#❪ IC ❫ WATARU.  »  a suicidal maniac with nothing to lose.
drgnbld · 5 months
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pov the man wanted in several regions for attempted genocide gives you this look when you try to arrest him. wyd?
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drgnbld-a · 2 years
MANGA  LANCE  SC.   @wishkill​  .  
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“  if  you  don’t  stop  that  silly  little  dance  of  yours  we’re  going  to  have  a  problem  .  ”  
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drgnbld · 8 months
@yellowsforest They stiffen when he grabs them, and for a brief flash of a moment,  lance can probably feel the fear filling their senses — before, in an instant, it vanishes again. Yellow swallows, hard. “Why?!” They shout — SHOUT — and they look so frustrated that they’re near tears. “Not fair!” 
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the shout catches him off guard and it takes him a few seconds to collect the information around him, to formulate that into thoughts and speech. here yellow was - frustrated at him - because he'd refused to let them heal him? " I told you last time, " his voice, though still stern, softens slightly. " you don't need to heal everyone - to save everyone. "
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drgnbld · 5 months
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" allowing me put a tracker on you to let me know whenever you're in the general facility would be a hundred times better than us meeting like this every time, matsuba. "
though he's looking extremely unimpressed upon the back of his dragonite, the tone in which he gives the gym leader is somewhat... fond, for a lack of a better word on wataru's behalf. matsuba was in fact the sixth person in that day alone to accidentally cross paths with the tamer and while he wasn't exactly in hiding anymore, he also wasn't entirely open to the idea of bumping into more people.
" you visiting ilex's shrine or just passing through? "
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drgnbld · 8 months
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" good morning. thank you for not killing me the other night. "
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drgnbld · 5 months
@moonkssd. The priestess is quiet, face downcast as Wataru spoke to her. This damned man...so many forgave him, overlooked what he did. Those guilty of this were from her own homeland, no less. It was appalling, but once she thought she could turn the other way, but... ...she just felt sick that she could so willingly ignore all the suffering. Her hands trembled, itching to slap some sense into the man. But she held firm. Her ears were red, a sign that the spritualist's own senses were being assaulted right now as they faced each other. A blessing and a curse, to be so sensitive to everything around her that was unseen by most of the world. Even someone like him. There was nothing to say to Wataru, except one thing.... "...Can you hear the screams of this world?" Yes, could he hear it? All the anger, fear and suffering? What was left unsaid was... Caused by you.
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what had started as a disgruntled annoyance through being startled very quickly was replaced by heightened senses and an urge to flee. flee like he had done so in the past more times he cares to count, flee to stop any more damage caused by himself on those who simply seek to give back what he had given to so many others; to hold him accountable for every sickening act he had done as a young adult.
but try as he did, that young, bitter adult still held a firm grip on him, and that urge changed as quickly as it had came before. the urge to retaliate. to destroy. those who stood in his way were nothing but pests to him. yuri was no exception to this.
sharpened eyes stay locked onto her. they're predatory. small with intense precision. to let everyone who looked into them know nothing will be missed under his scrutiny of the surroundings. the scoff he gives her is nothing short than his usual behaviour towards her and her clan at this point.
" the screams of this world? pray tell, priestess, what has that got to do with me, a child of both clan and forest only born to listen to the needs of something beyond what the earth screams? "
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drgnbld · 8 months
GRABS HIS FACE out of nowhere. They’re glowing. Lance can probably feel old and new scars alike starting to patch themselves over.
" what ---? what do you think you're ------ "
it's only when the familiar sensation washing over him, plus the added glow emanating in front, does lance realise what yellow's trying to do. hands SNAP to remove their hands from his face - wincing as the scars stop healing mid-flow with the pull of tight skin providing further sensation - and he's glaring. it's an immediate reaction, one he's certain is the wrong one, but to have yellow go directly against his wishes causes a quick brief anger to rise.
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" what did we agree on, yellow?! you don't need to heal me! "
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drgnbld · 2 years
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murder  is  okay  if  no  one  catches  you  doing  it.
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drgnbld · 9 months
You're safe here. You can rest now.
they've always preferred the sanctuary of solitude over safety in numbers. in solitude, you fend for yourself - your priority is keeping you alive - no needing to worry about others or potentially having to keep an eye out for betrayal; he's witnessed it first hand too many times in the past and refuses to be found in that predicament again.
he never thought, even for a second, he'd be finding solice within Yellow's domain after everything he had done. done to their friends, to their world,
to them,
but there he was. badly bruised, cut up, looking half way to death with eyes screaming: I'VE SEEN BEYOND THE VOID! hiding away from the authorities, wanted for atrocities none could possibly imagine, alive or dead. and realistically, if Lance hadn't made his way towards Viridian Forest that latter request would've been very plausible - it's a shock for him to be alive, too.
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" don't want to rest, " Lance all but snarls out, teeth baring, yet visibly grimacing after the attempt to use his voice so violently following months of exhaustion. it's raspy, unused, and very unfamiliar to him even with the short period he's been sat with Yellow. hostile as ever. " why are you helping me? "
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drgnbld · 1 year
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@turnecoat​;  they both need to fucken SLEEP.
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drgnbld · 1 year
Also. Perches here. Talk about ur relationship with me; aniki
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" you're... a pain in my ass, quite frankly. "
well this has started off great.
" you turn up out of nowhere, ruined my plans again and again even when they didn't concern you. you could have walked away from that attack in viridian and I would have been none the wiser of your existence. you wouldn't have become an enemy. that's all on you. "
though the words are harsh, there's little emotion behind them. monotoned almost. to anybody else this control of emotion might have been a terrifying prospect, but to yellow? the meaning is simple: wataru no longer feels connected to those thoughts or words anymore.
" at first i pitied you. then, i was furious with you. trying to 'teach me' to become a better person because you saw it in me. pathetic and a waste of time - or so i thought at the time. since then you've become somebody i've come to rely on... somebody to connect with and to understand that hatred and destruction isn't the way to solve problems...
" do i hate that? absolutely. but do i now consider you family? of course. my annoying little sibling who i'd push face first into a bush but would die protecting. "
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drgnbld · 1 year
MANGA AU STARTER CALL.  /  @picavecalyx​.
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“  the  forest  seems  very  relaxed  with  you  within  her  territory,  ”   neither compliment or insult, purely just a statement of fact. it’s confusing to him, to have someone new welcomed so easily in her embrace, and wataru isn’t sure how to feel about that. maybe he wasn’t supposed to know - the duties of forest guardian hadn’t fallen upon him but he couldn’t help be a little sceptical about it.   “  but  i  must  insist  that  you  leave  this  place  as  soon  as  possible.  are  you  aware  of  how  to  get  out?  ”  
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drgnbld-a · 2 years
ASK  PROMPS.   @bornbreathless​ asked:  “I’ve never met an individual that’s so full of shit in all my life.“
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“  oh  ,  you  were  finally  able  to  meet  yourself  ?  did  the  mirror  talk  back  to  you  or  somethin’  ?  ”  
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drgnbld-a · 2 years
MANGA  LANCE  SC.   @picavecalyx​  .  
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“  are  you  going  to  actually  say  anything  or  are  you  just  .  content  at  staring  .  ”  it’s  rude  don’t  you  know  . 
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drgnbld · 2 years
"Alright, edgelord, calm down."
UNPROMPTED ASKS.  /  @bornbreathless.
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“  out  of  all  the  insulting  words  you  could  use  to  describe  me,  you  go  for  edgelord.  very  cringe  of  you,  my  love.  ”  
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drgnbld-a · 2 years
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almost  died  at  the  hands  of  yellow  ,  giovanni  ,  and  the  original  trio  but  god  would  not  let  him  perish  .  he’s  had  it  out  for  them  since  .  
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