#// once again my sporadic posting habits return with a vengeance
Your majesty, would you like a hug? I assume being the king of Faegast (i hope i spelled that right) can be quite exhausting and considering what you've went through, you really, really need a hug. If you'd like, i can also add hair strokes and reassuring words that everything will be ok and you're doing great. I just want you to be happy is all
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Ah, I'm flattered at your offer, thank you. I would appreciate a hug, though I hope you aren't doing this because you feel obligated to. Despite my past hardships, I have still managed to come out mostly alright in the end. If it were not for my close friends and allies, things may have gone far worse for me. I thank you for the sentiment, it is nice to know that so many people wish to see me well. And, if you do not mind me correcting you, the correct spelling is Faerghus. It's quite the tricky name to spell if you're not used to it, and I do not fault people for misspelling it.
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