#[ but u don't have to be an animal to enjoy a nice headpat ]
ghostbustingreen · 1 year
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    Gently pets your head.
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tf2headcanonz · 4 years
Hi ! I read your father figure Engie headcanon and it really made my day. It was so adorable, I love father figure headcanons. And I don't know if you have a limit for how many characters we are allow to ask for one request but can I please ask for headcanons about young mercenary reader accidentally calling the mercenaries "dad" (separately) ? (If you can't do all 9 mercenaries then just Engie, Sniper and Heavy is fine)
Omg anon....im so glad i made u happy🥺 and there is no limit to the amount of characters!
He is very confused at first, he considers himself pretty young, if not young at heart
"Wait, did you just call me dad?"
He thinks you're just kidding with him, but if you explain to him that you actually kinda see him that way, he's pretty flattered and gets real prideful about it
He will then try and act like a cool "dad" around you, but he feels almost like an older brother, rather
He'll call you "kid" all the time too
He'll also make sure nobody messes with you and asks you if you want him to beat up anyone who does
He is confused at first, and tells you that he's never fathered any children, so theres no way he could be your dad
"Son, I am not your father. You must be confused."
Before you get to explain, though, he's already taken on the role
"But if you want me to be your dad, I'll be the best damn dad America has seen!"
Expect him to call you "Son" a lot more, regardless of your gender
He will start to treat you like a soldier in training that day forth, making sure you know the best war and survival tactics known to man. Expect a lot of war stories, too.
They are extremely happy about it, they think it is so adorable that you look up to them like that! They don't even question it once.
They mutter gleefully and give you a big hug and a pat on the head
They start acting even more kind towards you, giving you lots of gifts and affection like hugging you and giving you headpats
They also enjoy playing games with you a lot if you're up for it
Whenever you feel down they'll always be there to cheer you up, just expect it to be with candy or stuffed animals...or fire.
Despite their juvinile nature they do their best to make sure you feel happy and safe around them at all times
He doesn't notice at first, but then backpedals and asks you to confirm what you just said
"Aye, did ye just call me yer dad?"
Once you explain, he gets all emotional about it. He honestly can't believe you see him as a dad but he is seriously, really honored.
He'll call you lassie or laddie if you're okay with it
He will act pretty fatherly around you clapping you on your shoulder and such sometimes.
He'll try to cut down on his drinking a little so you can see him as a good role model, even if you say his habit doesn't effect you personally
He doesn't question it, but he does comment on it, he finds it very nice of you to think that way about him!
"Well golly, ya really think that highly of me?"
He will act like a true dad around you, making sure you're okay, and happy. He'll also try and teach you a few things about engineering too.
He'll probably call you "Buckaroo" or something of the sorts
He likes to think he takes after his dad, who was always very patient and kind with him growing up.
He almost really does see you as his kid in some way, but he keeps this to himself.
He is also confused at first, but not at all opposed to it, he is a very nuturing man, having taken good care of his family all those years back in Russia
"You think I am your dad?"
He will be pretty protective of you from then on, making sure you are safe. Even if you prove you are a strong person he will still protect you like you are his own
He feels like he's back at home again, its like taking care of his sisters and mother again. He really appreciates your relationship with him, and is glad he can experience that away from home too
He will call you "little bear" in his native language
He will probably treat you like you're much younger than you really are
He laughs about it at first. He is not trying to be rude, he just thinks it's pretty funny for someone to think of him as their dad
"You are kidding right? Oh, I would make a terrible father!"
Except he really doesn't! He may not be as outward about it like others, but he definately takes on the role to some degree
He will actually avoid doing any experimenting on you or any dangerous procedures. This is when he realises he cares about you in a sort of paternal manner
He is slow to show it and embrace it, and sadly will not likely call you any nicknames yet! He just finds it a bit awkward for him to do, maybe someday though
He loves to make dad jokes with you, his main way of bonding is through jokes and medical care, so expect more checkups and attention to your health as well
Oh boy is he awkward about it. He pauses and stutters a lot when you called him "dad"
"......Now hold on, did you just-"
He won't really know how to deal with it, he is not a very emotionally available person and likely not very paternal either
He still tries though, although it likely won't be very obvious, at least at first. He'll try his best to stay kind and patient with you
Expect to have him tell you a lot of survival skills and animal facts. It's really what he knows best and has to offer.
I'd also not expect any nicknames from him, he's very reserved and awkward and would likely feel embarassed about doing it.
He is just...silent. He doesn't say anything because it honestly hits him in a really weird way.
He feels conflicted because of how absent he was with Jeremy, and believes it would be hypocritcal to act paternal to you instead of his real son, but at the same time it makes him feel nice. Because of his mistakes with Jeremy he feels awful and wishes there was a way to learn better
He tries to learn how to be a good father figure through you, and what he learns he hopes he can someday express to Jeremy
That is not to say he doesn't care about you! He really does but he won't admit it in a very outward manner, he cares a lot about your wellbeing and safety
Expect him to keep this all quiet. He's worried about judgement from other mercs about this, thinking they'd consider it hypocritical. In private he shows he cares by listening to you and giving advice that he can. He also tells you some things other people don't really get to hear either.
Don't expect a nickname from him, he also would feel very awkward about it
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