#【 ❂⭒-----༄  underneath the sand 】 ‹ mun; answered. ›
storm-allure · 2 years
【 ❂⭒-----༄  waiting for the dust to settle 】 ‹ dash commentary. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄ you buyin' something or what? 】 ‹ in character. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  clocked out check back later 】 ‹ ooc. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  surrounded in a cloud of dust 】‹ muse. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  me and alcohol just don't mix 】 ‹ meme. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  hold on I got costumers waiting 】 ‹ queue. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  Final sale; no refunds 】 ‹ max; answered. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  underneath the sand 】 ‹ mun; answered. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  I am mr. world-wide handsome that is my truth 】 ‹ headcanon. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  a sand creation of my own 】 ‹ aesthetic. ›
【 ❂⭒-----༄  thoughts about the sand guy 】 ‹ musing. ›
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cromwellharvests-a · 4 years
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name: bird
age: 24
sexuality: pan (feminine + androgyne leaning), demisexual
relationship status: [laughtrack.mp3]
eye color: hazel
height: 5′8″. me tol.
favorite season?: mmm. toss up between fall and spring, but my garden likes the latter better.
favorite movie/s?: howl’s moving castle, castle in the sky, hot fuzz, and I have a soft spot for any of the original 3 Indiana Jones movies
favorite album?:  there’s no way I could ever answer this, my life revolves around music.
favorite quote?: “Oh, I was young then, and I walked in my body like a Queen.” Lee Smith, Fair and Tender Ladies.
favorite shirt?: it’s a muted, semi-botanical print shirt, black and earthy greens and burgundies. very 90s dad chic, which is one of my prominent vibes.
smoke?: nope, between asthma and singing that’d be a nightmare.
drink?: sure do. i try to keep a thoroughly stocked bar in my house, and i’m slowly learning bartending from some friends in the trade + online.
write?: I guess. not like I used to, that’s for sure.
play an instrument?: a teeny tiny bit of ukelele, and I pluck things out on my keyboard. but, no, not really.
your favorite place: there’s a crop of beach down the way from my great grandparents’ homes on the island where I grew up half-time, it’s a spot called double bluff. the sand underneath the sprawling cliff face was always the softest, and a few yards out the sand was absolutely covered in boulders and large rocks, with little tide-pools between and similar such. when I was a kid, my mum, brother, and I would all walk out there together and turn over the rocks to find little crabs, some smaller than your pinky nail, some about the size of a half-dollar.
your favorite memory: ah, it’s something romantic with someone I’m no longer with, so I’ll spare you the details. though that relationship is over, and I’m glad in a way that it is, we had an unrealistically romantic beginning, which I’ll always treasure fondly.
alternatively, any of the memories I have with my best friend. she’s the kind of person who walks into the room and we both start laughing immediately, and don’t stop until we part ways.
your ideal partner: someone who loves me, deeply, and makes me feel worthy. and, obviously, to whom I can return the same.
your bedroom: ah, my sacred cave. there’s a wall dedicated to Jules Cheret prints, one of my favorite lithographers/old artists. then, there’s my various framed tintin posters/ephemera, next to my bookshelf where my collection sits. I recently lined the whole room with 44-key LED lights so it’s very colorful at night, accentuated by a lava lamp and some pseudo-neon lights. it’s art nouveau meets vaporwave.
yourself in three words: passionate / emotional / weary
tagged by: yoinked it from basically my whole dash
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thepelagoislands · 4 years
New Island: The Library of Magic
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This island was written by Frey-mun!
@somehowstillwaiting​ | @jvckofhearts​
The island is rather inconspicuous. It’s a small mountain of an island that has two arms like it is holding the body of water it encompasses. A small gap in the arms is the only way to the beachy shore. Most of the island is covered in thick forest, but a large stone building is noticeable in the center of the mountainside. It is covered in vines and shrubbery, nature having grown over it for centuries now. A gorgeous view of the stars in the sky are visible when on this island, and it is always near midnight. Time stands still. The island itself cannot be seen from the outside, as it is protected by a large magical spell that conceals it from the common eye.
Despite it being the middle of the day and the open waters you’ve encountered not yielding any sight of an island nearby, there is still hope to find something interesting. Your course is set straight and you have absolutely no knowledge of the island you seem to be approaching. After all, nothing can be seen. A magical veil has protected the island you’re approaching, but you somehow manage to slip underneath it.
As soon as you pass through the magical forcefield, the once-bright sky is gone and a blanket of night with a gorgeous view of the stars is seen above you. A small mountain of an island is before you, the two ends of it tapering off and forming two arms that extend in a curve around the island. Sail around the edge and you’ll find a gap in the rocks to enter through and dock at the beachy shore.
>I don’t like nighttime :( >I thirst for knowledge
If you were to look at a cell phone or any watch/clock, you’ll notice that the time has suddenly been changed to fifteen minutes until midnight. The hands have stopped moving and time has stopped. So long as you’re within the magical vein surrounding the island, this will remain to be so.
Stop your ship at the beach and come ashore, and you’ll find that you can see what seems to be the outline of an old cement building. It has greenery overgrown around it, nearly concealing it on the mountainside. The vast array of stars and the almost-full moon give you plenty of light, despite it being nighttime. There is no path from the beach to follow, so you must find your way there on your own.
Once you make it to the entrance of the building, you will find that there is no door. Instead, there is a riddle: What English word has three consecutive double letters?
Should you guess the correct answer (Bookkeeper), you must say the word out loud and a door will magically appear, a thin cloud of dust signalling its appearance. The dark wooden door is carved ornately and the gold handle, too, has immense detail etched into it. As soon as you open it, your handprint from where you held the handle glows orange or a moment, then disappears. You will never know why.
As soon as you enter the building, you are surprised to find that it is completely pitch-black inside. As quickly as you realize that, candles encased in glass along the walls throughout the vast library floor light up an provide ample lighting for you. Hundreds and hundreds of shelves of books are visible, just on the first floor. Several of the book are in languages you do not know. Many of them are in languages no longer spoken out loud, and have not been uttered aloud in centuries. Some only contain pictures. Some only contain diagrams. Some contain maps. There is, quite literally, a book on every subject imaginable.
More importantly, there are four books, tomes really, that are placed on tables in the center of the massive library floor. One book seems to be opened up to a map that covered both sides of the pages, and appears to be updating by magic. Things are shifting here and there, populations moving and weather markings updating in what seems to be real-time. The second book is opened to a page that is magically being written. The pages continue to turn as each one is filled up with writing that appears despite no one writing it. From what you can tell, the language is completely foreign to you. The third book is closed and burns your skin if you touch it. You cannot open it and you will never know what lies inside. The fourth book is open and you can see yourself looking at the book. How eerie. No matter how quickly you turn around, there will be no one watching you. At least, not that you can see.
A large spiral staircase is at the back end of the library floor. Climb it up and you will go to the second floor of the building, which is just another library floor. This time, however, the books on the shelves are all dedicated to the various forms of magic. Everything you could think of that has to do with magic is located among these shelves. It’s just as large as the first floor, and just as vast in information. At the opposite end of the floor is another spiral staircase that leads up.
Climb up the staircase and you’ll be taken to a very homey room. There is a bed, a desk, and a small kitchen. It’s a simple, simple room. The desk seems to be neatly organized, though there really isn’t much on it. A telescope pointed to the sky sits next to the one window in the small room. From the shadowy corner of the room approaches a man. He seems rather young, but it is a facade.
He introduces himself simply as The Bookkeeper, and asks what you are doing here. After listening and deeming you to be harmless, he asks you if you’d like some tea. It had been a long time since he’d had company, and he hasn’t met with someone from outside the island in centuries, he says. Despite looking to be in his early thirties, he is actually older than he can remember. He explains that he has been tasked with maintaining the knowledge of the world and protecting it. It’s an easy job to do when the island is undercover. However, seeing as you got in, he had some holes in the veil spell to fix up. He seems amused, but also slightly annoyed by this. He’s got a lot of work to do, after all.
Over tea, he also explains that you are more than welcomed to the knowledge within the library, so long as you do not take the books or damage them in any way. You can take notes in your own journal of what you read, but you cannot take any pages or books from the library. Should you try, and the book is burned to ash upon leaving, making the information lost to the world forever. He stresses the importance of his job to protect the knowledge, so please keep that in mind.
Other than that, though, The Bookkeeper has no other qualms. He pulls out a sand time turner and flips it over, then says that you have ten hours to explore the library how you wish with his rules in mind. The Bookkeeper will find you once your time is up and escort you out of the library, and he will wait until you safely depart before sealing the island back up under the veil.
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zarathelonewolf · 3 years
Before I post about the Tahmirisian character, I'll write her some of the Canon info on the Ikzal and Tahmiras desert; if there are changes from Mun's reference, plz know that they'll be minimal and that they are the ultimate canon:
- Ikzal and Tahmiras are two different deserts with completely different stories, although they have been tied to each other since the Scorpion Shell from Tahmiras decided to conquer the Canyons to then proceed to the rest of Ikzal
-The Canyons... are part of the Ikzal desert, but the Desert Roses don't think so because it is their home and they don't want to consider it shared with the Ikzal Empire, since it has been some decades that they haven't been annexed to it.
-Their luck is bad however because now the Tahmirisian dragons see a chance for conquer. The war ends with the accord between Mun of the Desert Roses and Eyrel of the Tahmirisian. The peace is unstable, they relate badly to each other, and most of the region the Desert Roses occupied is now Tahmirisian colonies. The core of the Canyons is still completely under their control though.
-Scorpion Shells are most of the Ikzal Empire's population. You already have the description of Desert Roses, now it's the Scorpion's turn. They have golden or very dark amber scales, big eyes and claws, a stinger and no horns. Their snout is very tough and bulky and triangular in shape. They pretty much rule the Ikzal Empire and once looked down on the Desert Roses, which they had annexed under their rule. Now the Desert Roses are free from their command, although they have a newfound not-so-consensual alliance with Tahmirisian dragons. The only alliance they have left is with Viper Tooth fellas...
-Viper Tooth... I absolutely love them! I still have to create a character. The have big eyes, triangular snout, venomous teeth and are very sneaky. They looove treasures and riches. They are excellent merchants and very often act as mediators when the different tribes of the deserts argue... Not without something in exchange though. They'll avoid fighting at all costs, but they do love a good battle of wits; that's the reason why they even make deals with minor species that can answer riddles or fix enigmas. They overall make deals with everyone in the deserts and beyond though, they honestly don't discriminate. They don't have a stable government, but a Council of Booldlines, were the richest merchant clans reunite. They've never chosen a side so far during the infighting in the Ikzal desert or the war between Tahmiras and the Canyons, they're pretty neutral.
-Tahmirisian dragons are... Scorpion Shells. For real. But... here's the problem: they're super huge. SUPER huge. They're as big as two adult Scorpion Shells, with extremely dark scales, enormous claws, horns, a more slender snout, and two tails with stingers that are doubly dangerous. They're the mean cousins of the Scorpion Shells basically, and they are called Devourers. The thing is that the Tahmiras desert, were they live, is waaaay bigger than Ikzal... but has a lot less resources and is close to a very shady and not very happy area, called the Void. It is characterized by dark grey sand, an even grumpier sky with a pale sun on sight, it rains... oh my, what am I saying, it never rains... and there are gigantic rock valleys that can go very deep and put the Canyons to shame. Down in the caves, there are strange purple and black minerals (signal of the vicinity to the Void) and the only sources of water and prey for the Devourers. The biggest water source is the Lake of Tah, from the name of their greatest ancestor. Since their desert is so big, but isn't as rich as Ikzal, they want to expand: they've already occupied a good chunk of the Canyons, and almost made peace with Desert Roses even if they stripped them of a recently gained freedom: it's not like they have much choice now, though, since many of them have been stinged out of existence by the Devourers. Their culture isn't concentrated on war, but they are very excellent fighters. Viper Tooth were actually reluctant to start business with them for their size and the mistery surrounding the place they came from, but as I've already said they certainly won't put away the chance to gain riches, especially if it's about misterious but incredibly fascinating and spiky minerals.
-The Void is... ugly. It was always there, just not as a very comforting presence. No one wants to go there, and it got even worse when it actually started "eating up" Tahmirisian territories: another reason why Devourers want to nope out of there. A horrible fate attends those that get too close to the weird place: a terrifying disease that makes dark crystals grow on and in your body, slowly killing you, and in the worse cases you also get madness. Some young dragons are born with the disease and live very short lives. So... The Void? Not a good place.
- Scorpion Shell poison isn't weaker than a Devourer's actually: they just work at different speed and have different effect: the first feels like fire burning underneath your skin, mainly because it does fry some of the tissues around the spot it hits and does so slowly. The Devourer's poison is almost instantaneous: it feel like a cold, shivery thunder running through your spine, it paralizes you and it only takes ten minutes before it kills you. It can be cured, but the remedy isn't easy to make and administer; same for the Scorpion Shell's.
- Desert Roses are the last descendants of an extinct underground race; funny how they're slowly dying themselves... Here's a hint: they technically shouldn't be desert dragons at all, because their ancestors are way closer to mountain dragons: one of the reasons why they don't have poison and maces on their tails instead of stingers.
These are the most important info... Also, Devourers are Cousins with Scorpion Shells, which are Brothers with Viper Tooth... and Desert Roses are the Adopted Children basically.
I'll soon post Tahmirisian warrior reference, just a minute...
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