gradienty · 1 month
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Aero Blue Woodsmoke (#b0fdec to #111012)
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oldshinee · 2 years
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111012 - incheon international airport
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nso-csi · 2 years
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111012 Incheon Airport back from New York
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lsanchor · 6 years
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kai-nation-archives · 5 years
Kai (Kim Jongin) Pre-Debut EXO A History
Tracking pre-debut rumors and news of SM’s new boy group “M1, [소년천지] Boys Heaven, or Land of Boys″ (EXO)
As far back as 2009 netizens were speculating on which of SM’s rookie boys would be in the rumored group [reported by AllKpop 091122]
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The 소년천지 name as dubbed by fans was from the idea that the group would essentially be the male version of Girls Generation, because of the temporary title “M1″ that SM gave both groups in their early days.
As far back as 2009 Kim Jongin and Kim Junmyeon were rightfully identified as candidates for SM’s new boy group. Kim Jongin recognized from TVXQ’s Ha Ha Ha Song and by Shinee fans as “Taemin’s friend.”
100404 Kim Jongin (SM Trainee) seen near SM Building with friend Lee Taemin of Shinee
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110130 SM Entertainment announces plans to debut new male group
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110322 Practice photo of SM Entertainment’s upcoming boy group “M1″ leaked!
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110512 Lee Soo Man speaks of his plans for SM’s new male group during a talk at Stanford University (starts at 33:23)
Funnily, according to LSM, the original lineup of EXO were 7 in EXO-K and 5 in EXO-M. As seen in the very early leaked pre-debut images of EXO, it appears Jongin always had his place as the face of the group.
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111012 Lee Soo Man on his system of management, upcoming groups M1 & M2, and his dreams
‘The entertainment industry is essentially about making the right choices; choosing the best singer, choosing the best staff, choosing the best music. Knowing this, Lee Soo Man handles each decision with extreme patience. before making a choice, he looks over almost an excessive amount of options, but if he thinks that there is no answer, he will cleanly give it up. there have been many occurrences of ‘sunken costs’ that could not be recovered, but Lee Soo Man doesn’t seem to care. Rather than risking his neck for a product that is ‘so-so’, he is willing to invest the time and money until the best comes out. Taking this into consideration, Lee Soo Man introduced the topic of his upcoming group. SM Entertainment’s new group will be made up of two sub groups who have the same concept. One group will promote in Korea, while the other group will promote with the same song in China. The groups are currently referred to as “M1’ and ‘M2′. In order to find the perfect title song for these two groups, SM held an event called ‘Music Camp’ in Denmark and Norway in August. The event drew 50 composers from all over the world, who came to compose a song for SM Entertainment over 3 to 6 days. SM Entertainment showed the composers M1 and M2, and once they explain the concept they wanted and the rhythm they seeked, the composers were free to come up with their own songs. Even though they held this event twice already, SM Entertainment still hasn’t been able to pick a suitable title song for M1 and M2.’
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EXO were definitely well planned, with much heart, mind, blood, sweat and tears. Finally SM debuted the name of their new group in a legendary way on:
111220 SM released “FROM EXO PLANET” Countdown
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Counting down to the announcement of the first member, main dancer, and face of the group: KAI, officially named after the Chinese word 开 - to open a door
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monstergif555 · 4 years
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 111012 TVXQ on Sakigake Ongaku Banzuke Eight  
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edieeebity · 6 years
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Amor Del Bueno ♡☆🌑🌻💏 #5years #loml #mysloth #underabluemoonisawyou #111012
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i-hls · 3 years
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הבטחה למודעות מצב משופרת בזירה הימית
דגם כלי טיס בלתי מאויש למודיעין ומעקב ימי הוכיח את יכולותיו במענה לצרכי המעקב הימי של חילות הים או סוכנויות המעקב באירופה, זאת במסגרת הפרויקט האירופי OCEAN2020. במהלך ההדגמה, הוכיחה הגרסה הימית של הכטב"ם Patroller מתוצרת Safran אינטראופרביליות, כולל העברת נתונים מהחיישנים שלה בזמן אמת (מצב טקטי
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wdonnait · 3 years
Falsi miti del sonno, ecco i più comuni:
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://wdonna.it/falsi-miti-del-sonno-ecco-i-piu-comuni/111012?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr&utm_campaign=111012
Falsi miti del sonno, ecco i più comuni:
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Sapevate che esistono diversi falsi miti del sonno?
Come ben sappiamo, dormire è davvero molto importante per il nostro organismo. Allo stesso tempo però, ognuno di noi presenta delle esigenze particolari, in merito al numero di ore, all’età e via dicendo.
A tal proposito, noi oggi vi sfatiamo quelli più comuni. Buona lettura!
Andare a letto presto se ci si deve alzare prima
Non è vero che bisogna andare a dormire presto se si ha un impegno alle prime ore del mattino.
Se non si ha sonno, non bisogna forzare il nostro organismo (e soprattutto la mente), imponendoci di dormire in tempi brevi. Spesso si rischia infatti di ottenere il risultato opposto, trascorrendo così una notte agitata e governata dall’insonnia.
Più che altro, è importante cercare di conciliare il sonno, magari leggendo un buon libro o guardando un film rilassante. Infilarci sotto le coperte e spegnere la luce con l’obiettivo di addormentarci in maniera repentina, potrebbe non funzionare affatto.
Dormire 8 ore per notte per sentirsi riposati
Come molti di voi già sanno, spesso si dice che per sentirsi riposati, è importante dormire almeno 8 ore a notte.
Niente di più sbagliato. Quella sarebbe più che altro la media generale ma andando nel caso specifico, tutto cambia. Di conseguenza, c’è chi necessita della bellezza di 10 ore a notte, così come chi si sente rigenerato anche soltanto con 5.
Tra l’altro, bisogna mettere in conto l’età del soggetto in questione. Un neonato ad esempio, può arrivare a dormire anche 16 ore al giorno, mentre gli anziani anche 5-6. Questi ultimi infatti, presentano un sonno a frammenti, con continui risvegli. Ecco perché nel corso della giornata capita che si addormentino con una certa facilità.
Ovviamente, se si arriva a dormire quelle 3-4 ore a notte, a lungo andare potrebbero subentrare delle problematiche. Il nostro corpo inizierebbe a sentirsi stanco e con scarsi livelli di concentrazione, che inciderebbero notevolmente sulla qualità delle giornate.
Stancarsi di sera concilia il sonno
Di sicuro, una giornata a ritmi frenetici (e magari accompagnata da sport), ci fa arrivare a fine giornata quasi distrutti.
La stanchezza fisica può certamente aiutare il corpo a rilassarsi, ma non è una regola assoluta. Infatti, tante persone si sentono ancor più energiche dopo aver fatto sport. Ciò significa che la sonnolenza non è estremamente interconnessa a tale sensazione, anzi ne è quasi indipendente.
Pertanto, si sconsiglia di fare palestra poco prima di andare a dormire.
Gli alcolici incentivano il sonno
In parte l’alcol svolge un’azione sedativa.
D’altro canto però, non ci consente sempre di fare sogni d’oro. Anzi, il rischio è quello di addormentarsi subito ma di svegliarsi spesso durante la notte per andare in bagno, o il mattino seguente con il mal di testa. A prescindere dalla sbornia, ciò che causa tale malessere potrebbe risiedere proprio nella scarsa qualità di sonno.
Pertanto, evitate di assumere troppo alcol prima di andare a dormire.
La digestione fa dormire
Il fatto che i carboidrati aiutino a sviluppare la sonnolenza è vero.
Ma ciò non significa che bisogna abbuffarsi con la speranza di prendere subito sonno. Anzi, il fatto di mangiare troppo prima di coricarsi non può che far male al nostro corpo. Rischieremmo infatti di avvertire una certa pesantezza allo stomaco e di fare sogni agitati, confusi e frastagliati.
Se siete soliti fare dei pisolini pomeridiani, cercate di pranzare leggero.
Prendere i farmaci contro l’insonnia
Chi l’ha detto che i farmaci siano indispensabili contro l’insonnia?
Sicuramente, essi si rivelano la soluzione più efficace nel momento in cui si soffre di insonnia cronica. Allo stesso tempo però, risulta fondamentale analizzare il caso specifico.
Pertanto, se soffrite di tale disturbo da un po’ di tempo, rivolgetevi ad un medico esperto nel settore. Attraverso una diagnosi accurata, egli saprà dirvi se sarà necessario ricorrere a dei farmaci. Inoltre, in base al tipo di insonnia, il dottore vi consiglierà il dosaggio più idoneo, onde evitare uno stato di assuefazione e dipendenza.
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trendingph · 3 years
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21 Koronadal City inmates test positive for COVID-19, jail kept off-limits to visitors KORONADAL CITY –– At least 21 detainees at the city police station here have tested positive for coronavirus disease (COVID-19), prompting the local police to suspend all visiting privileges to con... https://trendingph.net/21-koronadal-city-inmates-test-positive-for-covid-19-jail-kept-off-limits-to-visitors/?feed_id=111012&_unique_id=60238a337788d #city #covid19 #inmates #jail #koronadal #offlimits #philippinenews #philippinesnews #positive #test #trendingph #visitors
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nurmukhamed-blog · 4 years
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🥇КОЛЛЕКЦИЯ «ЛЕТО-2020» КОД:111012 ⠀ 🔥Производство ТУРЦИЯ🇹🇷 ⠀ 💣Турецкие кожаные сандали от ТМ TEKINER🇹🇷 ⠀ 🦶Размеры 21,22,23,24,25 ⠀ 💰10200₸ ⠀ 🔮Orthopedic&Antibacterial! Ортопедическая кожаная стелька. Снаружи и внутри натуральная кожа! Качество👍🏻 ⠀ Есть СУПИНАТОР! На липучке, подошва каучук, на любой подъём подойдёт! Супер удобная обувь! ⠀ 🚚 Доставка 24/7 Алматы 🇰🇿Все города KZ 📲Для Заказа:⤵️ +7778 777 82 84 (What’s App) ⠀ 🔸️Уважаемые Покупатели, вы также можете оплатить ⠀ 💳Напрямую на карту Kaspi GOLD. ⠀ #КОЛЛЕКЦИЯВЕСНА2020 #ПроизводствоТУРЦИЯ #Турецкиекожаныекроссовки #TEKINER #Orthopedic #Antibacterial #СУПИНАТОР #қазақсауда #qazaqsauda #оптом #розница (at Kazakhstan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Fmy7xjWu8/?igshid=n2kna7ff83s4
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rouutnews · 4 years
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Workers In 8 Amazon Warehouses Test Positive For Coronavirus Read more on Rouut: https://rouut.com/2020/03/24/workers-in-8-amazon-warehouses-test-positive-for-coronavirus/?feed_id=111012&_unique_id=5e7add751caf2 --- https://rouut.com Rouut. News as it happens. Breaking news, watch live TV, and real-time discussions. Subscribe for daily news that matters to you. @joinrouut on Facebook @joinrouut on Instagram Follow @rouut or @rouutnews on Twitter
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hxqcopy-blog · 5 years
使い勝手の良い ドルチェ&ガッバーナ人気ブランド Dolce&Gabbana目を引く1着 Tシャツ/ティーシャツ
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海と船を大胆なカラーリングで表現したプリントの総柄ドルガバ tシャツ コピー。激安 ブランド高品質で柔らかく肌触りの良い素材の着心地の良さが、リラックスした雰囲気で今期のオシャレに最適です。夏に最適な爽やかな無地Tシャツなのでコーデに取り入れやすくヘビロテ間違いなしの予感。ドルチェ&ガッバーナ コピー 激安またテーラードジャケットやセットアップのイン��ーに重ね着したりと、レイヤード使いにももってこい。程よくアウトドアテイストを取り入れた都会的なスタイルを演出できるドルガバ コピー一枚です。    商品番号:HX2019NXZ-DG009    品  番:HX2019NXZ-DG009-1    ブランド:Dolce&Gabbana ドルチェ&ガッバーナ    市場価格: 17400円    販売価格: 5800 http://www.hxqiu.com/?product-111012.html ▼コメント▼ hxqiuへようこそ、ショッピングを楽しみに ▲ レディース 館の商品は一緒に発注出来る ▲HP未掲載品でも他店の商品でも発注出来る ▲会員登録をせずに商品をご注文出来る下記のメールアドレスにご連絡ください。お問い合わせ先: http://www.hxqiu.com/?gallery-554-grid.html ▲当店からのメールが届かない場合お手数ですが、一度「迷惑メール」フォルダーをご確認くださいまたはURL付きメール拒否設定を解除した後、ご注文を頂けますようお願い申し上げます ブランドスーパーコピー
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candied-sardines · 3 years
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Weekend RoundUp {111012}
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nikisc · 4 years
VID 20200205 111012
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healthtimetaylor · 4 years
Anti-proliferation activities of Oryza sativa L. anthocyanins-Hohenbuehelia serotina polysaccharides complex after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion.
PMID:  Food Chem Toxicol. 2019 Nov 30:111012. Epub 2019 Nov 30. PMID: 31794802 Abstract Title:  Anti-proliferation activities of Oryza sativa L. anthocyanins-Hohenbuehelia serotina polysaccharides complex after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. Abstract:  In order to improve the bioavailability of Oryza sativa L. anthocyanins, we fabricated Oryza sativa L. anthocyanins-Hohenbuehelia serotina polysaccharides (OSA-HSP) complex and investigated its anti-proliferation activities taking into account its changes along simulated gastrointestinal digestion in vitro. Results showed that OSA mainly composed by delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin, malvidin and their derivatives was combined with HSP through electrostatic interaction. OSA-HSP complex belonged to non-crystalline substance, and had compact and laminar structural characteristics. Under simulated gastrointestinal digestion, OSA-HSP complex significantly prevented the degradation of anthocyanins, and presented sustain release effect. However, the anti-proliferation activities of OSA-HSP complex digested by different gastrointestinal process were remarkably changed, especially after small intestinal digestion. HeLa cells treated with OSA-HSP complex exhibited pro-apoptosis characteristics by triggering endogenous mitochondrial apoptosis pathway through activating the expressions of Bax, cytochrome c and Caspase-3 as well as inhibiting the expression of Bcl-2. These findings provided new insight to improve the bioavailability of anthocyanins in functional foods and tumor therapy.
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