#//one of the issues in picking a FC who is expressive for a muse who is decidedly not-
reflections-of-mobius · 10 months
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"You don't think I'm a monster, do you?"
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
D A S H  G A M E S  ;  A D V E N T  C A L E N D A R  R P  M E M E
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Now, while I’m not done with writing up more for day five, I figured I should skip it a bit and come back to it so that I have the chance to at least get something done for everything. And for the first part of day six, I couldn’t help but pick ( @lunarxdaydream​ ) Bella Juliani. She is just so endearing. She is the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen (the fact that I’m biased towards her fc truly doesn’t have anything to do with it but yes, I adore Levi). I remember when I was first going through your muses, I remember landing on Bella and instantly thinking “oh look at the cutie”. I think it was that sunny disposition of hers that truly pulled me in.
I still feel like there is so much more to learn about her but what I do know is that she is a perfect match for Sebastian. The way she can get so excited, just like him, over the simple things in life is utterly adorable and it’s the most endearing thing to Sebastian. The two of them mesh so well together and even he is still completely over the moon at just the idea that they are dating. It’s quite interesting to think about just how opposite their family is and the way they’ve grown up so I’m looking forward to seeing how they come together. Her from a family that is used to being in the spotlight and his that outside of their own people, none would ever know they exist. And that’s the whole point of it, no one else is supposed to know they do so they live in the shadows.
I feel Bella’s reaction to finding out what and who Sebastian is was very, very realistic too. She believed him, but she still struggled with it. Of course he provided her with some truth and while some might have still written that off as some sort of trick, she believed him because she knew that he wasn’t the type of person to lie about something like that. But even then, she still needed affirmation later on and that to me is just... ahhh. Perfection. Plus, her story itself while her life isn’t perfect, it’s not the typical ones you see everywhere including in my own muses where it’s just one sad thing after another. A family that has its issues is such a normal thing in real life that it’s nice to step back and enjoy the simpler things.
I’m sure I’ve said this before but it truly is a shame that my writing issues has gotten in the way of her and Sebastian’s development and I really am excited for her first time going to Atlantis, for him to meet her family, for them to take all those first steps within a relationship together and so much more. I want to see her interact more with his sisters which is honestly the main reason I am adding them to the page again. That little interaction with her and Selestiana really warmed my heart. And I mean, Sebastian and Marco talking also is amazingly humorous to me and how little he knows about how these types of things go. But he’s trying! Boy is he trying. Plus, Bella may not know this but every little aspect of relationships at every chance he gets, Sebastian is doing his research so that he doesn’t mess up. Even if that’s not the best way to do it, it’s all he really knows.
My love for Bella is as clear as day, just like it is for Sebastian’s total adoration for her. I can’t even begin to properly explain my opinion on the way that you write. It’s so expressive and detailed that anyone can so easily picture anything that you write within their mind. Your writing just flows so well, so poetically that I can’t help but push myself to even be a fraction as good as you are. Plus, I envy you’re ability to just push out these replies back to back like that. You are truly an amazing writer, the sweetest friend, and just all around, a wonderful person and even if I’ve only had the honor of writing with a few of your muses, each and every one of them that I’ve seen has been so incredibly intriguing in their own unique way but Bella will always have a special place right in my heart.
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leo-geller · 4 years
hey there, hi there, ho there! it’s ya boi zack (he/him/his) here with one of my newly-favorite muses! read through Leo’s overly-detailed & long as hell intro & give it a like if you want to plot! can’t wait to bring him to you all!!
( jacob elordi, cismale, he/him ). hey, isn’t that [ LEONARDO “LEO” GELLER ] walking down bennington street? i think the [ 26 ] YEAR OLD [ COOK/ASPIRING ACTOR ] is from [ QUEENS, NY ]. i’ve heard some rumors down at ginger’s, saying that they're [ RECKLESS & IMPULSIVE ], but then again they’re known to be [ PROTECTIVE & FLIRTATIOUS ].  either way, they seem to be interesting, hope they’ll stick around.
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Name: Leonardo “Leo” Henry Geller
Date of birth: October 25, 1993
Age: 26
Pronouns: he/him/his
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Sexuality: Heterosexual (for now)
Fc: Jacob Elordi
Height: 6′3″
Background: (tw: mentions of abandonment, alcoholism, rehab, & abuse)
Leo was born on a cool October morning in 1993 to Solomon & Joanne Geller. They were a perfectly happy family according to the friends & neighbors of their neighborhood in Queens, but appearances can be deceiving. When Leo was 12, Joanne left her husband & son, leaving Leo alone to care for his dad & his new drinking habit. 
Soon, Saul’s drinking got worse and Leo ended up in foster care while Saul entered rehab. Leo was bounced from home to home & each time he prayed would be the last. The father of his last foster family had a habit of beating Leo whenever he acted out: stealing, setting small fires, talking back; and left more than just physical scars on 13-year old Leo. Eventually, he was taken out of the system & reunited with his dad when he got out of rehab. 
He hung out with a rough crowd in high school and began smoking, sleeping around, and getting in fights. Leo wasn’t a bad student, however, and aced nearly all of his classes, but could never let his so-called friends find that out. He just kept up appearances like he had the first 12 years of his life until graduation. 
Leo had no intentions of going to college & instead planned a cross country trip on his motorcycle to find himself. But as the trip got closer and closer, he was worried about leaving his dad alone. The two always had the other to count on, & this would be the first time since Leo was in foster care that he’d be away from his dad for more than a few days. He canceled the trip, blaming it on bad weather & low funds to Saul who didn’t pry any further. 
He started working at the deli in high school “to gain work experience” he claimed, but in actuality Leo was there to keep tabs on his dad & make sure he didn’t slip back into his drinking addiction. At first he hated working there, but came to love it over the years & considers his co-workers like family. 
Leo decided he needed to move out of his childhood home - he was quickly approaching 27 - & as fate would have it, he found an apartment on the same street as the deli. Saul loved having someone close by to keep an eye on the place & Leo didn’t mind saving Saul an early-morning Saturday commute into the city, even though he does it anyway. 
Leo’s your stereotypical bad boy with a heart of gold. He doesn’t really express his emotions something he learned in foster care but will to those close to him. Leo’s got some trust issues and worries that if he ever gets close to someone romantically, they’ll just end up leaving him like his mom. Still, he does flirt with any cute girl that comes in for a pastrami sandwich or that he meets at Ginger’s. He’ll break your heart or your face, depending what side of his you get on. 
His most prized possession is the motorcycle he restored himself in high school. He keeps it at his dad’s house in Queens because he doesn’t trust parking it anywhere in the city. Her name is Polly. 
Leo takes his coffee black with his morning cigarette. He knows smoking is a filthy habit, but he picked it up in high school and just can’t bear to give it up. He tries hiding his habit from his dad, but suspects Saul already knows about it. 
Leo & his dad have a standing poker night every Thursday and have kept up with it since they were reunited over 10 years ago. It’s their thing and, Leo even lets the old man win once in a while. 
He can always be found wearing boots and a leather jacket when the weather cools down, but trades that in for a tee-shirt and jeans in the warmer months. The boots stay on during summer, too.
Has a secret journal he writes his thoughts in whenever something of importance comes to him & is hidden in plain sight amidst a stack of books in his bedside table. It’s an inconspicuous brown, leather-bound book he picked up in a shop one day after his english teacher commended him on his writing. 
Though he excelled in all of his classes, Leo’s favorite subject in high school was English. He loved reading the books his teacher, Mr. Kincade assigned in class, and would get books passed on to him under the table (sometimes literally) that weren’t required but that Mr. K thought Leo would like. 
Leo doesn’t have any set career aspirations, but has always thought that becoming an actor would be cool. Acting allows him to escape into someone else’s story, allowing Leo to forget his troubles and focus on the feelings of someone else. In high school, his friends dared him to audition for the school play and he was given a small role. Ever since then, he’s been itching to get back on stage. 
Plays the guitar, and is a (very secret) Taylor Swift fan. He thinks she writes great songs that evoke a multitude of emotions. Obviously no one knows this, as he likes having at least one secret to himself.
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dxfiedfxte-a · 3 years
🍐 - How many ships have you considered but rejected for your muse? / 🍇 - Have you even encountered any partners that threw a tantrum at you? / 🍎 - If you had to chose a new faceclaim for your muse, who would you pick? ( giving u juicy ones )
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MUNDAY MEME || Accepting
@watcrpiixie sent:  🍐  🍇  🍎
🍐 - How many ships have you considered but rejected for your muse?
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Good question! 
Let’s see, this blog has been around for quite a while now. 6 years in total so I’ve seen lots of partners come and go all the same in my time. Normally I’m pretty chill with shipping and if something sparks it during the interactions and it comes naturally or me and my partner plan it, then hell yeah I’m always on board. But there have been a few instances where I’ve def had a few people come to me and ask if I want to ship with them and it wouldn’t work.
A long time ago there was this Shinjiro that wanted to ship with Minato(this blog no longer exists last time I checked) but we talked about it and they expressed their interest and how great it would be and although I did think about it, I just couldn’t see it happening (For the record, my Minato is Bisexual, even tho he prefers women, he can still be woo’d by boys) I couldn’t see it as a thing bc in P3, Minato and Shinjiro don’t really have many interactions besides that one time you can invite him to go to screenshot with him to watch that Pet movie showing. And sure like everyone else, he is affected greatly by Shinjiro’s death, but beyond that, they didn’t really speak much. 
So that’s one, but if I was to give a number of how many times this happened besides this one, it would be 4. So not too much, but some def haven’t worked before.
🍇 - Have you ever encountered any partners that threw a tantrum at you?
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Unfortunately yes. A long time ago, I used to ship with a Rei(from Persona Q 1)
And my god it was adorable! I loved them and honestly would ship it again!. But, eventually, my ship partner got busy with stuff irl and didn’t really come on much. Which is totally fine, you know, life always comes first so that was completely fine. But a bit later, this other Rei joined Tumblr and they wanted to interact with me. 
So me and this new Rei have a steady ongoing thread, we aren’t shipping but it's a cute fluff moment where he’s eating candy with her, and she hugged him. My ship partner saw that and came on just blowing up my IM’s(This was when Tumblr first created the IM’s) just giving me all this shit for interacting with another Rei.
Never understood the issue since I wasn’t shipping with new Rei and I never became mains/exclusive with that Rei I was shipping with, so it was a whole mess because of that, and that was what lead to one of the first times I was unwillingly pulled into drama involving a call out squad, all because of that, sooo yeah fun stuff. But yeah, I’ve had that happen before, plus a few other times, but those are much longer stories.
🍎 - If you had to choose a new faceclaim for your muse, who would you pick?
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Well, the funyn thing is, I actually have another FC for him. Kaito from Vocaloid is the FC I used for older Minato. So I guess, I’d use Kaito all the way, but would probably try and find more other ones as well. But Kaito would be my choice.
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ironforgedrp · 5 years
Hi! I'm a (hopefully) first time admin and I've got everything ready to go and set up but I'm really nervous that it won't get off the ground, and you guys have been open for so long do you have any tips for me how to make my RP be as successful as yours? It looks like such a good place, I hope it's not weird to ask this
        hi there friend,  thank-you so much for your compliments, and don’t stress… i’m happy to offer some advice, i’m no expert whatsoever but i’ve run a few roleplays over the past decade or so.    the key note firstly is to think of your RP as your kind of group ersatz family, as the admin you’re the head of that family.   you keep everyone on course, you’re the gatekeeper and it’s your standards that set the tone for what happens in your family’s house.  and i first want to tell you honestly that it is a little bit of a responsibility; you have to be willing to sort out problems, make decisions, mediate, diffuse and sometimes be on the receiving end of anon hate or the occasional jaded RPer, you have to be motivated and encouraging and dedicated -  but if you are, the people who you write and create with will give it back to you tenfold & it will never become a drag.    i hope this helps you a bit!
decide if you want a co-admin or you think you can handle it yourself - i personally have done solo-adminning, lead admin with moderators & co-adminned with up to four people. though i’ve found that, if you want to work with a team of mods/admins, having an odd number can be really helpful as you’re never tied.  also, if you decide to bring in a co-admin or moderator, have a clear idea of how you want to operate as a roleplay and what you expect of them as admins, and whether or not they have an equal say as you, the creator of the roleplay.  if they do, make that clear and if they don’t, make it clear what things you need to have a look over and what things they are able to handle alone (i.e. asks, applications, major plot changes).   honestly, the worst thing that can happen is if you’re not on the same page because it confuses you, them and your muns.
don’t jump the gun, patience is key.  if you’re hoping to have a long running roleplay then i would expect at least a month of work to be put into it before it’s trotted out, but it sounds like you’re already ready to go. make sure, before you open for activity, you have enough muns & characters to get the roleplay off to a healthy start and have the dash reasonably active.
set rules that are clear, but don’t be a dictator - make sure you have expressed clearly what your rules of conduct are (such as dash conduct, mun age restrictions [if any], activity standards, god-modding, banned/acceptable faceclaims, etc.)
set up an ads blog, and queue ads to post semi-regularly with varied but relevant tags and an eye-catching graphic &/or summary of your roleplay
set up a discord server or another way for your muns to communicate and plot OOC, it really helps muse and communication and also can be a fantastic way to build plots with existing characters and muns.  and, lets be honest, it’s nice to be able to chat with the folks you’re writing with.
check in with everyone! make sure your muns are comfortable and happy and no one is falling by the wayside or being left out. also, it’s nice to make sure that your muns are alright personally - by no means pry, but be an open ear if someone needs to talk. you’d be surprised how many in the RPC are often too shy or anxious to admit to an admin that they need time for their mental health, work, study, etc. but if you make it clear from the beginning that you actually do care and are willing to help work with people it makes all the difference.
the most important to me: build rapport!!!   the best thing for your roleplay, as an admin, is to do your absolute best to be approachable and have a relationship with your muns. you obviously don’t have to be best friends with everyone and talk every day, but believe me, what makes a roleplay last is the community you build behind it. i love having made such talented and varied friends in ironforged - we have voice chats and some of us facetime and/or text, we watch tv shows together and even help each other out with anything from personal problems to university assignments.  our community is  what helps us withstand all the trials and tribulations, and it’s what has given our roleplay such fantastic plot drops and progressions.  the main point is, from the get-go, make sure your muns know that your DMs are always open if they have questions, queries, rants, concerns, ideas… all of the above.
trigger warnings, which obviously depends on the genre you’re in but, i personally would suggest to offer your muns the ability to tell you what their triggers are privately and list them somewhere on the main blog for the other members to see.
embrace being an admin, and don’t get walked over. don’t forget that this is your roleplay, you created it and put the work in and no one (anon or not) can tell you how to run it. don’t be scared to call out people for breaking the rules, don’t be scared to issue warnings, don’t be scared to reject people if they haven’t read the rules or aren’t the right fit for your roleplay or make you uncomfortable, don’t be scared to say no.  it’s okay!
have open eyes, ears and mind; listen to feedback and concerns, hear out grievances and be willing to be polite even if people are being rude but don’t entertain pointless anon hate. speaking of anon hate… don’t turn off the anon ask option unless you honestly feel like it is the right route for you - it shuts off the ability for people to contact you whilst maintaining some anonymity and privacy, which can be discouraging.
crucial to any roleplay is the world-building, have a page with some key locations that are applicable to your roleplay (such as cafes, taverns, gyms, shops, housing locations), also i’ve honestly found that it helps setting the scene. consider where your roleplay is located (real place/fictional place) and make those details clear. paint the picture, immersion is a fantastic thing and it’s something both you and your muns can work on and collaborate on in the future. we have an inspo blog, pinterest boards, spotify playlists, youtube playlist, ambiance playlists, regional locations and business…. and a very colourful NPC list that has been collaborated and expanded upon throughout the life of ironforged.
have clear direction and at minimum a loose idea of where you want to go with your roleplay.  even if you don’t want to have a very plot driven roleplay (like ours is with plot drops, random events, character/mun interwoven plots - which requires a long-form type of roleplaying) and would rather have it open world (you set the scene, and everyone just goes with the flow - which can be both long or short form types of writing) - it is so important to have some tricks and surprises in your bag. the best and easiest is having a few muse-boosting tasks lined up, perhaps a group event to bring people together (a party, a fight, a ball, a wedding, etc.) otherwise, 8.5 times out of 10, you’ll find muse flatlining.  ask your muns! ask other rps! make a poll! hit up the RPC tags and roleplay helper blogs!
the finer details; pick a timezone to mark the roleplay with (eg; here i post in AEST on the roleplay because i am australian and it’s easy for me to queue and schedule things) but it’s crucial to ensure you include the timezone equivalent for other people in other timezones to be able to quickly understand (eg; AEST = GMT+10). you can always link an external timezone converter page if you’re unsure!
and, of course, be organised. make sure you have your pages set up and linked properly. the main that come to my mind to start off with are; navigation, plot, taken FCs, IC & OOC rules, a masterlist, blogroll/follow list, application/application page, application counts, ask & submit are open and an ooc page.
         and LASTLY,  this is my personal advice from one admin to another; if you really want a roleplay to work and you really want it to last for (hopefully) years, then you have to put some heart into it.  our roleplay, as a group, has seen some bad times and good times galore. we’ve had people become seriously ill, we’ve had engagements and weddings, graduations, a fair few birthdays, hospital trips/emergencies, international internships, personal problems, personal triumphs…  our communication as a roleplay isn’t always perfect, but we continue to do our best - and working on our communication is what allows us to keep going on through everything.
         also, as an admin, do your best to make sure you are not the most powerful character and not center of all the roleplays controversy, drama and plot drops (if applicable), it’s become a kiss of death cliche, and also can alienate potential muns because they feel like background players to your show.    but seriously, involve everyone and give a shout out for peoples interest, and the ideas that come flowing back from your muns will amaze you, trust me!
       best of luck!    admin tee.
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sustaineds · 5 years
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     ⇢     phoebe tonkin. thirty. cisfemale. she/her.  i can’t believe i just saw ELIZA HAWKE walking out of cadence records. they’re lucky enough to be the HEAD OF THE LEGAL TEAM at cadence records and they've been with the company for ONE MONTH. it's been stated at cr that they're known to be FAULT-FINDING but i heard they can be ALLEGIANT too and they seem to give off a vibe that reminds people of red lipstick on its 8th hour, draping your wrist over the steering wheel, hiding your bad smoking habits, & pointed toe heels .
YEA I GOT ANOTHER CHARACTER AND WHAT ABOUT IT ! bc i'm shameless i will also link adri's bio here just in case y'all wanna come plot there too hehe :D
eliza is ultra different from adri but if im honest ... both are messes ... i try my best to keep my intros short so i will sparknotes her life below but pls message if u wanna plot or if u wanna know more about her ! either way thank u for reading this and for being a great group ajshkajsh ... it has been expressed to me ( not here ) that people feel A Way™ about phoebe tonkin fcs but this is my first time playing her and i will try my best to not be Like That™ ( whatever that means )
eliza is australian because phoebe is australian and 1. h2o and 2. she has a terrible american accent and i know this is all fake but i refuse to suspend my disbelief for that long . anyways she was born and raised in melbourne, the only child to an american soldier and an australian flight attendant. some may ask her how that worked out and her honest answer is that she wishes it didn't
she grew up to be a bit of an army brat, not necessarily because they moved around a lot but in the sense that her father's always been pretty strict. there was never a lock on her door, her social and online activities are heavily monitored, she has to say yes sir to her own dad ? this mans got issues ... clearly . for someone like eliza, always a bit inquisitive and rebellious and independent, it felt stifling at best. her mother was no reprieve, either, intent on creating the image of a perfect, nuclear family that often times her pressure was just as suffocating. when her father, one day, decided he missed arizona and took his wife and fourteen year old daughter with him, eliza felt more isolated from the world
so she overcompensated in school to find that control. for her family, her hard work was an indicator of ambition. for her, it was a way to not be inside her house. as debilitating as her family was for her mental health, that level of accuracy and perfection and need for control propelled her to the top of every, if not most things, she did. when she joined the debate club in her high school, i think you can only imagine how freeing it was to finally win an argument and have platform for her own opinions
eliza was supposed to be a politician. but when college and that freedom hit ... she figured her escapades would be best kept secret if she were an attourney. she double majored in business and in law, having degrees in both, and soon became an asset in a major law firm. she'd gained notoreity as a real shark in her firm, but after she won a suit against the team put together for [ redacted celebrity name ], and then another one ... and then another one ... she was recruited to actually work for cadence record's rival label to be a part of the legal team.
she went in for the interview and was extended the offer. instead of jumping at the opportunity, she sat on it ( LIKE A BUSINESS WOMAN ! ) until either a.) they raised their price or b.) someone extended a better offer. it wasn't like she was hiding anything either, so when word got out that the person costing all these record labels hundreds of thousands of dollars could potentially be a free agent ... offers rolled in. she picked cadence because, more than the money and the brand, they offered her something no one else did: at the young age of thirty, she would be in charge of the whole team
wanted connections ! spare plots sir ... :
headaches ! celebs that keep getting into trouble. she's like ... this person again ?!?
enemies ... maybe y'all don't vibe or u have different leadership styles or she litigated against u and said some out of pocket shit ? i love to hate
i also love to love ... exes plot maybe ? open to all genders !
work friends ... eliza is a fun drunk . but she's so high strung bc she's new at cadence so someone please ... let her let loose !
sibling style relationship — eliza is an only child but i think she gives me big sister vibes ? if u need someone to look out for ur muse she's ur girl
close friends — after living in arizona for hs ( gross ... ) and going to the east coast for college, she's probably got some ride or dies
unlikely duo
fwb yea i said it im trash. maybe will they won't they cuz i luv that shit
people that have known her for a while ? could be friends could be enemies but i think some history could be super interesting
also i love banter so ... if u could just have someone who can give eliza banter ... thank u . i appreciate u
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bastardsunlight · 3 years
😡 :  Worse role play-related encounter and what advice you would give to others to avoid similar situations?
Okay so hang onto your butt ‘cause this is going to get long. ALSO heads-up there’s discussion of manipulative behavior, fictional rape/assault, and mentions of suicide.
A couple of years ago, I met this gal who wrote an OC—innocuous enough. She did sick art for her OC and it was fun to interact. I cannot recall if it was Cable or D to whom she first attached herself. We had a decent thread with D on me old blog, RadiantDecay ‘til the purge killed it. I think we picked it back up but idk…
Cable was the big one—the doozy.
So some of you know (e.g. anyone who’s written with me/read my muse sexuality/gender HC list that I have always written Cable as 100% pure grade-A home of sectional. I was very upfront about this when she clearly expressed a desire to ship with him, like, romantically.
Now, I don’t have a problem with age gap—I ship Raiden with people and he’s literally eternal so…. What I take issue with is when one muse is so very clearly WAY too immature to come close to appealing to a muse who has seen Some Shit™. Their lived experiences just cannot match up. Cable is a 50-60some time traveling gritty fuckin’ badass telepath with a giant gun and a constant headache named Wade Wilson (sometimes husband tho; depends on the day).
Turns out this gal was (probably still is) a MAJOR FC hunter. Josh Brolin (a Cable I only write peripherally) and Benicio Del Toro were her focuses (another buddy I met through her writes MCU’s collector, so there’s your Del Toro). I told her flat out Cable is gay and she was immediately lowkey hostile. She got over it though and we started writing.
Red flag much?
Thirty some odd replies in and this is shaping up a bit. We’re playing it on Providence, Cable’s island that’s made of his ship—blah blah blah—her OC has a power surge that knocks out half the computers. That was another thing about her OC. She HAD to be the strongest person in the room but also unaware of her strength except when it was interesting to the plot.
She started messaging me again about SHIPPING THEM. I said somethin’ like “he probably sees her as a daughter or granddaughter, maybe—he’s a mentor type. Also he’s still gay.” She acted like I’d never told her so I did something I rarely do and scrolled tf up, screenshotted the message, and posted it. “Yeah,” I said, “but I did.”
On another track, she decided to get into Devil May Cry. She wanted to write her OC as the reincarnation of Nero’s dead mother or something? But also wanted me to write that Vergil had raped the poor girl. Now, again, referring back to the chart, Vergil is also gay as fuck. I was also up front about this, BEFORE she whipped out the sexual assault card and even THAT I had to pry from her.
By this point our “friendship” was rocky as fuck. When I refused to write or acknowledge that, because I found it offensive, she started writing a “fuck you fic” (the channel title) in the server she named after herself and in which she gathered her “friends” (e.g. people who played characters with those FCs). I think she booted me from the server or something idk.
Anyway there was a bunch of shit and I actually DID keep screenshots from various disco conversations (which btw I NEVER do, but holy shit this was insurance), bu the culminating thing that made me run for the hills was the night she threatened suicide via voice message she straight up sent me over discord because I refused her freaky-ass rape plot. She said shit about how I called her “manipulative” (I didn’t) and how that really hurt and something about her fucking dog? Idk. She’d also mentioned at some point that a previous Cable Rper had referred to her as a “manipulative bitch”.
I ain’t gunna post her URL or whatever, but suffice it to say, I got a hold of a mutual friend (thank god they gave me the time of day) to tell ‘em what had actually happened, ‘cause evidently the chick decided to ghost me and then tell some WILD tales with seriously doctored screenshots to her buddies in her server. They let me tell my story and trusted me on it because evidently the screenies were HELLA sus. They also shared some really uncomfortable instances of her racism and homophobia so that was neat—this friend being a queer person of non-whitery an’ all that. Nice. I recalled that when I’d mentioned I was queer meself, she’d kind of drawn back and acted REALLY goddamn strange.
So yeah, I asked this friend a final favor and I’d bugger off if they didn’t wanna deal with me: “please tell her she needs to unblock and DM me right now or I’m going to leak every fucking screenshot I have”. I was NOT happy. I just needed her to know that I knew she was lying about me and that I felt nothing but contempt for her. I told her in no uncertain terms that if I so much as got a fucking HINT that she was fucking with this mutual friend, I’d post ‘em all on a frickin’ sideblog and tag every single person with whom I KNEW she associated.
Was I gunna do it? For this friend? Hell yes. On me own, unprovoked? No. I had and still have a strict “no bullshit” policy when it comes to call outs, burn blogs, blah blah whatever. But the threat was enough to keep her worthless trap shut. See the reason I needed her to DM me was that I’d closed the convo without realizing she’d fucked off. I now have access to it—yes even today—so if you’re out there sweaty {; fuckin’ try me~
ASK THE MUN! - accepting
EDIT: a gazillion years later, but still Munday at least, I realize I didn’t answer the second half: advice to avoid similar situations. Honestly, give folks a chance, but follow your gut and do not be afraid to have extensive fucking rules. If people are scared off by a lot of reading in a hobby that requires reading, you don’t want to write with ‘em anyway. In addition, passwords (which I have) are OKAY. There are folks with “I don’t do passwords” in their rules and that’s fine, too; they’re just not going to be your writing partner. Do not bend on that. Be patient and cordial, but if your rules say “no threads without the password” don’t bend. (obvious exception is that like, mutual friends give you the all-clear on ‘em ‘cause they know this person personally duh, but otherwise stick to your guns!)
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adamantiii · 4 years
(*°ー°)ノ -slides everything else on that Munday meme here- do it~♡
† Do you portray your muse as religious? Why or why not? How does your own religion (or lack thereof) influence this?
I do not portray Delia as religious and there are two reasons for it. The first, and the most prominent reason, is her personality and attitude in general. I just can’t see her being the type of person who’d really follow one, honestly. It has less to do with her beliefs in a god or higher power and more her free-spirited nature; she does not like being told how to live her life, especially by other people. She would not take well to being told she has to act, think, or live a certain way - she gets enough of that from her aunt as it is. 
My own tendency towards non-religion does have some part in it as, because it’s not a huge part of my life, it doesn’t seem like it would be something significant. There is also the fact that I do not trust internet sources on the matter of religion or culture ( I can’t tell you how many time I’ve read something and then had someone who is actually part of that religion or culture explain that it’s inaccurate or incorrect), and would rather not make it an aspect of my character than run the risk of misportraying it. 
☑ What is a plot idea you’re willing to play with virtually any partner? What makes that plot so special to you?
I don’t do plot ideas, per say. I mean, I have them, but any idea I would want to do stems from original works of mine that, as a result of past issues (read: people lifting stuff off my old dA account and trying to sell it on Amazon), I’d rather not put online. Let’s just say I have the worst luck when it comes to theft and I’ve gotten extremely stingy about posting original content or mentioning it to people. But I’m always up for AUs, especially anything Star Wars or Fantasy related.
✰ How did you decide your muse’s skills and talents? Do they relate to their occupation in some way?
In most cases, I look at their personality and occupation and figure out what fits best with it, but with Delia, I wanted to step outside of the norm, at least in my case. Most of Delia’s however, are learned and mostly self-taught. Like, she’s that person who gets bored and spends hours binge-watching internet tutorials on some of the most random things. One or two things may be a natural talent, such as her artistic ability, or taught, like her figure skating ability, but the rest are mostly  She sees something that sparks her interest and she just does it.
Except cooking. No matter how many times she’s tried, she just cannot grasp the concept. She can barely make toast without burning it. 
Ⅶ If you have multiple blogs and/or muses, which one is your favorite? Why?
I’ve had numerous blogs but one of my One Piece OCs will always be my favorite. I put years of work into her and her personality and general set up isn’t like most characters I normally write. She’s not my first, by far, but she’s definitely the one I’m most proud of. (I’m actually in the process of working out her BNHA verse, even if she would be Midnight 2.0…).
✎ When choosing a name for your muse, did you pick something special or meaningful in some way?
I’m a huge sucker for hidden meaning and symbolism, and in most cases, there usually is some underlying meaning in my characters’ names, but with Delia, it was less meaning and more “I like how that sounds”.  That, and finding English names that work with Japanese surnames is harder than you’d think. 
☺ If you have a faceclaim for your muse, why did you choose them? Are you satisfied with your fc, or would you rather find a different one?
The short answer is I already had icons when I used her for a previous OC. As for satisfied? I’m never satisfied, lmao. But honestly, finding an FC for a character that isn’t too expressive, but not completely stoic, that also doesn’t look twelve is a lot harder than it seems. Especially for me, considering how picky I am with art style.
♥ When it comes to shipping, what factors are absolutely necessary for a ship to develop?
This ain’t tinder, y’all. There’s none of that this ain’t working and bail with the breadsticks twenty minutes into it. Chemistry is an absolute must. I know my character and I know what types of people she does and doesn’t like and if I feel that a ship won’t work, it most likely won’t. Of course, the actual development is also important, but if that initial “spark” isn’t there, then there’s already a problem.
Communication and discussion between partners is also super important. I get very invested in my ships and, to be 100% transparent, easily discouraged if I feel my partners aren’t as interested. 
❝ ❞ Is it easy for you to write dialog for your muse? Do their speech patterns come naturally to you while writing?
Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t. My main issue is keeping a couple of things in mind when writing her dialogue. Delia’s a little tricky because she’s bilingual and she’s pretty obvious about it, but her Japanese isn’t perfect. It’s basically textbook Japanese with some phrases or wordings she’s picked up over the years and she has a habit of throwing English words into the middle of her sentences (I italicize them and she does this to try and cover up the fact that she doesn’t actually know the word she’s looking for). The hardest part, as my knowledge of Japanese is limited to maybe three or four words, is knowing which words she’d mispronounce - because it’s supposed to happen a lot, especially with the ones that rely heavily on emphasis. Like, if she ever says “bridge” out of nowhere, she probably actually meant “chopsticks”.
Normally, I wouldn’t bother with that, but it is a big part of her character (she gets really defensive if someone points it out), and it makes replies a bit difficult to do at times. 
❀ What is a muse you want to play but haven’t? Why haven’t you played them yet?
I considered Shinsou at one point, but the whole canon privilege issue I talked about in an earlier ask is pretty much what stopped me from doing so.
✸ Tell us about any NPCs on your blog. Who are they to your muse? What do they contribute to your blog?
I’ll be honest with you, I don’t even know what could be considered an NPC in reference to tumblr roleplaying…
✼ When it comes to worldbuilding, what are some ideas you’d like to explore in rp?
Just about anything, really. Like, literally any scenario brings the potential for development in general and I’m always down for that.
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crimsonrevolt · 7 years
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Congratulations Haley you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Cassius Mulciber!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
We’re so happy to see you back in the rp Haley! You’ve always played Cassius beautifully and written out his various complexities -- as your app definitely explores once more and makes exceptionally clear. It’ll be so nice to see him on the dash again, and I know a lot of people will be so excited that you decided to rejoin so soon! Hopefully, you’ve found a reignited muse for him and be able to fully dive into his development! *your fc change to Chris Wood has been accepted
application beneath the cut; tw: torture, murder, death, blood (in para sample)
Haley, 20, She/Her, EST- United States
I’m employed and a part time student but despite those things I have a fair amount of free time which I didn’t expect when school started. 7/10.
*removed for privacy
I mean, I was here and then left because of muse issues, after I left my muse returned and with a bit of editing I’ve got the muse flowing strongly again.
Tired, but otherwise good.
Remus and Sirius, I truly identify with them both equally. I’ve always been the weird, quiet kid who seemed too secretive and was bullied. But I also am a rebel who eventually learned how to stand up for myself and others. I’m like the stereotypical parts of both their characters combined.
The very identifying things you should know: I am a Scorpio, INFJ, Slytherin, and Horned Serpent. I will fight for the oxford comma. I have been roleplaying on tumblr for roughly six years. Total I’ve been roleplaying about eight years. I am going to school for Agriculture with an emphasis in Animal Science and my life dream at the moment is to move to either Washington State or New Zealand and start my own farm while also working in conservation.
How are you?
Cassius Mulciber
I want to switch him back to Chris Wood, but if you’d rather leave him as Zane Holtz that’s fine too.
I used to love writing the anti-hero or heroic characters who did horrible things for good reasons. In recent months I have found a new love in writing darker characters. There’s a certain power in a character who has no morals. He would slit a man’s throat and then fuck someone next to his corpse without a second thought. He has no boundaries. There are no lines he won’t cross. The things he does, he does for himself. He’s a Death Eater but I believe he made the decision to join the group because of what they do, not who they follow. I will play him more in that light than as if he was another completely blind follower of Voldemort.
Previously I said that Cassius is both perfect for me as a character and challenging. I’ve fallen into a rut of writing characters who have low self esteem and mostly hate themselves, but Cassius is vain and that single aspect of his personality is going to be a fun challenge for me to work through. His determination, pragmatism, and ferocity fits perfectly into what I’m used to writing. However, now having written him before, I already have a solid hold on who he is as a character
All of that is from previous applications but to add to it… Whenever I read other people’s replies to my son I get like butterflies in my stomach and it’s a nervous excitedness every time. I realized even after leaving the group I got excited to talk about threads and talk about the group and I knew immediately that leaving had been a mistake. Leaving reminded me of all the reasons I was here to start with, not all of them are about Cassius per say but still.
I have no specific anti-ships and the only ship I have is Cassius and Augustus, but chemistry is the biggest thing for me. Because he’s a purist he wouldn’t be with anyone who wasn’t pure blooded. He also wouldn’t be quick to jump into a relationship. He’s generally more of a one night stand type person, however, he develops attachments to people and will continue having a friendly/sexual relation with them. Whenever things get to serious though, he backs off.
As far as sexuality, he is pansexual. He doesn’t care what genitals a person has or how they identify themselves, what he cares about is if the person is attractive and if they interest him. His pronouns are he/him, if you can’t tell by my extensive use of them already in this application haha.
Here is the link to my original Cassius blog.
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it:
“I want a spell that causes people to drop their guard. I’m sure there are a multitude of potions that do the same thing, but I’ve always been bad with potions. A spell would be so much more convenient. The spell itself would be “fiduciam” which is Latin for trust.”
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you:
“Augustus Rookwood, he’s the only person I would trust to be alone in the forest with me. As for the object, I know it may sound odd but I would take a gun. They’re surprisingly useful considering they’re muggle made.”
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
“Decisions that revolve around my emotions. Some choices are easy, they’re clear and precise and the logical answer seems almost the only answer. As soon as the heart is involved, however, it becomes difficult to decide because no matter what the logical answer is, it’s hard to hurt yourself to do what needs to be done.
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?
“That I was weak. I am many things but weak is not and will never be one of them.”
July 3rd, 1974
Cassius stood in the frigid night air, waiting for his father to join him just outside the Mulciber Estate property line. He knew this was death eater business, but beyond that he didn’t know anything about what they were doing that night. His father had made promise after promise that they would soon take the required steps for Cassius to receive his dark mark, but so far they had done nothing. Eyes focused on the stars in the sky above him, he didn’t hear Gerard Mulciber walk up behind him and the hand placed on his shoulder caused him to jump slightly. Thankfully his father’s grip on his shoulder was tight as he apparated the both of them away from their estate.
The dark alleyway formed around them, coming into focus as they reached their destination. Gerard turned, walking through a doorway hidden by magic, he absorbed into the brick the way students did as they raced to board the Hogwarts Express. Cassius followed behind him, pulling his wand from his pocket just in case he had occasion to use it. As he emerged into the room he was taken aback by the sight before him. The girl magically bound and gagged in a chair at the center of the room caught his attention first, but it didn’t take long for him to notice the masked figures that lined the walls. Their dark cloaks pulled heavily towards the ground, eerily quiet as they remained still and unmoving, no rustling to be heard. Cassius suddenly felt tiny, insignificant, he felt surrounded and closed in, despite the fact that there were only three death eaters in the room, including his father.
“What is this?” He said with an angry glance towards Gerard.
A stinging pain ran through his head as Gerard smacked him on the back of his skull. “The fact that you’re too idiotic to figure it out on your own should be the first sign that you’re unworthy of the mark. Unfortunately, they don’t agree,” Gerard spat angrily, gesturing towards the death eaters who stood around them. Cassius’ eyes traced around each figure trying to identify any of them, but he couldn’t. A hand gently rested against his back, the feeling was almost as shocking as the smack had been. “The girl,” his father said as he gestured towards the poor girl in the middle of the room, “she’s a muggleborn, so are her siblings.” As if on cue a large cloaked and masked death eater walked through the door, a young girl on his left and a boy on his right, neither could be older than eight. “You’re going to kill her in front of them.”
Cassius’ blood ran cold and he couldn’t stop the chills that ran across his skin. He’d done many terrible things while at Hogwarts but murder was not anywhere on that list. “I know this is supposed to be a challenge for me but shouldn’t I be allowed to decide what I do? Since the whole point is for me to prove myself?” His voice was shakier than he anticipated, but he just hoped his father wouldn’t take notice.
“Fine, do what you want, but the end result must be the same. The girl will die and you will be the cause.” Gerard shoved his son forward viciously, forcing him towards the girl.
Cassius tightened his grip on his wand, acting as if all of this was perfectly normal. He couldn’t show weakness, couldn’t show how terrified he was. There had to be a way for him to do this and flaunt his strength while trying to keep calm. He took a calming breath before allowing the incantation to slip from his lips. “Imperio,” the familiar spell came out easily, the motions flowing through his wrist naturally. It was a spell he had used often at Hogwarts during his free time. The unforgivable curse canceled out the weaker spells that bound her to the chair and Cassius watch with satisfaction as the girl rose from her seat and walked over to stand in front of him. He pulled a small folding knife from his pocket and gave it to her before forcing her to turn and move to her siblings’ side. She moved the knife to rest against the other girl’s throat.
For a moment, Cassius felt guilty. How could he do this? How could he force someone to kill their sister? But he knew he had no choice. Trying not to linger on bad thoughts he flicked his wand and the girl dragged the knife across her sister’s throat. She crumpled to the ground hands around her throat but he didn’t dwell on her despite the fact that she would live for the next several minutes. Moving his puppet over to stand in front of the boy, he had her drop the knife and pull out her wand. With the tip pressed against her brother’s chest, it didn’t take a genius to know what he would do next. As the killing curse slid from the girl’s mouth, a flash of green lit the room and the boy collapsed onto the ground. Cassius felt disgusted with himself. He was dizzy and ill and didn’t know if he was going to make it through this without being sick.
He pushed his illness aside, knowing he still had to kill the girl. He had to get creative, no simple killing curse was going to satisfy these men. They wouldn’t accept the same method of killing twice. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he forced her to turn her wand on herself a small incantation falling from her lips. “Incendio.” As the flames quickly engulfed her body, Cassius realized this had been a mistake. Her screams filled the small room drowning out all other sound and thought. Quietly, praying his father wouldn’t hear him, he hissed out the killing curse, the flash of green hidden within the flames. Her body dropped to the floor and he flicked his wrist, putting out the flames.
“It’s done.” It had lasted no longer than two minutes, but he felt like it had been a lifetime.
Without comment or even gesture, all the death eaters apparated from the room, apparating the bodies away with them. Cassius was left standing alone in the empty room with his father. Pride and excitement filled his chest. Was that it? Had he passed their tests? Did he get to be a death eater now? As he turned to face Gerard, his stomach dropped, dread and panic replacing his earlier emotions. Gerard glared down at him, anger and disappointment painting his features. “You didn’t kill anyone. She did and when you finally had the balls to kill her it was only to put her out of her misery. You are pathetic and weak. If it were up to me I would never make you a death eater.” Cassius kept his mouth shut allowing his father to finish. “You had better promise me that from now on you’ll kill without mercy and without fear. Otherwise, you will have something new to fear.”
Swallowing his pride, Cassius bowed his head slightly, “I promise, Father.” Little did he know that promise was going to haunt him for years to come.
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