mxstball · 5 months
Heidi found a proper place to bury her All-Mother. There was a plot of land not too far off from the Clocktower. It seemed to have been undisturbed despite everything around it. Heidi started digging into it to give it some distance under the ground.
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It... was finally over. She was... able to defeat Friede and keep her friends and family safe. Yet, sorrow plagued her heart. She missed her All-Mother already. Heidi wished that she could go back in time... spend more time with her.... She wished that Friede had changed her mind and wished to live with everyone... that her heart had never closed or that she never was traumatized.
Heidi wanted to protect her All-Mother, too... along with everyone else.
Heidi flew down and placed Friede's Legend Plate in the hole and re-filled it. She then took Friede's greatsword and stabbed it into the ground as some sort of tombstone.
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"...Rest well, mom."
Heidi started to walk away--
--but stopped for a moment.
Heidi summoned Izanami's Legend Plate as well. She thought of the Arceus that gave her the opportunity to make the choices that she had... the enigmatic yet loving creator that wished nothing but the best for her, her family, and her world. She deserved to be given a proper burial as well.
Besides, just as she said, she's not an Arceus. As such, she had no use for this anymore.
Heidi found another plot nearby and made a hole. She placed Izanami's Legend Plate inside and then re-filled the hole. Heidi summoned a standard sword and plunged it down at the head of the hole.
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"...You too, Nami. I promise that I'll do whatever it takes to keep our home safe."
Heidi turned around and walked away. She pulled out her Portal Gun and shot in front of her, stepping through it and into the Hall of Origin.
It was from this moment that Elysium became the Land Without a Creator -- for, while Heidi will fill that role for now, she will never truly identify herself as Arceus...
...and perhaps the world would be better without one, anyway.
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epicspheal · 1 year
So I finally caught up with all the released episodes of Pokemon Horizons I have to say I really love the series so far. I find Liko extremely relatable on so many levels and I want her and Sprigatito to succeed. Roy is just a pure bean and I love how he and Fuecoco love to sing. I also want them to succeed. I really love the friendship between Liko and Roy and how they both have skills (Liko's art skills and Roy's throwing skills) but are still novices and are treated as such by the storyline.
Friede is hot, talented, smart, good-natured, and a little mischievous, and apparently, that's my type in fictional men. They're really being careful with how they drip-feed us information about Friede and I'm curious to see where it all goes. Murdock, Mollie, Orla, Ludlow, and Dot are all lovable and I love the interactions they all have with each other. It will be really cool to see how their relationships develop over the series. I like the Explorers group as well. They strike a nice blend of mystery and danger but not being too over-the-top serious. Definitely looking forward to seeing how the series develops over time!
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tzhaar-ket · 7 years
Ket’s bosses of Dark Souls 3
Written by a terrible Dark Souls player who never played any previous Dark Souls beforehand
21. High Lord Wolnir - This boss was the most disappointing boss in the whole game, after fighting through the catacombs (which by the way are super cool) this is the boss you are greeted with... Hit his rings a few times and he falls into the abyss. With minions more annoying then him I just didn’t think this boss was very hard nor very good
20. Deacons of the Deep - Between two playthroughs this boss has still never killed me (making it the only one to do so). Before playing Dark Souls 3 I heard that this boss was very disappointing and I agree 100%, the fight is not interesting nor very tough, with basic mobs that always respawn and one that becomes super charged sometimes it didn’t make for a very interesting encounter
19. Ancient Wyvern - Urghhhhhh, this boss is such a let-down, after travelling to Archdragon Peak this is the first boss you are faced with? AND YOU DON’T EVEN REALLY FIGHT IT (I mean you could of course, but as with Yhorm, it is not the way you are supposed to fight it) instead you traipse around the arena climbing various ladder and stairs until you are on a broken bridge on top of the dragon’s head, from here just jump and hope you land on his head which will instantly kill it. It is like the developers made the boss specifically designed to teach you that the basic mobs of Archdragon peak are complete nightmares to deal with in large numbers
18. Curse-Rotted Greatwood - Not much to say about the Greatwood, a pretty normal boss fight, different than any boss fought before it due to it having weak spots that must be hit but at the same time it’s attacks are slow and easy to dodge, the second phase is more of a challenge for the stage of the game that it is in but it still suffers from the same problems, not that bad of a boss but a bit too easy, even for a player who has never played another Dark Souls game prior
17. Crystal Sage - I died to this boss more times in my second playthrough than any other boss combined, mostly because I HATE magic attacks, I cannot dodge them to save my life... Anyway this boss doesn’t really have anything special to offer other than having a mirage phase where one of them is real and the others aren’t, it does hit hard for the stage of the game that it is in and can be a pain to deal with sometimes, other than that is is no a terrible boss fight
16. Yhorm the Giant - Being one of the most hyped up bosses in the game, being featured in the opening cutscene and being a lord of cinder and what do you have to do to kill him? run to the end of the room, pick up the sword, navigate your inventory and equip said sword and then blast away at Yhorm’s HP until he died, this makes the fight laughably easy for the late stage of the game that this area is in, I understand it is a Demon Souls callback and all but it feels unsatisfying killing Yhorm this way. At least this is the end point for Siegward’s storyline (which I loved), that makes the fight almost good
15. Champion's Gravetender & Gravetender Greatwolf - A disappointing boss for an overall disappointing DLC, this boss is basically an NPC invader who summons in a giant wolf to fight midway through the battle, this makes the battle 10 times harder as the wolf is fast and hits hard, the reward being the ability to partake in the PvP arena though makes this optional boss worth killing 
14. Vordt of the Boreal Valley - The boss has the same problems as the Greatwood, with his attacks being a bit slow and easy to dodge, that is until phase 2 where this boss goes berserk, charging around the room and running over anything in its path, this boss was the first boss that surprised me and for that reason I do like this boss quite a lot
13. Iudex Gundyr - Being the first Dark Souls game that I ever played, this boss kicked my ass for hours (about 3 to be exact) so I do love this boss for that reason, not much of a challenge for any returning Souls players but for a newcomer this boss is your first step into the world that is dying over and over again but still wanting to try again, and again, and again...
12. Old Demon King - Probably the quickest boss of any to get to and also one of the easiest to defeat, however the attacks are all pretty punishing and the area that this demon resides is one of my favourite in the game, with the arena scattered with corpses of defeated demons, when the king is on his last legs and seeing him try to lift his hammer off the floor and failing almost makes you feel sorry for killing him in the end
11 . Oceiros, the Consumed King - I love this boss, mainly because it is vocal during the fight which is unlike any other boss in the game, it is a bit on the easy side and the area that this boss resides is small and also doesn’t garner much whilst exploring it, however this boss gives access to two other parts of the game, both of which are among my favourite parts of Dark Souls 3
10. Aldrich, Devourer of Gods - This boss never gave me any trouble in either playthroughs (mostly because it is super weak to fire) but I do love the attacks that this boss does, it is almost as elegant as the dancer during this fight with the sword swings being slow but fast at the same time, the arrow rain attacks that this boss does wins my award of most annoying attack in the game but I am also a sucker for an arrow rain attack as it always looks amazing and this is no different
9. Soul of Cinder - The final boss of the game is... surprisingly easy? But also one of the best looking and most dynamic boss fights in the game, having the boss switch between weapons mid-fight keeps the player on their toes and changing up their attack style with each change of weapon, the second phase is also one of the most challenging parts of the game as there are some combos that can end your life very quickly if you are not paying attention, overall a very nice end to Dark Souls 3
8. Champion Gundyr - Having the starting area come back in the later game is such a good choice by the developers, especially since this was my first Souls game, I was so happy to go back to the start of my adventure but this time the place is in complete darkness and there are new enemies in the area, oh also Gundyr is back and has been buffed by an absurd amount, this boss bought me back the start of my adventure of Dark Souls 3, dying over and over again to the first boss, his attacks are very strong and extremely rapid (probably the boss is in the game who gives you the least amount of time between attacks), great boss fight
7. Sister Friede - It has a phase 3? OH IT HAS A PHASE 3! I would say to my friends whilst fighting this boss. That moment will stay with me for a long while, being the only boss to do that breaks the mould and I love the boss for that. Being the final boss of the first DLC made the rest of the disappointing DLC all worth it
6. Lorian, Elder Prince & Lothric, Younger Prince - Being the final enemy for most before facing the final boss of the storyline these two do not mess around, the first phase is pretty simple once you get used to it but Lorian having the ability to teleport means that you will be battling the first phase for a good few attempts, and then comes phase 2 which is so punishing, basically any time that you face it, having both strong melee attacks and also magic attacks at the same time makes for a very unique and interesting battle, not to forget it is very, very difficult. Also, great job killing the Demon prince, Lorian ;)
5. Pontiff Sulyvahn - I CAN NEVER DODGE HIS FIRST ATTACK! Right from the beginning of Irithyll you know this place means business, the step up from the catacombs to Irithyll is enormous, in my first playthrough I was stuck on the first 3 enemies (yeah you know the ones) for a good 30 minutes or so, after a while they don’t become a problem however, that is until you meet Pontiff, basically a beefed-up version of these basic Irithyll enemies with 2 swords (which looks amazing), even seeing him from the far end of the room as you enter the fog wall for the first time is enough for a player to want out, he is quick, punishing but if you manage to get a parry off it will feel amazing, did I not mention there are 2 of him later on?
4. Abyss Watchers - The first real boss battle in Dark Souls 3 I felt, and ohhhh boy is it a favourite of mine, fighting one of the watchers is enough of a challenge but oh wait there are 2 of them! Wait... 3? and is he fighting for me? This boss was fun right from the very beginning and phase 2 is very tough for an enemy this early into the game, having no previous Dark Souls experience I was stuck on this boss for an hour or so, I really started to love this game during this boss fight, maybe that is why it ranks so highly 
3. Dancer of the Boreal Valley - Honestly I am not sure why everyone says that this boss is so difficult (I know it mixes up the attacks by having a random speed) but I had no trouble with this boss, never the less I adore this boss fight, I had heard nothing about this fight from my friends beforehand and so after defeating Aldrich and being teleported near the start of the game had me very confused, after initiating the cutscene I knew it was going to be a major boss battle. The way the dancer walks around the arena is both elegant and terrifying as it is so different that any other boss in the Dark Souls 3, the attacks are also elegant and the swirl that the dancer does after entering phase 2 is probably my favourite attack in the game.
2. Dragonslayer Armour - I don’t know why I love this boss as much as I do... It is not challenging and is fairly standard by Souls standards but it really struck a tone with me. The attacks are all punishing but are easily dodgeable and the armour gives many opportunities to attack but the arena is probably the coolest looking and the armour itself looks amazing, I don’t know why I love this boss really, it is a strange one
1.  Nameless King - I LOVE this boss so much, everything from how you summon him to the cutscene at the end is just perfection, this boss should be the ‘final’ boss of the game (and I know by some people it is treated as such), the final challenge of Dark Souls 3 as it were (at least until The Ringed City releases). After having my ass handed to me multiple times just fighting phase 1 on my first playthrough, having the second phase for the first time in the game felt great, I remember thinking YES there is more of this boss, I never wanted to see it go, but beating it is a fantastic feeling
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mxstball · 5 months
RP New Years Resolutions
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Final day of 2023, huh? Well, let's make some New Years Resolutions:
Storyline 2.0 / mxstball 2.0: it's been nearly 6 years since I started the Friede storyline with my friend Trimmy and it's finally almost over. I'm working on revamping this blog.
Working on scaling: part of my issues for the second half of 2023 had to do with drastically ramping up my feature and lore creep. I kinda wanna work on that for 2024, scale things back and make things more accessible.
Foundations: I want to work a bit more on the foundations of each of my characters. A lot of things come from the cuff or
Verses: well, considering skypxllar and pokecheckpoint, it turns out that I do know how to make verses after all! Well, let's try to embrace that a little more like a villain verse or a PMD verse.
More solo plotlines: I really have been enjoying the solo plotlines that I've been doing, especially when they push story forward. I don't want to do one *all* of the time, but with the structure of 2.0, I have the room to pick up some plotline that I can write over the course of several days without it affecting the structure of the blog too much (I don't think)
Working on plot threads: I've been struggling with how I structure with plots. I've been having this habit where I basically drag my partner through a series of things so they can watch whatever happens. I want to change that for 2024 and make things more interactive.
Art? I want to start drawing! I... am not that great but I really want to pick up drawing and doing art like how I picked up Japanese in 2023 (still doing Japanese in 2024 though). Maybe if I'm confident enough, I can draw my muses and stuff like that. idk.
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