#“looking for eternal life” “wanted to become immortal” . as if immortality isnt such a sad and lonely fate. unless it’s that vampire show
nazumichi · 2 years
immortality haters are forced to chuckle
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jusiri · 2 years
Tell me why I made an offhand joke about emo Grinch and somehow that lead to coming up with an entire plot for a sequel to the 2018 animated movie that I could see Illumination possibly doing
Keep in mind I haven't actually seen the movie and am going off my knowledge of the original, so this probably contradicts a bunch of stuff but who gives a shit, it's Emo Grinch
There are no laws here
Anyways this movie takes place like 20 years later
It's about the Grinch and his 18 year old daughter
The conflict in this movie parallels the first one, except it's the daughter that hates Christmas, ya know, as emos do, and her dad has to try to show her the True Joy of Christmas!
So the movie starts out with a lil montage of Emo Daughters life til now shown through brief 5-10 second clips of her and her dad getting a Christmas picture taken
At the beginning she's a regular, happy little girl, but then around 12 she starts to become slight more emo and at around 15 she's obviously emo, and it continues from there
We see the dad preparing stuff around the house for Christmas as Emo Daughter comes downstairs
While they're having breakfast Dad starts talking to her about all the fun family traditions that are coming up, Daughter eventually brings up a 2 ½ week trip she was invited on by her friend Alex ( Alex is nonbinary, we know this because they are referred to with they/then pronouns 3 times in the movie. We never actually meet Alex, and they have no lines, but we do see them from a distance with Emo Daughter, so they still consider it representation, news articles talk way too much about it, and a bunch of Christian news groups say it's an attempt by the LGBT community to steal Christmas away from God and indoctrinate your children)
Dad is originally perfectly fine with this trip until, uh oh!
It's revealed that the trip starts Saturday, 2 weeks before Christmas, so she wouldn't be back in time for the holidays!!
Dad says no and this of course leads to a big fight where daughter says she's an adult and she doesnt need his permission, everything has been planned out and she's going whether he wants her to or not, and then she storms upstairs to her room
Dad is in the living room, initially still mad but quickly just becomes sad
He starts talking to himself about what to do
Then he comes up with a plan
In the week left before Saturday, he's gonna show her how much fun they can have together, they're gonna do all the stuff they used to do when she was younger to remind her how much she loves Christmas so she won't go on the trip
(social media people who take things to seriously say that this is him attempting to gaslight and manipulate her, and that he is an abuser, when in reality he's just a sometimes clingy Dad who doesn't always make the best decisions because he is in fact, a cartoon character)
He goes upstairs to talk to her about this, we see her room is very emo, with lots of Emo books scattered about, some are Edgar Allan Poe, some have no titles, but one is a reference to My Immortal, it's a book titled My Eternal by an Ebony D.
If any company would do this is Illumination
Look me in the eyes and tell me I'm wrong
👁️ 👁️
See, you cannot, because I am right
Anyways Emo Daughter is on the phone with Alex
Dad asks her to call them back later (this is the second time Alex is referred to with they/them)
He then tells her she can go on this trip BUT first she has to spend the week doing Christmas stuff with him and if by Saturday she still wants to go she can
She agrees
So then the next however long is them doing activities
The Daughter is increasingly bored, and Dad is getting increasingly desperate
Then on Thursday, while they're doing some 2 person activity together, Dad turns around to find Daughter isnt there
He goes looking for her and finds her taking to Alex
He calls over to her, she sighs, comes over, and Dad asks her what she and Alex were talking about
She said she was asking them what time to be there for the trip (this is the 3rd and final time Alex is referred to with they/them, and they are never seen or mentioned again in the movie)
Dad gets a little upset to hear that she's still planning to go on the trip, they have a brief lil spat, Daughter says that Christmas and all these activity are lame and she's only doing them so she can go on the trip, and then huffs off to go home
Dad stalks off in the other direction, muttering about 'how can she say Christmas is lame' and things of that ilk
He eventually said "I'll prove to her that Christmas isn't lame! But how?"
After thinking for a couple seconds, he spots an ad for something
We don't actually get to see what it is or exactly what it says, but we see that it says it's an Extreme, Cool, And Definitely Not Lame Holiday Experience!
So he signs then up for that
Next morning, he bursts into her room to wake her up bright and early so they can get to The Thing in time
Daughter says she thought they had already done everything, he tells her just this one last thing, and then she can go on the trip if she wants
So they leave and get to The Thing
They get there and turns out The Thing is very extreme and very dangerous, although we never find out exactly what it is
Daughter is apprehensive about doing it, because she is smart and doesn't think it's worth very possibly dying
But dad urges her to stay, saying she agreed to do it if she wants to go on her trip
She stays right up until they're about to do The Thing, she decided she's absolutely not doing it, and they have a big fight
He says she has to do it if she wants to go on her trip
She says fine, if he wants her to stay home so badly she will, but she's staying in her room the entire time!
he says if that's how she feels about it, fine!
They do that back and forth Fine! Fine! thing
She asks if they can go home now, and he goes to leave the start of The Thing, but end up accidentally activating it
He goes through this whole, Deadly Rube Goldberg type experience, but somehow almost manages to get out just fine
Right at the end, when he think he's safe, Emo Daughter has ran over to see if he's ok
She's like 10-15 feet away, he starts walking towards her saying he's fine, and he told her they wouldn't get hurt
When he steps on a button, and a giant hammer swings around and knocks him off the platform they're standing on, into the pit below
He wakes up later, in the hospital
It's dark out, clock says it's 7:30-8 pm
Daughter is dozing in a chair next to the bed, be says something to her, she wakes up and is going to start saying something to him
He stops her, and apologizes, saying he shouldn't have made her do all that and if she wants to, she can still go on her trip tomorrow, and he won't try to stop her or anything
She's confused at first, realizes he still thinks it's that same Friday and has to tell him
He's been out for 2 weeks
It's not 8pm on Friday
It's 8pm on Christmas Day!
Of course he's upset, because she didn't go on her trip and they didn't get to spend Christmas together at home anyways
He apologizes again and it's quiet for a bit
Emo Daughter makes some comment about the hospital reminding her of mom
It is now that we get the heartfelt emotion scene where it's revealed that Mom Grinch was in the hospital and died
Earlier when I mentioned her becoming emo from 12-15
Those were the 3 years Mom was in the hospital
The next year when she was fully emo
That's the year Mom died
That's why she's emo and that's why she hates Christmas, because she's sad
They end up having a very heartfelt and meaningful conversation and reconnecting and bonding
(those social media accounts that take things too seriously are not swayed by this, in fact they say it proves how negligent he is towards her because he should have put her in therapy, forgetting again that they are in fact, cartoon characters)
It cuts to next christmas
Emo Daughter is back from college for Christmas break and, to show that she has healed from her trauma, is no longer Emo
Dad starts asking her about what's been going on, and to pepper in a touch more LGBT, he asks her if she has a Boyfriend or Girlfriend
The camera pans to the sky as they go inside and then it rolls to credits
Anyways this to took long to type
Enjoy this bullshit of a story lol
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might-guys-acorn · 5 years
Do you do hc's? If you do, could you do Akatsuki relationship hc's please?
Ive never done hc's before, but Im gonna do my best :) hope they turn out okay! -🦎
P.S. this post will be super long, so my apologies in advance folks❤
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Super quiet baby.
Shows his affection through actions, not words
Has difficulties showing his emotions, but genuinely tries his best.
Isnt sure how to be in a relationship, so is very awkward. Stutters a lot when talking to or about you: "Uh.... Y/N.....I think you look, uh, s-stunning today."
Blushes all the time.
You love it
So you do literally anything in your power to cause it. Brushing his hair out of his face, complimenting him in front of others, kissing him on the cheek randomly, etc.
Loves kissing in the rain. It overwhelms his senses, from the feel of the drops on his skin, to the smell of your hair, to the light shiver he can feel run down your spine after a while. He loves every second.
Will do anything for you. Legitimately ready to end the world for the one that he loves
Super sentimental type
Talks about her past a lot, and wants to hear all about yours.
Emotional connection is an absolute must, looks are always second in her book
Want you to get along with her friends, specifically Pain. You two are the most important people in her life, so its essential that you get along.
Thinks its precious that youre interested in her hobbies. Plenty of nights will be spent trying to help you learn origami, but at the end of the day, theres just a bunch of lopsided cranes and crumple flowers around the two of you asleep on the carpet.
I dont think shed be much of a cook, so meals are a must for you. She'll always compliment you on it though : "Y/N, this breakfast looks lovely. How'd I end up with a catch like you?"
She does make a mean cup of tea though
Likes to leave little notes or origami figures around for you to find when shes away :)
Super obnoxious ngl
Likes to show you off to everybody. Like. Everyone. Other members, enemies, people on the street. You name it.
Theres never a quiet moment with him
Especially right before bed, when he starts to babble nonsense because hes tired. You never knew a person could have so many thoughts until he never let one pass without it leaving his mouth
His babbling is pretty endearing though, because he is forever thinking about how amazing you are
But the only way to shut him up is to kiss him
Luckily, hes an incredibly good kisser
Will forever refer to you as his muse. And model many an artwork after you. Its very sweet until he makes them explode to show off the 'true beauty'
Very detached at the beginning
Doesnt like having ties to this world
But he soon realizes there's no way to get rid of you, and he doesnt particularly want to either.
After that realization, he spends as much time with you as possible
Expect lots of cuddles, quiet nights, and endless hours of talking. About his past, his parents, his puppets. He wants you to know it all, because he feels like with all of it, he has to be unlovable
Is very shocked when you stick around and accept him, becomes very attached to you afterwards.
Doesnt do dates often, but on the occasional one, hes incredibly punctual and expects you to be
Hes very insecure about his "heart". He absolutely melts if you take time to let him know that its wonderful, just like him
Overall, hes just very relieved to have you in his life
Truly surprised to be in a relationship at all
This isnt part of his mission
100% soft boi™️
Loves to hold your hand, kiss your knuckles, gaze into your eyes, all of it. Anything he has to do to remind himself that youre real, and that you love him.
Becomes a literal puddle when he realizes youre trying to name and differentiate all of his crows
Lets you feed them regularly and marvels at how sweet they are to you
Doesnt understand how someone so pure could be with someone like him, but wont complain simply because he hates the thought of losing this light he's found in his life.
Spends all his time making sure youre happy. Taking care of you when your sick, reading to you on long nights, cuddling you when you get sad. He just wants you to feel better
Doesnt give gifts often, so when you find your favorite one of his crows (Midnight, youd named it) sitting on the table with a red bow around his neck, you cry for hours.
He gets confused and thinks hes done something wrong, but you just kiss him and tell him that its perfect.
Doesnt realize hes fallen for you until he sees you wading in a river late at night, singing softly to yourself
Really likes holding your hand
Has some jealousy problems, but not because he doesn't trust you. He just doesn't trust everyone else.
Lots of beach dates
Thinks it's adorable how he has to convince you to get out of the water when its gotten dark and cold
Prefers you don't give him nicknames, just really likes the way his name sounds when it comes out of your mouth
Loves that youre not scared of Samehada, and thinks its precious when you talk to it like its a pet and not a sword
Is even more smitten when Samehada coos back at you, its loyalty to you both means the world to him
Insists on your belief in Jashin
Wants you to believe and become immortal with him
The eternal Bonnie and Clyde
Also the kinkiest of the bunch
Has zero issue talking about bedroom business in front of anybody
Likes how you blush when he brings it up in front of large groups of people
"Aw look at how red your cheeks get, thats so cute"
Does things to get on your nerves, because he loves watching you react. Seeing how flustered he can make you is a frequent game he'll play, cuz your anger is just as cute as your smile
Likes to casually hand you his scythe even though its too heavy for you to handle
Watching you try to hold it up makes him laugh, and you yelling at him for laughing only makes it worse honestly
Will try to get you to go on missions with him, simply because you two work together better than anyone else. No one knows him like you do, so sacrifices are always more fruitful with your presence.
The most distant of the organization
Will be very difficult to connect with
But when he realizes that you seem to know the bingo book better than he does, will insist that you work on his team
From there, he'll see your personality and be thankful for all the hearts he has, because there can be an extra to give to you.
Your smile makes his day, and seeing the way you squeal when the pay comes in for a takedown melts every heart he's got
Thankful that youre just as much of a tightwad as he is, it means you make a very cheap date
Appreciates your intellect, and is happy to have a partner that is as smart as they are attractive, unlike his past partner Hidan.
Silences are an essential part of the relationship, but niether of you mind. Your presence is all he needs to feel at ease, rather than filling the air with meaningless small talk
Never fails to laugh at your jokes
Enjoys making you laugh, even if it means making himself look like an idiot
Definition of silly romantic
Will spend lots of time telling you that youre special to him, even if its in a way that doesnt make sense
"I dont need gravity when Im with you, Im always on cloud 9"
Likes to mess with you when you try to touch him by tranferring his body to other dimensions
"Youll have to try harder if you really want to hold my hand, Y/N"
When he does get serious, though, he'll pull you to his other dimension to talk. Its quieter and theres no risk of interruptions
Likes to hug you from behind, and always has a dumb joke on hand if he ever sees you crying
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Heheheh @megatraven
I’m working on the next chapter of The Girl in The Blue Dress, BUT before that comes out, I was going to say what my original idea was for this story. And buckle up it is SAD. And if you thought was Rose was getting the short end of the stick...you’re right but now it is reversed for Apollo >:).
I was going to say it when I was done with the series, but I’m impatient and need to share the sadness before it kills me. And as we can kinda guess, Apollo has a crush on Rose (well...Crush is a nice way to put it. He loves her A LOT).
The original idea was based around AFK. Well, not based around AFK, but Rose was the MC basically and her mom was the mom in AFK (just in the old times and everythint from the very beginning of the story). Now, everything’s the same as it’s happening in my story so far, the only thing different is the ending.
I’m not gonna give the ending away of the plot that’s happening now (or anything that’s happening in future chapters) but the ending was Apollo finding MC when shes visiting Olympus (shes like 6) with her mother. She’s wearing a little blue dress, her long, brown hair is down, and her freckles are the cutest thing. He sees MC walking around and a little lost. When he looks at her, he knows it’s Rose, like everytime in the past.
She’s back.
He wanted to become friends with her and be in her life again. He wanted to be finally be with her, because he felt like he could this time. He would do anything that he could. However, as he looked and tried to approach her, the child of Aphrodite, Alex, got there first. Alex walked up to her and gave her a hug and she looked so excited. They offered her their hand and she took it excitedly. He felt a pang of sadness in his heart. However, he pushed it away and tried to believe that they were just best friends. He believed that maybe he and she could be friends and fall in love like he fell for her over and over and over again.
However, as time past and he saw MC be with Alex. He may not have been Aphrodite, but he knew she wouldn’t be with him. He knew he wouldn’t be able to be in her life this time. This time, she had someone else looking after her. There was someone else she loved. There was someone else that would steal her heart.
And it wasn’t him at all. And it never would be again.
However, he just smiled. He loved her so much, and he knew that if you love someone, you have to let them be happy. It’s all he prayed for for so long and now...he knew she would get it. He wouldn’t sit there and be petty like other gods and godesses were. He wouldnt sit there and ruin Alex’s life just because he loved MC and wanted her. He couldn’t do that to either of them.
So, when MC was under attack for becoming Hera, he began to feel fear again. He couldn’t let her die again. He couldn’t let her suffer for even one. More. Lifetime. He wanted her to live a life with a lover that had a love so pure as Alex’s. Hell, he and Alex’s Love was pure...but he knew Alex would be the one to take her home, be able to love her, hold her, kiss her, and have their own family. And he was in pain by that thought, but the thought of MC being forced to suffer again hurt him even more. So, no matter what any of the other gods and goddesses say, no matter what the punishment was for him, he would stop the ritual.
He would fight all of the gods and goddesses if he had to. He would die, so she wouldn’t have to. However, he thanked Hera for letting MC take over her power and be able to live her life out as a demigod. Plus, it was an eternity lifetime. She would be almost like him and that thought hurt so much. He was so close, and she would be able to live among him...but he didn’t care this time. He watched as MC got married and enjoyed her wedding, and he smiled the whole time. He sat there and applauded for them. He couldn’t be angry or too upset when he saw MC having the brightest smile on his face.
He wouldn’t dare and he wouldn’t let anyone else ruin her life again.
He knows all the gods and goddesses find love in all sort of places. They have one night stands, cheat on their partners, have flings...but he couldn’t. He couldn’t love anyone else except Rose (MC). So, like Alex in your other headcannons, he would live a long, lonely immortal life, but would be happy as long as Rose had a happy life and was safe and sound. And when he got a glimpse of Jason, he felt so proud of Rose. She finally got to have a kid that she wanted in every other timeline. He wanted kids with her, but he ignored that pain and smiled when he saw Jason ever. And he would smile when she had another one and be happy and proud of her.
And another thing, if she ever did die, he would find her again. He always had the blessing of seeing her again. And when she died, he got Alex alone and told them that he was there for every timeline. He was there to hold her but eventually watch her die. He told them that he had the blessing of meeting her every time she was born again, so he promised that he’d lead her back to them. He’d find her, bring her to Aphrodite somehow, get Alex up there, and let her fall back in love with them, because he knew they were true soulmates. He knew he could turn his back on Alex and take her for himself...but he couldn’t do that. He wouldn’t be able to look her in the eye knowing what he did.
Rose taught him with all of her timelines that kindness and love was supposed to be spread and that people shouldn’t ruin others innocent lives for their selfish gain. And he couldn’t get out of that mindset that Rose taught him and he loved it.
And he always thinks that maybe he and hers Love was cursed from the very beginning. It was cursed so they would never end up together. He may love her...but she wouldn’t love him because she found her soulmate, and he already found his...but he would never be able to be with her...
HNNNG MEG THAT WAS THE ORIGINAL IDEA BROOOO. But then I was like “I’m writing this on episode. I ain’t tryna get sued by Voltage for this idea with MC at the end and such. I’d give credit, but I already messaged them and they said no.”
I respected their response and was like “alright...gotta switch the story up.” So...I changed the ending. No characters from AFK are mentioned (at all other than the Greek gods but like...Voltage can’t sue me for mentioning Greek gods unless they wanna sue books and other stories with the Greek gods mentioned). Not gonna say what it is, but it is changed. Plus, Meg, I’m cruel with the angst...but I’m not THAT cruel to an LI I made. I love that baby I swear. I couldn’t bear making something truly that sad and heart breaking (even though I almost did make it lol).
So, this story was a like background for MC, but then changed into my own story lol. So yeah...decided to share that with you. I always need to share my angst with someone >:))) and it’s always you >:)))). So yeah...hope you cried like I did and I hope there isn’t too many errors I’m kinda tired lol.
EDIT: Can’t remember if I addressed it, but The AFK MC isnt Rose in the new plot. Rose is just a character that I now made. I hope that makes sense???? Idk sorry lol.
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elektra359 · 7 years
Rom-com film idea
Ok so it takes place in an alternate universe where goths and emos rule the social hierarchy that is high school and jocks and preps are at the bottom, like a reverse. I am a goth, and i announce to the whole school that i am getting married. i send out wedding invitations. The emo of the school, Libbie (i also play her; i have to parts), who i am at war with socially (the goths and the emos are two distinct groups, seperate and enemies but both still popular and top) she finds out about my wedding and becomes insanely jealous. She kidnaps a man who looks exactly like Danny Devito but his name is Dennis (obv played by danny devito unless i can find a danny devito impersonator at a lower price) and she sets her wedding to him on the same date as my wedding to zac efron (portrayed by dylan sprouse) so everyone in between goth and emo will have to Choose. Zac efron my fiance is a furry, but he is never shown in full fursuit. He just has a tail and ears and a nose. One of his groomsmen wears a fursuit constantly and never speaks. Ideally, it’s a full musical, but i am flexible to just having either nineties hits playing in the background of every single scene or one major dance number with Chris Pratt and Dwane Johnson grinding to something by britney spears. Anyway Libbie starts to fall in love with my bridesmaid, and confesses in the middle of a sex scene with her that she is secretly a prep pretending who wants to be a goth and acts like one for social points or something like that, and she wrote My Immortal to live out her genuine goffik dreams, and her real name isnt even libbie its tara. She and the bridesmaid run off, abandoning Dennis. I, without telling Zac, have a wild and tumultuous affair with Dennis. I am anxious, getting ready to tell Zac I cheated on him. Before I get the chance to, Zac comes out to everyone and announces that he is not going to marry me. He, instead, is going to join a gay furry harem devoted to a goat furry named Joesef. I am ok with this, and I kiss dennis passionately. We arrange for our wedding, but right before Dennis says I Do, five or six hitmen run through the wedding venue, shooting wildly. Dennis dies in my arms, with the guy who plays Ryan from High School Musical playing a sad song on piano in the background. I kiss Dennis one last time before whipping off my tux pants to reveal my thigh holster and shoot myself through the mouth, dramatically. it is only after i have fired that i remember that i am immortal, doomed to an eternal life of dennis-free agony. I scream, and the credits roll.
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