shihlun · 2 years
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Promotional photos of Chen Yao-chi’s film “Girl with a Gun” (1982)
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harvardwang · 1 month
李友賢 陳冠廷 吳悅恩 紀琪云 湯育銘 廖子軒 金智勇
李悦恩 陳芮蓁 鄭楚玄 吳怡儒 陳冠典 林政閔 郭彥呈
林昕穎 柯博壬 樊洪範 王 曦 陳紜璽 金祺昌 彭吉民
吳峻安 陳威仁 吳舜齊 歐乃瑄 何凡宜 賴冠勳 唐聖傑 
張   傑 李沐澤 張安志 張哲源 黃曉祺 鄔翎民 鄭淞元
黃建智 陳俊儒 林秉緯 董翊河 賴柏安 黃勖堯 叢浩日
黃維貞 莊妤薇 童威凱 宋家興 黃苡寧 呂俊諺 王   敬
曾傑興 陳飛馹 洪笥宸 黃薏珊 黃柏豪 王聖燁
廖柏銜 蔡怡安 黃博裕 郭裴珞 潘家偉 李 韡
吳建鋕 鄭乃豪 吳奕翰 李峰綸 呂孟修 柳理鈞
鄭衣涵 彭盈瑾 吳姿樺 蘇榆傑 林宏宇 邱 頎 
陳加寶 黃盈樺 許秉毅 黃祥銘 柯秉志 蔣鈞傑
謝印荃 蔡佳佑 施健安 顏毅祺
劉耀文 李光燡 鄭名登 張謝仁傑 臧紹棠 藍囿竣
陶子天 卜 野 蔡沛全 屈恩霆  戴維彥 黎丞軒
陳坤華 陳宇祺 莊凱傑 劉柏裕  張宸瑄 林子軒
應德樫 吳玟玟 陳莞昀 許家洋  王彥翰 董昀澍
秦詡洋 蔡國禎 蕭瑋呈
蔡承展    王邦宇   李明穎    王哲明   陸泓瀚    陳冠元
薛雅琪    黃維慈   楊鈞皓    蘇柏鴻   翁定謙    張澄明
紀明輝    劉家綺   陳昭穎    林佩諠   謝明翰    潘品瑜
吳雨修 陳彥旭 王柏騰 王靖元 龔俊霖 高家維
陳麒元 劉朝瑞 邱毓媜 高瑜懃 郭紋均
陳兆群 陳孟唐 楊智凱 蔡欣哲 陳冠宇 蕭可豪
葉建邑 黃彥欽 陳奕岑 傅振宣 陳志瑜 林儀靜
林俋帆 廖懿德 陳明穎 陳平宏 林宇晏 金莒譯
鄭貫良 曾榮威 林佳虹
黃子駿  高平羲  李順意  林禹丞  林義昇  蘇善豪  劉永上  賴映璿
楊展銓  涂珮甄  王昱翔  汪筳逸  李香霖  方立文  呂子聖  蔡金洧
鄭學禮  張登壹  洪子晴  羅加舜  金知永  陳冠瑜  黃怡瑄  劉姿瑩
劉子琳  李挺瑋  劉文揚
陳銘堯  曾冠銘  胡峻瑋  蘇文芯  林濬承  許慶成  姚羽珊  楊智凱
侯書堯  廖英順  李毓寧  賴政穎  王鈺馨  黃子庭  賴秉程  詹興瑋
慕    丞  林彣珊  鍾采君  劉峻廷  邱晉偉  張皓翔  余   崢  陳宗慶
孫    靚
朱峻葳  黃紹輔  謝添旺  朱正育  張廣澄  楊秉鈞  林澔暐  高伯宗
連泓安  顏筱甄  蔡淙和  黃伯凱
王律翔  馬碩澤  秦得仁  鄭琰勳  徐允恩  許碩軒  涂修銓  曾宇質
蔡翔宇  王順漢  蔡朝景  陳昱言  陳建智  蕭丞恩  郭宜雯  洪脩益
紀以謙  郭博彥  洪閔德  朱芳琪  呂偉豪  王啟哲  康翠芳  劉沛禎
鄞嘉慧  曹    彤  吳祐緯  林宥宗  何勝揚  黃靖翔  陳威宇  石光仁
潘千瑞  余柏樟  沈芳妤  王昱筌  游家慶  沈琮德  沈得桓  曾丞佑
劉彥輝  龔世宇  林彥均  郭偉達  呂學杰  林昆毅  蘇聖欽  陳    翰
洪郁雯   李   吉  林安蕎  張家偉  陳立朋  吳東翰  姚冠名  郭學頤
陳昫耘  顏情晴  陳均軒  簡呈宇  楊翊愷
許至賦  曹家豪  吳哲瑋   黃信鈞  陳道賢  楊智雄  陳冠恩  劉奕頡
黃熙宇  洪佳琦  張博堯   陳冠丞  楊政達  葉重宏  吳宛蓉  陳柏霖
張宇鈞  胡榮發  楊崇杰   顏碩慧  蔡承叡  黃昶豪  許釗華  陳致恩
林怡馨  林佩璇  曾玟靜  李    明  戚瑋宣  徐廣圻  陳以諾  孫暐翔 
楊沛珍  鄭為遠  張朝復  涂易瑜  吳���憲  洪榮佑  馮郁軒  吳佩芸 
陳琇瑩  翁浥迪  蔡定志  陳彥均  葉志鵬  許心茹
喬䒩薷  陳子博  孔繁軒  楊旻桓  李名仁  歐嘉玲  陳奕鴻  黃臣延
盧至恒  馬菀嚀  許䟫源  龔士翔  劉宏倫
 吳晴杰 陳家馨 劉仲傑 林政廷 李孟霖 陳銘仁
廖振超  江欣學  潘祥漢  洪正霖  張豪中  陳民旻  陳弈叡  葉原銘
鄭亘庭  葉祐廷  葉信旻  曾多郁  鄭凱軒  陸宜宗  陳冠璿  張寶智
江佳臻  楊曜宇  趙國程
邱瑜惠  許郁培  陳翰星  陳昱先  莊蕙羽  曾宇鞍  張睿宏  陳靜儀
周琬絨  吳協益  王相智  許瑋庭  邱子倫  閆景宇  吳宗憲  莊爾修
林宏洋  王宗政  曾詩忠  郭沂道  范廣玉  郭阜達  黃 笙  游竣凱
林群翔  林谷翰  汪宗宇  王竣薰  黃煜超  賴仁傑  李俊廷  黃赫立
陳柏皓  蘇泓文  林祥億  呂柏樺  吳錫安  李孟霖  林資堯  蘇美娟
吳宗翰  沈丞潁  戴岳軒  張家瑋  黃孝瑞  范家銘  沈文彬  廖尉翔
黃炫縢  曾詠鈞  陳妙盈  李庭瑜  梁秉辰  葉馨憶  辛萬億  陳維萱
許志豪  張閎涵  詹皓閔  吳連恩  洪綺郁
許詠媛  蔡政宏  林峻民  許秦維  林駿吉  趙瀚恩  張皓翔  張晏碩
李珮瑜  王 騰  張睿鈞  李聖昱  張文憲  范乃歡  蔡博文  洪嘉揚
曾威榮  陳政廷
 陳柏翔  王翊名  孫朝義  王泓逸  許文豪  龔世豐  葉宗憲
黃彥文 邱光輝  林羿羚  馬瑞遠  傅志豪  劉耘辛  陳政廷  朱冠溱
王奕云  邱胤文  陳彥均  徐 旻  葉品樂  童銘澄  林瑞紘  林佳泓
林胤名  沈立翔  陳盈佐  王崇任  方建宏  朱 昱  馬崇恩  施振宇
田宗翰  吳承翰  賴昱傑  林承緯  黃至煒  簡舒苗  吳佳霖  黃幸星
吳珮瑗  魏郁庭  蘇育萱  王映庭  黃致捷  許秉閎  粘銘翔  巫嘉瑋
莊逸椽  鄭哲誠  鄭崴鴻  邱亭芝  曹廷筠  郭柏賢  施奕如  廖柏彰
毛漢瑜  許明理  蔡承杰  孫大程 
黃基軒  江重毅  鐘承志  許雅如  林伯翰  吳仲軒  王家偉  張家瑜
藍家盛  黃祺翔  蔡孟欣  林于暄  楊婷儒  林煒翔  戴俊丞  袁乙天
陳厚凱  詹前奕  黃耀德  吳宜興
張雅嵐  謝翔任  連育瑩  蘇冠綸  宋亞翰  吳清元  楊子毅  陳威仲
謝晉銘  陳奕儒  邱欣灝  陳柏文  羅 穎  黃奕姉  劉曉青  陳宣余
陳柏宏  洪翊庭  楊卓翰  陶玉龍  黃馨億  張耿豪  陳裕翔  欒又鈞
施自雄  蘇群閎  蔡瑞洋  張紹敏  楊佳銘  曾泰航  高舜業  吳中博
甘龍諭  褚原鑌  彭有國
馬亞聖  黃湣傑  許鼎宗  陳昱中  陳祈維  陳奕睿  賴立凱  王玉萱
李靖群  蔡雨諦  郭丞恩  賴啟堯  呂昭諭  洪振華  賴澔興  郭家豪
林志華  洪敬翔  邱元昱  李翊甄  陳柏奕  陳琬菁  蔡岱庭
黃昱維  溫宇��  柯昂里  楊涵媜  溫威霖  林明正  芮佩霖  彭如軒
林雅婷  蔡佳頴  黃文孝  林顯隆  葛瑞翔  劉珮芬  張嘉琳  黃崑育
周明翰  鄭素惠  林奕豐  林文琦  廖芝瑩  黃冠惟  曾彥鈞  許瑋麟
劉家豪  林昭年  楊松儒  戴瑋儒  廖庭雅  陳柏宇  郭家愷  林勇吉
曾慶峰  李尚儒
林松杰  蔡銘全  吳育恩  宋政杰  劉博華  許珮瑤  賴俊丞  謝柏軒
郭明駒  劉心瑀  古偉寧  林宴週  阮皇宗
梁騰皓  賴均和  鄧紹彬  行淑絹  李健為  陳泰睿  魏文志  林威丞
杜恩瑜  陳昱辰  鐵翔雲  倪昇暉  張嘉棋  林茂聯  江 盈  謝政良
黃德倫  劉宗諺  詹欣怡  楊宗岳  簡得晉  蕭翔懌  李常榮  曾宇浩
藍晨愷  郭寧佑  洪浩竣  林子正  高志忠
洪紹航  徐志穎  郭晉愷  張仕翰  凃松騏  曾文衡  鄭智文  鄧琨憲
曾善群  楊鎧溥  方冠融  洪琮恩  陳雅俐  林慧華  游林鴻  盧文傑
蔡有倫  聶秀軒  駱俊明  劉暉弘  殷裕翔  陳泓銘  賴孟輝  林俞錞
陳畇廷  黃子容  彭繼威  吳東橋  康路恩  林燿志  張文成  黃欣婷
黃文駿  張 庭  簡佑任  彭家慶  張 皓  鄭任硯  楊建隆  劉家宏
林逸嘉  蘇泊僑  蘇盈瑛  曾子樵  陳履安  高偉智  莊承翰  吳榮三
許國威  陳俊傑  吳聯成  黃登羣  夏暘竣  羅凱俊  陳佳歡  楊承儒
顏宏旭  林哲弘  曹雁棋  黃郁茵  曾姿儀  王雅瑜  廖 罡  張修振
陳韋智  鍾裕臣  林維麒  邱彥翔  李明軒  趙立紘  蔡曉蓉  張韶邠
李廷恩  王俊皓  劉向森  戴憶芳  劉承惠  蔡文鐘  薛湘樺  許智勇
關百亨  張立杰  陳俊宏  林奇陽  卓明峰  王建豐  方正揚  簡顯蘊
魏均婷  吳佳宜  許家霖  陳逢駿  曾勇程  楊瀚昇  郭仲鈞  霍中璟
李宜庭  蔡東軒  陳宏明  賴昱中  江宇奇  林凱俐  吳佑財  饒旻晉
張桓碩  張丹齡  黃俊嘉  盧國光  楊世華  林靖勳  張簡久揚
陳冠宇  余慧倫  林子均  吳紫綺  黃安源  蔡怡倩  楊韻潔  謝宗儒
徐仲維  黃鈺荃  王怡靜  周昱伶  蕭敬詒  蘇鈺涵  張峪稱  黃仁遠
呂俊麟  胡家齊  王銓朗  陳坤新  鄭慧賢  林旻佐  范弘軒  陳亞權
洪碩謙  王振豪  何紀宏  鞠慧航  簡荐普  許有勝  胡維岑  蔡易樺
陳思樺  黃子寧  林家暉  辛金山  陳仁玉  周心如  林宗賢  施睦庭 
楊偉民  李政德  張家瑜  劉育菖  陳昶廷  詹智丞  張婷茹  劉鈞瑋
莊清彥  李珊銘  涂世達  陳翊瑋  龔 恆  王玉婷  陳志杰  葉玳鑛
陳明宏  鐘郁甯  劉羿成  王煇荃  葉艾棋 
林千又  陳子循  趙炳荃  周東穎  呂伯樂  王重隆  張家銘  彭姿凱
孫境佑  胡家芸  陳端容  林宗賢  曾琬茹  蔡能玄  林芯羽  駱昱如
梁益齊  鄭家茹  黃建舜  林沛儒  駱文斌  施睦庭
林宏豪  王新一  戴怡琳  何明得  陳宗彥  蘇柏諺  邱郁茹  林冠志
唐涫鐄  柳建廷  朱至祥  張煐慰  莊惠閔  陶孝慈  蕭松鍇  許世昊
陳保丞  郭永杰  伍紋萱  詹雅棋  楊雙安  江佩玲  朱威銘  蔡舜文
陳    清
李    芳  王立偉  張煐慰  童思叡  林柏伸  林永惟  邱睿騫  林晉宏
陳冠廷  楊雙安  呂昱賢  芮偉霖  陳長宏  林皓群 
謝傑宇  陳俊宏  鍾智堯  葉益成  郭盈萱
洪海洲  蔡宗勇  林甫育  李妍萱  劉晉平  陳伯齊  楊德正  林忻怡
許曉佩  陳央傑  潘逸妍  李昱錡  陳羿君  吳岱鴻  黃家聲  賴信銓
林龍全  楊博鈞  林易昌  羅煥昇  榮志豪  劉政杰  黃賓弘  黃冠中
林志諺  簡政躍  黃揚庭  柳亭玲
國立高雄科技大學航運技術系. 網頁設計 DESIGNGOGO
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ladamarossa · 6 years
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​​ 痴情女子 - Kill for Love (1982)
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fuyonggu · 4 years
Lu Ji’s “Discourse on the Fall of Wu (Part 1)”
Lu Ji was the grandson of Lu Xun and the son of Lu Kang; he was noted as being a literary genius, along with his younger brother Lu Yun.
Lu Ji considered how, during the reign of the Sun clan in Eastern Wu, his grandfather and father had served that state as generals and chief ministers and had performed great deeds on its behalf. He bitterly lamented his family's loss of status after Sun Hao came to power. Thus Lu Ji wrote an essay in two parts on the rise and fall of Eastern Wu, in which he extolled the deeds of Sun Quan (who had employed his grandfather Lu Xun) and castigated the errors of Sun Hao, as well as glorifying the achievements and the efforts of his father and grandfather. This essay was titled Thoughts on the Fall of Wu.
In the first part, he wrote, "Many years ago, the Han dynasty lost control of the realm, as a wicked subject (Dong Zhuo) grasped for power. The disaster reached even the capital region, the foundation of the state, while the poison spread all throughout the realm. The imperial laws were ignored with impunity, and the royal family was reduced to a pitiful state.
"Our Emperor Wulie (Sun Jian), who sympathized with the plight of the state, set out like a flash of lightning from the south of Jingzhou (at Changsha). In planning and strategy he was meticulous and thorough; in courage and loyalty he was an exemplar for the age. With a mere display of strength, the barbarians cowered in fear of him; at the first clash of arms, the despicable villains surrendered their heads. Thus he purged and swept clear the temples and shrines of the Han dynasty and offered prayers and sacrifices to the imperial ancestors.
"There were other men of fortune in those days, to be sure, who likewise called for uprisings on every side. Some of their hosts were like clouds gathered across several provinces, and others were like whirlwinds which engulfed entire cities; some conjured their swarms like billowing gales, and others came into being like so many bears and beasts. But though all these forces claimed to serve a righteous cause and swore to unite their efforts under one banner, yet there was evil within their hearts, for they sought only to take advantage of the chaos through the power of their armies. Indeed, some of these leaders had no greater design than to deepen the turmoil and seize whatever they could. Who among them was loyal or chaste, disciplined or dutiful? Not a one could measure up.
"Though Emperor Wulie soon met his end, our King of Changsha (Sun Ce) proved himself to be an exceptional talent and a master of the age. His brilliance emerged even in the bloom of youth, and he beckoned forth the aged veterans of his father and set out on his enterprise with them. He charged to the east like some god of war, leading a mere handful to smash great multitudes. When he assaulted a city, no sturdy walls could stop him; when he faced a foe in the field, no fierce vanguard could withstand him. He punished the rebellious and soothed the submissive, thus the lands beyond the Yangzi became peaceful and tranquil; he observed the laws and enforced military restraint, thus he won acclaim both for his power and his virtue.
"The King was courteous and respectful to those of fine reputation and worthy conduct, and so Lord Zhang (Zhang Zhao) regarded him as a hero; he was welcoming and receptive to those of good families and great talents, and so Zhou Yu considered him to be a marvel. And were those two gentlemen not men of broad intellect and ingenious designs, refined character and profound thinking? Encouraged by their example, everyone within the same region attached themselves to the King's cause; he gained a host of accomplished servants like a gathering of the winds, for the Southland had many worthy fellows indeed.
"It was the King's desire to lead a northern campaign into the lands of the Hua (the Central Plains), to bring fire and sword to the evildoers and outlaws there. He aimed to place the imperial carriage in the hands of a loyal adherent and return the imperial throne to the Purple Palace (the Emperor's residence); with the Son of Heaven under his control, he could issue orders to the feudal lords, purify the path of Heaven, and restore things to their former state. In fact he went so far as to assemble his army and chariots and advance towards the north, and the villains were all gazing sideways towards him out of sheer terror at his approach. Yet before this grand cause could reach fruition, the King was cut down in his prime.
"However, we were blessed with the presence of our Grand Emperor (Sun Quan). Through his unique talents, he picked up and followed the trail that had been lost; through his farsighted heart, he continued the lapsed mandate. He adopted wise policies to give substance to the government; he gathered sage ordinances to emulate the spirit of the ancients. And he enhanced these things through sincerity and respect and conveyed them through dutifulness and frugality. He was discerning in soliciting the advice of the wise and the talented, and he was an adept thinker and a decisive leader. He distributed silks and grains through the hills and parks, and he displayed his banners and his commands throughout the roads and streets.
"Thus the leaders and gentry of the region heard the call and came to join him, and the ambitious gentlemen of the land wept at his splendor and were glad to be his shadows. Outstanding figures surrounded him like spokes round a hub, stalwart warriors flanked him like a great forest. So it was that Lord Zhang (Zhang Zhao) became his teacher and tutor; so it was that Zhou Yu, Lord Lu (Lu Xun), Lu Su, and Lü Meng became his four champions, serving as his heart and lungs within and his arms and legs without. Such men as Gan Ning, Ling Tong, Cheng Pi, He Qi, Zhu Huan, and Zhu Ran gave him their courage; such figures as Han Dang, Pan Zhang, Huang Gai, Jiang Qin, and Zhou Tai lent him their strength. For culture and refinement, he had Zhuge Jin, Zhang Cheng, and Bu Zhi, whose reputation and influence glorified the state; for administrative skill, he had Gu Yong, Pan Jun, Lü Fan, and Lü Dai, who were credits to their ranks and masters of their roles; for scintillating talents, he had Yu Fan, Lu Xu, and Zhang Dun, whose lofty and righteous spirits uplifted the government. Zhao Zi and Chen Hang had he for envoys, and their nimble tongues and quick wit secured the state's reputation; Wu Fan and Zhao Da had he for mystics, whose divinations and omens ensured the state's blessings. Dong Xi and Chen Wu kept him from harm with vigorous efforts; Luo Tong and Liu Ji steered him from error with forceful remonstrations. In planning, nothing was overlooked or left out; in action, no aspect of strategy was forgotten. And it was for these reasons that the Grand Emperor was able to carve out and occupy the mountains and rivers of his domain, straddling and controlling the regions of Jing and Wu and contending for control of all the realm.
"The lord of Wei (Cao Cao), riding high on his string of victories, led forth an army of a million soldiers against us. He sailed a great fleet through the Deng Narrows and descended upon the south bank of the Han River with a massive host; his feathers and oars numbered in the tens of thousands as he swept down the rivers like a dragon. Fierce cavalry he had by the thousands, while his tiger infantry strode through the plains and marshes. His advisors and strategists filled entire rooms; his officers and generals rode in rows of war carts. He proclaimed his ambition to swallow up all the lands of the lakes and streams and unite the entire realm under his sole dominion. Yet Zhou Yu led forth a meager force to smite this foe at Chibi. The enemy was put to flight and thrown into total confusion; it was only by a narrow escape that he got away with his life, and he scampered far away and fled back where he came from.
"The King of Han (Liu Bei) too claimed the title of sovereign. At the head of an army of the men of Ba and Han, he courted danger and invited calamity, laying out his camps and ramparts across a distance of a thousand li. He sought to avenge the defeat of Guan Yu and reclaim the lands west of the Xiang River. But our Lord Lu (Lu Xun) gave him the same treatment, thrashing him at Xiling (Yiling); the King's army was broken and destroyed, only with great difficulty did he break free from our pursuit, and in the end he expired at Yong'an (Baidicheng).
"Though Wei sought to invade us at Ruxu, we stood firm upon the bank and crushed them; though they attacked us at Penglong, we fought them off and did not yield.
"Thus did we destroy the forces and shake the morale of these our two rivals; their blood and treasure were greatly spent, while Wu stood smug to take advantage of their weakness. So the people of Wei asked us for a peace agreement, and the leaders of Han begged us for an alliance. And by the time our lord had claimed the heavenly title, the realm had settled into a tripartite division.
"To the west we encroached upon the borders of Yong and Yi (Yizhou); to the north we occupied the lines of the rivers Huai and Han; to the east we conquered the lands of the Yue peoples; to the south we bought the Man tribes under our control. The Grand Emperor discussed the rites of the Eight Monarchs (the Five Emperors and Three Sovereigns) and sought out the music of the Three Founders (of Xia, Shang, and Zhou), and he announced his affairs to the Supreme Deity and paid his respects to the various nobles. Our martial servants and valiant soldiers stoutly guarded the Yangzi; with their long lances and strong spears, they zealously seized the spirit of the whirlwind. The subjects of the state observed full propriety above, and the common people practiced their livelihoods below; moral transformation spread to every corner, and good culture touched every place. Envoys and agents were sent out to comfort and inspect the furthest regions. Enormous elephants and incredible horses swarmed about in the outer stables; bright jewels and precious treasures glittered in the inner storehouses. Again and again, wondrous baubles were sent to us; time after time, strange trinkets arrived at our court. Carriages aplenty swiftly brought word from out of the southern wastes; convoys of carts quickly brought news from out of the northern wilds. The people were spared from the terrors of warfare, and the warhorses had no need for morning exercises. The imperial legacy was secure.
"Once the Grand Emperor left us, the Young Lord (Sun Liang) sat the throne for a time, while miscreants flaunted their cruel and wicked power. After them came Emperor Jing (Sun Xiu), who brought the laws back into their proper form. He was devoted to and restored the old order of things, and he committed no great faults in his governance of the state. He was a good leader who maintained what was right. But next was the Marquis of Guiming (Sun Hao).
"At the beginning of the Marquis' reign, the laws and canons had not yet been dispensed with, and the veteran servants of the previous rulers were still in place. The Grand Marshal, Lord Lu (Lu Kang), did honor to the court with his civil talents and his martial prowess; the Prime Minister of the Left, Lu Kai, ensured integrity through his forthright and honest admonitions. There were Shi Ji and Fan Shen, conspicuous for their valor and gravity, and Ding Feng and Zhongli Fei, acclaimed for their might and resolve; there were people like Meng Zong and Ding Gu to act as great ministers and fellows like Lou Xuan and He Shao to handle the state's affairs. Though the head of the state was sick, still the limbs remained healthy and strong. Alas, in the end they were still only the branches and leaves of the state, and after their demise, Wu came to grief.
"It has been said that a state need not fear 'a calamity of falling tiles' (an external threat), but what it ought to fear is 'a disaster of a collapsing mound' (an internal weakness). Our people had been ready to combat any danger of 'falling tiles', but the imperial family fell prey to a 'collapsing mound'. By the time the government army (of Jin) had seized the momentum and set out to attack, the Mandate had already passed from us and the legitimacy of the ruler had diminished. Our soldiers scattered from their formations, and our people abandoned their cities; our walls and moats proved less useful than mere barricades and fences, and our mountains and rivers were no greater obstacles than little hills and ditches. No one was prepared to face 'the cloud ladders of Gong Shu' or endure 'the floodwaters of Zhi Yao'; there was never a need for the enemy to emulate the Viscount of Chu by 'building houses at the siege lines' or the generals of Yan by 'routing us west of Ji'. Our army resisted for not even a fortnight before the altars of state collapsed. And though there were some generals who were loyal to the last and planned never to yield, or others who would die rather than abandon their duty, how could this mere handful have saved the state alone?
"The generals of the armies of Cao Cao and Liu Bei were not inferior to those of the recent invasion, nor was the enemy strength of former times less than in the late campaign; the methods of how to attack and how to defend had not been altered since before, and the natural defenses and terrain of our state were no less perilous to the foe. Yet we prevailed then and faltered now, which goes against reason and makes a mockery of sense. Why did it happen? Because of the difference in character between the ruler then and the one now, the distinction in talent between that granter of offices and ours."
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brianrry · 7 years
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本屆焦點影人為享譽國際影展的拉脫維亞女導演萊拉.巴卡尼娜(Laila Pakalnina),她擅長從冷靜的觀察鏡頭精準捕捉微小事件,並從中找出故事所在,並將於5月11日舉辦「大師講堂」。「時光台灣:翻檔案」單元則與公共電視合作,邀請14位台灣導演運用檔案影像再創作,作品將在TIDF世界首映。此外,本屆的重磅單元「憂傷似海:東南亞真實之浪」,更邀請前鹿特丹影展策展人葛江.祝鴻策劃,精選35部經典與新銳東南亞作品,刻劃東南亞創作的樣貌。
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