#((Restrict as in I'll just keep doing fun art that makes me haha
emilyartstudio-s · 1 year
Style (Stan x Kyle) please?
Here's a doodle I will finish for patreon :,)
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bam-stroker · 6 months
hi!! i'm a huge fan of all your works, and i was wondering if i could bother you for a little advice!
i've been trying to post my own writing, and while i'm decently confident in my work, i tend to overthink a Lot when it comes to actually posting on the internet. i usually get super anxious and delete it within a couple hours. have you ever dealt with nerves like that? do you have any advice on how to get through it?
you seem super nice and your work really inspired me so i thought i'd ask :3 ☀️🫶
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O wow! Thank you for the kind words!
I have 2 things that really helped me out with finally putting stuff out there on ye old internet
Perfection is IMPOSSIBLE
You can edit and edit and EDIT forever! And then you'll just edit your head out of ever accepting the story as it is. Heck you'll start to look at the words on the page and maybe even start hating your voice as a writer. A dangerous path of self destruction and sadness! For me - I know for a fact grammar is my weakness. Have always struggled with the rules/restrictions. So for me, I accept it! Just like if you played sports you might know, hmmm I might not be super fast but I sure can throw that ball SO FAR.
I understand my limit - and to some that might be a put off. And that's alright! For the stuff I put out there for funsies I shrug and let myself not care as much about the grammar stuff. Now for the work I eventually sell - I'll tag someone else in for grammar if I feel it's important for that project.
At the end of the day I write FOR FUN. I do this to not think about my day job stuff. So fun is the only goal I have! Perfection is a shiny thing far off in the distance that tbh is not real. And giving yourself something attainable as a motivator will do far more for your nerves. Do it for fun! Do it because you wanna talk to friends about it! Do it just to see how you grow!
Perfection can be holding a mirror up and saying "Well why am I not like x?" You're you - the story you have to tell is yours. Inspiration can come from many places but beware the itching thought in the back of the mind of someone else's work = perfection. Even that other artist is not perfect.
Follow your motivator and when perfection creeps up - go take a walk outside and come back when you're well rested and well fed.
Make an account just for writing
So if you take a glance around my ye old blog - I made this one entirely for the sake of writing. TBH this was the biggest thing to allow me freedom to just write and not worry too much.
It allows for a space where the people who want to engage with my writing can do so. Or if anything it keeps my easily distracted mind in my best attempt of a chaos containment zone haha.
I've always written a bunch of things just for me, but I've also always wanted to engage more with other people through writing. I want to talk about my little blorbos! I personally think of my pen name as akin to a drag name. If having a buffer between your personal identity and the writing helps - go for that! That certainly was the thing that let me finally let loose and not be as in my head.
At the end of the day making art can be an incredibly personal thing. Writing in particular - because it can feel like your voice on full display! If the fear stems from a place of being afraid of people not liking it, it can feel incredibly personal.
For me, following my motivator of fun and creating the buffer of my silly little skeleton was enough to finally let me relax and enjoy sharing with others. I've been writing 20ish years... but now I can finally say I'm having a blast with it in ways I never could have imagined before! I wish joy for you in your sharing process, and hope my little thoughts were helpful 💞✨
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hi hi its me u know that pink fan who dumped too many words in one comment instead of spreading it out by chapter like a normal person lmao
(psst it was to lure u into giving spoilers accidentally but damn it didnt work இ௰இ)
can i say im an og fan of yours??? i really really loved ur iwft series at first sight since im also more or less an emmet simp and at that time your iwft story was a sight for sore eyes! amidst all the angst and pain, a fun bamf emmet story was something i needed! and then you continued to pump out masterpieces one after another and as you can tell i've been ummmm verrry aware of you like keeping an eye out for something new from you aware-aware haha *refreshes subscription list like a maniac*
and oh i was not being anonymous at all as i thought haha (tbh i feel kinda honored you know me even as far back as my roxana phase the world needs more roxana tbh badass bitches rule my manhwa list btw have u also read the princess 's doll shop its my pfp i love her ヾ(≧▽≦*)o)
i dont usually comment in my favorite authors' stories (tho i should probably do it more often) but when i do its going to be more or less an avalanche of words
actually i do have more thoughts about wonderland simmering in my head but i didn't include it bc i was almost at ao3 character limit lmao so i'll just say it here
i wanted to include ghetsis in my speculations bc i feel like he had a hand in whatever issue the king was having and probably pushed the rift between nobori and kudari. we haven't heard from him yet so its a sneaking suspicion 🤔 i also wanted to include allusions to kyurem since i mentioned the forest of mirrors as a boundary between wonderland and the real world and guess who's the boundary pokemon idk bulbapedia said it was a husk pokemon idk who that is *wink wink nudge nudge* and since our resident amnesiac kudari was there maybe it means something? i also wanted to make some comparisons between kyurem and the king but i felt it was getting wayyy out of hand hehe
also also as you can probably tell i believe that wonderland is very much a real place but it is also a product of a dream since gen 5 had that dream world mechanic dunno how that's gonna fit in the story but its a nice thought
i also have thoughts on the memory hall and why the king restricted the place and why ingo got like conflicting memories but i am running out of words i need to soak my brain somewhere else first byeee have a nice day/night!!!
Hello, pink one! Good to hear/read from you again! I verrrry much appreciated the long comment in the latest Wonderland chapter! :D
(Heheh, gotta keep the secrets hidden~ It's kinda hard to reply to comments without accidentally revealing things lol)
I'm delighted to meet another Emmet simp! One of the big motivators behind 'I wish for truth' was for Emmet to not be a sad sad angsty depressed boy for once. Hence, him being a mysterious, powered up, bamf lol. I'm so very glad my story was able to provide that break from the *angst* that I myself was looking for.
I'm honoured to have someone so aware of my works! Communication on AO3 is relatively limited and I don't get much feedback aside from what's available on there (and social media ain't really my thing), so it's nice to know that there are people who notice and appreciate. The concept of having fans is still somewhat foreign to me cos all I'm doing is writing stuff... (that's all self-indulgent lolol). (btw, I still haven't shaken my habit of refreshing the Emmet tag on AO3 several times a day)
I will admit that my first moments of being a writer on AO3 were verrry... stalker-y? I'd just look at the profiles of anyone who kudo-ed or bookmarked my stuff, which is probably not that creepy? idk XD (I looove Roxana, she's so cool and gosh the art in that manwha is soooo pretty. Oh, I haven't heard of princess' doll shop! I'll definitely give it a look! Thank you for the rec~)
I don't usually comment on stuff much either (bc I'm kinda bad at doing that). So I'm honoured you decided to leave such a detailed, in-depth comment on my work! Thank youuuuu~♡
Oh, I was wondering if you were almost to the limit on AO3's commenting system. It was quite the essay! :D
Now onto Ingo in Wonderland:
Ohhh, speculations regarding gen5 stuff! Ghetsis and Kyurem and dreams hmm? Interesting thoughts you have there~
We'll just have to wait and see if the mysteries of Wonderland will ever come to light... (I have a lotta lore in my head but it doesn't always get onto the paper/document screen)
Oh, I'm excited to read your thoughts/speculations on the whole memory mess! I'll be waiting here (im)patiently~ (>w<)
Thank you for the ask! A good day to you too!
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aslitheryprinx · 3 years
Everyone, I am excited to announce a new event!
Mcyt G/t Alphabet Bingo
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The event starts as soon as this post is released!
This spawned from a prompt idea I tried by myself a long time ago but never actually did anything with.
Since classes for a lot of people are starting up, many members of the community (including myself) don't have as much time to create things. To keep the spirit of content creation going, I wanted to make an event that people can participate in as little or as much as they want, with absolutely no pressure to complete!
And, hopefully, not too much pressure for me to organize haha.
Here are the rules!!!
Letter Boxes
Each letter box can be filled/completed with a submission made with a prompt from the same letter.
You can choose your own prompt, make prompts for other people to use, look up prompts, ask others for prompts, etc.
Anything goes, as long as the prompt starts with the same letter.
So for something like A, you could use the word apathy and write or draw something about that.
A submission can be a piece of art or writing. Anyone in the community is welcome to join.
You can submit it by posting it and sending it to me, tagging me in it, anything like that as long as I see it. (you can even do a submission in my inbox if you don't want to post it yourself!)
There's no pressure to make it perfect or extremely high quality so don't worry. We are working on the honor system here though, so don't write or draw something in like 2 minutes that you wouldn't post for your own content.
Speaking of your own content, the prompts can absolutely be used to write something you're already writing! If you have an au about characters with wings, and decide to write something for it using feather and submit it, that's more than ok.
I'm pretty sure this is fairly obvious, but the submissions should be both mcyt and g/t related lol. No further restrictions than that. (And it is mcyt not dsmp so hermit fans, empires fans, any fan of a mcyt group or individual feel free to submit stuff!)
And now to the fun part!
This is a community wide game of bingo. Our end goal is to get a certain amount of boxes filled.
The catch is, nobody knows what boxes are being worked on by others until the submission is completed.
So we may have, and will probably end up with multiple submissions with each letter, and that's just part of the fun!
A winning line can be any of the four rows across, 2 of the 4 piece columns down, or 1 of the end rows with X and Z.
If you submit a prompt for a letter, you cannot submit something for any of the letters touching it, up or down, left or right, or diagonal. This is to keep one person from getting a bingo on their own, since this is a collaborative thing.
The exception to that is X and Z which can still be done if you did a letter touching them.
Main things to remember!
Keep it SFW people. I don't think I have to say this, you should all know, but I'll put it just in case. (and remember to tag warnings etc as needed.)
You can't fill in a box touching one of your previous submissions! I'm not going to be too worried about keeping up with this, so try to work on the honor system here. I trust you!
Don't talk about what letter you're working on until it's posted! I won't be enforcing this, it's not a huge deal, but honor system! It'll be more fun with the added challenge of not knowing where to work from! If it ends up being too difficult to do, I'll adjust the rules then.
Tag me or DM me to submit something! (Or send a submission through my inbox.) I've got classes so I can't constantly be searching for the submissions. This will just let me keep track of what letters have been completed!
Have fun! This isn't a competition, there's no time limit, nothing like that. The most important thing is enjoying the game, so don't stress about submissions or winning.
Links to current submissions
Current Bingo Sheet
Shorter rule list
Starter prompt list
@mcyt-gt-events this seems like something you'd be interested lol. You're welcome to get involved if you'd like, but no pressure haha.
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