sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.
— Nicole Krauss, The History of Love
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
It’s Sinday! Send 💋 to straight up kiss my muse!
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
Sniffling, Robin ran a nervous hand through her long blonde hair, fighting back tears as she slowly shook her head. She didn’t want it to be true but Lucas...no, Loki...only confirmed with his reaction. Not even bothering to try to deny it.
“I haven’t done anything...” She managed to choke out, a few stray tears beginning to break free to roll down her cheeks. “I trusted you! I gave you home! I started to fall for you like a damned fool and you lied to me! Everything you have ever said was a lie!” Everyday for the past several months was a vicious lie.
Duncan trotted into the room with his head low and teeth bared, growling deeply at the sound of his master’s distress. The world was crashing down around her, or at least she swore it was, not understanding how she missed the fact of who he truly was.
@sweetrobinbryne​ sent in a meme:  “Stay the fuck away from me!” 
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Loki rose slowly from his seat. He made no attempt to approach Robin, particularly because he did not want to provoke Duncan. With his powers the dog wouldn’t have been a problem, its mind easy enough to pacify, but he remained bereft of his abilities.
“I take it you’ve discovered who I am. Am I to expect the American government to swoop in and spirit me away for dissection, or would you rather put a bullet in me yourself and undo your good work?”
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
So. I know times are hard for everyone right now, but due to the virus my hours were cut tremendously. I have two kids to take care, one who is barely over a year old. I don’t like asking for help, but I need it at the moment, and I don’t really have any other choice at the moment. If you can’t donate, then please at least share this. That’s all I ask. Thank you so much. My PayPal is here. and my Venmo is @yourstrulyxo1thank you all so much.
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
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high tide
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
“Not yet you’re not.” Robin teased, sitting back comfortably in her chair with a Cheshire Cat grin curling her lips. Fingers tapped in rhythm on the table top as she took a moment to study him closely, her mind mulling over what would be the best opening question. But it quickly hit her that they never came to terms on what the winner would get out of this exchange.
“Should we have stakes to this little game of ours?” Her brow raised curiously as she took another sip of her wine, gazing at him over the rim of the glass. “Or maybe we should change the game a bit to make whatever stakes we choose worth it?” She paused for a moment then leaned forward with a mischievous glint in her eye. “How about this, for every answer that is given, the other guesses if it is a truth or lie? If the person guesses correctly, then they get a point. If they are wrong, then the person who answered gets a point. First to 10 points wins.”
@sweetrobinbryne | x
Robin stepped into the restaurant with her bag over a shoulder and book tucked under her arm, looking forward to having someone else cook for her while she got to sit back and read. Until her gaze fell upon a familiar silhouette in the back corner and her face lit up, indicating to the host that she would sit with her friend.
“Like you would ever be interested in dating me.” She teased with a wink, setting her bag and book in the empty seat next to her. “I just came in for dinner and saw you sitting back here alone. Didn’t think you mind the company, am I wrong?”
A waiter stepped up beside them and looked at her curiously, Robin quickly recovering. “I’ll a sauvignon blanc, please. Chilled.” A quick nod and the waiter was on his way to fetch her drink as she turned back to Hades. “Unless you are waiting for someone else. I can go find my own table, I didn’t mean to intrude on your evening.”
  --- If the King of the Underworld were to be honest, he hadn’t thought of the possibility of dating a human, let alone Robin specifically. But the prospect of it did pique an interest in the god’s brain. Would he date her? How could he? It’s not like he could be truthful to her about who he really was, after all. Wasn’t that what relationships were built on?
“Oh, don’t flatter yourself. As if you could even handle all of this...” He gestured to himself and winked back at her. He’d be lying if her own wink didn’t send a flutter in his gut, but he masked it well. Though as it looked like she was ready to leave the table, Hades quickly placed a large hand over her own to stop her.
“Please don’t. I-” Realizing his hand was on hers, he removed it and cleared his throat. “Really, I’m not expecting anyone, nor do I wish to be alone. It was just a surprise that we’d find each other here. Though I must say, I’m not complaining. So I insist that you stay. Please.”
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
here’s a plot… muse a is a rlly powerful criminal. he basically has the world under their thumb. he’s killed lots of people (or at least ordered a lot of people to be killed) and he’s made a LOT of money this way. muse b, meanwhile, is a relatively ordinary person – she’s the girl next door. through a turn of events, the two meet and begin a fling. (muse a may or may not have a spouse at home, but that’s neither here nor there.) muse b knows muse a is a criminal – everyone does – but she enjoys the rush and the excitement. 
one day, though, muse b finds out she’s pregnant. and she realizes that muse a is not a suitable father for her baby. he’s too dangerous. death and destruction follows him everywhere he goes, and, as much as she cares about him, she knows he’s not exactly a good person. so she gives it to him straight: she’s going to end their relationship, move, and raise their child alone, and muse a is going to stay away. muse a truly loves muse b, so he agrees to her terms, and does her one better: he’ll send money to help raise the kid, and even pay for her new home.
fast forward some years. muse b is settled into her new life with her child, and muse a has stuck to his promises. at least until one day, he shows up on her doorstep. he has several armed guards, and a car ready to go.
“grab our kid and get in the car,” he says. “someone found out, and my enemies are after the two of you.”
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
Much to Robin’s surprise, Dillinger made an appearance and slid into the chair across from her. He didn’t waste a second in working that charm on her and it was working, not that she didn’t know what he was doing. But still, it was nice for someone to treat her so genuinely rather than trying to placate her with false platitudes. Not like Frank Nitti. He was real. Capturing her attention with every word that left his lips and each simple gesture. So suave and debonair.
A waitress appeared next to the table to set down her glass of wine and two menus. Robin happily took a long sip of her white wine as she continued to listen, rolling it around in the glass before finally setting it back down.
“Mister Dillinger, I’m sure that the only reason I recognized you is because of your posters. But I can assure you that they do not do you any justice.” She teased playfully with a small tilt of her head, though it was the truth. He was very handsome. Picking up the menu, she looked it over carefully. It wasn’t exactly like the menus she normally ordered from, less options and a bit less elegant entrees. But she was never one to judge a book by its cover.
“I’ll have the chicken, please.” A small smile as she handed the menu back to the waitress. “Thank you. And if you don’t mind, I’ll have a slice of the chocolate cake for dessert and a glass of red wine when you bring it out.” She waited a moment for Dillinger to order, taking another sip of her wine.
“My meeting went very well, thank you for asking.” Prim and proper as always, per her father’s instructions. “During my lunch with the mayor, I took the liberty to tell the chief of police that you and your men are off limits. That you are here on business with me and should anything come to end our negotiations prematurely then him and I would have to discuss our arrangements.” It cost her an extra $500 under the table to keep his head off of the chopping block but she had been looking forward to their dinner.
“So I would appreciate it if you kept your men wrangled during your time here. Especially the short, loud one. While I do have an arrangment with the police of chief to keep my business dealings going smoothly, I also assured him that no one in uniform will be harmed. I am one to keep my promises and I am putting a lot of faith in you, Mister Dillinger, someone I only just met today. But your reputation proceeds you. A modern day Robin Hood.”
The Track
It was a picturesque day in Florida, a rare one at that. The heat and humidity wasn’t overbearing nor oppressing, a light breeze making it all the more comfortable. A break from what was almost an unsufferable week and every man in Dillinger’s gang appreciated the reprieve, deciding to take advantage of the pleasurable weather and head to the horse track to place some bets and have a few beers.
Pierpont leaned back in his seat to sip at his ice cold drink as the horses thundered by on the track, listening to the boys joke and laugh behind him, doing exactly what they came here for. A good time and possibly make some money. The track wasn’t overly busy but still had a good amount of people there, mostly in the standing area where tickets were cheapest. His eyes roamed over the seating on the opposite of the track before quickly settling on a single woman who stood out like a sore thumb, impossible to miss her.
“Hey Red…” He called out over his shoulder, gaze never leaving the woman as nodded in her direction. “Isn’t that Bryne’s daughter over there?”
Hamilton turned his attention in the direction that Pierpont nodded and squinted as he tried to pick out who he was talking about, eyes going wide when he finally spotted her. “Holy shit, it is! What is she doing down here?”
“Looks like Nitti is trying to get back in her good graces.” Pierpont easily spotted Frank Nitti with a combination of who could only assume to be both of his and Bryne’s men. Nitti was sitting as close as he could seem to manage to get her with their lackies sitting around them in a wide circle to keep others away.
“Brave man, that’s for sure. He’s lucky she hasn’t put a bullet in his head.” Red said matter of factly before taking a sip of his beer.
“Who in the hell are you two squawking on about? I don’t see no dame.” Nelson cut in with his nasally voice, instantly making Hamilton tense and roll his eyes.
“How fucking blind are you?! The girl in the white dress and hat. Long blonde hair.” Pierpont spun around in his chair to look at Nelson as if the man was obviously bat shit crazy. “And don’t call her a dame. Not if you value your life.”
“Wait, Bryne?…He worked with Capone, right?” Homer poked his head into the conversation, now catching the rest of the gang’s attention at the mention of Capone’s infamous name.
“Yeah. Side by side for years. Walking on top of the world those two. Until something went wrong at a drop and Bryne got a bullet in the back of his head.” Hamilton huffed out, giving a quick glance to Dillinger.
“I remember that! Everyone thought that Nitti had something to do with it. It wasn’t by chance that he became Capone’s right hand man after Bryne was gone.” Homer finished off his beer and waved for another one.
“He was banking on the fact that Bryne’s part of the business would just disappear with him gone. No one but Capone knew that Bryne left everything to his daughter. Hell, no one knew she even existed! Bryne had her stashed away here in Florida while he ran his business in Chicago. Surprised the fuck out of everyone when she came out of the woodwork.” Red pointed her out across the way to John.
“Rumor has it though she’s got the face of an angel. Right out of a movie she is.” Pierpont added with a laugh. As if on cue, Robin stood from her chair and stepped around the small table, putting her hand up for her men to stay where they were when they jumped to their feet to follow. Her white lace dress flowed and moved with her every step, showing off her slim figure and round behind while the wide brimmed sun hat covered her face. Walking down a small set of stairs, she stopped briefly at the railing to look over the race track as the next set of horses and jockeys were set into the chute, waiting for the starting gun before she turned to head down the walkway and through the tunnel, out of sight.
“What do you think, Johnnie? Underneath that hat she has the face of an angel? Or is she hiding what an ugly broad she actually is?” Hamilton nudged Dillinger with his elbow and a laugh, eager to hear what he had to say.
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
“Of course,” Confirming it with a small nod, she stood from the chair, careful not to step on Duncan as he jumped up immediately, his gaze firmly on the man. A quick motion of her hand for the dog to stay where he was and she went over the couch side, holding her hands out to help him up.
“Here, let me help. You don’t want to strain yourself and tear your stitches. There’s no promise I can stitch you back up!” She teased, waiting for him to take her hands.
In The Wilderness
It had been a few years since she had to pick buckshot out of flesh, the last time when a fiery neighbor further down the mountain had shot Duncan, but she managed just fine, her hand steady as ever. There were only eight pellets spread out shallowly across the man’s chest, six of them currently sitting in bowl beside her as she carefully dug out the seventh then quickly moved onto the eighth. After the last ping of metal to match the others that were removed, it was time for the stitches and luckily not many were needed, only two or three per wound. To be safe, she radioed back down to the doctor in town to make sure she had followed his directions and had done everything correctly, which he reassured that she had.
Robin had stumbled across the oddly dressed yet unconscious man in the middle of the wilderness, miles away from the town that was nestled against the far side of the mountain. With the fast approaching storm on the horizon, it was obvious he would not survive the night if left alone and trying to reach the town before the snow was not feasible. It took awhile to get him on the ATV and back to the house but there was a small sense of relief as she dragged him in the side door, into the living room and onto the couch.
After the stitches were finished and all other wounds were checked and cleaned quite thoroughly, Robin bandaged him as gently as possible, not wanting to cause anymore pain than necessary, though he was still asleep. She left him to rest on the couch while she lit a fire in the hearth and started a hearty stew in the slow cooker to help him regain his strength before plopping down in the arm chair close by to him. With a yawn, her gaze moved over him to double check all of her work and make sure there was nothing she missed, the tote full of medical supplies open on the floor next to him just in case.
On the second floor, she could hear Duncan gnawing away at the bone she given him to distract him while she tended to their guest and mostly keep him away from the bloody clothes now set aside in the bathroom. They did give her pause when she actually had the chance to look at them, also realizing he was missing a sandal, causing her to worry about hypothermia and cocooning him in blankets. Nothing, she had missed nothing. The thought gave her some comfort as she lost the fight against exhaustion and fell asleep curled up in the arm chair.
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
Robin couldn’t help the smile that lit up her face with relief. “Thank you...again.” Tucking a stray lock of blonde hair behind her ear with a small, she turned to leave again but then once again stopping short to look back at the handsome stranger. “Um, I am going to be in the city for awhile and since you are probably busy right now, may I offer that should our paths across again that I owe you a drink for your help and kindness? Coffee, tea, beer, or whatever you prefer to drink.” She smiled, hopeful but at the same time trying not come off as completely desperate.
She looks in the direction he points then back at him with a warm smile. “I can’t thank you enough!” Taking a few steps back to leave, she stopped herself short on whatever whim crossed her mind in the moment. “Are there any areas of the city I should avoid? Though…I will most likely stumble upon it anyways. I can’t find the place I’m looking for so I’ll most certainly have no issue finding the one I need to avoid.”
      Elijah’s brow arches upward a little as she turns back, and he hums softly as he thinks on it before refocusing back on her. “Not on your route. This is quite a quiet part of the city, you shouldn’t find yourself in any trouble here.” He offers her a smile, briefly flicking his gaze across her. “I can’t imagine you’ll find it too difficult to find your way, the streets for once aren’t flooded with party goers.”
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
Robin watched cautiously as Dillinger dug around in his jacket and pulled out a card then scribbled some information down on it before handing it over to her, their fingers brushing against each other’s. It sent heat straight to her face and once again filled her cheeks with a soft blush. Oh, he was charming. A sweet southern kind that made a girl go weak in the knees. Though she did not show anything else about how he made her feel, her heart fluttering excitedly in her chest.
“We’ll see if I can find the time. I did have plans with the chief of police this afternoon to discuss my ventures and business dealings. Priorities. Surely, you understand given...” She raised her brows with a small nod towards him, implying who he was as a notorious criminal.
“Enjoy the rest of the races, Mister Dillinger. Hopefully you find them profitable.” With that, she turned and continued on her way towards the stables, fighting to keep herself from looking over her shoulder back to him. Her father always said to never look back, especially after making an impression. It was a sign of weakness. In this case, it would only show Dillinger that she actually was interested in meeting him and then he would be in control of the game.
She couldn’t have that...
It was 6:15 when Robin finally walked into the bar of the hotel whose name that Dillinger had scribbled onto the card, her men right behind her without fail. Even if she had ordered them to stay at the penthouse, they would have followed her anyways, ever her father’s loyal men and over protective. After the encounter in the tunnel earlier that day, they wouldn’t dare allow for her to leave their sight, especially when Dillinger’s men could so easily make another appearance and leave her outnumbered once again.
Stepping through the door, she had passed up her white flowing dress for a skin tight red one, the wide brimmed hat set aside for her blonde to hang freely in loose curls that spilled down her back and a jet black wallet purse in hand to match her heels. Bright blue eyes scanned over the bar for the notorious criminal but he was nowhere to be seen and her heart sank. The meeting with the chief of police ran later than expected, though it had been a rather fruitful endeavor. Obviously, John Dillinger did not feel like waiting for her. A disappointed sigh and she glanced over her shoulder to James and Edward, suddenly feeling foolish for getting all dolled up.
“Why don’t you two take the night off? I apparently will be dining by myself, there’s no reason why you both will be forced to watch. Go enjoy yourselves.” Waving them off before they could argue, Robin found an open by the window with no one else around and sat down, waiting for the waitress to come serve her.
The Track
It was a picturesque day in Florida, a rare one at that. The heat and humidity wasn’t overbearing nor oppressing, a light breeze making it all the more comfortable. A break from what was almost an unsufferable week and every man in Dillinger’s gang appreciated the reprieve, deciding to take advantage of the pleasurable weather and head to the horse track to place some bets and have a few beers.
Pierpont leaned back in his seat to sip at his ice cold drink as the horses thundered by on the track, listening to the boys joke and laugh behind him, doing exactly what they came here for. A good time and possibly make some money. The track wasn’t overly busy but still had a good amount of people there, mostly in the standing area where tickets were cheapest. His eyes roamed over the seating on the opposite of the track before quickly settling on a single woman who stood out like a sore thumb, impossible to miss her.
“Hey Red…” He called out over his shoulder, gaze never leaving the woman as nodded in her direction. “Isn’t that Bryne’s daughter over there?”
Hamilton turned his attention in the direction that Pierpont nodded and squinted as he tried to pick out who he was talking about, eyes going wide when he finally spotted her. “Holy shit, it is! What is she doing down here?”
“Looks like Nitti is trying to get back in her good graces.” Pierpont easily spotted Frank Nitti with a combination of who could only assume to be both of his and Bryne’s men. Nitti was sitting as close as he could seem to manage to get her with their lackies sitting around them in a wide circle to keep others away.
“Brave man, that’s for sure. He’s lucky she hasn’t put a bullet in his head.” Red said matter of factly before taking a sip of his beer.
“Who in the hell are you two squawking on about? I don’t see no dame.” Nelson cut in with his nasally voice, instantly making Hamilton tense and roll his eyes.
“How fucking blind are you?! The girl in the white dress and hat. Long blonde hair.” Pierpont spun around in his chair to look at Nelson as if the man was obviously bat shit crazy. “And don’t call her a dame. Not if you value your life.”
“Wait, Bryne?…He worked with Capone, right?” Homer poked his head into the conversation, now catching the rest of the gang’s attention at the mention of Capone’s infamous name.
“Yeah. Side by side for years. Walking on top of the world those two. Until something went wrong at a drop and Bryne got a bullet in the back of his head.” Hamilton huffed out, giving a quick glance to Dillinger.
“I remember that! Everyone thought that Nitti had something to do with it. It wasn’t by chance that he became Capone’s right hand man after Bryne was gone.” Homer finished off his beer and waved for another one.
“He was banking on the fact that Bryne’s part of the business would just disappear with him gone. No one but Capone knew that Bryne left everything to his daughter. Hell, no one knew she even existed! Bryne had her stashed away here in Florida while he ran his business in Chicago. Surprised the fuck out of everyone when she came out of the woodwork.” Red pointed her out across the way to John.
“Rumor has it though she’s got the face of an angel. Right out of a movie she is.” Pierpont added with a laugh. As if on cue, Robin stood from her chair and stepped around the small table, putting her hand up for her men to stay where they were when they jumped to their feet to follow. Her white lace dress flowed and moved with her every step, showing off her slim figure and round behind while the wide brimmed sun hat covered her face. Walking down a small set of stairs, she stopped briefly at the railing to look over the race track as the next set of horses and jockeys were set into the chute, waiting for the starting gun before she turned to head down the walkway and through the tunnel, out of sight.
“What do you think, Johnnie? Underneath that hat she has the face of an angel? Or is she hiding what an ugly broad she actually is?” Hamilton nudged Dillinger with his elbow and a laugh, eager to hear what he had to say.
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
The man who had been introduced as John Dillinger stepped forward to offer his apologies for the commotion and misunderstanding, even being a true gentleman and removing his hat as he addressed her directly. Robin felt her heart flutter in excitement at meeting his deep dark gaze and the small blush filled her cheeks once again, finding something about his charm that was undeniable.
“Miss Bryne, this is John Dillinger and his gang. They are just…criminals. Not worth your time.” Nitti waved them off before putting a hand the small of her back to lead her away until James suddenly appeared to tackle the man away from her and into the wall of the tunnel.
“So what makes you any better than him? Cause all I see is a little man who is willing to do whatever takes to get what he wants -including murder- and thinks himself better than everyone else for no god damn good reason. Last I checked Frank, you weren’t working an honest paying job, were you?” Robin noted with a sharp tongue, stepping closer to Nitti, she glared at him around James. “You know, my father always said you can tell a man’s character simply by how much he demands respect and how little he gives to others.”
Not allowing Nitti a chance to answer, she turned to face Edward, who still had his gun drawn on Dillinger’s gang. “Edward, as always I thank you for your prompt attention but you can put that away now.” The oversized nodded then holstered the pistol, stepping back and relaxed. Robin looked over her shoulder to the two men against the wall. “James, if you would be so kind...”
“Yes, Miss Bryne.” James nodded and released Nitti.
“Boys, you are far too kind to me.” She smiled warmly to both of her men. “If you wouldn’t mind, could you please escort Frank and Mr. Dillinger’s men back to their seats. They are missing the races. Besides, Mr. Dillinger and I were discussing the ponies before we were so rudely interrupted.”
“Of course, Miss Bryne.” Both of the men chimed, Edward grabbing Nitti by his jacket and beginning to push him down the tunnel. James stepped towards the group of three men but the tallest put his hands out to stop him.
“Hey, hey now. None of that. We can see ourselves out.” Red shoved Nelson down the tunnel with a deep growl. “Not a god damn word out of you!” He glanced over his shoulder to Robin with an apologetic looks in his eyes. “I’m sorry, miss. I meant no harm. Was just tryin’ to catch this fool.”
“Hey-” Nelson’s high pitched cry was quickly cut off as Pierpont grabbed him by the hair and dragged him off.
“Thank you for that.” Robin nodded to Hamilton as he left then looked Dillinger as they were suddenly alone again. “Like I said, Twenty Grab is horse to bet on tonight.”
The Track
It was a picturesque day in Florida, a rare one at that. The heat and humidity wasn’t overbearing nor oppressing, a light breeze making it all the more comfortable. A break from what was almost an unsufferable week and every man in Dillinger’s gang appreciated the reprieve, deciding to take advantage of the pleasurable weather and head to the horse track to place some bets and have a few beers.
Pierpont leaned back in his seat to sip at his ice cold drink as the horses thundered by on the track, listening to the boys joke and laugh behind him, doing exactly what they came here for. A good time and possibly make some money. The track wasn’t overly busy but still had a good amount of people there, mostly in the standing area where tickets were cheapest. His eyes roamed over the seating on the opposite of the track before quickly settling on a single woman who stood out like a sore thumb, impossible to miss her.
“Hey Red…” He called out over his shoulder, gaze never leaving the woman as nodded in her direction. “Isn’t that Bryne’s daughter over there?”
Hamilton turned his attention in the direction that Pierpont nodded and squinted as he tried to pick out who he was talking about, eyes going wide when he finally spotted her. “Holy shit, it is! What is she doing down here?”
“Looks like Nitti is trying to get back in her good graces.” Pierpont easily spotted Frank Nitti with a combination of who could only assume to be both of his and Bryne’s men. Nitti was sitting as close as he could seem to manage to get her with their lackies sitting around them in a wide circle to keep others away.
“Brave man, that’s for sure. He’s lucky she hasn’t put a bullet in his head.” Red said matter of factly before taking a sip of his beer.
“Who in the hell are you two squawking on about? I don’t see no dame.” Nelson cut in with his nasally voice, instantly making Hamilton tense and roll his eyes.
“How fucking blind are you?! The girl in the white dress and hat. Long blonde hair.” Pierpont spun around in his chair to look at Nelson as if the man was obviously bat shit crazy. “And don’t call her a dame. Not if you value your life.”
“Wait, Bryne?…He worked with Capone, right?” Homer poked his head into the conversation, now catching the rest of the gang’s attention at the mention of Capone’s infamous name.
“Yeah. Side by side for years. Walking on top of the world those two. Until something went wrong at a drop and Bryne got a bullet in the back of his head.” Hamilton huffed out, giving a quick glance to Dillinger.
“I remember that! Everyone thought that Nitti had something to do with it. It wasn’t by chance that he became Capone’s right hand man after Bryne was gone.” Homer finished off his beer and waved for another one.
“He was banking on the fact that Bryne’s part of the business would just disappear with him gone. No one but Capone knew that Bryne left everything to his daughter. Hell, no one knew she even existed! Bryne had her stashed away here in Florida while he ran his business in Chicago. Surprised the fuck out of everyone when she came out of the woodwork.” Red pointed her out across the way to John.
“Rumor has it though she’s got the face of an angel. Right out of a movie she is.” Pierpont added with a laugh. As if on cue, Robin stood from her chair and stepped around the small table, putting her hand up for her men to stay where they were when they jumped to their feet to follow. Her white lace dress flowed and moved with her every step, showing off her slim figure and round behind while the wide brimmed sun hat covered her face. Walking down a small set of stairs, she stopped briefly at the railing to look over the race track as the next set of horses and jockeys were set into the chute, waiting for the starting gun before she turned to head down the walkway and through the tunnel, out of sight.
“What do you think, Johnnie? Underneath that hat she has the face of an angel? Or is she hiding what an ugly broad she actually is?” Hamilton nudged Dillinger with his elbow and a laugh, eager to hear what he had to say.
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
As Hades made himself comfy in his seat, Robin sipped happily at her wine and leaned back in her own. She didn’t know what it was but there was something about someone pouring her wine for her that made it taste so much better than when she did it herself. Smirking over the rim of her glass at his question, she set it back down onto the table and leaned onto her elbows to meet his intense gaze.
“You never show all of the cards in your hand, Hades.” A playful smile curled her lips. “It makes the rest of the game boring, don’t you think? Besides what fun is there in life without a little mystery?” Another wink with a glint in the corner of her bright blue eyes.
“Or if you want to know that much, we could play a game. For every question you ask, I get to ask one. The answer must be truthful though. No lies on either side.” Robin raised a brow in challenge, curious to see if he would accept. After all, he was the one who had asked about her. “Just know, you might not like all of the answers. The devil is in the details.”
@sweetrobinbryne | x
Robin stepped into the restaurant with her bag over a shoulder and book tucked under her arm, looking forward to having someone else cook for her while she got to sit back and read. Until her gaze fell upon a familiar silhouette in the back corner and her face lit up, indicating to the host that she would sit with her friend.
“Like you would ever be interested in dating me.” She teased with a wink, setting her bag and book in the empty seat next to her. “I just came in for dinner and saw you sitting back here alone. Didn’t think you mind the company, am I wrong?”
A waiter stepped up beside them and looked at her curiously, Robin quickly recovering. “I’ll a sauvignon blanc, please. Chilled.” A quick nod and the waiter was on his way to fetch her drink as she turned back to Hades. “Unless you are waiting for someone else. I can go find my own table, I didn’t mean to intrude on your evening.”
  — If the King of the Underworld were to be honest, he hadn’t thought of the possibility of dating a human, let alone Robin specifically. But the prospect of it did pique an interest in the god’s brain. Would he date her? How could he? It’s not like he could be truthful to her about who he really was, after all. Wasn’t that what relationships were built on?
“Oh, don’t flatter yourself. As if you could even handle all of this…” He gestured to himself and winked back at her. He’d be lying if her own wink didn’t send a flutter in his gut, but he masked it well. Though as it looked like she was ready to leave the table, Hades quickly placed a large hand over her own to stop her.
“Please don’t. I-” Realizing his hand was on hers, he removed it and cleared his throat. “Really, I’m not expecting anyone, nor do I wish to be alone. It was just a surprise that we’d find each other here. Though I must say, I’m not complaining. So I insist that you stay. Please.”
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
She looks in the direction he points then back at him with a warm smile. “I can’t thank you enough!” Taking a few steps back to leave, she stopped herself short on whatever whim crossed her mind in the moment. “Are there any areas of the city I should avoid? Though...I will most likely stumble upon it anyways. I can’t find the place I’m looking for so I’ll most certainly have no issue finding the one I need to avoid.”
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 @sweetrobinbryne​ asked: “Excuse me, I hate to sound like a tourist but I’m a little lost. I should probably just give up and head back to the hotel but I kind of had my heart set seeing the French Market. The music, architecture, and all that. Could you possibly point me in the right direction?” 
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      He’s distracted from his thoughts when someone addresses him, and he lifts a brow slightly as he turns to face her. At her question, his gaze flicks over her before he offers her a fleeting smile and gestures off to his right. “It’s about five minutes that way. I’m quite certain you’ll hear it when you’re close enough.” 
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
There was no hiding how her face lit up at seeing the flowers Apollo had brought her, even more so when he kissed her cheek. Taking the flowers with a shy smile, Robin stepped aside so he could come inside and then shut the door before heading towards the kitchen. “I’m going to put these in water real quick, make yourself comfortable.”
She was sure to be quick taking care of the flowers, getting them in water and setting them on a windowsill before grabbing a beer from the fridge. Another deep breath to calm herself enough to walk back into the living room without looking like a complete hot mess.
“I’m sorry, all I have is beer left. I have to run to the grocery store tomorrow.” Twisting off the top, she crossed the room to hand him the bottle then sit back on the arm of the couch. “I’m not going to lie, I have no idea. I’ve tried to figure it out but...I guess I’m still new to the area.” She shrugged with a small laugh.
“What would a hint cost me?” Flirt. But robin couldn’t help herself around Apollo. Not with how she felt about him.
  — Apollo stood in his bedroom fixing his leather jacket over his tee. His palms were clammy and his brow was dotted with sweat. It was only a date. He’d been on plenty of dates and had been with a bit more than few women throughout his lifetime, but this felt different to him. Or rather, the person was different. Robin was unlike any other woman he’d been with before. Smart, funny, a spitfire, beautiful beyond all reason. The thought of her alone made Apollo weak in the knees, and now he was trying to prepare for a date night with her.
Looking at his clock, his eyes went wide. I need to be there in five minutes, damn!
Quickly, he grabbed what he needed and ran out the door to his car. Arriving at Robin’s place, he jumped out and rang the doorbell, announcing his arrival. He ran a hand through his honey brown locks and proceeded to hold the bouquet of wild flowers as carefully as possible. The God of the Sun felt like a timid boy in that moment as he waited for Robin to open the door.
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sweetrobinbryne · 4 years
Ten minutes to herself was all she wanted. Ten minutes of no body guards. Ten minutes of not having Frank Nitti trying to get into her good graces. Though with taking her father’s place as head of the business after his passing, it seemed impossible just to have a moment to herself. Her small escape through the tunnel seemed to have worked in her favor, having told her men that she was more than capable of using the ladies room by herself. The comment struck a nervous chord with them as they all quickly sat back down and let her leave in peace.
All they saw was the pretty face of a defenseless woman and her innocence, not knowing how that piece of her had died the day her father was murdered.
Robin was almost home free, the end of the tunnel that led to the exit of the stadium and also to the stables was only a few feet away and she could barely keep herself from running for it…until a smooth deep voice called out from behind her, stopping her in her tracks. Regretfully. She silently cursed the manners she brought up with and turned around to face the man calling out to her, having tilt her chin up to raise the brim of her hat enough to meet his gaze. To her surprise, he was handsome with dark deep brown eyes and a light scar running down his cheek, confidence just rolling off of him in thick waves. Not arrogantly though. 
His charming smile brought a soft blush to her cheeks that warmed her face and she tried to ignore, not willing to admit to herself. “While you may find an outside opinion helpful, I personally prefer an inside one. Twenty Grand is the horse to win. He had a strong season last year and his trainer told me that he has already beaten those times in the off season.” Speaking her peace, she turned to continue on her way but stopped herself short a step, brow furrowing as she looked back to the man.
Something wasn’t sitting right with her. There was an odd strange sense of familiarity about him.
“I’m sorry, have we met before? Your face seems...so familiar. I just can’t put my finger on where I’ve seen you.” More hardened criminals came to her father’s funeral to kiss her hand in loyalty than were imprisoned in most state jails. It was a fact she didn’t shake a stick at. Yet she didn’t think it was at the funeral she saw him.
“Hey Johnnie! Who’s the broad?!” Nelson’s nasally high pitched voice echoed down the tunnel.
Robin easily spotted the short portly man coming there way, her face twisting in disgust at what she had been called. “I beg your pardon?!”
“Cool it there, doll face. I meant no harm.” Nelson laughed back at her, already beginning to eye her up and down as he approached.
“Nelson, you bastard!” A larger man rounded the corner of the tunnel to run towards the smaller one, quickly followed by a third.
Robin’s blue eyes went wide as she realized she was outnumbered in the tunnel, walking backwards with one hand on the wall to guide herself, never taking her eyes off of the scene unfolding before her. “EDWARD! JAMES!” She called for her bodyguards over the sound of the three men now arguing and was soon grateful for how much she paid them, two oversized men appearing at the end of the tunnel with guns drawn....with Frank and his goons right behind them.
“STEP AWAY FROM HER!” James shouted with a voice that nearly shook the walls.
“Ms. Bryne, are you alright?” Edward was moving towards her, never lowering his gun from the bickering three men.
“John?” Nitti questioned with a curious cock of his head. “Pierpont? Red...what are you boys doing here?”
The Track
It was a picturesque day in Florida, a rare one at that. The heat and humidity wasn’t overbearing nor oppressing, a light breeze making it all the more comfortable. A break from what was almost an unsufferable week and every man in Dillinger’s gang appreciated the reprieve, deciding to take advantage of the pleasurable weather and head to the horse track to place some bets and have a few beers.
Pierpont leaned back in his seat to sip at his ice cold drink as the horses thundered by on the track, listening to the boys joke and laugh behind him, doing exactly what they came here for. A good time and possibly make some money. The track wasn’t overly busy but still had a good amount of people there, mostly in the standing area where tickets were cheapest. His eyes roamed over the seating on the opposite of the track before quickly settling on a single woman who stood out like a sore thumb, impossible to miss her.
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