#** rel: ciri & clara.
tr4umaborn · 5 months
027. the refreshing waters of a lake, away from prying eyes . ( ciri <3 )
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eyes closed, i can see what i always see in everyone else's peaceful moments. whatever world it happens to be might be beautiful, but i am still plagued by the faces of the people i failed to save. their screams resonate in my mind until i am forced back to the present for fear of what my mind might make me capable of.
my present now it beautiful. as my eyes flutter open the first thing i see is the strange colored sky. oranges and purples clash behind winds that can be seen from the ground. they reflect off the green blue lake that i'd forgotten i was floating upon. for a moment it is just me. just this. peaceful and serene.
i hear a noise, and that drags me back further into reality. it's then that i realize that i am not alone on this beautiful lake on a world so different from any i am used to. i am there with her. clara. my clara. oh, there is my smile spreading against my features as i swim my naked form through the water to her body on the dock.
" water feels nice, moja gwiazdeczko. won't you join me? "
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tokiro07 · 4 years
Another route for determining a third Mario brother, look for what letters could be transformed for a third Wa
The only letters in the Latin alphabet that appear at all transformable into others are A flipped to V (but it requires you remove a line), b rotated to P or d (but I’d personally rather not use lowercases at all), C to U (just...barely), N rotated to Z and S flipped to Z (if you sharpen it). E can also be rotated to be M or W, but I’ve already discussed that when thinking of a third Mario equivalent, not a Mario brother
I’ve already discussed how S can be flipped to Z for Santo and Wazanto, with the Z then being rotated to N for Nico, but my problem with that is that Z can’t be pronounced at all similarly to W the way that Waluigi’s upside down L makes gamma, which can be used to pronounce “wa”
So, of the letters above, obviously b, P and d are out, none of those create “wa”
V and U on the other hand work pretty well, with W being pronounced with a V-like sound in German and U just having a very similar sound to W in the first place (try saying wa and ua out loud)
Between the two, I prefer V because it more closely fits the visual theme of reversal, even if A and V aren’t perfect visual opposites, but I’ll do what I can to find both good A and C names anyway
As I’ve said, Luigi was so named not because it was a common Italian name, but because he was “similar” or “ruiji” to Mario, and the pronunciation being a real name was just a coincidence. This is why I went with Santo as my initial interpretation, because he was Mario brother #3 (san)
I’m not sure if all of these would necessarily work, but here are a number of kana that could potentially work to establish a theme for a third brother (or a sister) based on sounds that can be found in Italian names
A: Abe (abekobe=contrary/reverse; abeshi=to have an expectation or ideal), Ado (ado=deuteragonist, the secondary protagonist of a play or story), Aga (agaru=to increase, to improve, to complete), Aki (vacancy/empty seat), Ama (amari=leftovers, remains, balance), Ami (loan word from French amie, friend), Ana (deficit, vacancy, missing person), Ata/Ada (enemy), Au (ou=to meet/come together/unite; to follow)
C:  Ca (ka=addition/increase), Cai (kai=revision), Cla (kurai=unfamiliar; kuraberu=to compare), Cro/Clo (kuro=black, ill-boding, wicked), Con (kon=pretending to..., playing make believe), Cor/Col (koru=to be a fanatic, to be devoted to), Cos (kosu=to surpass, to exceed), Ceci (seshuu=heritage), Cel (seru=to compete), Ciri (shiri=end, last place), Ciro (shiro=substitution)
These are by no means exhaustive, but there’s a clear wealth of possibilities for meaningful names:
Someone put in to fill up space (Aki -> Achille; Ama -> Amando, Amatore, Amore; Ana -> Annabella, Annalisa) 
Someone additional to the cast (Aga -> Agatino; Ca -> Carmillo, Carlo, Carmine)
Someone to complete the set (Aga; Aki; Ama; Ana; Au -> Aurelio; Ciri -> Cirillo, Cirino, Cilio)
Someone that can outdo or is comparable to Mario (Abe -> Abele; Aga; Cla -> Claudio, Clara; Cos -> Cosmo, Cosma, Cosima, Costanza; Cel -> Celso)
Someone that reimagines Mario’s characteristics (Cai -> Caio)
Someone resentful of Mario (Abe; Ata/Ada -> Adamo, Adele, Attilio, Atansio; Cro/Clo -> Crocetta, Crocifissa, Claudio; Cel)
Someone to be an additional ally or that’s another relative of Mario’s (Ami -> Amelia, Amilcare; Ceci -> Cecilia, Cecelio)
Someone that can act in Mario’s stead (Ado -> Adriano; Ami; Ceci; Ciro ->...Ciro)
Someone that isn’t actually related to Mario, but wants to be like him (Cla; Con -> Concetto, Consolatta; Cor/Col -> Cornelio, Corrina, Colombo; Ciro)
There’s so many fun possibilities here. Of all of them, Ciro probably works the best because it’s the only one that is a complete Japanese word in and of itself, but I’m also just a huge fan of Concetto because not only does the kon mean to make believe, but the Italian word means an idea or concept, enhancing the theme of this character being a fiction even in context. I also really like Caio, because the character we’re imagining here is literally a revision of Mario, though I don’t love that his name would also end in “-io.” 
Not all of these would work with a Wa slapped in front of them, but then again I never thought that Waluigi would sound good in practice and I got used to it just fine
Again, there’s no way that Nintendo is ever going to put this much thought into a third Mario sibling if they ever decide out of nowhere to make one, but I think it’s a ton of fun to consider the ways they can fit into established patterns, even if said patterns were accidents on the design team’s part
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