suttonvalentine · 5 years
“Hey! What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Put that down. Right-,” Georgina punctuated her next words with the sound of their cell phone hitting the ground after she’d smacked it out their hand. “Now. Gossip Girl is on hiatus, dumbass. Move it along!” And really, what choice did they have but to do just that? RIP to their phone.
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“Isn’t it a beautiful thing? The bitch,” Sutton lowered her voice at the curse word, “is finally radio silent.”
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
Jesse: 100% no need to apologise, I feel the exact same way
Jesse: I'm glad to hear that you're in
Jesse: I'll text with more details for a meet-up soon. It's time to take a stand 🤘
Sutton: I see that Simba-like vengeance in you. That's Lion King, right? Can't wait. Love ya kid xoxo
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
Frankie let out something akin to a laugh at her comment. He was always the one rambling more than she did whenever they were together. Whether it was because of his stupid crush or the fact that he could actually talk about his passion with her, it didn’t matter. Even watching her stuff her hands into her pockets- wait, was that the same hoodie?- was enough for that damn nostalgia to hit again. Of course he remembered what had happened back in Buffalo. It still made him want to ball up his fists and do something stupid in her name or something ridiculous like that. “Buffalo definitely sucked. Private school skirts and New York bagels are a small price to pay for never having to see that place again.”
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He wished she hadn’t hugged him. All he’d wanted was for her to hug him. For one, small moment he felt like he could let out the breath he was always holding waiting for the other shoe to drop on this new, unreal life he’d made for himself. His throat felt dry and as reluctant as he’d been, he returned her gesture. Nodding, it took longer than it should have for him to realise that wasn’t an answer she could hear. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, you too.” Time to go… “So uh, do you wanna… Get off the street? I mean, camera phones, right? My publicist is a nightmare and maybe you’re hungry. … Maybe?”
“Camera phones, right. I actually know what you mean. Everybody’s a celebrity here. Even fucking Sutton Valentine.” 
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What was another rumor, right? But she didn’t want his name attached to a scandal that would come from paparazzi (though she was sure paparazzi couldn’t be as vicious as Gossip Girl). “There’s a hole in the wall Chinese place through the alley. It’s a quick escape route if you’re as popular as I think you are now.” Sutton had kept up with the Instagram posts, with the television show, and even the tabloids. What she saw there wasn’t what she was seeing now. What a relief and breath of fresh air.
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
sutton & vanessa | texts
Vanessa: I'll only bring the purse sized one then, just in case
Vanessa: Is there time for me to stop & pick us up cronuts or is this a 911 call???
Sutton: was supposed to be 911 but i can't say no to that
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
Jesse: Enough is enough. We have to do something about Gossip Girl and we have to do it now. It's time she was taken down, for good.
Jesse: Will you join in my crusade?
Jesse: ....Yes I did watch Les Mis to get pumped up for this but still. I'm taking Gossip Girl down.
Sutton: You keep me sane, Jesse. I thought I was the only one ready for a witch hunt. bitch hunt.
Sutton: Sry she just has me really triggered right now
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
sutton & vanessa | texts
Vanessa: Good thing I am literally about to finish the shift from hell then
Vanessa: Something wrong?
Vanessa: Do I need to bring a shovel?
Sutton: Ha
Sutton: Hahahaha
Sutton: God, I hope not
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
As soon as she spoke he knew that he’d made the biggest mistake of his new life thus far. Frankie left behind the person he used to be along with the place he used to live in, the people he once knew and that had been just fine. He didn’t look back, didn’t spare any of those assholes a second thought. Except…for her. For Sutton Valentine and he would have known her voice anywhere. The nickname was just the finale nail in the coffin, his chest giving an uncomfortable squeeze at the sound of it and he realised he’d been staring for far too long. Were there cameras nearby? Someone snapping a pic for their Snap story? Frankie should have made up some excuse or snapped his fingers for his driver or pilot or something but he didn’t.
“I didn’t…,” he swallowed, trying again. Get a grip, man. “I didn’t know it was you. Things are- Y'know, you get all sorts of people coming up to you all the time and it all just gets a little uh, Hollywood sometimes. What um, are you doing here?” That probably wasn’t the smoothest question to ask but then again, smooth had never been his strong suit around her. “I mean, I didn’t know you were here. In New York. … You can call me whatever you want.”
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“Careful. You’ll ramble more than I do.” Sutton’s features began to soften, though she shoved her hands into her pockets as though grasping for some feeling of security. Frankie wasn’t the only one wondering if cameras around. Every action, every simple action could be blown out of proportion. Long ago she’d learned that, though. Which led her to... “I moved in with my aunt. After, you know, everything. Um, but yeah, she teaches at a private school here, the one I go to. Uniform and all. Who can blame us for leaving Buffalo? God, it sucked.”
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His sincerity with her had a lasting impression and she felt oddly nostalgic as he offered something as simple as a phone call. She could’ve told him that it worked both ways, that he could’ve picked up the phone whenever and still could. But he’d get the point, Sutton figured as she pulled her balled up fists from the sweater pockets of the Signature™ hoodie and moved in to hug him for a moment of returned sincerity, “It’s good to see you.”
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
It was one of those days (much like every day, really) in which Frankie Vives was so damn busy being involved with himself, that he didn’t even look up. By now he knew all the usual lines to throw out there and maybe he’d even flash a smile if need be but he had places to be, more important people to actually see. Besides, no one was holding a pen out to him so he knew whoever it was probably didn’t need half his attention. He held back an annoyed sigh before waving a hand, his sunglasses shielding any eye rolling he might have been tempted to indulge in too.
“Please, if it’s not life or death, I don’t really have time for whatever it is you need. Hit me up at the next press tour, I’ll send you tickets but you know how it is—,” he recited, never knowing just how badly he should have just looked up, “For we, well, not so little people.”
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Everything anybody said left Sutton simply paranoid. Even Vanessa calling her squeaky clean, then Gossip Girl using the same term word for word had her swearing bullets. Vanessa wouldn’t do that to her, but someone was. That’s why when she heard Frankie Vives’ sudden snark, it felt as though she’d had the wind knocked out of her. She crossed the street to greet her old friend with his growing career. But if this persona were actually him and he was so suddenly roaming the Upper East Side, too... Did he have something to do with Gossip Girl? He was the only person in the city right now that knew of her not-so-squeaky clean past. The past she was sure would be soon exploited.
The girl with the target on her back finally spoke after a sarcastic snort, “I wish I were little. Should I begin calling you Hollywood instead of F.V.?” It’d been a nickname in Buffalo. God, he probably didn’t remember it by now or even care.
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
I don't wanna bend Let the bad girls bend I just wanna be your friend Is it ever gonna be enough?
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
“I mean I like it! I do. You can wear heels or combat boots, or bunny slippers and you’ll still awesome, Sutton. Scout’s honour,” he grinned just for an extra reassurance. He knew that social situations like this weren’t exactly her fave and “fitting in” with the crowd- with this crowd- was no picnic. Jesse wanted to dive into some big old speech about being herself and doing whatever she wanted but he managed to refrain. “You know what it is though… You totally look like the opening of the Lion King. You know, when the sun is all woo-,” he waggled his fingers, “Perfect setting to the greatest movie of all time. That’s fair. Burke couldn’t pass for a pug if he tried so I get that. You’re the best. We might need your Lion King prowess to cause a distraction. You know the opening song, right?”
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“I look like a Lion King?” Sutton, admittedly, had never actually watched the whole flick through when she a kid. Back then, she found talking animals and animated movies not entirely fascination. Boy, she’d take being seven and trying to force herself to watch Lion King all over again if it meant not dealing with the bullshit of the Upper East Side. “Yeah, we’re gonna have to watch that one again. I’m not remembering.”
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
“Right, right. Okay.” Cami nodded as if she could really understand what she was saying. Did Jake mention her? She really couldn’t remember nor was she trying to now that her munchies cravings were starting to kick in. “I do. Guilty. You’re really pretty… okay now I know that’s probably not the best thing to say after I just joked, but I’m being very serious.” 
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“Oh, well, uh...” Sutton smiled and though it was awkward, she’d meant it. Hey, if anyone was going to call her pretty, at least it was a Hunter, right? “You look like you’re having a good time. Almost too good of a time. What are you drinking?”
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
sutton & vanessa | texts
Sutton: I need to talk to you, dude.
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
She doesn’t know jack shit.
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
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“Oooh, you play? I’m horrible at names, but I’m pretty sure he’s mentioned you.” She shrugged, it was more that she didn’t always pay attention to every word Jake said. “Oh, no. I was joking. Jake’s totally a virgin.” 
“Sutton. Yeah, I was in the ambulance that time he was rushed to the hospital when he broke his arm.” Sutton stopped abruptly, her mouth slightly ajar. It took her a few seconds to recover, but eventually she laughed. “Good one. You like to mess with people, huh? I’m an easy person to fool usually.”
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
Probably not officially but that’s what hip flasks were made for I think. Ah—
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No, it’s uh, it’s fine. I mean, we were all there and it happened but that doesn’t mean that you have to be sorry. Chuck’s personal stash of I-think-it’s-alcohol really helped with the black eye. I hope that your mockless mocktail is just ‘cause you wanted one though- no arrests necessary.
“No- No, I definitely want it. I’m not an alcoholic by any means, but being able to drink around adults without them becoming too suspicious, or even caring is a feeling I’ve never experience, sooo.” Sutton shrugged, as that was as good an explanation as any. “Hi, I’m Sutton.”
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suttonvalentine · 6 years
Please. Full disclosure? I’d tell you mine outright so you could pick it but the blonde moms are intimidating. They’d know. Well, at least that’s not over and over and over again.
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You look like a hot sunset, by the way.
“That means a lot coming from you.” Sutton’s shoulders that were once tensed up, slowly eased down as she released a long breath. Though she was dressed up more than she arguably ever had been, it was nice to know her favorite Brooklynite wasn’t thinking the Upper East Side had brainwashed Sutton yet. Or... at least she wasn’t being vocal about it. “I got a little too into it but-- Well, who’s gonna judge me? I’m not interesting enough to be judged. Squeaky clean.” 
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