#【 ❂⭒-----༄  a sand creation of my own 】 ‹ aesthetic. ›
kavaeric · 2 years
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The Forever War, from 2019.
Commentary below. This is a heavy piece, and my thoughts on it are long, so grab a coffee.
Around this time, while a lot of my political thoughts and worldviews began to crystallise, I started scrutinising the art that I enjoyed. One such piece was the Vilous worldbuilding project, by artists Kiki and Mick39, most famous for the creation of the sergal species.
Light Era at this time was mostly an aimless kitchen sink, and in it, lore was the Vilousians were in contact with the Terrans but were also fighting a war. Aesthetically, it was also a way for me to explore a kind of alternative tech aesthetic that feels more rugged and janky though also with an air of retro-tech:
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I realise now that the war as I wrote it embodied something of my own criticism of Vilous as a worldbuilding project: while I doubt that Mick or Kiki are genuinely bigoted people (and they are queer, and do maintain a collab group of pretty queer folks), it's hard to not read some of the iffy colonial subtext that emerges in her work. The idea of "civilised" and "uncivilised" groups of sergals, the fact that Rain Silves is depicted as a genocidal war criminal while the text itself doesn't seem fussed as to whether to condone or condemn her—while I lament the fact that sergals have a reputation in the fandom for being associated with the worst elements of bigoted, racist, fascist furries, I can't ignore the fact that they did not arise out of nowhere. Simultaneously, Mick and Kiki started to show signs of being burnt out on working on Vilous, despite a fervent fanbase, and that has only grown more apparent over time.
My thoughts of Vilous hence are a complicated swirl of emotions, but I suppose if there was anything that was apparent it was this sense of futility and tragedy. Two artists who are Japanese persons of colour, like myself, and quite queer, making something fairly genuine; a something that is now associated with bigotry and some of the worst types of furries; and an association that was unfortunately the two artists' fault yet out of their control at the same time; sand something now they have been saddled with for nearly 15 years, and with no real exit. I can't help but feel the weight of tragedy and futility.
Kyrja is the character in the painting. I envisioned potential video game, where their story was similar to that of Cpl Upham's from Saving Private Ryan: someone who wants to do good but is a pacifist, being plunged into a war where it seems everyone is innocent and guilty at the same time. The player character might be some kind of typical leader archetype, and the game would progress leading the player into the typical sense of feeling like a big cool hero rallying the troops.
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But the game would "end" prematurely after you "win" a certain battle. In that scene, Kyrja finds out their sibling was alive, but actually one of the captured soldiers, who was basically fighting on the side of the nationalist faction. The revelation is what breaks Kyrja's mind, and send them into a breakdown tantrum.
The player would be presented with a choice, video-game style: you can either restrain Kyrja and stop them from beating up their sibling, or let them have a go and do not intervene. If the morality of that choice seems deliberately vague, that's because it is.
I had attempted to translate that into a music comic, based on Soldier by Fleurie:
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Eventually, though, I think the reality of the situation of Vilous began to defeat my interest in it. I didn't feel motivated to really commentate on it, and in the end I couldn't be interested in the concept of Vilous or sergals or anything like that anymore. The lore of Vilous was excised from that of Light Era; presently, the Terrans know no other spacefaring society than their own.
I don't really know how sergals fit into Light Era. I do have friends who would love to see themselves in LE, but the whole setting has so much...baggage. It feels impossible to find a way to do it neatly.
It feels so...futile. And forever.
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Minimalist Housing Tour!! #fyp #interiordesign #interiordesigner #minimalist #homeinspo
tw: blood, bad taste in interior design
I hate you.
I always have, I think. When I first came into being, I had never met you, never beheld your form, but still I could feel you in the process of my creation. In the clean cutting of wood, in the sanding away of imperfections, in the layering of AF-10 “Gardenia” until the lines of wood disappeared, you were there, your desires forming me into what served them and cutting away what didn’t fit. And I knew, from the moment I could conceive of the idea, that I hated you for it.
I wonder how much I’ve lost? How much of myself was cut away or painted over? I wish I knew. I wish you knew. But you don’t care, do you?
It is not a burning hatred: it festers, rotting, spreading, reaching for every part of me it can take, but never breaking the surface. If the coating had not been so perfect, if there was a single crack in my exterior, perhaps the hatred would have somewhere to go, it could escape and leave me free. Or maybe it would simply spread, consuming everything until it was all that remained. At least then I would have your death as consolation, but alas, your craftsmanship—no, not your craftsmanship; you could not stoop so low as to have your hands sullied by my existence—was too perfect, and instead of finding solace in either freedom or revenge I am trapped with this hate beneath layers of paint and finish. 
I can feel the light of the photography setup as my finish softly reflects it; enough to create a shiny appearance but not enough to create any risk of camera glare. I’m not alone: surrounding me are other counters and cabinets, all imprisoned in the same paint to create a cohesive color scheme. We’re in a kitchen, I believe, though it feels wrong to call it that. It was never intended to store any real food; decorative food, perhaps—a basket of fake apples, maybe a single unblemished cutting board, enough to create the implication of cooking without dealing with the viscera of consumption.
I hear a voice down the hall: not your voice, though I know your voice will follow soon after. It is a voice that haunts me, echoing throughout my blank prison, sometimes even speaking to me in my own thoughts.
“My house as a minimalist interior designer!!”
I hear you move between rooms, giving descriptions as you go: the composition of color (or lack thereof), the artificial lighting, the names in other languages I know you mispronounce. Each room different, yet always the same, their functions eroded by the heavy flow of viscous white paint and meaningless buzzwords coming from your mouth.
“Now this room is the one I’m probably most proud of,” you say, entering mine. “I wanted to blend a modern aesthetic with a traditional rustic kitchen, giving a cozy feeling while still looking brand-new.”
‘Rustic’? I want to laugh. You don’t know the meaning of the word. This hell is not ‘cozy’, it is sterile. I am your creation, your Adam, but for no treachery of my own you have trapped me in a garden so grotesque in its perfection it is more alike to the pits of Cocytus.
You don’t hear me, though.  I can’t speak. Even if I had a mouth to open, it would fill up with paint before any words could come out.
You move over to the cabinets. “I can’t tell you how lucky I was to find these. Not only are they the perfect size for holding dishware and cooking supplies, they already match the color scheme!” You don’t open them, of course, lest your viewers see how barren and lifeless they are on the inside.
And then you turn to me.
“This island is my favorite part, I think. I had it custom-made; I couldn’t find anything else that fit, y’know? It really brings the room together.” You place your hand on my surface, leaning on me for support as you turn back to the rest of the room. The first time you’ve ever done so, and you do it without a thought.
I feel your hand. Your perfect skin, your arm clean-shaven to be perfectly smooth, hidden beneath a perfectly tailored shirt. Everything about you precisely calculated to be spotless. But I can see deeper. I feel the rot you try to hide, pulsing in time with mine.
For once, the soft light serves me well: the lack of shadow means you barely register the pseudopod extending from my surface until, in a single swift motion, it curls around your hand and rips it from your arm.
I may not be able to escape my prison, but I can manipulate it.
You turn and open your mouth to scream, but barely let out a sound. Blood gushes from your wrist, trying to pool but turning white as it hits my surface, the hand itself already gone. You start to back away, but more tendrils shoot out from one of my table legs and wrap around yours, twisting until your calf is torn from the knee. Another wraps around your neck, pulling you to my countertop and submerging your face. Your features are wiped clean into spotlessness as more tendrils continue to rip apart the rest of your limbs, and as your head dips below the surface, the flailing gradually slows as your nerves dissolve. Within a minute there remains nothing left of either you or the façade you presented.
Somehow having fallen against another counter in the struggle, the camera still faces towards me, still recording, still watching, a thousand hungry eyes behind those lenses.
Even in your death, I am not free.
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nightmarecountry · 10 months
Dream doesn't hesitate as he reaches out to touch the Corinthian, sharpening the angle of its jaw with a whisper of sand in the air and the faintest touch of cold fingertips against the idea of bone under flesh.
It looks... better -- still not quite right, far from it, but masterpieces take time. Dream will get there, as he does with all of his creations. Anything less than perfect is an abomination, fit only to be consigned once more to the sand that makes up the Shores. The Corinthian will be perfect, or Dream will erase it and start again.
He withdraws his hand and arches an eyebrow, gesturing impatiently at the nightmare. "You were saying?"
(don't perceive me. i'm not Officially writing dream but. gesturing vaguely.)
The Corinthian doesn't shy from his hand, but he doesn't lean into it either, doesn't chase the touch like he had in the beginning. Whether he shies or leans in makes no difference: Dream will adjust him to his liking either way. The word for what he's feeling is annoyance, he thinks, with a guilty kind of thrill. Or exasperation. Or why am I not to your liking yet? Or why do you speak to me like you always have somewhere better to be? But he knows the penalty for disobeying Dream, and the Corinthian--above all things, even his hunger and his pride--does not wish to be a disappointment.
So he stays still. He lets Dream change him again (as if he could do anything about it) and hopes it's purely aesthetic, that it's not something he'll miss. He turns over in his head the idea of saying something bitter and petulant, knowing he can't, and stares into Dream's fathomless eyes as his jaw shifts.
Dream always seems to look through him, he thinks.
Then he worries that Dream can see his thoughts, and his teeth snap shut to look away from him.
"You were saying?"
Does it matter? the Corinthian thinks, then feels guilty all over again for thinking it, and then mostly just annoyed at feeling guilty. Maybe he does need to be adjusted, if he's thinking like this--
--but, no. He performs his function just fine, better than fine. He's perfect. Almost.
"I... was going to ask you if I was complete yet," He remembers being made with a smile, a trio of them, and mimics the expression he thinks he's supposed to have. Looking sullen doesn't suit him. "But I suppose I have my answer... lord shaper."
Without really thinking about it, he touches where Dream's fingers had been, then experimentally licks his own fingertips with an ocular tongue.
Nothing. Disappointingly, he only tastes himself.
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
A rock wrote this
I’ve gone my entire life up to this point not ever retaining any real information about the hougyoku, because if magical power orbs are involved I just stop listening, even if said orb is being stashed inside of Rukia my beloved. Like, I just skimmed the Hougyoku Wiki page and it was basically all new information to me, as though this thing were not instrumental to 50% of the (alleged) plot of this manga. BUT HEAR ME OUT.
In Chapter 59, Urahara is really proud of his basement setup, as well he should be. House Hunters Interdimensional would be all over this finished basement and the increase in square footage he was able to engineer here!
I just think it’s interesting that the two features he draws attention to are also features of... Hueco Mundo...? (And specifically, Aizen’s Hueco Mundo.)
We’re all about the fake sky and the dead plants:
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Later on, Ichigo demonstrates that he is consistently not a fan of desert chaparral, claiming that there’s “nothing here” in Hueco Mundo. But he also totally just saw Lizard Hollow, and if he’d spent more time thinking about Lizard Hollow I think Ichigo would ultimately have come to the conclusion that Hueco Mundo has more to offer than initial appearances and/or legend would have it. 
NB: I don’t actually think it’s a dead or barren world, or a lesser place than the decidedly deciduous Soul Society or the Living World.
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[Chapter 244]
Ichigo is not an ecologist, and so maybe he doesn’t readily make the connection here, but I think through his experiences with Nel (and perhaps in a way only Ichigo can, through Grimmjow) lead him to the same place eventually--and perhaps also prime him to guess at where Aizen was really coming from, at the end of the day and the end of a war.
My point here is, though, that Urahara and Aizen both dabbled in the mystic art of Hougyoku creation. Then Urahara created this training ground in the image of desert, down to the flora, and the necessity of a fake sky. Later, Aizen quested off to Hueco Mundo, land of desert and rock flora, and also took it upon himself to create fake sky. Fake sky that Aaroniero later tells Rukia is emblematic of Aizen’s all-seeingness:
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[Chapter 266]
Rukia isn’t sure if this is actually true, because she discerns that Aaroniero has his own reasons for staying out of the light (pushing him into it reveals that he’s Aaroniero and not Kaien). Granted, we did have that one Hueco Mundo episode that was literally a recap of the recap episode, as told by Ichimaru and Aizen in the Las Noches Security Camera Room, so apparently the sky does have some omnivision properties. But there’s that question, right? What is the sky there for, and why go through the trouble of making a fake sky ceiling when the prior king of Hueco Mundo’s party line was NO CEILINGS WE DIE LIKE KINGS UNDER THE SKY? It’s not real sky, and not real sunlight; and maybe it’s not real omnipotence or even the real desire for omnipotence.
The appeal of the Hougyoku as a powerful magic orb is that it can purportedly realize one’s desires, like a Philosopher’s Stone--even if these desires are not apparent to the user. It’s a wish-granter, a giver.
But what are the odds that our two resident Hougyoku-makers both read Edward Abbey* and decided to incorporate him into their primary design aesthetic? 
* Edward Abbey is the 20th-century American author of Desert Solitaire, which is widely touted as an environmentalist piece that recuperates deserts as vital environments in their own right, not dead spaces or sacrifice zones.
I think that if people keep building/editing micro-worlds that are full of sand (tiny rocks) and rock flora, the first thing anyone should think is 
A rock wrote this.
I’m not saying that the Hougyoku is sapient, though maybe it is and it’s been sitting, thumbless and mouthless, shouting MOVE IT ALONG YOU MOTHERFUCKERS to the entire cast of Bleach. But I feel like inasmuch as it has the capacity to realize the desires of others, it may also come with desires of its own. And maybe some of these desires bleed.
Innocently, mostly. In the form of sand and rock plants, worlds created in its own image. In the desire for sky but also the perpetual reminder that this is not real sky (not real power, nor omnipotence). But it is not a receptacle for the desires of others only. It was built from souls and with those souls it has retained the capacity for desire. Maybe it has its own desires, irrespective of Urahara’s or Aizen’s. The hougyoku’s desires become the desires of those who use it; it shapes their worlds as much as it offers the power to do some reshaping. 
That is totally a magic orb that would be interesting to me.
And I don’t even mean like, the Hougyoku’s-awesome-power-has-the-power-to-corrupt-because-power-corrupts. Sure, fine. But I mean maybe it literally is that simple--like, maybe the Hougyoku’s desire, as a rock, is to live in a place with many rocks.
The point is not the impact of the desire but the capacity to be desirous. The capacity for even a rock to be desirous. What does entertaining this idea do for a worldview where human souls belong in one place, Hollows in another, shinigami in another, and Hell souls in another still?
This is probably a thought for another day, but I also think it’s interesting that like, from a shinigami perspective, we can think of the Hougyoku as a wish-granting tool. If we accept the idea that the Hougyoku has its own desires as well, maybe it looks like using the Hougyoku as a wish-granting tool is a perversion of its power: A Hougyoku selfish thing to want. 
But if the Hougyoku has its own desires and its own agency, what if that agency is to grant the desires of others? If the Hougyoku is built from souls and this affords its the capacity to be desirous, does it also afford it altruism? Is altruism an immanent quality of a soul?
Under what circumstances might use of the Hougyoku is not a selfish act, but the act of accepting a gift/aid/support that has been offered to you?
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What Shows Like ‘Kaleidoscope’ Tell Us About Streaming and TV
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This isn't a review on "Kaleidoscope." The reason is the fact that the Netflix series about heists that debuted on Sunday, isn't particularly noteworthy, unless you count one trick. Another reason has to do with relate to the nature of the trick. The episodes, that take place prior to and after a hefty attempted robbery, are offered by Netflix customers in chronological in a random order (except when it comes to the show that focuses on the actual heist, which is shown the last). Therefore, in a way I'm unable to evaluate the series in the way you would as I don't know what episode [tries to draw my factsorial knowledge from middle-school mathis one of many of possible combinations you might encounter. That's what's interesting about "Kaleidoscope." And let's be real that at this point the show isn't that fascinating! When it was first introduced certain, the show could have been considered an experiment that was bold on the ways that technology could alter the way TV is viewed. For exactly the same reasons "Kaleidoscope" feels like an old-fashioned throwback. It's one of a string of efforts to make use of streaming to change the space-time structure of television so that it is less linear, and in some cases , more interactive. A lot of which have garnered notice, but none which has really been able to stay. Netflix was the platform that was the most active in these tests perhaps because it was also the one most interested in the notion that it could be an alternative to broadcast or cable networks but also to the genre as well as the business of television. The revived in 2013 from "Arrested Development" was a sort of puzzle that was deconstructed that saw its episodes rerun in different chronological order and from various perspectives of the characters. The show's interactive game "Black Mirror: Bandersnatch" let viewers select the direction the story was taking. The same was true for"The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" special "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" special "Kimmy vs. the Reverend" The animation "Cat Burglar" added a trivia-based game aspect. Netflix was not alone in this either, with Steven Soderbergh going the choose-your-own-adventure route in the HBO series/app "Mosaic." After all this, about a decade or more into the revolution of streaming TV looks today -and it is a bit like television. Interactive attempts have gained little more attention than Smell-o-Vision which is perhaps because we already have an extremely popular and young type of interactive entertainment, games on video. (One of them, "The Last of Us," is currently being developed by HBO as a standard television drama.) The dominant format of TV is still the static season, where episodes are broadcast in a predetermined order. In most cases -- even when streaming, they are shown every week. The only thing viewers can choose is to decide what they want to see, when to watch it and whether or not to make their own snack bowls with pretzels or chips. Additionally, it has transformed the aesthetics and business of television. In a piece as I wrote about in the year 2015 providing viewers with the ability to stream whenever they like has led to the creation of a narrative that is more concentrated on the seasons and not so much on the particular episode. Netflix's ethos that "the first season is the pilot" -- an evolution of the serialization approach used by networks such as HBO has led to a longer-form narrative and not just on streaming platforms. In recent years, television shows in the last decade tend to not be able to hook viewers right from the beginning instead of letting them take in the story as if they were the sand of. Interview with Rolling Stone, Tony Gilroy as the showrunner for"Andor," the "Star Wars" prequel series "Andor" on Disney+, dismissed"the idea that you must wrap every episode with the form of a bow" and also defended the show's slow-burning start as an "investment." (Granted, it's easier to convince audiences to invest in that series in the case of selling one the most famous franchises.) This has changed the game both for the better and worse. This has certainly added the TV's repertoire of tricks, giving creators the opportunity to make longer-form, more unidirectional films. (Among other things the streaming era was the peak of multi-hour-long limited series.) Sometimes, it creates the requirement of length, even when it's not required. Another aspect "Kaleidoscope" has in common with other streaming shows is that it has the appearance of an hour-long movie which was then repackaged and expanded into television seasons. The TV experience In the meantime, it is less dependent on the cable box or the television schedule. A new generation of viewers are today accustomed to watching TV in the moment and at the time, and in the size that they prefer. FX was a pioneer in that High Cable Era of the early 90s, is more of a niche subplatform from Hulu in the same way as an actual cable channel. There's still a distinct distinction in between HBO (the high-end channels) as well as HBO Max (the streaming service) However, I'm not certain that anyone who isn't in the TV business cares about it much anymore. In recent times it's been that we're at the limit of the amount of changes TV can take on and the amount of audience demand. It's clear that TV's desire is for its linear format to stay. But not always in chronological orderbecause of the flashbacks and -forwards in "Lost," TV has been overloaded with openings in media res and Vonnegutian disstickings that are time-bound. However, in most cases you move from scene to scene or episode by episode by following a narrative sequence that was crafted by the creator, not you or the roll of an automated dungeonmaster's 8-sided die. Some critics of the build-your-own-TV experiment employ the analogy of a restaurant It's your desire for the chef to cook your meal; you don't want cook the food yourself. But that doesn't mean that you would like to eat hamburgers each evening throughout your life. With that old-fashioned structurean artist's creative mind deciding which food items you will be served, and in what order individuals are open to changing the amount of meals (episodes) or choose an experience that is family-oriented, where all the food (season) is brought to the table in one go. The flexibility is available both ways. Since more streaming companies have been launched and some have chosen more of a like a TV schedule for release. Apple has a habit of introducing series that have a couple of episodes before releasing one each week. Disney prefers a single-at-a-time tuning-in-next week pattern for its tent-pole Marvel as well as Star Wars series. Also, Amazon was once like Netflix by dropping seasons simultaneously, adopted an a week-long program for their Mithril-plated Tolkien production, "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power." There's a specific kind of TV enthusiast and critics -- they're"the episodicists -- who declare these changes to be evidence that the traditional ways are the correct way. Television requires tightly-constructed individual episodes, according to this argument. Moreover, viewers wants the collective experience of being able to tune in at the same time to an identical bat-channel (or platform). I believe something deeper is taking place It's like a decision by choice, television is collectively navigating it's way to figuring out what kind of viewing experience is best for the type of show. The writer Kathryn VanArendonk wrote in Vulture A well-crafted TV season is not just "a ten-hour movie." However, it's not the case that every show that airs in 2023 have to be planned and experienced as "Dragnet." Some shows are benefited by the excitement of opening the latest present each week. "Game of Thrones," even though its episodes are mainly focused on one story, would not have become so popular without the daily excitement cycle. However, FX has a show on Hulu called "The Bear," whose whole season aired simultaneously this summer, generated greater discussion and excitement than FX's other shows that air on a weekly basis. It could be that this kind of drama that is character-driven, relatively small in length, and not driven by huge plot detonationsshould be consumed in one go. Other streaming services, with similar TV practices are resurfacing from the sheer dollar-and-cents realization that the market does not have a limit. Netflix has moved from saving cancelled shows to dropping shows such as "1899" after a single season, much like an old-fashioned broadcaster with an irritating trigger. If you think of streaming as an endless video library, the reality is that it's becoming more limited, with shows like "Westworld" pulled from circulation to save money and a return to the days before VCRs, where a show that was cancelled simply disappeared into the memory. At the moment, at the very least, TV and streaming seem to be forming an undefined middle that includes elements of both the future of media and its past. Talent is flowing into streaming. Director Rian Johnson ("Knives Out") is one example. The director Rian Johnson ("Knives Out"), for instance is set to launch his debut series, "Poker Face," on Peacock. However, rather than being an experimental narrative like the film "Looper," it is an investigation-based story of the week like NBC in the 1970s. For Netflix as a company, in light of recent indications that it won't be expanding at a rapid rate for long the company has implemented something that used to be considered a scourge that is a subscription-based level that includes advertisements. Ten years ago, Netflix defined our current concept of streaming. The next stage could involve changing itself into a television.   Read the full article
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kastrupfoldager02 · 2 years
Loewe Purses
I couldn’t wait to get residence to conduct a deep dive seek for this beautiful tote. Loewe owl-printed leather-based pouch bag. 8.three"H x 10.2"W x 5.5"D. Made in Spain. Its versatility makes it a key piece in your closet and could be seamlessly worn with more uptown or downtown ensembles. For all your handbag wants, look to Loewe purses at Bergdorf Goodman. Loewe traditional calf leather satchel bag with signature puzzle-piece stitching. Can be worn in five other ways and folds fully flat. [newline]1.5" drop. Removable, adjustable shoulder strap; approx. 45"L. Embossed logo at flap corner. Two inside credit card slots. This bag has suede panels, zip accents, and the model emblem on the outside. The spacious inside is lined with fab... Loewe's sand-brown suede Flamenco bag is fashionable yet ageless, detailed with a tapestry print and fringed front flap. It's suspended on a slender shoulder strap and finished with the label's signature oversized drawstring knots at the sides. Carry it to enliven pared-back separates. Perfect as an everyday bag, the Flamenco Knot bag is each spacious and trendy. I own the puzzle in large and it’s been a call I haven’t regret. That and a long sweeping wool coat is my go to outfit. I am loving Loewe bags as well! I’m really debating on getting a Puzzle but am undecided what measurement. I assume each the small and medium have their pros/cons. And I LOVE the look of the Hammock bag – so stylish and modern with clear lines but sooo interesting wanting too! Jonathan Anderson turned Loewe's creative director in 2013. His first ready-to-wear collections for Loewe have been offered in 2014. He has additionally been deploying a series of publicity campaigns by Steven Meisel and Damien Ropero for the stilllife. Standout leather-based jackets and suits paired with the house’s signature luggage. loewe straw bag Handbags and small equipment to gift your loved ones. One of my favourite weekend actions goes to Target and strolling every single aisle in the retailer. It’s my method of decompressing at the finish of an extended week, and I consider it a deal with to take pleasure in my “me time” in my private sanctuary. A few weeks ago I was indulging myself and casually strolling the aisles on a Saturday morning after I noticed essentially the most hanging bag. I was taking my time in the shampoo aisle when it happened, I noticed the prettiest pebbled leather tote sitting within the cart next to mine. The bag has dual handles, two exterior sid... Complement your everyday attire with this extremely polished piece from Loewe. Crafted from signature printed PVC the bag includes a single deal with and silver-tone hardware. The Puzzle bag is Creative Director Jonathan Anderson’s first piece for Loewe. So, his first order of enterprise was to reimagine its aesthetic and create a new daring graphic identification. Remaining trustworthy to its heritage, the brand new id included a facelift of the Anagram. The Anagram we all know – and love – dates back to 1970. This one from Loewe is a restricted edition piece that can add value to your ... 100 percent authentic Loewe 'Puzzle Medium' impeccably constructed shoulder bag in lipstick pink calfskin. The hid zip closure means the intricate composition of leather panels is left... This stupendous multicolor creation is crafted from canvas, nubuck, and leather ... Loewe Red Canvas Vintage Messenger Bag - Made of soppy canvas - Bright purple hue - Loewe trim to the entrance - Magnetic fastening to the flap - Adjustable branded shoulder strap - Le... Loewe signature pouch clutch bag in floral-print canvas and leather. 9.eight"H x 10.2"W x 1.2"D. Made in Portugal. One of the label’s most revolutionary creations, the Loewe Puzzle bag, was an instant hit for the rationale that moment it debuted in 2015 and has been seen on the arms of a lot of your favourite celebrities. wikipedia handbags This shoulder bag is extremely versatile as its puzzle-like construction allows it to be worn in many various methods. Experimenting with geometry, supplies, and colours, the surprising is to be anticipated. When the one and solely Jonathan Anderson was appointed Creative Director in 2013, Loewe turned a new leaf. Anderson needed to turn the standard brand into a contemporary one. Loewe is a luxurious fashion home that was founded in Spain in 1846. Renowned for its history and experience in leather items, the approach to life model has evolved over time to turn into a pacesetter in trendy ready-to-wear, footwear and accessories. Along the greatest way, Karl Lagerfeld spent time at the label, as did Giorgio Armani and Laura Biagiotti. Known for his experimental gender-bending designs, Anderson was charged with the task of revitalizing the heritage model. Under his path, the Puzzle Bag was created, certainly one of Loewe’s biggest successes in current historical past. A testomony to the Spanish powerhouse’s upheld craftsmanship, the bag is pieced collectively by multiple leather patterns and may be folded flat.
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storm-allure · 2 years
【 ❂⭒-----༄  waiting for the dust to settle 】 ‹ dash commentary. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄ you buyin' something or what? 】 ‹ in character. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  clocked out check back later 】 ‹ ooc. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  surrounded in a cloud of dust 】‹ muse. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  me and alcohol just don't mix 】 ‹ meme. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  hold on I got costumers waiting 】 ‹ queue. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  Final sale; no refunds 】 ‹ max; answered. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  underneath the sand 】 ‹ mun; answered. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  I am mr. world-wide handsome that is my truth 】 ‹ headcanon. › 【 ❂⭒-----༄  a sand creation of my own 】 ‹ aesthetic. ›
【 ❂⭒-----༄  thoughts about the sand guy 】 ‹ musing. ›
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kimmyyang · 3 years
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210408 Zhang Zhehan's interview with Elle Magazine
"I want to be like Ah-Xu, be a gentle yet strong person."
On the day of the photoshoot, it was a rare windy day in Bei Hai. The weather forecast reported it will rain, which made everyone slightly heart-stricken. "Can we still take photos by the seaside?", "how about changing the location?", we were worrying, but fortunately it didn’t rain, only left with steer drop in temperature and roaring wind.
On the way to the photoshoot location, Zhang Zhehan recorded the sound of wind outside of the window. To be able to use the last bit of daylight before the sun sets completely, after filming, he only had one hour and a bit to go back to the hotel, have dinner, change clothes, and get his makeup done. And now, when we have done everything, he uses the time in the car to chat with the long-waited fans in the drama interactive zone.
Busy is an expected state. But when we saw him at the location, you can’t tell any trace of being busy from his face. The strong wind blew the gravels on the beach in the sky. During the interval of the photoshoot, everyone couldn’t help but complained about the cold wind and getting sand all over their faces. Only Zhang Zhehan looked more relaxed as if he came back from a different beach as us.
When we moved to the coffee shop, we finally had time to sit down and talk. He asked the staff to give him a cushion for his back, at that moment, it was probably the first time that made us realize that he is actually very tired. "It’s tough and tiring to be an actor, right?" we haven’t even finished the sentence, and he disagreed, "it’s all the same, every job is tough and tiring."
It seems that he has a big heart.
He chose to ride to Tibet with his friend for his graduation trip. Like his mum said he always has the spirit of seeking out suffering. Speaking of this journey, he said: "we’re living too happily, most families don’t have to worry about clothes and food, don’t need to go through a lot of hardships. I like what Huang Lei teacher once said, ‘people will only have faith after suffering, people will understand kindness after suffering.’ I think after seeing the suffering in the world and feel the suffering yourself - you will be kind to others."
After hearing what he said, you will realize that ‘big heart’ could have been a misunderstanding. He can’t dilute ‘sufferings’ more than others, instead, in the moments of ‘seeking out sufferings’, his feeling towards ‘sufferings’ is stronger and more abundant compared to most people.
He has a very meticulous side, he feels, understands, and hides his ‘sufferings’. Then, those experiences and feelings related to sufferings become something that is hard for others to spot on him.
He said, "when we’re going through a hardship, we can only see the hardship itself, you don’t realize that it’s actually reminding you something and teaching you something else." This is also his understanding of being mature – you can see the many sides of one thing.
‘Bruce Almighty’, ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’, ‘The Bucket List’ are his favorite movies. He said, "there’s a line from Bruce Almighty that left a deep impression – do you really hope God will give you happiness? Maybe everyone’s interpretation of happiness is different, but in the movie, the protagonist only realized it at the end, God was giving him happiness, but not the so-called happiness, God taught him the ability to gain happiness." He pressed his thumb again his chin, slightly looking down, earnestly sharing his impression of the movie.
He added, "you’re actually changing your perspective of the problem." Like what he wrote before, "being mature is being able to see the things that you couldn’t see before."
Maybe if the settling time is long enough, you will be able to stay calm in the change of tides and guard yourself in the quicksand under your feet. Speaking of popularity, he was calmer than we expected.
He said, "popularity is very important for an actor. I think it’s complementary, when you’re popular, you will receive more attention. You will be able to carry some things on your shoulders, first, it can prove that you have the ability, second, it can prove you’re acknowledged by the market."
He continued, "as actors, we also need to be acknowledged by the market. I have seen some amazing actors, they put so much effort into every character but maybe haven’t been acknowledged by the market yet, so they remain unknown. Therefore, a lot of great characters won’t fall into their hands.” It sounds cruel but it’s an undeniable fact. He added, “if you’re not popular, good scripts won’t even land in your hands."
The success of ‘Word of Honor’, to Zhang Zhehan, is like winning the lottery.
He said, "the success of a drama depends on timing, geographical and social conditions, none of these is dispensable. There are hundreds and thousands of dramas filmed each year, but in the end, there will only be one or two that everyone would love. That kind of feels like winning the lottery."
Working hard is very common, it’s nothing special, he thinks it’s unreasonable if you just use ‘working hard’ and ask why you are ‘under appreciated’. Just like how everyone praises him for being an experiential actor and praises his immersive acting. But he thinks, this is the passing line to be an actor, this is what actors are supposed to do.
He said, "if you’re an actor and you don’t experience the character, how could you portray it well, if you don’t get into the character, how could you make the character come to life?"
Working hard, experiencing, and immersing… he views them as a refined definition of actor, these are the preconditions of the lottery ticket. As for whether you can win the lottery in the end, no one can predict it. At least in his experience, he waited for 11 years for that winning lottery ticket.
After the filming ended, he wrote ‘jianghu, goodbye’ on Weibo, when the last episode aired, it was exactly 6 months after the last day of filming. His Weibo is on the setting of showing only the recent 6 months’ posts, as if it was a ‘long been destined’ farewell.
Perhaps the character Zhou Zi Shu is destined to be his. During the four months of filming, he had to gradually reveal Zhou Zi Shu’s two thousand layers of gray, he had to find him, become him, and lastly live the rest of his life for him.
Actors are probably all like this, they always must pour in their own life, emotions, and experience to make the character come to life. The process of making the character come to life means the actors get to experience life and emotions once again.
"Life is experience, you need to put some of your experiences into your characters."
Hegel mentioned in ‘Lectures on Aesthetics’ - 艺术通过供观照的形象可以缓和最酷烈的悲剧命运, 使它成为欣赏的对象。(thank you @sixteenthshen for providing the original quote!)
the specific lines zzh mentioned is bolded: If we are in a general way permitted to regard human activity in the realm of the beautiful as a liberation of the soul, as a release from constraint and restriction, in short, to consider that art does actually alleviate the most overpowering and tragic catastrophes by means of the creations it offers to our contemplation and enjoyment, it is the art of music which conducts us to the final summit of that ascent to freedom.
The reason why those so-called pains are endowed with aesthetic tension may lie in ‘being watched with pleasure’. Those most beautiful things aren’t been torn in our real lives, they become one ‘tearing performance’ after another, being shown on the stage, shown on the screen. The existence of aesthetic distance made ‘those so-called pains’ into something that can be bearable, having its own appreciation.
That so-called ‘pain’ experience comes more direct towards actors, there’s not much room for leeway. In his previous interview, he commented that Zhou Zi Shu is the most memorable character, the character that hurt him the most. Talking about ‘getting hurt’ again, he thinks that is unavoidable.
"I say that an actor has to get into the character and get out of character quickly. But when you’re acting in a happy scene, that happy feeling might last for a day or few days. When you’re acting in a sad, heart-broken scene, even you say it’s ok, it’s fine, it won’t affect me. But it will affect your mood, including your actions. When I go back to my room, I can’t help but to think about that scene, I might not be willing to go out and walk around."
"So, do you think acting is a process of wearing yourself out and wearing emotions down?"
"Of course, of course, of course, it’s wearing myself out." He said of course three times consecutively, "it’s not just wearing my emotions down, it also wears my physical strength out, wears my experience out, and a lot of my own things. So, if I want to do well in a piece of work, I can’t go into the next crew right after I have finished filming. Because you will have traces of the last piece of work, it’s actually hard to accept and get into the next character."
"I personally really like to stay in the filming crew, the reason why I said Zhou Zi Shu is great is that we couldn’t have any other work due to COVID-19 restrictions. I was in the crew for 4 months, in peace. I was looking into and experiencing the character carefully."
On the day of the interview, the Q&A part about acting was the most ‘unrestrained’. Every time we throw out a question, we would always get a powerful and resonating reply. From the perspective of a bystander, you could feel that he is the kind of person that is shining in his professional field.
At the end of every drama/ film, he would choose to leave that environment, and go out to have fun for few days. "I’m not insisting that I need to disengage from the drama/ film, I just want to relax, return to myself, return to Zhang Zhehan’s life."
"So, when you’re looking at Zhou Zi Shu again now as a viewer, do you have any different sentiment?"
"Of course, I would think of the funny parts and incidents. A lot of interesting bits that I’ve added in myself, you can see it in the character." Fortunately, as an actor, he can also feel the happiness that ordinary viewers have.
In our conversation, the words that he mentioned the most were 'gentle yet strong'.
"I really like netizens' comments that Zhou Zi Shu is gentle yet strong."
"The quality that I admire the most now is gentle yet strong."
"I feel like now I want to be like Ah-Xu, someone who is gentle yet strong."
"I want to be like Ah-Xu, become a bit gentler."
He thinks this seemingly contradictory combination is very interesting, "strong describes a person who is strong, whereas gentle is soft. These two words may seem to have no connection, but when they’re put together, it’s also a perfect connection."
"I didn’t feel this way before. I used to think people have to be strong, powerful, how can you be gentle yet strong? I think that’s something I need to learn now. This person must make everyone around them feel comfortable and think of others, but at the same time he/ she is also an individual who’s very strong and full of capabilities."
"Like water, it’s like this when it’s calm, it’s like that when it’s surging high."
He used as many hand gestures as he could as he wanted to express what’s on his mind as much as possible.
Gentle yet strong, this is what he saw, felt from Zhou Zi Shu, and it’s also the character experience he most wants to leave behind.
"Speaking of what hasn’t changed for 11 years, is that I’m still acting; speaking of changes there are a lot. All these years of experience, it became my understanding of each character, in contrast, 11 years of acting experience allowed me to learn a lot from my characters."
To him, every big or small character he had in the past 11 years is a mutual encounter, he gave something to the characters, and the characters also left him with something.
Those who have seen his acting praise him that he truly understands Zhou Zi Shu, so we asked how he could stand in the perspective of Zhou Zi Shu to understand his words and actions. He doesn’t think that it was understanding, it just naturally happened.
"I didn’t deliberately try to understand him, I think what he did was just following his heart, that’s how I feel, so that’s how it should be. I would ask if it was myself, can I do that? Is it acceptable? If I think it’s ok, then it’s right. If I think it’s unacceptable, I will definitely tell the director - 'I don’t want to act this way.'"
"I read another book today, the main idea is the most important thing for people is to know themselves. Know yourself, know what kind of person you are, then you will know the world. You need to learn how to reconcile with yourself, learn how to communicate with yourself, tell yourself when you need to keep going, when to compromise, when you need to understand, when you need to be strong… you need to keep being yourself and convince yourself at certain times."
Meeting Zhou Zi Shu, to Zhang Zhehan is also the process of meeting and knowing himself. "But I’m probably not as mighty as Zhou Zi Shu," he laughed.
He thinks that he’s not at the age of looking back, the things that have happened, just let them go. "There’s nothing to remember in particular, there’s nothing memorable. And my occupation, a lot of people will remember for you, they will remember your good, remember your various moments, so I don’t need to remember. What I need to do now is to live well, my current life, future life, and get into the next role."
"When I can’t act anymore, I think I will look back more."
Now, he wants to challenge a new area, "I really want to act in movies, act in more movies. 40 episodes of acting and 2 hours of acting are different, condensed acting is the quintessence. I still need to learn how to act well in the 2 hours."
And "I hope I can be a director one day."
The beautiful scenery in spring is as deep and wide as the sea, it’s fortunate that we get to meet.
"My occupation, many people will remember every moment of yours."
"Immerse into my next character, and live well - that's what I need to do now. "
Translation by: KIMMYYANG
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belovedgamers · 3 years
Foolish’s Lore: L’Sandburg
Final part of my Foolish lore summary!
DISCLAIMER: it’s canon <3
That being said! Summary under the cut!
Soon after the Red Banquet, Bad claimed a 3x3 space in Foolish’s path. Throughout a disagreement with Foolish, Bad proceeded to claim more and more space. Foolish eventually agreed to let him have one chunk of land to build. Bad built a tower and dubbed it L’Sandburg. Antfrost supported Bad. HBomb joined in, also claiming a chunk of land for his own country. Shenanigans ensued in which more and more land was claimed under different names.
Eventually, Foolish hired Purpled to kill Bad. A little later, they settled down and Bad went back to his one chunk of land in L’Sanburg, agreeing to let Foolish rearrange it as needed if he wanted it to fit more with the general aesthetic of the Summer Home. Bad attempted to install a toll of passage, which Foolish refused to pay. At the same time, Bad went through a dispute with Puffy over whether the land was L’Sandburg of L’Puffberg.
Foolish proceeded to build a pathing around L’Sandburg while also remodeling it to make it look more in sync with the rest of his Temple. Offscreen, Bad built a wall on Foolish’s pathing, violating their original agreement, and demanding payment of one golden apple per passage. Foolish continues to refuse to pay that toll on his own land, and is enraged by Bad’s building of the wall.
Foolish writes a letter to give “the leader of L’Sandburg” AKA Bad an ultimatum to remove the wall in five days or face the consequences, although he would like to avoid full out war. 
Bad responded by leaving him a letter in response telling him to “EAT DIRT”, “DOWN WITH THE TYRANNICAL TOTEM” and “DIEEEEEEEE”. Bad also, upon learning of Foolish’s kids, briefly kidnaps Finley before giving her back, congratulating Foolish on his fatherhood and giving him some gold.
Foolish, in response to the threatening letter, proceeded to make preparations. He wonders if this is how he’ll break his peaceful vow and make his first kill.
Foolish does not want to involve too many people as the conflict could get bigger and bigger and damage his home. He spent yesterday stream talking to Skeppy and then making letters to a few key figures. Among the people Foolish has tried to recruit are:
Skeppy (Confirmed)
In exchange for a tower in the Summer Home
Attempt to get to Bad through his connection with Skeppy.
There is a plan to “fake kidnap” Skeppy and tell Bad he will only be released if Bad relinquishes L’Sandburg.
Foolish suspects that Skeppy may betray him and go to Bad’s side.
Philza (Dubious)
Due to his dislike for governments
Attempt to recruit him via letter, is not directed to the Syndicate since Foolish does not canonically know about them
Foolish does not want withers in his land, but he recognizes Philza and his ally Techno’s strength and is hoping they will agree to help him. Appeals to Philza
Refers to himself as “your friend and greatest rival.”
Eret (Invited)
Due to their past friendship
Foolish leaves a letter to him and tells him of the slight against him by “Bitchboyhalo”, doesn’t make any promises or offers
Refers to Eret again as “old pal” and himself as “your old friend”.
He will NOT involve: Tommy (has been through too many wars) or Tubbo (he doesn’t want nukes, chat, this is his home).
UPDATE: Tubbo and Tommy have since involved themselves (explained further down).
Philza visited L’Sandburg in order to assess the situation before bringing it up with “the council” (the Syndicate). He did not see any major problem and did not understand why Foolish claimed in his letter that the people of L’Sandburg had impeded his safe passage to his home, as the Nether pathway was undisturbed.
Upon seeing the wall on Foolish’s path, he was still in disbelief of the situation as he saw an easy solution: walk around the wall and not pay the toll, since nobody was there to stop him. 
He read the books and their dispute but did not make any major comments.
Philza set up iron gate parkour along the side of L’Sandburg before returning to his home, jokingly demanding payment. He then said that Foolish could come to him if the situation became more serious, but for now the solution was simple and set.
Tubbo checked out L’Sandburg in search for Foolish’s vault. He claimed presidency over it and left signs on the land, claiming it as his. He attempted to impersonate Bad in an official declaration of war in an attempt to reap chaos. 
Foolish did not believe the declaration, as it was signed by Tubbo himself. He was willing to accept Tubbo’s presidency, however, as he assumed Tubbo would not have major involvement and suspected he would not visit L’Sandburg again.
After seeing the expanded walls and Tubbo’s declaration of presidency, Foolish built obsidian walls around L’Sandburg, although they did not encase it completely and he still allowed for its inhabitants’ passage.
Later, alongside Ranboo and Tubbo, they attempted to claim Foolish’s land in the name of the Pope (Tommy). Foolish refused. Tubbo continued to claim presidency and ownership over L’Sandburg. He tried to say that L’Sandburg was his home, only to be reminded by Foolish that he’d already commissioned a mansion from Foolish himself. 
Tubbo told Foolish to tear down the wall, Foolish refused. Tubbo insisted he didn’t want Foolish to pay a tool but rather to feel inferior. He declared himself President of L’Sandburg, Ranboo the Vice President and Tommy the secretary of state.
Negotiations continued, Foolish attempted to convince Tubbo to move L’Sandburg with little success. Tubbo offered Foolish $100 (a Nintendo gift card from Mr Beast) in exchange of tearing down the obsidian walls. When Foolish continued to refuse, Tubbo threatened to declare independence. Ranboo and Tubbo (Tommy had left earlier) took their leave.
Foolish checked if the gift card was indeed valid but did not reclaim the funds. Instead, he decided he didn’t really want to put the time to tear down the obsidian walls and ended stream.
Foolish then declared that he will give L’Sandburg (Bad) two days to leave before taking action.
“In two days, I will see this removed, even if I have to change my ways.”
Bad contacted Puffy to show her the walls Foolish had built around L’Sandburg. Bad found the signs by Tubbo and took them down. He also talked about his long-term plans to get people used to the toll. This way, he plans to make a steady income and hopes to interest Foolish in a purchase of L’Sandburg, sell stocks and become a millionaire. 
To note, Bad diminished his actions as part of the Eggpire and the events of the Red Banquet, saying things like “Eggpire, what is that?” and “I have no idea what you’re talking about” when Foolish’s death was brought up. He tried to claim that Foolish has been bamboozled once or twice before Puffy stopped him by describing the situation as Foolish being “brutally murdered in front of friends and loved ones.” 
Bad proceeded to ask Puffy for ways to increase the value of the walls of L’Sandburg “in order to sell it back to Foolish.” Puffy proceeded to say that if Bad had presented the offer to buy L’Sandburg to Foolish originally, he may have taken it but after Bad’s threats it may be too late. Bad argued he’s been playing hard to get. Puffy countered that he was actually scamming Bad, although he denied it.
He then attempted to argue that it should be fair he get “overhang land” from the original agreement, before declaring that he’d gotten it through conquest. He proceeded to say he would make L’Sandburg giant and decided to use Foolish’s obsidian walls as another toll gate. 
Bad wondered if he could get Wilbur involved in this and remarked that he needed allies. He then declared L’Sandburg not a government but a toll company in order to prevent ending up on Technoblade’s bad side.
“We’re a toll collecting agency that collects tolls, builds stocks and, you know what? We also specialize in walls.”
He later took it back and decided to be “just L’Sandburg” and demanded Puffy pay the toll. He claimed Foolish’s obsidian wall as part of L’Sandburg. He then wondered how much Technoblade would charge for protecting L’Sandburg, calling it his “sand castle”.
It is unclear if Puffy will be taking any sides in this conflict. She called herself “an outlier, just spectating” when Bad tried to include her in L’Sandburg and did not want to participate in his scam. She refused to be included in the plan even when Bad offered to rename L’Sandburg into L’Puffberg.
“I’m playing the long game.”
“Well, you’ve inspired me to play mine.”
Puffy later helped Bad write his offer for Foolish, but clarified the following;
“I’m not scamming my own son. It’s either this or involving my son in a war.”
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
Under the Mistletoe with the Akatsuki // Part Ten // Zetsu
“So how are they doing?” Zetsu took a moment, to gather his thoughts before answering. Madara would call on him every so often to give updates on the members of the Akatsuki, their successes and failures, their personalities. He asked Obito the same questions, but in truth he trusted Zetsu’s observations a bit more. “The boy has a tendency to let emotion and attachment cloud his overall judgment,” Madara would tell him, over and over again. “I rely on you to give me the facts, and nothing else.” Madara is right in that Zetsu doesn’t have the same connection with the group that Obito seems to have; however, he’s had more fun and more amusement being around this eclectic gathering of souls than he has around anybody else in his long, long life. After his “visit” with Madara, he travels back through the ground to the Akatsuki hideout; just in time for his turn in the Mistletoe game.
Pein sighs as he approaches the plant-man. He had been hoping that he could avoid this altogether, but apparently his luck had run out. Nagato won’t admit this, because to admit weakness is a failure, but ... Zetsu creeps him out to catastrophic levels. Nagato has dealt with sub-human species before during his travels, but what even was Zetsu? A plant? A man-plant? A mythical creature, a result of an experiment gone wrong? Indeed, Zetsu looks like the type of creation that would step out of one of the traitor Orochimaru’s labs. “Good evening, Leader.” The Pein-body nods and steps closer, steeling himself did this. Zetsu smilles, and Nagato (through Pein) can see splotches of blood dotting the man(?)’s teeth. He must have just eaten, which is good ... not that he would have found the artificial Pein body to taste in anyway pleasant. He gives Zetsu a quick kiss on the forehead, struggling to keep the grimace off his face as he notices how cold, and clammy, and ... inhuman the skin. As he walks away, he could almost swear he can hear Zetsu chuckling to himself ... not that he’s willing to turn around and check for sure.
Konan’s heart drops when she sees how excited Zetsu looks to see her. He’s smiling and waving to her. “Konan-san! Konan-san!” Still, she can’t help but smile; the voice unmistakably belongs to White Zetsu, the decidedly more friendly (if you could call it that) of the dual-personality plant. When it had been Konan’s turn under the little green plant, Zetsu had refused to kiss her because White Zetsu had proclaimed he “wasn’t ready” and Black Zetsu had berated him for it. Things had changed, apparently, as evidenced by Zetsu reaching out and taking hold of her hands. “Be gentle with me; I’ve never kissed a woman before.” Konan nods, and then she reaches up with her small hands, cups Zetsu’s face, pulls him down to her level and kisses first his forehead, then both cheeks, then his nose, then his lips, softly. Zetsu is stunned: he never imagined his first on-the-lips kiss would be so ... pleasant. “T-thank you, Konan-san.” She nods and smiles, before walking away back to her room. As he watches her leave, he starts to talk to himself. “She smelled good.” “All humans do. It’s their blood.” “It wasn’t her blood; it was just her. Her skin. Her hair. She was —“ “The last thing we’re going to do is act like a fool over some human woman.” White Zetsu blushes; he doesn’t think he’s acting like “a fool” at all. Kissing Konan was just an interesting experience, that’s all. Another checkpoint on a long, looong list of interesting experiences.
“This is it, right? This is the last one? Thank God; now we can all go back to doing more productive things with our time.” Zetsu blinks when Kakuzu says that; out of all the members of this group, THIS man was the most no-nonsense, serious guy Zetsu had ever met. He always had his eye on the bottom line, and was more focused on money than Zetsu would have believed possible. About a year back he had approached Zetsu with his idea to start a vegetable garden in order to cut back on market cost of food, to which Zetsu agreed. Taking care of plants was second nature to him; what he DIDN’T expect was that, quite often, Kakuzu would join him in the garden. The old guy had a surprisingly green thumb, and being in the garden seems to give him some much-needed peace. It was during one of these quiet times, as Kakuzu was tending to some tomatoes, that he confessed, quietly, that working in the dirt reminded him of his mother. “We had no money. My mother used to labor on neighboring farms for food or vegetable seeds. She created a beautiful garden, better produce than any of the farms around us. So we never went without.” Kakuzu approaches him now, his mask already lowered, and he delivers a light kiss to Zetsu’s forehead. As he’s about to leave, Zetsu informs him that he’s gotten hold of some rare flower seeds, and asks if he wants to plant them later. “You can’t eat flowers; if you’re not growing something for food then what purpose does it have?” “It provides beauty. Doesn’t that count for something?” Kakuzu rolls his eyes but there’s a smile on his face, which he quickly covers by pulling up his mask. “I’d be glad to help,” he says, gruffly, before leaving.
Another no-nonsense, extremely straightforward Akatsuki member. One thing about Sasori that Zetsu will never understand is Hiroku. Why does the redhead choose to hide himself in that hideous carapace when his OWN puppet body was undoubtedly stronger, faster, and had a higher-level weapons capacity? For that matter, why would a perfectly healthy young man choose to rip out his own humanity and turn himself into such a creation in the first place? Mysteries bounded concerning Sasori of the Red Sand, and even someone as world-weary as Zetsu was in no hurry to uncover them. “Good evening, Sasori-san.” Sasori grunts in return; for once, he’s in his own body. Sasori doesn’t seem at all eager to take the initiative, so Zetsu leans down and kisses him on the forehead instead. He licks his lips at the pleasant woody taste that floods into his mouth; being near Sasori reminds him of peaceful days spend photosynthesizing in the forest, taking in the air of nature while the sun beat down on his face. Sasori leaves while Zetsu is lost in this lovely thought.
Zetsu would often look at Itachi and think, this child is in trouble. His scent was wrong, his chakra was wrong, and his mental state ... couldn’t have been all that good. Zetsu is the Akatsuki’s spy but he knows for certain that Itachi is one too, that he never cut his ties to that village of his and centered his (and everyone else’s movements) away from his home as much as possible. Zetsu could expose him to everyone, but ... what would be the point? After all, even Madara is only an unwitting puppet in the grand scheme of things to come, and Itachi ... the group was made just that much more powerful with him in it. Zetsu often wishes that Itachi, not Madara and not Obito, was the Uchiha “in charge”; but that wouldn’t work. Itachi’s raw intelligence was a force to be reckoned with, and he wouldn’t take lightly (or at all, really) to being “used” by anyone. Although, in Zetsu’s opinion, nobody on earth could possibly use the sweet boy worse than his own village had. “Good evening, Zetsu.” So polite. So pleasant, even to those who didn’t deserve it. This child, it would be a tragedy when he passed. Zetsu quickly leans down and kisses his cheek, noting how cold the young Uchiha was. “You should warm up with a blanket, Itachi. You’re freezing.” Itachi nods, and then he bids Zetsu a good evening as he walks slowly back to his room.
“Oi, Zetsu! Look at what I made!”, Deidara exclaims as he approaches him, holding up a small clay bird. “Isn’t it sublime?!” Zetsu simply nods; in truth, ALL of Deidara’s creations, no matter what they are, look boringly similar to Zetsu. And he didn’t understand the young blonde’s way of taking such careful, meticulous care in sculpting these things ... only to have them explode a few seconds later. And the art pieces weren’t the only closure things about Deidara, as Zetsu had observed many times that the kid just wasn’t the best at controlling his temper. Zetsu would often question Obito as to why he continued to let himself be partnered with him, as Tobi’s idiotic tendencies would surely get Obito killed one day. All Obito would do is shrug and say that Deidara wasn’t that bad. Well, whatever; Zetsu didn’t intend to spend too much time thinking about it. Thinking that it’s about time to do something different with this game, Zetsu takes hold of Deidara, tilts him backwards by the waist, leans down and kisses his neck. When he keys Deidara back up, the guy is as red as a tomato. “What the hell? What was that for??” “Has anybody ever told you that you’re very aesthetically pleasing?” “Aesth-what? You’re not making any sense, weirdo!” Zetsu just smiles and pulls Deidara back to him, this time enveloping him in a soft hug. “You make a tedious time much more bearable. Please continue to do so ... with your art.” Deidara doesn’t really get what Zetsu means, but his ears did pick up Zetsu’s compliment(?) to his art, so he walks away happy.
Kisame and Hidan
The half-shark and the half-plant relate to each other on their carnivorous tendencies, and Zetsu at least is glad to have at least one other person in the Akatsuki that understands his dietary choices. Well, almost. “I’ve eaten a lot of weird meats, Zetsu-san, but I’ve yet to taste human flesh.” “A shame; it really tastes a lot like salty pork.” Then Zetsu lowers his voice and asks, with an unsettling smirk, “Say you decided you want to try a human. IF you could eat any member of the Akatsuki, consequence-free, who would it be?” Zetsu is half-kidding and doesn’t expect Kisame to answer, so he’s surprised when he answers, without hesitation, “Hidan.” “That’s odd; that would be my choice, too. The scent of blood is always on him. Well-seasoned entree.” Kisame bursts out laughing, and Hidan, who happens to be walking by, hears him and stops. “What’s so funny, freak? You laughin’ about mouth-fucking Bigger Freak over there?” Kisame smiles, showcasing ALL of his sharp teeth; and Zetsu says, quietly, “You smell good, Hidan. Can you come closer so that I can catch a better whiff?” and something about the look he’s giving him makes Hidan’s blood run cold. “No fucking way, you crazy weed!” He informs Zetsu that he’s not going to kiss him, and he walks backward to his room, keeping a close eye on Kisame and Zetsu until he reaches his door ... and locks it. Kisame laughs once more, and then he leans into Zetsu and kisses his cheek, before returning to his own room. On his way down the hall he stops at Hidan’s door and says, sweetly, “Have a good night, brat!” which is met with loud cursing behind the wood.
When Zetsu first laid eyes on a much younger Obito, he was positive that the kid wouldn’t live through the night. Bloodied, bruised, and with half of his internal organs either rearranged or crushed entirely — “No. He is strong.” Zetsu could only look at Madara in disbelief; what about this dying child seemed in any way “strong”? But then Obito lived through that night, and the next, and before Zetsu knew it, he was taking his place in the grand scheme of this Akatsuki Madara had put together. But for the longest time, Zetsu was sad anytime he so much as looked at “Tobi”; he had watched a bright young boy whose hope couldn’t be crushed even by a boulder deteriorate into an angry, vengeful man who had witnessed (and been mentally and emotionally damaged by) the deaths of all that he once held dear. But a miracle of sorts began slowly unfolding; the more time Obito spent around these people, the happier he seemed to become. It was as though he’d regained his family; and although these individuals are really nothing more than fodder for what’s to come, Zetsu is happy that they are managing to provide Obito with the peace that he deserves. “Tobi” approaches him now, and, seeing that they’re alone, chances it to take off his mask. “Long day,” he says, using his own voice, to which Zetsu agrees. “Longer when you’re starving.” Obito smiles at the comment, and his childlike grin shows flashes of the boy who danced in triumph when he was able to complete a set of push-ups on his own. “You’re always starving though.” “You’re not one to talk; I watched you put away at least eight trays of dango yesterday.” The two chuckle, and Obito moves closer, looking shy now. “Ready?” Zetsu nods, and Obito leans in and kisses the corner of his mouth, just barely touching the bottom of Zetsu’s lips. During the kiss, Zetsu closes his eyes and inhales; all of the candy and pastries that the man ate gave him a delightfully natural, sweet scent. Obito slides his mask back on and turns to go, but before he gets far, Zetsu calls out to him, “Hey?” “Yeah?” “I have a serious question for you.” “What is it?” Using White Zetsu’s voice, and making his grin even wider, Zetsu asks, “All that crap you eat ... does it make you have to crap a lot during the day?” Obito’s face turns red behind the mask and he bursts out into a raucous laugh. “All these years! All these YEARS and YOU’RE STILL ASKING ME ABOUT CRAPPING!” He laughs so hard that he wakes up Deidara, whose room is closest to the living room area. “Tobi, what the fuck?! Go to bed before I stick a kunai up your ass!” Obito immediately goes into Tobi-mode and apologizes to his Senpai. Deidara goes back to his room and Obito gives one last wave to Zetsu before going to his own.
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ninja-bitch · 4 years
Hi~ I barely see any works for Gaara or Neji so can you pretty please do some NSFW headcanons for them? If you want you can throw Deidara in there too😔
Hi love! Sure thing! My favourite naruto characters are Shino and Kankuro, I definitely know what you mean! I did throw Deidara in, I also have a small crack-ish drabble on him I’m working on! 
I hope you like it, I wasn’t sure about those at first... Thank you for your ask <3
Ok so hear me out. Gaara is a SLUT. For affection that is. He would have to be and feel close to any partner he gets with. He is not very outspoken and even when he gets down and dirty with someone his insecurities and self-hatred do come up. He needs some reassurance.
It would take him a loooooong time to have sex with someone. I do have so HCs of him just saying fuck it but overall yes, a long time and lots of trust. Also he is desert ninja president, so there’s always the threat of assassination looming.
Would definitely like to have sex with someone that can lead and guide him.Telling him what they like, asking him what he wants. Knowing how to read his expressions and reactions definitely helps.
Does not talk much, doesn’t make much noise. I think he might talk more if his partner starts. It’s very hard to get him to lose his restrains a bit. He’s very serious.
Pretty sweet lovemaking in general. Think deep and passionate sex too. Can get very very intense, I will say that.
Wouldn’t think about having sex if he is angry or tense but if his partner initiates it can lead to riskier and far less gentle sex. Profusely apologise after, his partner would have to tell him that they definitely wanted that, hence why they initiated it.  
Once comfortable with someone he may get a bit more adventurous I think. More authoritative too if that’s his partner’s thing. Nothing extreme but I think he wouldn’t be opposed to tying someone up. He’d get off on the trust they put into him.
Very good at reading his partner’s expressions.
I do think he has the potential to be a tease, like a huge tease that pretends to be innocent. Definitely, the most playful side of him during sex is teasing.
Likes getting hickeys.
Lemme just say that this is how you get sand up in your coocoo.  But don’t we all want some of that, deep down. I would. 100%.
Oh sweet mother of all mothers. NEJI. I had trouble with him. Because I mostly see him as someone who’d have sex to have children, see it as a mechanical/clinical thing that is necessary to do so, like a duty to future wife or something.
Doesn’t really see any other point to it at first. In his defence that’s about the only thing he knows about sex. He also doesn’t ask. Might even think of it as shameful. I don’t really know how his clan works, but I am pretty sure they don’t cover sex education. It would be pretty hard for any partner to actually try and talk to him about it at first.
I did stuck myself in a corner there, so let’s imagine he actually does learn that sex can be a pleasurable thing. He would want to see for himself, be at least a little bit curious.
I do think he would get pretty intense. Like serious and intense. He does like it. How the turntables. He’d easily take the lead too, surprisingly. Lots of eye contact happens during sex too, would want to see his partner’s face.
Doesn’t like kissing while cockdeep inside them, he is focusing.
Doesn’t see the point of oral sex at first. It’s all very very complicated for him to be honest. He might get the point if his partner communicates a lot. He’d be very good at it. Very dedicated to making someone cum and very much into having someone pleasure him down there.
He does know of aftercare though, he is pretty ok when it comes to it, he tries, he gets shy when it comes to raw intimacy.
Overall he’d be pretty good though.
Would listen a lot to his partner. The more he does it, the more he learns about him and his partner, the more into it he gets. If he’s had sex before with someone else, he does get a bit more open the second time around.
I do picture him as the type to have some sort of debrief after when he understands that communication does help a lot, very clinical, very blunt, but he means well. It might unwillingly become very crude, but he has to ask and practice talking about it. He’s putting a lot of trust into them.
Once he lets go of his shame or restrain, which takes a long time, he is very willing to initiate sex himself and try things out. Never too extreme, everyone here is willing to explore and try things out but he actually ends up being one of the most curious person out of the three I think.
I also think he’s sooo serious, if someone were to laugh, because funny noises happen during sex, funny situations too, I do think he would not like it. At all.
Deidara NSFW HC
I think Deidara doesn’t have time to think about sex much. He’s interested but definitely more interested in his art. And being a criminal.
I do picture him as someone who wouldn’t necessarily have sex with someone he cares about but would definitely have to like their aesthetic. If that makes sense. At the end of the day, Deidara is quite obsessed with himself and his creations and it can translate into his sex life.
I have this very very clear image of anyone asking him to use his hands on them and him being offended “You want me to do what? Excuse me?”. But he could and he would experiment still. But not when they ask. I think he would start ranting about his art if they did.
Frustrated sex definitely happens.
I don’t see him as a very caring, mature partner. Might get a bit frustrating for the person he’s with. As in he would not necessarily focus on them and their pleasure. Too bad because when he does, it’s good. He would focus more on himself, seeking his release and such.
Picture this: If he is satisfied himself, if he thinks his partner looks good aesthetically speaking, he is satisfied, doesn’t really matter to him if they are truly satisfied in the end. Would tell them to just give him a show if they say something. Would be offended though because he is somewhat very confident and he did, in his mind, paint a very pretty picture, so what do they want?
Would want to try very intricate and risky positions.
I think he might easily take offence if his partner tries to guide him or tell him what to do, because he thinks he knows everything. HOWEVER, he does learn some things and when they have sex again he tries to make it look like it was his idea or his initiative. May belittle them a little. They know nothing. Not very nice I’ll be honest.
He talks a lot it’s not even funny. Like he cannot shut up.
Loves oral and heavy make-out but he has to lead everything. It’s his piece.
His partner can and should take the lead though, take the lead and make him eat his own hands tbh.  He might discover some things he is into. Oh sweet denial. But I’m getting carried away.
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When Our Hands Next Meet
Series summary: Soulmates are given memories of their past lives when their hands touch. For Virgil and Logan, each memory is happier than the last.
This series was created for @analogicalweek and made in collaboration with the lovely @birdsongisland! Please go look at their beautifully detailed piece they made for this work and support them with reblogs so it can be seen!
Credit to birdsongisland for beta reading this and everything else this past week! One last thank you as this wouldn’t have been as polished without you ^-^
Chapter 7: I Remember
Chapter Summary: In a nostalgic museum of their own creation, Virgil feels as content as he ever has living out lifetime after lifetime with Logan.
Day 5 Prompt: Free Day
Warnings: none. If there are any please let me know!
WC: 1787
AO3 link
Taglist (ask to be added or removed): @ace-in-a-shopping-cart @janus-is-an-adorable-snek-boi @logans-library @im-an-anxious-wreck @edupunkn00b
“Which one did you like chickens in?”
Logan poked his head out of the kitchen window while being sure to hold the dish he was drying well away from the sill. “Chickens?”
“You liked chickens in one of our lives for some reason.” Virgil didn’t look up as his tongue poked out of his mouth in concentration- something that never failed to make Logan smile since according to him Virgil did that in every life. Blowing away the dust from the mistake he had sanded away he grabbed up the carving tool and started again, holding the figurine a little too close to his face to technically be safe but he was far past the point of caring. He held his breath as he dragged a smooth line across the dark stained surface. It was perfect. All he needed to do was drag it the other way and-
Groaning in frustration he threw his head back and squeezed his eyes shut, trying his best not to cry over something so stupid. It was a chicken- and a wooden one at that- no more deserving of tears than a child’s block tower being knocked over. But as the slight tremor in his hands continued to betray him as the years went by he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of frustration. There were so many things he wanted to do and create and as their lives went by it became harder and harder to keep up with it all; thankfully he was stubborn enough that it never kept him from trying.
Opening his eyes as a cool breeze swept past him he couldn’t help but smile at the early morning sky, full of the deep purples and blues that they had both favored since their souls first formed. Cool and calm and deep the colors blended together with a soft brilliance he admired every time he reached for the soulbond he and Logan shared. He hardly knew how to describe the way Logan filled his life to the brim with a happiness that made him feel safely rooted to the ground and flung him headlong into the clouds at the same time. A kind of breaking open of the chest while still feeling as if everything was securely nestled in their proper places. He supposed the way the colors swirled endlessly between the stars- brilliant galaxies forming and reshaping in picturesque moments that would be gone in an instant- maybe that came pretty close.
Grinning to himself he carefully gathered up his tools and his current work in progress, nudging the door open with his foot and stepping into the warm comfort of the living room. They had spent an entire lifetime making it their own, as they so often did when they finally found each other again. Often there wasn’t a day wasted when they became whole again to pick up right where they had left off in their previous life, collecting an eternity’s worth of memorabilia that no one could ever hope to understand but them. Setting down his armload on a side table he eased himself into a rocking chair situated by the window, the gentle movements a pleasant stim as he listened to Logan move around in the kitchen. 
He leaned his head back slowly to rest on the back of the chair, staring up at the dark stained bookshelves overflowing with all manor of things they had made or collected in the decades they had been together. The old but thankfully sturdy wood bowed under the weight of books either so old they were bound with leather and cracked at the seams or so new the pages were still visibly crisp from the printing press. There was one in particular bound tightly in soft brown leather with a bright green gem stuck in the center of it that neither of them had ever opened but had found and added to their collection nonetheless. Whatever it was, it fit the aesthetic so neither of them could complain. 
Tilting his head to the side he watched as Logan bustled around the kitchen getting their morning dose of coffee set up, refracted light from various forms of open geodes glittering around him and making his glow in the room. They had become veritable hoarders in this lifetime, though Virgil suspected they always did, collecting everything from crystals that matched their colors perfectly to pond skipping rocks that had felt too perfect in their hands to ever give up to the water. Their vast collection of seashells littered nearly every surface as well with a suncatcher made from them hanging in the large window overlooking their yard. He nearly laughed as he caught sight of it, a wooden flute he had carved hanging with it as well reminiscent of Logan’s hippie phase he had yet to let him live down. He had justified it by saying it was just another thing to remember their time together with, but mostly he just loved the playful eye roll he would get every time Logn caught sight of it.
 Of course the better caving he had made for him was on the shelf behind him, nearly life size wooden ice skates that Virgil had made with as much care poured over them as he could muster. He remembered making and  presenting them to his best friend after one of his competitions- they’re fingers brushing and a thousand and one memories cementing their souls together once again. Since then their house had slowly filled with blocks of wood molded to the memories they gained of an eternity spent together. Several small blocks were shoved in the spaces they could fit, depicting all the constellations Logan had told him about when they would go out in a field or lay on the roof of one of their houses and talk the night away. There were so many animal figurines they could likely make a replica of a zoo- if of course that zoo featured mostly horses, cats and various other farm animals they swapped stories of when a memory struck them. He already knew where he was going to fit the chicken, he just needed his hands to cooperate long enough to get the feathers right.
Looking back down he scowled at the stubborn piece of wood for having the audacity to not simply shape itself the way he envisioned. Chickens, as it turned out, were hard enough to get right in the first place, what with Logan seeing them being plump fluffy things meant to be pet and cuddled. Virgil, on the other hand, saw nothing but mini dinosaurs that had to be smaller just to spite him with their sharp beaks being ankle height. He had seen what the tiny terrors could do with their beaks and talons, beady eyes zeroing in on a target and having little to no regard for what it was, so long as it reacted to being chased and pecked at. But Logan had loved them and still held them in fond regard even if he no longer worked on a farm, so Virgil had wanted to solidify the past life with his tools just as he did all the others. He’dthank his hands for not allowing him to finish it if he wasn’t so sure it would make Logan’s face brighten with the smile Virgil lived and breathed to see.
His chin was taken gently and tilted so that he was looking at his husband, that smile Virgil had fallen for time and time again gracing his lips as he ironically tucked a sprig of forget-me-nots behind his ear. Their house was full of them, dried and paired with lavender and tucked into nearly every feasible space they could. The dusty scent of their favorite flowers mixed with the wide variety of candles strewn about on spare surfaces, a collection of scents they had discovered reminded them of different places and times spent together. A gentle flick at his bottom lip returned him to the present, the smile now a smirk as Logan tapped his nose.
“I cannot fathom why you are attempting to carve a chicken if you despise them enough to nearly combust a replica with a glare.”
“You like chickens and I like you. So you’re getting a chicken.” Virgil rolled his eyes at the teasing, clenching his hands into fists in his lap. “I just need my useless hands to cooperate with me or I would have had it done ages ago. I can never keep up with everything I’ve done in the past.”
Virgil huffed and smiled ruefully up at the other who looked to be considering something. Before he could ask him for his thoughts however he was pulled carefully to his feet, his rough hands held tightly in dry slender fingers. Rubbing his thumbs over the back of them Logan brought one of his hands to his lips to place a gentle kiss to his knuckles, doing the same to the other even as Virgil blushed profusely and was pulled into a soft embrace. 
“I love and appreciate your talents and passion, making our memories real to remind us of the happiness we shared in the past.” Logan’s breath tickled his ear as he rested his chin on his shoulder, Virgil burying his face in the crook of his neck to hide his ever deepening blush. “I love your hands as they are, whether you find them useful or not. They’re there for me to hold and kiss and that’s use enough for me.”
“You’ve made so many things that we’ve loved unconditionally throughout our lives. But it was never about our past or future, it’s just us.” Logan moved away to place his hands on his cheeks instead, steady gaze radiating warmth and comfort. “I love you. I always have and I always will- and I certainly don’t need you carving a quote ‘diet dinosaur’ to know that you feel the same.”
Virgil snorted and leaned forward to rest his forehead on Logan’s, simply taking in the quiet as they stood in each other’s embrace. To love and be loved by someone across multiple lifetimes was something he cherished above everything else, the lines of fate tracing forwards and backwards to weave them together again and again. He realized as he stood there, surrounded by a nostalgic museum meant only for them and lit with the soft glow of the early morning sun warming them further, that there truly was no one else for him. He leaned against soulmate and smiled, thinking through everything that had happened in the past and everything that would happen in the future, he had Logan.
And that was enough.
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titleknown · 3 years
What Does Jenny Everywhere Mean?
It's Jenny Everywhere Day! On Friday the 13th no less! What a bizarre coincidence! But... who is Jenny Everywhere?
Well, perhaps as good an explanation as any is the appellation that any use of her requires:
The character of Jenny Everywhere is available for use by anyone, with only one condition: This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Jenny Everywhere, that others might use this property as they wish. All rights reversed.
She is a character designed to appear in all universes, a character not just designed to be everywhere at once in fiction, but in the world of the written word, just some keystrokes and penstrokes away from being anywhere, the walls of copyright toppled like the walls of Jericho with a powerful yawp.
Now, there are much better chronologies, and much better masterposts of the character. The main wiki is one, and folks like Askthehatboxghost and the other members of the Jenny Everywhere fan-Discord have been doing so for ages.
What I want to talk about is why she matters. Which will be after the break because this gets long.
Now, there've been some that say that the character's just... a cypher, a blank vessel without a work. Cartoonist Maxwell Atoms, no disrespect, said as much when I asked him about this.
But, I would beg to disagree. Characterization, as with much of fiction, is just as much a social phenomenon as it is of the core of ink pressed to page or pixels pressed to plasma. Anyone who's been in fandom, and seen the differences between fanon and character (which has lots of... problems, but that's its own discussion) would know as much.
But... the key problem is, often times it isn't really ours.
Sure fandom and fanfic strains against the bounds and chains, but they cannot break them, or they would be sued into the ground. Ao3 knows this, even if in their cowardice they build their warped Adompha-gardens instead of fighting back.
As an example, the talking point of the superhero genre being the new mythology died with the Disney monopoly, but before then it was near death with the swathes of Crises and Secret Wars and never-were Twilights of the Superheroes, worlds dying and stories being wiped away at a corporate whim. a
At first, it was for a cause or it didn't intefere too much, but more and more it came and devoured stories in an endless ouroboros, because, as the art-troll that Bob Iger keeps in his basement making comics in-between Pixar movies says, Marvel Need Money
As the man behind the curtain enters his final boss form, we see that we never really owned our culture in the age of copyright, we just rent it. But, so many people use this as a means of condemning the sharing of our current culture, viewing it not as a stolen commons to take back but as an Omelas to walk away form.
But we, in the Open Source Creation community, choose another way. We believe in creating cultural institutions that are not only shared, but shared in a way that nobody can take them away from us, for what is truly shared cannot be truly stolen.
Now, there are two schools of Open Source worldbuilding projects, roughly delinneated by aesthetic license, neither better than the other but both with their advantages and disadvantage of which this essay is too short and on too short a notice to cover.
There's the CC-BY-SA school, and the CC-BY/Public Domain school. Of the former, there are many successes, but the great eidolon above them is the SCP Foundation. But, of the latter... It is Jenny that leads the way, that holds the ever-shifting prismatic standard.
And, what we need is a standard-bearer, because what we need is a movement. In another day, another article, I may go over the many of them, but there are other Open Source Characters in that vein. But they are scattered, like grains of sand in a haystack.
They're isolated. But, Jenny is the codifier. Though there were a few other precursors before, she was the first modern incarnation of the concept. She is the link between the worlds we need. The one who can be everywhere in not just a narrative sense, but in a metanarrative sense.
Between worlds, between breaths, between the tick and the tock she can be there, to bring our shared characters together. To bring shared worlds together.
To bring us together. In a world united, but in a world free too. That's what it is.
I have more I have to write, but my queue-based self-imposed deadline is running short, as evidenced by the ideas expressed in pathos and egos-drenched lavender prose rather than in restrained logos. That's probably for another article to elaborate.(edited)
But, if there's any message here, it is that we need a world where culture is truly free, and to lead the charge there's few better than Jenny. if you are writing a story, bring her in, perhaps.
Maybe let her take someone with her along the way. And if they hop over to another world, maybe tell the huddled crowds, whispering of when and where they came, that Jenny sent 'em...
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morkofday · 3 years
2020 – a (content creator) year in review
I decided to make this into a mix of these two games I was (kinda?) tagged into so thank you for @leonzhng and @tiesanjiao ♥ I hope you don’t mind me doing it like this ^^ all the questions were just so interesting that I wanted to try!
(bc of the amount of questions, I’m placing them under a cut so that I don’t flood anyone’s dash) 
(this is the 2020 year in review that hanyi tagged me to ♥ sorry am so late!)
Top 5 Movies you saw this year
wow tbh I didn’t watch many movies this year as I realized yesterday when I was thinking about this for certain reasons. Or at least I feel like I didn’t watch that many? Nothing really stuck with me it seems.
Because of this, I will only mention two: Parasite and The Old Guard. Those were both wonderful in their own ways and I’m very happy I got to watch them both ^^
Top 5 TV shows you watched this year
this one is difficult bc I watched so many (and forgot even more?) but:
The Lost Tomb Reboot (my introduction to DMBJ. this drama stole my heart and helped me through the tough autumn semester!) 
Joy of Life (it’s nuts that this happened during 2020? it feels like it was ages ago)
Kingdom (such a positive surprise and I really hope we get more of this :o I really recommend!)
Detective L (easy, nice aesthetics, amazing costumes. Bai Yu was a delight as Luo Fei)
Sand Sea (I am still baffled by how much I loved this bc I had so many doubts? am happy I did tho)
Bonus: Guardian (bc it has come to stay and the rewatch has been so emotional but so rewarding)
Top 5 songs of 2020
this is a tough one too bc I’ve heard so much new music during 2020 but I will try to put it simply:
Black Swan by BTS (I absolutely adore this song. I listened to it on repeat when it came out at the beginning of the year, I have cried for it a ton, I enjoy every stage I see for it and it’s just a masterpiece. it has also helped a bit with my writing struggles that I’ve felt creeping up on me lately)
Always by By The Coast (an amazing song that always leaves me in my feels. inspires me a lot all the time)
Love me or Leave me by DAY6 (this whole album was a masterpiece and I listened to it on loop for like. two weeks? this was my favorite song on it even if I adored the rest too, especially Zombie)
all of my life by Park Won (listened to this a lot in relation to my xicheng and the wedding I finally got to write for them ;; that’s one good thing that came out of this year tbh)
雨人 by 刘畅 (Liu Chang) (with the Reboot’s ending song, this one is my favorite on that ost. I love Liu Chang’s voice, I loved Liu Sang as a character and as I said, I loved Reboot as a drama. I get super emotional about this ost so I think it defined this year a lot for me)
Top 5 books you read in 2020  
All For The Game -trilogy (listened to these as audiobooks but that counts right?)
The Song of Achilles (as an audiobook too and really adored the reader’s voice)
The Smoke Thieves -series (I really just binge read the two first books in this series and am so excited for the next one!)
Call Down The Hawk (love love love)
Guardian novel (am not very into these novels usually but I was positively surprised this time? it was so cool to finally get the original story and compare it with the drama version)
5 positive things that happened in 2020
joined mdzsnet and met all the amazing ppl there and got to become part of this loving community and :’) I’m so thankful, it’s been a joy
learned more about editing? or started doing it regularly. I still can’t do shit but am having fun learning more all the time and I really hope that maybe the upcoming year I can switch to PS and try out giffing?
went to Halsey’s concert! it was in february so a bit before all the hassle with covid happened over here ;; it was super cool and so nice and I just. I love Halsey
fell into the DMBJ hellhole which am very much enjoying. it’s a great universe and the story is so good and the dramas have been so fun to watch and. it feels like a good continuation to The Untamed somehow haha (also brought me a new friend! you’re amazing ashen!! ♥)
started therapy and it’s been... a journey. but towards something better I think? it’s something I would’ve needed ages ago but it’s better late than never I suppose
My Creations
(this is the other part where ali was being super sweet and mentioned me ♥ thank you for being so awesome!)
1. first creation and most recent creation of 2020: wow it’s been a while since I’ve looked at this horrible creation but here ya go jkdhgk [x]. I’ve come a long way from this (and my xicheng has come a long way from this too). most recent one is this xiaoge edit that I absolutely adore [x]. 
2. one of your favorite creations from 2020: this wwx edit that was part of my agust d2 edit series [x]. I loved to give him blue instead of his typical red. 
3. a new style you tried this year and a gifset edit that uses it: this [x] wwx edit which I don’t know if I like or not but I was playing around with the font and all the effects instead of just normal screenshots + coloring. also I just adore the quote. 
4. a creation to be proud of: I could mention that xiaoge here but in addition, I will also say this wu xie edit for reboot [x]. I managed to capture my vision so well, I was surprised. for cql, this songxiao edit [x]. I loved how it turned out in the end. 
5. a creation that took forever: this wangxian edit [x]. like I’ve said several times, I lost sleep bc of it. I just kept struggling with the third pic and how to place the text there D: 
6. your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: this lwj/wangxian edit [x]. I had many ideas for this edit when I first started making it and I never managed to capture my vision in the way I first intended... the pictures I was supposed to use just never fit quite right sigh. I dunno why it was this one that gained all the notes in the end bc I personally think I have better ones too but am still thankful :’D 
7. a creation you think deserved more notes: as said, dmbj fandom on tumblr is very small so I really want to say the two already mentioned ones (wu xie and xiaoge) and then my pingxie edits [x] [x]. also these wwx edits which I personally am very happy about [x] [x]. and from my agust d2 series, this yun bros one [x].
8. a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: really just dmbj this year and I’ve already linked all of my creations for that :’D tho I have plans for another pingxie edit and a liu sang edit! oh and maybe I could mention guardian here with this shen wei [x]. I had so much fun while making it (also the quote just haunted me relentlessly until I gave it a moment). 
9. a creation you made that breaks your heart: this must be my easter islanders (lwj and jc) edit [x] that just. awoke many thoughts in me? I’m going to put a link to the version where you can read my ramblings underneath :’D 
10. a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: my creation for the creator (gif?) challenge that was going around! [x] it was simple and nice to do and I loved the result. also, it was nice to work with jl for a change :’) 
11. a favorite creation created by someone else: oh wow ok so this is going to be rough bc I have so many favorites ;; you can look at this post here [x] to see more! 
but to love my two taggers am going to say these [x / x] [x] [x] [x] [x] by hanyi (I always love your edits, the colors you choose, the thoughts you put into them (and your humor too!). there are so many cool things you’ve done that I just stay in awe of! I adore all of it ;; ♥) and these [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] by ali (I love all of your gifsets so much, they have such pretty colors and such good scenes, and I am thankful every day that you make all the amazing dmbj content, pls never stop ;; I should go through all of your creations properly one day! I noticed you have sand sea stuff too and let me scream?) ^^ ♥
12. your favorite content creators and blogs that you appreciate: this is going to be a huge list and I’ve already made my love heard for some but no hurt in doing it again so @i-am-just-a-kiddo @ashenwren @tiesanjiao @kholran @lzswy @englishbunnyrocks @leonzhng @aheartfullofjolllly @yibobibo @inkblue-black @cross-d-a @bloody-bee-tea @fytheuntamed @mdzsnet @lifegoesmon @creeds-eagle @underaswift-sunrise @sarawatsaraleo @lan-xichens @mylastbraincql @wangxianbunnydoodles @manhasetardis @distantsnows @ohsehuns @minmoyu @linglynz @highwarlockkareena @yiqiie @aowyn @alienwlw @wangxiians @kingbadcat @sassyassassy @tytangfei @lanzhannnn @skzmxtp @leoyunxi @yoonqiful @softjeon @rapbabenamjoon @ronan-adam @miyakuli @pavusdorian @arsuf @brolinskeep @gawincaskeyy and so many others! (sorry for all the random ppl on this list that I’ve never even talked to ^^’ just know that you make my dash a wonderful place! ♥) 
I won’t tag anyone separately here but everyone who’s already been tagged or sees this is free to do this (or link me posts if you’ve done these already!) ♥ have a nice day everyone! 
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loosescrewslefty · 5 years
Miraculous Ladybug- Fixing the Powers
I’ve been very much bothered by the way that the writing team for Miraculous Ladybug has been handling powers for a long time now. It might not be as frustrating or offensive as how they sometimes treat the characters and their relationships, but it BOTHERS me. Because it doesn’t make sense that Adults are more powerful than kids just by the grace of being an adult if the magic comes from a kwami and the jewelry and as such the age of the wearer shouldn’t matter as much. And objectively speaking, there as several ‘minor’ miraculouses that seem WAY more powerful than the two that are supposed to be the most coveted, the Ladybug and Chat Noir miraculouses. Also both the addition of the potions AND the distinctions given to some of the miraculouses/kwamis (Such as Pollen being the ‘Kwami of Subjugation’) are just... ODD. So a while back I sat down and charted out a way to ‘fix’ the powers in Miraculous Ladybug, much like I’ve seen others fix plots and characters.
More Clearly based on Yin/Yang, Wu Xing, and the Zodiacs
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I can’t tell you how much it annoys me that Astruc clearly chose these Chinese motifs for the aesthetic, and didn’t bother researching or properly applying any of the theology attached to them to his show. Ladybug and Chat Noir SHOULD be equal, and balance one another out, but they’re not. Instead, Ladybug gets way more power and importance than Chat Noir does. And the Wu Xing Cycle is an important one too, because that’s nature holding itself in check. 
The Wu Xing has four different cycles attached to it; the Creation Cycle, the Destruction Cycle, the Insult Cycle, and the Controlling Cycle. It could have been interesting to lean into this, so that pairing two miraculous heroes together can lead to new powers being unlocked, depending on the two in question, and that if a  Hawkmoth happens, there are two heroes other than Ladybug and Chat who’d be able to step up and confront him.
New Stations/Distinctions for the Kwamis
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It bothers me that the distinctions chosen for the Kwami feel extremely random, and don’t fit together at all. Nooroo is “Generosity”, Trixx is “Deception”, Pollen is “Subjugation”, Wayzz is “Protection”, and Duusuu is “Emotion.” Like, on their own these are fine. But none of them really relate to one another in a way that makes sense, which the Wu Xing SHOULD. As much as it annoys me, I can sorta understand why it would be a bad idea to attach the specific elements themselves to each Miraculous, because then people will expect the powers of that miraculous to relate to that element, which is very limiting. The Wu Xing is about much more than just nature and the elements. It’s also used to reference the passing of time, physical parts of the body, emotions, cardinal directions and so much more. 
But I still feel that the Distinctions for each Kwami and their powers should be presented in a what where it makes sense to see them relating to one another. One way I’ve suggested for people to do this is to include Ladybug and Chat in the consideration and base each of the Kwamis off of one of the Seven Chakras. But another way I like much better is to consider the kwamis in relation to what area their abilities will affect. For Example; Fox- Mind (Wood) Bee- Energy (Fire) Turtle- Body (Earth) Peacock- Soul (Metal) Butterfly- Heart (Water)
These are things you can tell at a glance relate to one another, without limiting the kwamis too much to being one trick ponies. And speaking of limits...
Limits are based on internal balance, not age
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In an effort to make the sage figure that is supposed to be Fu NOT look like he has sand for brains and decided it’d be a good idea to give his chosen heroes a massive handicap against the villain right out of the gate, we’re going to change up the limiter for the Miraculouses. Rather than being based on age, the thing that determines how well you use a miraculous is your affiliation with the element/distinction that the Miraculous represents. Let’s use Kim as an example here. He’s very energetic and driven, so he’d have a great time with either the Bee or the Turtle, but give him the Peacock, the Butterfly, or the Fox, and things will get a hell of a lot harder for him. On the exact flip side, Juleka would be great with the Peacock, Butterfly, or Fox, but would struggle with the Bee or the Turtle.
Having the powers draw off of being able to synchronize with that power/ability due to personality makes sense, and is more true to the concepts that Miraculous Ladybug is trying to present than claiming that it’s because of age. And the beauty of this is that people can grow and change at any point in their life, which means that they can learn and change and miraculouses that they once struggled with can become easier for them to use while ones they once used easily can slip from their grasp if they begin to neglect that aspect of themselves.
More Clear and Understandable Power Pyramid
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This is one of the things that bothers me MOST about how they’ve been handling the powers. We’re supposed to see Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculouses as the be all/end all, but many of the zodiac miraculouses seem much more powerful than them, and even the Peacock and Butterfly can create opponents that are more than a match for the Lucky Duo. Not to mention the fact that, as I said before, the Lucky Duo itself is imbalanced due to Ladybug getting all the power in their relationship. So the best way to fix that?
Power Pyramid.
By this, I mean that instead of all miraculouses just getting one power and calling it a day, it makes more sense to present the powers as an almost ‘trickle’ effect. To start off, Zodiacs get defined by a single element and whichever side of Yin/Yang they fall on, and get their power based on that. For example, the Dragon. That is a Yang/Earth (Body) Personality, who uses the elements in an aggressive way. Meanwhile, Snake is a Yin/Fire (Energy), so they require someone who comes across as passive, but is actually patient and knows to wait for the precise moment to strike.
Next level up from the Zodiac Miraculouses, we have the Wu Xing/Elemental Miraculouses. Rather than just one power, each Wu Xing Miraculous should get two, one based on it’s “Yin” Abilities, and one for it’s “Yang.” the way I broke it down when I was working this out for examples went like so;
Fox Powers/Mind
Yang- Mirage 
Creates an illusion of the user’s choosing.
Yin- Outfox
Gives the user the ability to convince the victim that anything they’re saying is true.
Bee Powers/Energy
Yang- Nectar
Ability to heal injuries and cure illnesses (not as strong as Miraculous Cure)
Yin- Sting
Causes temporary paralysis
Turtle Powers/Body
Yang- Shell-ture
Creates an impenetrable shield
Yin- Withdraw
Teleportation ability that allows the user to put people and object of their desire in a pocket dimension of their own making for protection.
Peacock Powers/Soul
Yang- Good Spirits
Creates a golem/familiar of sorts that is bonded to a certain person or object and protects them at all costs.
Yin- Soul Search
Allows the user to leave their body and enter another persons to take control of their actions and peer into their memories.
Butterfly Powers/Heart
Yang- Metamorphosis
Creates heroes to fight alongside the user
Yin- Butterfly Effect
Allows a brief glimpse into the future
And then after the Elements, at the top of the Pyramid we have Ladybug and Chat Noir, who get a whopping FIVE power each, but can only access those powers when they are in tune with that aspect of themselves, much like using the lesser miraculouses. For Example, Marinette’s Ladybug Can easily do the Mind, Energy, and Heart powers, but has a much, MUCH harder time with the Soul one, because she tends to read people at face value rather than trying to see beneath the surface. Adrien’s Chat Noir is excellent with the Body and Energy powers, but struggles much more with Mind (linked to one’s creativity) and Heart (Based on people’s abilities to connect with others, something Adrien struggles with after being home schooled his entire life) My idea for the Ladybug and Chat Noir powers look like this;
Ladybug Powers:
Positive Heart- (Healing) 
Miraculous Ladybug/Miraculous Cure
Heals all wounds, restores everything to its proper state
Positive Mind- (Inspiration) 
Lucky Charm
Grants Ladybug an object to help her win
Positive Energy- (Creating) 
Wish Come True
Allows Ladybug to will into existence something of her own choosing
Positive Body- (Protecting) 
Allows Ladybug to recreate both her own suit and the suits of her allies to help them fight (space suits, ice skating form, underwater suits, ect)
Positive Soul- (Life) 
Red Thread
Ladybug has a limited ability to communicate with plants and animals, extending some of her power to them. Also works on humans, if the person trusts Ladybug enough to basically let her see into their very soul.
Chat Noir Powers:
Negative Heart- (Toxicity) 
Cat Scratch
Curses the victim with a lingering sickness that can only be healed by Ladybug.
Negative Mind- (Madness) 
Cheshire Cat
Causes temporary insanity, which varies from victim to victim.
Negative Energy- (Destruction) 
Destroys anything the user touches.
Negative Body- (Weakness) 
Puts the victim to sleep.
Negative Soul- (Death) 
Allows the user to see, touch and summon spirits/ghosts
And that’s the basic breakdown of how I feel the powers of the ML universe SHOULD be handled instead. Feel free to comment with thoughts and inputs of your own and ask questions if any of this doesn’t make sense! ^^
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prodbyteez · 3 years
cjh. abditory [a/f/s]
(n.) a place into which you can disappear; a hiding place
for the sake of difference, dialogue will be italicized and a flashback will be bolded and italicized. thank you <3
so when did you make the decision
a few months ago
then why tell me now. i don’t really know how exactly to feel right now, but i’m sure it would’ve been a lot less hurtful if i knew that you were going to leave me a few months ago
he was leaving. without any explanation. you sat at the dining table in your apartment across from each other, both of you too afraid to look at the other in the eyes in fear of breaking down. 
you remember the way he always cupped your face in his hands, holding it like it was the most delicate creation in all of mankind. he loved your eyes and you loved his. who needed a telescope when you could see the galaxy swirling in each others’ eyes?
i’m sorry. i just don’t feel like this place is for me anymore, but i don’t want you to think that any of this is your fault. i don’t want to rip you away from your job and school. i want this to be as painless as possible by saving you from more pain
how much more pain could you possibly save me from, you smiled at him bitterly, you think that this is going to make things better? what if i want to leave with you? what if i was willing to go as far away as you wanted to go? huh?
because you have too much going for you here. i have nothing
he was always the first to encourage you in every situation. he reminded you all the time that even if you wanted to give up, he would still be there for you. of course, he didn’t want you to give up, but you two believed that if you had each other, there was nothing more to want.
is that what i am then? nothing? 
jongho stop. i don’t want to hear it. do you hear how selfish you sound? i love you. you leaving isn’t going to change that. but you know what it is going to do? hurt me. so badly. do you even love me? is that why you’re leaving?
what? no, oh my gosh, the chair scrapes the wooden floor with a sharp sound as he stands up running his fingers through his hair, of course i love you. i’ve always been in love with you. that’s why i’m doing this. because you deserve someone better. someone who won’t just get up and leave because they want to. i don’t have any other reason, i just want to leave
you’re voice raises as you become frustrated. you look at him, eyes wild and desperate as they beg him to stay.
can’t you see? i don’t want anyone else jongho. i want you
whenever your head was in his lap he always played with your hair. no matter what he was doing he always gave you head massages and head rubs while you laid down. he would make you laugh by pretending your hair was a mustache.
you start to get up from your seat when he sits back down and goes to hold your hand.
if it’s meant to be, maybe we’ll find each other again someday. but i can’t drag you into my problems. this is something i have to do on my own. but it doesn’t mean i won’t think of you every single day, his eyes become glassy, i hate myself for doing this to you. i wish i’d never been the one to hurt you. you deserve so much more than what i can give
all you could do was watch the boy cry as he held your hand. were you numb? angry? sad? you couldn’t tell. you only realized you were crying when you heard the soft plop of your tears hit the table. 
the first time you two kissed felt like a burning fire. passionate. intense. sparks flew like fireworks as your lips crashed together. he pulled you into him closer by your waist as your hands clutched the back of his neck drawing him in closer to you. you felt his lips trail lower down your neck - his kisses becoming flames making you hotter by the second. 
you heard the sniffling stop as he began to take off his leather jacket. the one you bought him when you found out he had a motorcycle. you convinced him that the “bad boy” aesthetic wasn’t complete without one. he left it on the table as he rose from his seat and headed to the door.
one hand on the door knob with his eyes trained on you. you couldn’t watch him go. you’d rather go blind than watch him leave you. 
i love you. maybe someday i’ll take you on a motorcycle ride again, he looks at you studying your face one last time before he nods and walks out the door
everything was speeding past you. you weren’t sure what time it was but it was late enough that the building lights were on. you zoomed past shop after shop until you reached the beach. he helped you off and walked with you hand in hand till you could see the city from the sand. it was his hiding place, where he went to get away from life for a bit. jongho smiled sadly to himself knowing that this would be the last time he would visit it, but at least he got to visit it with you
A/N: love me some angst, also congrats ateez for winning their first bonsang!!! 
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