#🦌 Wren Olivetti 🦌
vanillabeenflower · 2 years
My Monster Prom OCs: Part 1
In February of this year, I made 2 Monster Prom OCs, and, if this tag is still active, want to know what you think of them! (btw, they are both a fictional species, I’ll explain later)
How I made them is I made a “blueprint” for what they would look like in a character creator, then I tweaked the designs to what I was thinking for them.
Idk how to ask for this, but fanart would be appreciated!
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Here is Wren Olivetti. She is a Pabaat (fictional). Please don’t laugh at the legs, I was still learning anatomy
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And here is Dayde Sydelis, a Limffi (also fictional).
Since Tumblr only allows 10 images per post, I’ll need to upload the expressions separately, so I’ll show Wren’s expressions and I’ll show you Dayde’s in another post about my Monster Prom OCs.
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Now about their species…
What if I told you that I made entire train-of-thought rambles about their species? I literally just wrote down what came into my head and expanded from there. I think I wrote them during class.
I’ll share them tomorrow!
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vanillabeenflower · 2 years
My Monster Prom OCs: Part 2
Here is the species info for both of my first Monster Prom OCs!
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And here are the expressions for Dayde.
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And I have made more Monster Prom OCs as of the beginning of this week.
There is a lot (about 4), so I’ll show them tomorrow.
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