding the muse.
1. What makes you the most emotional about your muse?
jade it's 3 am everything is making me emotional about him
Uhh god okay I think it's how he's trying so, so hard always. Tries to be a better person, a better mentor, a better friend. And he fucks it up a lot but there are still people around him who are willing to forgive him and help him get better together.
15. Would you like your muse as a person if you met them in real life?
Yeah, honestly I vibe with his type of men. I'd probably enjoy sitting with him and listening to his stories on a bench in a park while we feed the pidgeons together and he ends up talking for hours but it's fun to listen to him and afterwards he'd give me a phone number of a guy he knows who is my age and single and then we go our separate ways but I never forget about that encounter for the rest of my life.
Or something like that.
6. If you had to take one positive thing away from your muse, what would you take away?
You're always a little stronger than you think and it's never too late to improve yourself.
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sunsage · 29 days
10, 13, 19
questions for the mun, regarding the muse.
10. What do you love about your muse?
There is a really good ask from you in my inbox right now that sums up prefectly what I love about him... I love that he's a very multifaceted character given the canon he's from. I love that he straight up lies about himself and it's not always clear what the truth really is. I love that he definitely has some version of compassion fatigue where he no longer cares for mortals like he once did because they die so fast and it's so hard to deal with every time but he still can't help himself from getting close to those select few that stick around. I love that he cares so much for others but forgot how to care for himself. I love how he gets up no matter what is thrown at him even if it's clear that he's so, so tired of having to do it again and again.
It's very late don't ask me these kinds of questions when I'm sleepy or I will go on forever.
13. What about your muse makes you sad?
His past sucked so bad man and he still refuses to process the most of it. He's also been intensely lonely and isolated for 500+ years which is messed up that he did that to himself! I mean I guess not leaving your house by choice is better than being stuck under a mountain but it also smells very much like depression to me. Which is also one of the saddest parts of his character and a big part of why I picked him: he already outlived his closest friends, friends who could have stayed with him but for one reason or another didn't. And that clearly affected him and how he interacts with the world a lot and it's so, so sad and now he will have to deal with it again someday with MK's friend group.
Also his tendency to throw himself in front of every danger because he's the least likely to die (allegedly) is very sad to think about when you put as much thought as I had into it (a lot).
19. If you had to judge your muse and sentence them to a “fair” fate, what would your judgement be? Would you punish them? Reward them? How?
That's an interesting question for him specifically. I think he's been punished enough at this point I think, but I can't say I'm the right person to decide if he should be rewarded? I'd just sentence him to the life of living well with his friends with no world ending plots for at least the next century.
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