#08x18 freaks and geeks
monstermoviedean · 1 year
dean standing up for the innocent new vampire and making sure they don't kill her just for being a vampire! that's my boy!!!!!!
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 08x18 Freaks and Geeks
“Shaggin’ wagon. Fogged up too” “yup. Called it” “I recognize her face. Have we seen her more than once?” “well shit” “oh damn. I wasn’t expecting that” grooving to the music
“Yeah maybe” laughter
“Are they still in Kansas? This guy aint from Kansas” “we’re watching them make out for safety purposes” we’ve seen her before
“Don’t bother calling anybody” “Yup” “that guy looks like a total fkn tool” “That’s a good plan. The throat punching obviously” “they’re going to get laptop girl” “Yup” “we heard that glass break three times. Solid editing right there” “We even went to the mall. Just once though” “You’re one to talk Dean” laughter
“May ham - is that the pig you get in the month of May? A May Ham?” “Dean’s turning into an Old Man complaining about teenagers and shit” “Not what I would call a compound” “Doesn’t this guy turn bad? I can’t remember” “I remember them killing him or something” “That was a very not sure sure” “which means they’re not doing very well in school” “not a very good salesman” “Ok Old Man” “it’s a terrible idea. They’ll hate you forever” “Oh yeah split up again. Solid plan. Something something fuck the buddy system” “I think the music was trying to tell me that he’s a bad dude” “He’s got Sam hair. So of course since they have a similar hair cut, they’re going to agree” “it’s another Sam haircut. A little shorter though. To be fair, I like her hair better” “Who’s Jimmy?” “It’s a set up. Probably” “hair cut men. They both need hair cuts” “At least they’re safe. They have a fire extinguisher” “gotta solve the fkn mystery” “Just walking around downtown with your guns and machetes out. No big deal” “You’ll at least blend in with all the crazy people with a haircut like that” “God dammit” “why do they have to give it away like that?” It’s called telling a story
“That kid will fuck you up” “Why are they all pointing the guns at Dean and not the vampire?” “because we’re not dicks” “very vampire-y thing to say ‘take this one to go’” “That was a very Sam mood though. Sam would usually save the monster and Dean would kill it” “So he’s not a vampire?” They’re working together
“I guess I should have known; he’s not wearing enough eyeliner. He could use some” “Aren’t they all armed?” “Dean’s getting the red mist” “His blood pressure is probably low so he wouldn’t have problems with that” “Is she going to blast him?” “That’s pretty awesome” Right in the eyeball
“That’s a badass speech” “That’s some really watered down blood. Where did they get it from? Oh wait they shot him with the dead mans blood” “What happened to the vampire?” “They cut the part where they killed him or something” “dead mans blood to the brain probably isn’t good for anyone” “Does Jensen have kids?” Yeah he’s got a few.
“Her eyebrows looks purple” laughter
“I wasn’t expecting that. It’s good” “They made this out to be evening time, but I’m pretty certain it’s morning”
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destieldisaster · 3 years
08x18 - Freaks and Geeks
MotW: dude making vamps and killing families so he can train the orphaned kids as hunters
Any Cas? Nope
Well done kids. Except jesus christ you shouldn't be doing this
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Yes Dean, your feelings. You are clearly fucked up over Cas
Damn, they were caught on camera
Dean going into protective mode as soon as  he recognizes Krissy
"How about I punch you in the throat instead" i like her
"You're never too young to kill monsters" 😭
Oh damn, maybe don't bring this up, it's not a concept this show is equipped to handle :')
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Juuust a normal family who also sends the kids to go fight vampires
HEY, don't talk about Garth that way!
AND HEY, don't talk about Bobby that way!
Dean is only ever actually aware of how fucked up his childhood was when confronted with other hunter kids
Yeahhhh, Frank's definitely shady. I mean, even past sending this kids on hunts
Kind of a shame, because what he was doing was questionable enough to be interesting and now he's just a villain
Oh shit, he actually set the vamp on all their families
Good girl
"We don't kill people" seriously, Dean? The man has murdered and turned people into vamps
Damn girl, you freaking legend
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What? He killed himself? They were gonna let him live, I don't get it. I mean it's ridiculous that they were gonna let him live, they've killed for a lot less, but I'm glad Krissy didn't do it. And I guess now they don't have to worry about anymore?
"You'll grow to love him" yesss, we all love Garth, including Dean 🥰
HA, yeah, Dean doesn't need to threaten anyone about hurting Krissy, she's got it
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
yeah we have been saying but the issue isn't dean won't talk about his feelings it's that he won't talk about his feelings to sam on demand. and that's not actually an issue for anyone except sam! sam basically never handles dean's feelings well and dean doesn't like being put on the spot so of course he's not going to respond the way sam wants him to and that's fine!
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
victor killing the kids' families to push them into hunting 🤝 john giving azazel his soul so dean and sam will keep hunting
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
"[garth] is a little strange at first, but you'll come to love him" dean LOVESSSS him
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
i get it's a tv show and they need to do things like this for plot reasons but it is hard to watch krissy chambers say she's retiring and then appear as vampire bait
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
when dean says he's proud of krissy and she threatens to punch him!!! i love them soooooo much
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
let's talk about how dean recognizes krissy instantly even though sam met her first
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
sam doesn't connect the dots between closing the gates of hell and making other hunters' lives easier. dean has to explain it to him. like. like???
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
the moment when it looks like dean is going to give the "hurt her and i kill you" speech and instead he tells aidan no, krissy will kill you IS SOOOOO GOOD
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
sam asks if dean is okay as a way of deflecting dean's asking of the same question and dean is stunned, positively stunned by the question. almost like he doesn't get asked that often.
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
whoever said that thing about sam and boots on necks. So right in the context of 08x18
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