syntheticdesign · 2 years
"On the contrary it's refreshing to have someone actually say it and not bullshit." While he has to sit there and have some sort of social construct, Harold is less than enthused most days. The professor is of the mind he wants to be told the truth and not tiptoed around. She can agree on the same? Then they will move on the right path.
He flicked his pen atop his desk. Straightening in his chair, his eyes narrowed over her. "My demeanor keeps me sane. We all have our - problems."
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Some more than others. This sounded like a typical couple's spat. The type that Edwin Deacon deals with but is that evil to send her to him? Any other time he would hardly care.
"Now. He leaves you said. Does he physically remove himself or is he threatening to leave you? Also. Would he agree to come in and join a session? I feel you both need to air out your grievances."
@ixonmaiden // prev
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syntheticdesign · 2 years
@itsagraywcrld asked:
“Why do I get the feeling you’re not telling me the truth?”
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Suspicious Sentence Starters
Journalists always have something to say. This one is no different but she is really becoming a nuisance. Always sticking her nose into things around his office, Harold wondered if she really knew what she was doing? Too stupid to realize she asked too many questions.
Harold left his chair as she continued. Keeping her busy, he kept talking, feigning a need to grab something from the back of his office.
"I have answered all that robot's questions. Answered yours. What else do you want?" Their investigation is leading them too close. She's too nosy. Perhaps too trusting to come here alone. His sister was trusting too. Trusting of the wrong things and they killed her for it. "You may have to rethink," the psychiatrist continued as he pulled a pair of leather gloves on. "On your plan, Ms Gray." He came up behind where she sat.
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syntheticdesign · 2 years
@ixonmaiden asked:
“I don’t trust you. Not yet.”
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Suspicious Sentence Starters
Difficult people have to be difficult. He should have handed this one off to Deacon. At least the bastard could handle this type of stubborn. As someone obnoxious himself, his former psychiatrist would have a field day. This wasn't about that. This is is about having Ava Wynter open up about her troubles.
If Harold had a dollar for everyone who spoke about childhood trauma he'd be a damn millionaire. Too little too late for the notion.
"What do you expect to get out of this? If you can't answer simple questions about you and your husband? You came into this office yourself. It was your choice. If you don't want to cooperate then by all means. Leave. Carry on."
mentioned: @wynterlanding
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syntheticdesign · 2 years
@lavishbylaw asked:
“I don’t trust you. Not yet.”
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Suspicious Sentence Starters
"To have this discussion become helpful to you something has to give." The same old thing from people who spend their money. They come in to sort their problems but none want to give him anything in return. Not that he utterly cares to have anything from these people. Strangers on the street could pass him by and he would thank them for never saying a weak, "hello, how are you?" to him.
Harold looked at her directly. He tapped his fountain pen against his notepad.
"We are here to relieve you of the burden of the tragedy with your baby. If you do not trust to speak to me.... why are you here?"
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syntheticdesign · 2 years
Suspicious Sentence Starters
Send me one of the following sentences regarding suspicion, trust, and paranoia.
“I’m not sure you have the best intentions.” “When have I ever steered you wrong?” “What makes you think I can trust you?” “I don’t trust you. Not yet.” “It’s hard for me to believe anything you say.” “It hurts that you still can’t trust me after all this time.” “I made a mistake, okay? Are you going to distrust me forever?” “It takes me a long time to open up to people, I’m sorry.” “There’s someone outside watching the house.” “I have a weird feeling about him/her/them.” “Why do you always think people are up to something?” “I won’t give you my trust. You have to earn it.” “You can’t live your life being suspicious of everybody around you.” “I know we just met, but you have to trust me.” “What on earth are you up to?” “So, what were you whispering about?” “You’ve been keeping a secret from me.” “I’m not crazy, we’re being watched!” “Why do I get the feeling you’re not telling me the truth?” “I’d rather be safe than sorry when it comes to people I don’t know yet.” “I trusted you once and I’m never doing it again.” “You see that person? I think they’re following us.” “I just get this feeling that someone has been watching me.” “Who are you and why have you been following me?” “I used to be a very trusting person.” “Where were you?” “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you.” “You won’t call me ‘paranoid’ when you realize I’ve been right all along.” “You were right, okay? I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.” “Give me one good reason to trust you.” “After last time, I’m not sure I should listen to you.” “Nope. Nuh-uh. I’m not trusting another one of your bad plans.” “How can we trust this person?” “How do I know you won’t just stab me in the back?” “I’m sorry, I just can’t bring myself to trust you again.” “You were right. I was a fool to trust them.” “I’m not suspicious. I’m just cautious.” “I told you that they were bad news.” “No, facebook stalking isn’t ‘creepy’, it’s called ‘being careful’.” “I get a bad feeling about them.”
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syntheticdesign · 2 years
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syntheticdesign · 3 years
Updated rules and added verse page
Rules Verses
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syntheticdesign · 3 years
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Will Graham in S3.EP08 ‘The Great Red Dragon’ 
HANNIBAL (2013-2015)
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syntheticdesign · 3 years
the best rp feelings:
being so excited that your partner replied to a thread that you have to literally stop everything you’re doing, find a safe place to curl around your screen, and devour every word
when you meet someone new and you knew nothing about their muse or anything but within a few bits of plotting / writing you just CLICK!!!! and they feel it too!!!!
writing friendships that turn into genuine, real friendships
when someone mentions your muse in a thread 
when people send you gifsets of your muse / your muses and are like !!! it’s them !!!! 
that New Icon feeling 
when you get to write with someone you’ve admired for so long and they’re SO AMAZING YOU CAN’T EVEN BELIEVE IT 
when people send you memes!
when people send you nice anons!!! 
when people randomly come tell you how much they love your muse / writing / anything about your blog!!! 
if you write a canon muse, when people come and tell you they want to watch / read / explore your muse’s canon world because you inspired them for it 
when you think of a new headcanon and oh my god it all makes sENSE! 
throwing headcanons back and forth
when you come on and you just HAVE all the muse and you get that feeling of “oh things are gonna be WRITTEN today!!” and then you actually do it 
when you’re writing a reply and it’s just  f l o w i n g 
having those big, genuinely happy bursts when you just think about how much you love your muse
when people take the time to read your headcanons and then they incorporate them into threads 
anytime someone makes your character / ship a tag, a pinterest board, an edit, or anything
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syntheticdesign · 3 years
Anonymous said:
s-sir h-harry!!! 🥵
you struck me so g-good!!! 🥺🥵🥺
degrade me more! pleathe, i'm almost there!!
s-sir h-harry!!!
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This sick and twisted maniac! “I am calling the police! You sick fuck.” 
Harold grabbed onto Madeline’s arm and drug back inside his house. He slammed the door, turned over his deadbolt and dialed. 
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syntheticdesign · 3 years
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Dying Gaul, Roman, 1st or 2nd century AD / Hannibal 1.13 Savoureux
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syntheticdesign · 3 years
Anonymous said:
madam 🥺
sir harry and i are dating, and he likes degrading play 🥺
you may leave now, pleathe
u n l e s s
you would like to join 🥵
sir harry
you say you dont like to be touched but you touched me back? you felt me when you pushed me 🥵 im so turned on right now 🥺 
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None of what this person says makes sense. Madeline’s not only confused but worried. They must’ve touched Harold. That’s why he’s so aggravated. She doesn’t blame him but she has to calm him down. “Harry, let’s just go and -”
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“Leave my sister alone. Don’t touch her. Don’t touch me!” Harold ignored what she started to suggest. His first connected with their face this time. 
“Harry, don’t! Stop it that’s not going to help!” 
“You know what our mother did! She threw you away. She put her hands on me. I should beat my anger into this fucking pervert!” 
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syntheticdesign · 3 years
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“The best thing I can recommend is therapy. The kind that isn’t telling you what you want to hear. The kind that makes you look at yourself and ask: why am I so sick and what can I do about it? Because the only person who can help themselves is yourself.” Psychiatrist jargon in the first degree. Even he didn’t believe the bullshit spewing from his mouth but he had a script to follow.
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syntheticdesign · 3 years
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will graham + sweaters
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syntheticdesign · 3 years
Anonymous said:
sir harry 🥺
youre so tense, i give massage first 🥺
*they rub on harold's shoulders* you like? hm? 🍑🥵
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“..... get off me,” he murmured firstly. “Get off me!” Harold shoved them hard. His fist came close to beating into the stranger’s face - 
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“Harry! What are you doing?” 
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syntheticdesign · 3 years
Anonymous said:
but, sir 🥺
you said 'dont, touch me, you fuck.' 🥺 a phrase with many commas
you like degrading play? 🥺 me tooooo🥵
*touches that harold*
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Immediately he recoils. Inappropriate invasion of space damages his entire mood! Why do people think they can come at him when they don’t know him? This miserable no good bastard. “Keep your hands to yourself!” The man snaps, grinding his teeth together. 
What is wrong, Harry? There is no need to be afraid. Mother loves you. 
“Get. Away. Now.” 
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syntheticdesign · 3 years
Anonymous said:
sir 🥺 for the love of you, I bite ur ass for free
i don't offer everyone that
it's a great deal, sir 🥺
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“Are you deaf? I said get the hell away from me. Don’t touch me you fuck.” He warned them to back off. Another slip of the tongue forced him to be crass but strangers touching him can get fucked. 
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