#ARKEA Ultim
sail-southern · 2 months
ARKEA ULTIM CHALLENGE: Five Skippers, Five Different Challenges Under Scrutiny || Live Sail Die
In the space of one week, three skippers have passed Cape Horn, first, on 6th February, was Charles Caudrelier (Maxi Edmond de Rothschild), second was Armel Le Cléac’h (Maxi Banque Populaire XI) on Saturday and third very early yesterday morning was Thomas Coville (Sodebo Ultim 3). They are now continuing their climb up the Atlantic, moving inexorably closer to the finish, looking forwards to being home. At the same time, Anthony Marchand (Actual Ultim 3) and Éric Péron (ULTIM ADAGIO) experience mixed fortunes. 
Full Story Here…
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As a new chapter in ocean racing history was opened with the start of the inaugural ARKÉA ULTIM CHALLENGE-Brest as a winter chill and modest NE’ly wind was scarcely enough to lift the giant ULTIM multihulls on to their foils as they got underway on January 7 In Brest, France.
Tom Laperche (SVR Lazartigue) made the dream start, as after arriving a day earlier following six weeks of repairs, Laperche hit the line at speed before building a narrow lead.
Considering the weather forecast for the six solo skippers in the first ever solo multihull race round the world on 32mx23m giant ULTIM trimarans, it is agreed that François Gabart’s 2017 mark of 42 days 16 hours was not in imminent danger. The fleet could be more than two days behind the record time when they get into the big south.
Much of the passage down to the Equator will be upwind, slowed first by a low pressure trough off Portugal and then by a big Atlantic depression to be negotiated later this week. As yet there is no sign of any fast trade-winds sailing before they pass into the Southern Hemisphere.
However, none of these latest generation, cutting-edge, giant foiling trimarans have ever been sailed at max speed across the southern Indian and the Pacific oceans, so any initial deficit could still be overturned before Cape Horn.
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watchilove · 5 months
Alpina unveils two Seastrong Diver limited-edition pieces for an extreme single-handed race: the ARKEA ULTIM CHALLENGE – Brest
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floatmagazin · 3 months
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dimensionsvelo · 3 years
Canyon Ultimate CF SLX TDF, une série spéciale Tour de France
Canyon Ultimate CF SLX TDF, une série spéciale Tour de France
Avec trois équipes sur le Tour de France, Canyon est plutôt bien représenté ! Le fabricant allemand présente à cette occasion un vélo en série limitée à 108 exemplaires : l’Ultimate CF SLX TDF. Il n’y aura que 108 exemplaires du Canyon Ultimate CF SLX TDF, autant que d’édition du Tour de France en fait. Canyon est présent sur cette édition 2021 avec le Movistar Team, mais aussi avec Arkea-Samsic…
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arctimon · 3 years
*insert witty title involving Momakase here*
(Warning: This post is long.)
So I never actually shared this theory outside of DeviantArt, and it was also part of a greater post of predictions for the show. But now that I've essentially had a year to sit on it, and can now better illustrate my points, hopefully I can make it clearer. Today, on the "Big Hero 6 Conspiracy Theories" Podcast with Arctimon, we're going to be talking about...Momakase.
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“But Jason, you’ve already talked about Momakase and her comparisons with Lady Deathstrike!” You are correct, imaginary person I made up for the purposes of this conversation.  But we’re going to go a little deeper this time.
However, before we get into Momakase, let’s talk about someone else for a hot second.  And that person’s name is Ana Cortés. Now, if you’ve read my stories, that name may seem familiar to you: it’s the alias that Momakase uses when seducing the rich guy at the end of "The Usual Suspects” (Chapter 9 of Continuity II).  But what if I told you that the name isn’t just an alias to her?  What if it’s her real life? But let’s chat about the Prime Marvel Universe Ana Cortés.
The character was only around for four issues back in the 2013 run of X-Men, when the all-female team was being led by Storm.  She made her first appearance in Issue #7, being introduced as the daughter of a recently-deceased Colombian businessman.
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Being the head of a billion-dollar company wasn’t enough for young Ana, so she recruited a Yakuza member named Reiko to bring her the consciousness of Lady Deathstrike, who had recently been killed.  That, along with the nanites that she would later be given, gave Deathstrike a new young body, capital to boot, and a quest to make a new Sisterhood to topple the X-Men.
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Which ultimately lead to Ana/Yuriko’s new look...
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Through the next four issues, Ana would recruit others into her new Sisterhood, such as Amora the Enchantress, Typhoid Mary, Selene, and Madelyne Pryor, with them ultimately achieving their goal: to bring back to life a sentient bacterium named Arkea and declare war on mutants and humans.
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As the plan progressed, Ana started getting cold feet, fearing what Arkea wanted to do and hating what she had become.  So, in Issue #11, after pleading with Typhoid Mary to finish her life...
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She decides to take her own.
And thus the life of Ana Cortés came to an end.
So what does this have to do with Momakase? Well...everything. Momakase’s history is a mystery (unintentional rhyming).  The only clear thing that we know about her past is her family in an indirect way, courtesy of “Hiro the Villain” and her recruiting him to get her family swords back from Yama:
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The katana and the wakizashi seem very important to her, so much so that she would risk breaking into Yama’s penthouse to get it and getting Hiro to come along with ehr.  Unfortunately, this is never expanded upon because this is the last speaking part of Momakase in the show before the series finale in “The Mascot Upshot”.
We know that her father gave them up because they were being threatened by gangsters.  We don’t know how long ago that was, but since Momakase mentions that the swords are “the last connection to her family”, we can deduce that they’re probably not in the picture any more.
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(By the way, if anyone can decipher what that emblem is suppose to be, knock yourself out.)
But as we all know, apples don’t fall very far from trees.  And this is where we’re dealing with pure conjecture and guessing on my part.
I’ve written in my stuff about how Momakase started out in villainy at a young age.  Her first attempt at crime ended up with her being caught by Boss Awesome.  And she must have left an impression on him, because remember...he had a file on her in “Food Fight”.  So she must have been active at least a couple of decades ago, because Fred’s dad retired before Fred was born.
But what really led her to go down that path?  Perhaps the mash-up nature of this world could give us some insight. So imagine that your father is a Colombian handyman who had to work extra hard to support your immense family of brothers and sisters after his parents died.  Now imagine that your mother is a Japanese socialite and never had to lift a finger in her entire life.
Now imagine their fates intertwining.
The mother is immediately infatuated.  The father tries to rescue her from her life of artificial captivity.  They run off, elope, and in less than a year, they give birth to a wonderful daughter.
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That daughter being you. Your elders, seemingly seen the error of their ways, gift the couple a pair of ceremonial daisho swords that have been in the family forever.  Life goes on. You witness the bullies of the world threaten your family.  You see their most cherished possession being taken away, and then you swear to yourself you won’t end up like that.  So, you get yourself involved in villianry.
And then years later, when it doesn’t seem like you can do anything right...you meet someone.
He’s a police officer, also in the infancy of his occupation.  He visits you in jail, talking on and on about how justice was served...but something else is there in his eyes.  Pity?  Interest?  Sadness?  All of that and more?
Once you get out, you visit him between heists.  He doesn’t know, of course.  You tell him you’ve gone straight.
But the more you stay with him, the more you feel yourself getting closer.
“But it wouldn’t work”, you say.  He’s a man of the law.  You’re a woman of lawlessness.  Both you and he come to the consensus that while things are good between you, it’s best to quit while the both of you are ahead.
Fate, of course, had other plans.
Life rears its beautiful and ugly head.  Your enemies come calling for you.  They want your debt paid.  And they’ll do anything to get it, including taking down your beloved...
And your newborn baby girl.
Of course, we all know who this certain “man of the law” is.
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The person who suddenly had to leave San Fransokyo with no reason to the befuddlement of the people closest to him, including Aunt Cass. I mentioned before that it didn’t make sense that his father dying would be the reason why he had to leave San Fransokyo.  It would have to be something that needed to be kept away from public consumption.
Alternatively, what do you think would happen to the most hardnosed, relentless officer in the San Fransokyo force if word got out that he fathered a child with a criminal?
And what do you think would happen to her?
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Megan is looking into it with the help of Kate (as of Loose Ends).  We’ve seen Diego and Momakase have this conversation in “Assembly Required”.  Heck, even Hiro seems to think something’s up when he talks to her in “Anti-Hiro”.
She doesn’t have any of her attributes.  She doesn’t have any tremendous thieving skills.  She has never interacted with the Cruzes in the show at all.  It’s the theory that, no matter how you look at it, doesn’t make a lick of sense at all.
And somehow it makes perfect sense to me.
Momakase, the woman whose real name is Anastasia “Ana” Momo Cortés...is Megan’s mom.
And that is a plot thread that I plan on tugging on even into The Future.
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What was that about apples and trees?  They never seem to stray too far from each other...
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multiverseforger · 3 years
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The Enchantress' parentage is unknown, though it is known she was born in Asgard and has a sister by the name of Lorelei. Amora began learning magic as an apprentice of Karnilla, Queen of the Norns, but was eventually banished.[3] She continued learning magic on her own, notably by seducing others well versed in magic and learning their secrets. In time, Amora became one of the more powerful magic-wielders in Asgard, with her magical arsenal focused on (but not limited to) charming and mind-controlling people. Her by-then well-renowned beauty did not hinder in this.
In her first appearance, she is sent by Odin to eliminate Thor's human love interest, whom Odin sees as a distraction. She also hopes to have the thunder god for herself. She is assisted by a powerful minion — Skurge, the Executioner. The Executioner loved the Enchantress, and she strings him along with her feminine wiles, using him as her muscle.[4] She aids Loki by attempting to seduce Thor in his Don Blake identity and by sending the Executioner to kill Jane Foster, but though the Executioner traps Foster in another dimension Thor is able to bring her back by giving Skurge his hammer. When the Enchantress, angry at Skurge returning Jane, begins to turn Skurge into a tree, Skurge releases Thor from the pact in exchange for his help. Amora then tries to change Thor's hammer into a hissing serpent, but it is immune to her magic. Thor then transports the two back to Asgard.[5]
The Enchantress and the Executioner are exiled to Earth by Odin. They become members of Baron Heinrich Zemo's original Masters of Evil, the opposite number to the Avengers, a superhero team that Thor had joined. The Enchantress hypnotizes Thor into attacking the other Avengers with her own spells and a special brew, making him believe they are enemies of humanity, but Iron Man wakes Thor from his trance by reflecting sunlight into his eyes. Thor sends the Masters to another dimension through a space warp, but two issues later, the Enchantress uses a spell to send them back to Earth. She recruits Wonder Man into the Masters of Evil after paying his bail. She also meets Immortus, who helps Zemo attack the Avengers. When this attempt fails, she turns back time to prevent it from happening, though the Masters retain their memories of this event. When Immortus begins to contact the Masters, the Enchantress prevents this from happening.[6] She then joins in the Masters of Evil's final assault against the Avengers and breaks the Black Knight and Melter out of jail. She manages to escape in the end with the Executioner when the other two are transported to another dimension where their weapons rebound due to different scientific laws.[7] As a member of the Masters of Evil, the Enchantress (and Executioner) repeatedly face the Avengers. She is especially affronted by the attempts of the Scarlet Witch, a mortal, to subvert her divine spells, though she is occasionally genuinely challenged by the Scarlet Witch's mutant gifts.
Art by Alan Davis.
With the Executioner, she menaces Jane Foster again at Loki's behest.[8]
The Enchantress is also notable in that she has given other superhumans their powers. For example, she used the deceased Zemo's equipment to make a henchman of his, Erik Josten, into the original Power Man, who aids her in battling the Avengers. Her illusions and traps turn the city against the Avengers, forcing them to disband and making Power Man seem like a hero. Captain America, in disguise, corrects this by obtaining a taped confession from the Enchantress and Power Man. Power Man is able to defeat him, but the Enchantress is knocked out by gas from Hawkeye's arrow. Realizing the tape is on its way to the police, the Enchantress used her spells to teleport away.[9] The Enchantress is then recruited by the Mandarin, along with the Executioner, Swordsman, Power Man, and Living Laser for his plan for world domination. With the Executioner, she attacked the Asian sub-continent with an army of trolls, but they were defeated by Hercules and the Scarlet Witch.[10]
Amora poses as the Valkyrie and forms the Lady Liberators, which battle the male Avengers. She dupes Arkon into fighting the Avengers.[11] Amora also uses her magics to make Samantha Parrington and later Barbara Norris into the Valkyrie.[12] With the Executioner, she battles the Defenders and the Thing.[13]
With the Executioner, Amora attempts to conquer Asgard with a troll army. She also served as Loki's lieutenant in his brief rule of Asgard.[14]
During the "Secret Wars," she is placed on the villains's side, but she spurns the idea of fighting a gladiatorial game for the amusement of a higher being. She instead proposes to Thor that the two of them simply join forces, leave both heroes and villains behind, and go back home to Asgard.[volume & issue needed]
On the appearance of Amora's sister Lorelei, it is established that the two sisters have something of a strained relationship, rooted in rivalry. More than a little friction is seen between the pair, not the least due to competition over which one of them would manage to seduce Thor.[15]
The Enchantress joined the Asgardian gods and heroes in final battle against the world-ender Surtur. She establishes that she is motivated by enlightened self-interest: Surtur seeks to end the world, in which case Amora would perish.[16]
Another regular foe of Amora's is the Scarlet Witch, as seen here in The Vision and the Scarlet Witch (Vol. 2) #9. Cover art by Richard Howell and P. Craig Russell.
Soon after the Surtur War, Thor leads a number of Asgardian heroes to Hel, the realm of the death goddess Hela. The Executioner asks Thor to let him join the expedition for reasons he does not immediately reveal. In truth, he had seen the Enchantress dallying with Heimdall, and, heartbroken, Skurge wishes to lose himself in a noble cause — such as rescuing lost souls from Hela. Thor's forces accomplish their mission but need one man to guard their retreat from Hel by holding the bridge Gjallerbru. The Executioner, knowing there was no more Amora for him, chooses to be that man, giving his life so the others might flee. When Amora hears the news, to everyone's surprise, she is truly grief-stricken.[17]
After Skurge's death, Amora continues her regular hi-jinks, occasionally helping Asgard, occasionally opposing it. She aids Asgard against the evil Egyptian God Seth's legions.[18]
Lorelei later perishes as Amora refused to give her life for her sister's. The deceased Skurge (in Valhalla) rejects the Enchantress, and Amora goes on to empower the Earthman Brute Benhurst into a short-lived new Executioner to serve as her minion in Skurge's stead.[19] Amora becomes vexed with the Avenger Wonder Man and assists Thor and the Warriors Three in their quest to return Odin to the throne of Asgard. During this time, an attraction between Amora and Asgard's guardian Heimdall is explored. Amora even battles the powerful entity Nightmare on behalf of both of them as Heimdall was unable to protect himself at the time. She ultimately rejects Heimdall when she realizes that he wishes to be married and she does not.[volume & issue needed]
In Acts of Vengeance, Amora and Skurge join forces and attack Doctor Strange, only to be bested by Clea when she flies to his aid.[volume & issue needed]
Later, Thor has been spurned by his father Odin, exiled to Earth and disempowered. In this vulnerable state, Thor ends up forming a willing liaison with Amora, with the two of them living out of a loft in New York City as lovers. This status quo would remain until Thor goes missing during Heroes Reborn and is presumed dead.[20]
During Ragnarök, Amora is present with the other Asgardian deities and dwarves when Eitri and his brothers are sealed into a tomb they had carved due to the Mjolnir mold destroying them, albeit accidentally. When Surtur's forging of new Mjolnirs creates chaos, Thor attempts to fly to the skies to discern the source, but is at once struck down by a blast from a Mjolnir duplicate of Loki's; Amora is slain by the same blast, one of the first victims of Loki during this event. Neither her magic nor her inherent durability is capable of shielding her. Heimdall falls soon afterward; Amora is not seen again except, seemingly, in one of the realms of death, unable to use her magic to assist her once-lover.[volume & issue needed]
After Ragnarök, when Thor, Asgard and the other Asgardians return, Thor is manipulated by Loki into inadvertently awakening some of Thor's enemies, among them Amora, though when she was last seen, she is the victim, falling by Loki's hands and mourned by Thor and the other Asgardians. She does not return to Asgard but instead goes to attack the world tree, Yggdrasil in order to resurrect Skurge and release him from Valhalla. Amora is ultimately thwarted after Thor, Loki, and Balder convince her that she is dishonoring his memory with her actions.[21]
She has returned after Thor's resurrection, with Donald Blake - bitter about his separation from Thor and his non-existent past - offering the Enchantress his soul if she can make him a god again.[22] The resulting god is a twisted abomination, with Thor defeating the Enchantress and her new god before banishing them from Asgard, leaving Blake - reduced to a living head after his body was consumed to create the god - connected to a series of dream-weaving creatures to make him dream that he is living a full life.[23]
After this Amora was defeated by Thor and banished to the forest in Norway. She was trapped in an Odinforce barrier and stripped of her powers. Lady Deathstrike and Typhoid Mary were on a quest to find Arkea, an intelligent gestalt microorganism capable of controlling machines and people. They found Amora and offered to help her regain her powers.[24] In exchange they founded a new sisterhood to battle the X-Men, who were hunting Arkea and Lady Deathstrike. Arkea hacked the Odinforce spell and restored Amora's full powers. In exchange for this, Amora restored the physical form of the immortal mutant witch, Selene,[25] and helped Arkea resurrect Madelyne Pryor. Before the Sisterhood could add more members, the X-Men attacked and killed Arkea. Amora was ambushed by the X-Man M, who defeated her in a surprise attack. However, Madelyne Pryor swore to continue the Sisterhood, which presently has Madelyne, Selene, Lady Deathstrike, Amora, and Typhoid Mary as members.[26]
During the "AXIS" storyline, Enchantress appears as a member of Magneto's unnamed supervillain group during the fight against Red Skull's Red Onslaught form.[27] After the heroes and villains present at the battle experience a moral inversion due to the Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom's attempt to bring out the Xavier in Onslaught backfiring,[volume & issue needed] Magneto recruits Enchantress as one of his new 'Avengers' to stop the now-villainous Avengers and X-Men.[volume & issue needed]
Following the "Secret Wars" storyline, she has become a member of Malekith the Accursed's Dark Council.[28] Through a spell, she takes control of the queen of the Light Elves, allowing her marriage to Malekith to happen and the conquest of their realm.[29]
During the "War of the Realms" storyline, Enchantress accompanies Malekith the Accursed in his invasion on Midgard.[30] She and Kurse fight Ghost Rider and She-Hulk until Jane Foster slams Skidbladnir into Enchantress.[31] In Uruguay, the Enchantress raises the dead, but Ghost Rider, Doctor Strange, and Balder ward her off.[32]
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earaercircular · 2 years
Pioneer of the circular economy, Paprec wants to double in size
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The French company Paprec founded in 1994 by Jean-Luc Petithuguenin wants to accelerate its international development: United Kingdom, Spain, Poland.
This is the age of the the circular economy. Paprec[1], that presents itself as the French leader in recycling and number three in waste management and energy recovery, wants to double in size in the next ten years.
During a press conference at the group's headquarters, Jean-Luc Petithuguenin, president and founder of Paprec, also announced the arrival of a new reference shareholder: Vauban Infrastructures Partners[2], a French management company specializing in equity infrastructure investments. The Crédit Agricole[3] group becomes also a shareholder and joins long-standing French shareholders: BPIfrance[4], BNP Paribas[5] and Arkea[6].
This new fund raising round with a capital increase of 326 million euros brings the shareholders' equity of the Paprec group to more than 800 million euros.
True to its long-term policy, Paprec wants to surf on a rapidly growing market. After having crossed the 2.2 billion euros mark, the company’s turnover should reach 2.5 billion euros at the end of 2022 employing 12,500 members of staff. “The objective is to reach 5 billion euros in turnover and 30,000 people”, explains Jean-Luc Petithuguenin who wants to accelerate the development of the company internationally, in particular towards the United Kingdom, Poland and Spain.
Paprec, 57% controlled by the founder and his descendants, wants to remain a family business. One of the axes of development for the next ten years involves the production of energy and green gas from waste, 300 million euros in turnover today. “Technologically, we are today the strongest in the recycling sector. We have the same ambition for energy.”
The company is a candidate for the takeover of the engineering division of the CNIM[7] (200 employees). Two other companies are in the running: the Chinese company Shanghai Utilities[8] and the Belgian John Cockerill[9].
For ultimate SRC (=solid recovered fuels) waste intended to supply central steam plants, Paprec has several units (Nantes, Toulouse, Loches) whose profitability is boosted by the current price of gas. Another unit is under construction in Poland. In addition, there is a project in Normandy (F).
The long-term objective is to achieve 70% of turnover in waste recycling and 30% in energy.
Patrice Moyon, Pionnier de l’économie circulaire, Paprec veut doubler de taille, in Ouest France, 9/3/2022
[1] Paprec Group (Paprec Recyclage or simply Paprec) is a French company for the collection and recycling of industrial and household waste, founded in 1994, chaired by Jean-Luc Petithuguenin, whose historic headquarters are in La Courneuve (Seine-Saint-Denis). In 2020, with 10,000 employees spread over more than 200 sites in France and Switzerland, Paprec Group is one of the main French players in the recycling, treatment and recovery of waste. The group treats more than 12,000,000 tons of waste per year for a turnover that has approached 1.5 billion euros. https://www.paprec.com/fr/ [2] Vauban Infrastructure Partners SCA operates as an investment company. The Company invests in infrastructure development companies. Vauban Infrastructure Partners serves customers worldwide. https://vauban-ip.com/en/ [3] Crédit Agricole Group sometimes called La banque verte (English: The green bank) due to its historical ties to farming, is a French international banking group and the world's largest cooperative financial institution. It is France's second largest bank, after BNP Paribas, as well as the third largest in Europe and tenth largest in the world. It consists of a network of Crédit Agricole local banks, the 39 Crédit Agricole regional banks, and a central institute, the Crédit Agricole S.A.. It is listed through Crédit Agricole S.A., an intermediate holding company, on Euronext Paris' first market and is part of the CAC 40 stock market index. In August 2021, it reached the top of the CAC 40.[5] Local banks of the group owned the regional banks, in turn the regional banks majority owned the S.A. via a holding company, in turn the S.A. owned part of the subsidiaries of the group, such as LCL, the Italian network and the CIB unit. It is considered a systemically important bank by the Financial Stability Board. [4] Bpifrance is a public investment bank, a French financing and business development organisation. It is the result of the merger of Oséo, CDC Entreprises, FSI and FSI Régions. It is in particular responsible for supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, mid-sized enterprises and innovative enterprises in support of State and regional public policies. Bpifrance is chaired by Caisse des dépôts, represented by its managing director. [5] BNP Paribas S.A. is a French international banking group, the leading European bank in terms of business and profitability, with just over $3 trillion in assets as of September 2021, and the 7th largest international banking group as of October 2021, present in 65 countries. It is the largest bank in Europe by total assets ahead of HSBC and Europe’s largest bank by revenue ahead of HSBC and Banco Santander. At 31 December 2021, net profit attributable to equity holders was 9.5 billion euros. [6] Crédit Mutuel Arkéa is a cooperative and mutual bancassurance group in France. It is made up of the Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne and Sud-Ouest federations as well as around thirty specialized subsidiaries (Suravenir, Fortuneo Banque, Financo, Monext, Mangopay, Kengo, Arkéa Investment Services (formerly Federal Finance), Arkéa Assistance, Arkéa Banking Services, Arkéa Crédit Bail, Arkéa Banque Entreprises et Institutionnels, and others). Its head office is located in Relecq-Kerhuon in Finistère.. [7] CNIM is a French equipment manufacturer and industrial contractor operating on a worldwide basis. The group supplies products and services to major public and private sector organisations, local authorities and national governments in the environment, energy, defence, and high technology markets. Founded in 1856, CNIM is a medium-sized company. CNIM is listed on the Euronext exchange in Paris. It relies on a stable family-based majority shareholding structure committed to its development. [8] Shanghai Dazhong Public Utilities (Group) Co., Ltd. (“DZUG”) was established on December 24, 1991, in the original name of Shanghai Pudong Dazhong Taxi Co., Ltd., which was the first joint-stock company in China’s taxi industry, and also the first listed company after the establishment of Pudong New Area. The
company was officially listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange; https://www.dzug.cn/default_EN.aspx [9] The John Cockerill Group is developing large-scale technological solutions to meet the needs of its time: preserving natural resources, contributing to greener mobility, producing sustainably, combating insecurity and facilitating access to renewable energy. Its offer to companies, States and local authorities takes the form of associated services and equipment for the energy, defence, industry, environment, transport and infrastructure sectors. With its 5,480 employees, John Cockerill achieved a turnover of 941 million euros in 2021; https://www.ingenieriejohncockerill.be/
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Tour de France 2019: Egan Bernal wins, Geraint Thomas second, Peter Sagan wins in Paris
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/tour-de-france-2019-egan-bernal-wins-geraint-thomas-second-peter-sagan-wins-in-paris/
Tour de France 2019: Egan Bernal wins, Geraint Thomas second, Peter Sagan wins in Paris
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Bernal (centre) with the six team-mates who helped him win the race – GB’s Luke Rowe was disqualified from the race on stage 17
Egan Bernal became the youngest rider in 110 years to win the Tour de France after Caleb Ewan won the traditional sprint finish in Paris.
With the race leader not challenged on the final stage, 22-year-old Bernal became the first Colombian winner.
He crossed the line in the peloton, hand-in-hand with his Ineos team-mate and last year’s winner Geraint Thomas, who finished second this time.
“To finish second behind a team-mate makes it OK,” said Welshman Thomas.
“Two years ago I had my arm in a sling with a broken collarbone watching Chris Froome win, wishing I was riding and I would’ve taken second then, but it just shows how time and expectations have moved on.
“Egan is the future and when I’m 45 and old and fat and sat in the pub watching him win a 10th Tour de France I can say I told him all I know.”
Thomas went into the three-week race as joint leader with Bernal but his preparations had been disrupted when he crashed while travelling at around 50mph in the Tour de Suisse in June.
He had to abandon that week-long race and then he had three minor crashes during this year’s Tour.
Thomas led Bernal for much of the race but his team-mate was stronger in the final week in the Alps, and ended up winning by one minute 11 seconds, with Dutch rider Steven Kruijswijk 20 seconds further adrift in third.
“Thanks to all my team and thank you G [Geraint Thomas] for giving me the opportunity,” said Bernal. “I’m the happiest guy in the world. I have just won the Tour de France and I can’t believe it.”
Bernal’s victory is the seventh in eight years for a British-based team, after Ineos took over the ownership of the Team Sky squad earlier this year.
Bradley Wiggins became the first British winner of the race in 2012, with Chris Froome triumphing in 2013 and then claiming three in succession from 2015 before Thomas took last year’s title.
Bernal is just the third Colombian to win one of cycling’s three Grand Tours. Nairo Quintana won the 2014 Giro d’Italia and 2016 Vuelta a Espana, while Luis Herera won the Vuelta in 1987.
How the final stage unfolded
Caleb Ewan’s victory in Paris followed his sprint success on stage 16 in Nimes
A largely pedestrian 60km ride from Rambouillet to Paris saw Bernal and his Ineos team-mates sipping a celebratory glass of champagne.
As the riders entered the capital city, the race crossed the river Seine via Le Pont Neuf, close to the medieval cathedral of Notre-Dame – French television chose not to show the building that was ravaged by fire in April – before the riders swept through the grounds of the Louvre.
Last year’s champion Thomas was given the honour of leading the peloton through the Place de la Concorde and up the cobbles of the Champs-Elysees for the first time.
The pace increased with the passing of each 7km lap, which saw the riders swing round the Arc de Triomphe before hurtling back down the Champs-Elysees at speeds approaching 50mph before heading off back towards the Louvre.
Julian Alaphilippe, who led the race for 14 days, giving French fans hope of first home win since 1985, led the peloton on to the Champs-Elysees for the final time, trying to set up a victory for his Deceuninck Quick Step team-mate Elia Viviani, however, the Italian was nowhere as Lotto Soudal rider Ewan proved quickest in Paris.
The Australian, who timed his charge to the line to perfection, edging out Dutch rider Dylan Groenewegen to win his third stage on his debut Tour, said: “It was quite messy I went down the right, I’d been told to avoid there and it is quite bumpy but luckily I had enough speed to come through at the end.”
For Alaphilippe, who finished fifth overall, there was the consolation of being named the race’s most combatitive rider, while his compatriot Romain Bardet claimed the polka dot King of the Mountains jersey.
Slovakia’s three-time world champion Peter Sagan won the green points jersey for a record seventh time.
Why Bernal’s victory is not a surprise
Bernal (right) was a key domestique for Thomas when he won his Tour title last year
The climbing specialist, who was born on 13 January, 1997 in Zipaquira in central Colombia at an altitude of 2,650m, showed his potential at last year’s Tour, when he rode as a domestique to Thomas and four-time champion Chris Froome.
After pacing Thomas to victory on Alpe d’Huez and ultimately the overall title, Froome said: “He’s got an amazing engine. You only have to look at what he did on Alpe d’Huez, for a 21-year-old, that’s amazing.
“There is a lot in Egan that reminds me of myself when I was younger. It’s great having him on the team and he brings a lot of young, new energy to the group.”
He joined Team Sky for the 2018 season, after winning the prestigious Tour de l’Avenir – a stage race for under-23 riders that has seen many of its winners go on to Tour de France success.
He won the Tour Colombia and Tour of California last year before making his Tour de France debut as a domestique to Thomas and four-time winner Froome.
This year, three crashes helped Bernal arrive at the Tour as joint leader of the Ineos team, formerly Team Sky.
The first was his own, on a training ride in Andorra, and it ruled him out of May’s Giro d’Italia, where he had been due to lead the team for the first time in a Grand Tour.
Froome’s season-ending crash at June’s Criterium du Dauphine then pushed Bernal up the Ineos pecking order for the Tour de France, while Thomas’ spill at the Tour de Suisse later that month saw Bernal take over as the sole leader of that team and he went on to win the race.
After riding away from Thomas on the Tourmalet on stage 14 in the Pyrenees, he did so twice again in the Alps in the final week to position himself as Ineos’ strongest rider at the Tour and secure his first Grand Tour win in only his second attempt.
Bernal is the third youngest winner of the Tour. The youngest is France’s Henri Cornet, who was 19 when he was controversially awarded victory in the second edition of the race in 1904, while Luxembourg’s Francois Faber was a few days younger than Bernal when he took the 1909 title.
Final general classification standings:
1. Egan Bernal (Col/Ineos) 82hrs 57mins 00secs
2. Geraint Thomas (GB/Ineos) +1min 11secs
3. Steven Kruijswijk (Ned/Jumbo-Visma) +1min 31secs
4. Emanuel Buchmann (Ger/Bora-Hansgrohe) +1min 56secs
5. Julian Alaphilippe (Fra/ Deceuninck-Quick Step) +3mins 45secs
6. Mikel Landa (Spa/Movistar) +4mins 23secs
7. Rigoberto Uran (Col/EF Education First) +5mins 15secs
8. Nairo Quintana (Col/Movistar) +5mins 30secs
9. Alejandro Valverde (Spa/Movistar) +6mins 12secs
10. Warren Barguil (Fra/Arkea-Samsic) +7mins 32secs
Stage 21 result:
1. Caleb Ewan (Aus/Lotto-Soudal)3hrs 04mins 08’secs
2. Dylan Groenewegen (Ned/Jumbo-Visma) Same time
3. Niccolo Bonifazio (Ita/Total Direct Energie)
4. Max Richeze (Arg/Deceuninck-Quick-Step)
5. Edvald Boasson Hagen (Nor/Dimension Data)
6. Andre Griepel (Ger/Arkea-Samsic)
7. Matteo Trentin (Ita/Mitchelton-Scott)
8. Jasper Stuyven (Bel/Trek-Segafredo)
9. Nikias Arndt (Ger/Sunweb)
10. Peter Sagan (Svk/Bora-hansgrohe)
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Egan Bernal set to win from Geraint Thomas
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Egan Bernal is poised to become the first Colombian to win the Tour de France after finishing Saturday's penultimate stage in the yellow jersey. Tradition dictates that the race leader is not challenged on Sunday's largely processional final stage to Paris. Bernal, 22, will become the youngest Tour winner for 110 years, with Ineos team-mate Geraint Thomas in second. Dutchman Steven Kruijswijk moved up to third as Julian Alaphilippe faded on an Alpine stage won by Vincenzo Nibali. Italian Nibali, winner of the Tour de France in 2014, was in the day's break and attacked again on the climb to the finish at Val Thorens, winning by 10 seconds from Spain's Alejandro Valverde. Bernal and Thomas, who won last year's Tour, finished stage 20 a few seconds later, crossing the line arm-in-arm, with huge grins on their faces. They came into the race as joint leaders for Ineos and, providing they both reach the finish in Paris on Sunday, will end it first and second in the general classification. "We're now close to making it official," said Bernal. "There's one stage left but, normally, if everything goes well, I can say that I've won my first Tour. "It's incredible. I just want to get to the finish line in Paris and after I'll be calmer. "Colombia is on the verge of winning its first Tour, We already had won the Giro d'Italia and La Vuelta a Espana, but the Tour was missing and it's a great honour to think that I'm the one achieving this." Welshman Thomas, who ended the stage trailing in the overall standings by one minute, 11 seconds, wrote on Twitter: "Congrats Egan Bernal. What a rider. The first of many." Bernal, who will also collect the white jersey as the best young rider in the race, will put to an end a run of four successive British winners - Chris Froome winning three of his four titles from 2015 and Thomas triumphing last year. Listen: BeSpoke at the Tour: Stage 20 - Bernal victorious Tour 'night and day' compared to 2018 - Thomas Joint team leadership 'worked to perfection' Three-time world champin Sagan pulls a trademark wheelie as he crosses the finish line on stage 20 The green points jersey classification will be won for a record seventh time by Slovakian Peter Sagan, who pulled a wheelie as he rode over the finish line several minutes after the stage winner, while the polka dot King of the Mountains jersey will go to Frenchman Romain Bardet. That will be some consolation for the French supporters who had been hoping to see a home victory for the first time since Bernhard Hinault won his record-equalling fifth Tour in 1985. Alaphilippe, the world's number one-ranked male cyclist, had led the race for 14 days, and after holding the yellow jersey through the Pyrenees in week two also retained it after the first day in the Alps. However, he finally cracked on Friday's storm-shortened 19th stage and he again fell away on Saturday's final climb of the three-week race. He is set to finish fifth overall. France's other big hope, Thibaut Pinot, had also looked strong in the Pyrenees, but a freak injury, caused when his thigh hit his handlebar on stage 17, saw him eventually abandon the race from fifth place during stage 19. How stage 20 unfolded Saturday's stage was reduced by 71km to just 59.5km, with one major climb - the 19.9km ascent of the Cormet de Roselend - chopped from the race because a landslide, caused by stormy weather in the Alps, had blocked the road. That left the riders facing an unusual race along a dual carriageway across the valley from Albertville to the bottom of the day's solitary 33km climb to the ski resort of Val Thorens. More than 20 broke clear and opened a lead of around two minutes, 30 seconds as they reached the ascent but with the race for the overall title happening in the peloton behind them, their lead was gradually eroded. The Jumbo-Visma team of Kruijswijk, who started the stage in fourth, 88 seconds adrift of Bernal, set a furious pace from the bottom of the ascent. Kruijswijk started the day just 12 seconds behind third-placed Thomas and 40 behind Alaphilippe and his team's efforts were rewarded when Alaphilippe cracked with around 13km of the race remaining. However, Kruijswijk was unable to break the Ineos riders with Thomas and Bernal content to sit and ride tempo all the way to the finish line, Dutch rider Kruijswijk eventually finished eight seconds behind Thomas to cement third place overall, one minute, 31 seconds behind Bernal. Why the Bernal win will not be a surprise Bernal (right) was a key domestique for Thomas when he won his Tour title last year The climbing specialist, who was born on 13 January, 1997 in Colombia's capital city Bogota at an altitude of 2,600m, showed his potential at last year's Tour, when he rode as a domestique to Thomas and four-time champion Chris Froome. After pacing Thomas to victory on Alpe d'Huez and ultimately the overall title, Froome said: "He's got an amazing engine. You only have to look at what he did on Alpe d'Huez, for a 21-year-old, that's amazing. "There is a lot in Egan that reminds me of myself when I was younger. It's great having him on the team and he brings a lot of young, new energy to the group." He joined Team Sky for the 2018 season, after winning the prestigious Tour de l'Avenir - a stage race for under-23 riders that has seen many of its winners go on to Tour de France success. He won the Tour Colombia and Tour of California last year before making his Tour de France debut as a domestique to Thomas and four-time winner Chris Froome. This year, three crashes helped Bernal arrive at the Tour as joint leader of the Ineos team. The first was his own, on a training ride in Andorra, and it ruled him out of May's Giro d'Italia, where he had been due to lead the team for the first time in a Grand Tour. Froome's season-ending crash at June's Criterium du Dauphine then pushed Bernal up the Ineos pecking order for the Tour de France, while Thomas' spill at the Tour de Suisse later that month saw Bernal take over as the sole leader of that team and he went on to win the race. And he twice rode away from Thomas in the Alps this week to position himself as Ineos' strongest rider at the Tour and secure his first Grand Tour win in only his second attempt. Bernal will become the third youngest winner of the Tour. The youngest is France's Henri Cornet, who was 19 when he was controversially awarded victory in the second edition of the race in 1904, while Luxembourg's Francois Faber was a few days younger than Bernal when he took the 1909 title. Overall standings after stage 20: 1. Egan Bernal (Col/Ineos) 79hrs 52mins 52secs 2. Geraint Thomas (GB/Ineos) +1min 11secs 3. Steven Kruijswijk (Ned/Jumbo-Visma) +1min 31secs 4. Emanuel Buchmann (Ger/Bora-Hansgrohe) +1min 56secs 5. Julian Alaphilippe (Fra/ Deceuninck-Quick Step) +3mins 45secs 6. Mikel Landa (Spa/Movistar) +4mins 23secs 7. Rigoberto Uran (Col/EF Education First) +5mins 15secs 8. Nairo Quintana (Col/Movistar) +5mins 30secs 9. Alejandro Valverde (Spa/Movistar) +6mins 12secs 10. Warren Barguil (Fra/Arkea-Samsic) +7mins 32secs Stage 20 result: 1. Vincenzo Nibali (Ita/Bahrain-Merida) 1hrs 51mins 53secs 2. Alejandro Valverde (Spa/Movistar) +10secs 3. Mikel Landa (Spa/Movistar) +14secs 4. Egan Bernal (Col/Ineos) +17secs 5. Geraint Thomas (GB/Ineos) Same time 6. Rigoberto Uran (Col/EF Education First) +23secs 7. Emanuel Buchmann (Ger/Bora-Hansgrohe) Same time 8. Steven Kruijswijk (Ned/Jumbo-Visma) +25secs 9. Wout Poels (Ned/Ineos) +30secs 10. Nairo Quintana (Col/Movistar) Same time   SOURCE:https://www.bbc.com/ Read the full article
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The ARKEA ULTIM CHALLENGE – Brest starts from Brest, France on January 7 and will be the first ever solo race round the world on giant Ultim trimarans, the biggest and fastest ocean-going sailboats in the world.
Unlike speed records which depart in ideal weather windows for a race against the clock, six solo skippers will push the boundaries of singlehanded racing with class boats that are a maximum length of 32 meters and a maximum width of 23 meters.
Entrants: • Charles Caudrelier (FRA), Maxi Edmond de Rothschild (2017 Verdier 32/23) • Thomas Coville (FRA), Sodebo Ultim 3 (2019 VPLP/others 32/23) • Tom Laperche (FRA), Trimaran SVR-Lazartigue (2021 VPLP 32/23) • Armel Le Cléac’h (FRA), Maxi Banque Populaire XI (2021 VPLP 32/23) • Anthony Marchand (FRA), Actual Ultim 3 (2015 VPLP 30/22) • Éric Péron (FRA), Trimaran Adagio (2014 VPLP 31/21)
As a reference, the solo speed record was set in 2017 by François Gabart (FRA) on the 30m Macif trimaran in a time of 42d 14h 40m 15s for an average speed of 21.08 knots. This yacht has been rebranded and will be raced by Marchand.
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banqueenligneorg · 5 years
Fortuneo lance une nouvelle carte sans frais à l'étranger
Fosfo, c'est le nom de la nouvelle carte lancée par Fortuneo le lundi 7 octobre dernier. Cette carte gratuite, sans conditions de revenus et surtout sans frais sur les opérations à l'étranger vient directement faire concurrence à l'offre Ultim de Boursorama et le compte gratuit de N26 et Fortuneo.
Depuis l'arrivée des 2 néobanques européennes sur le marché français, le succès des comptes gratuits sans frais sur les paiements à l'étranger a poussé les banques en ligne française à réagir.
Car même si aucun chiffre officiel n'a été divulgué, N26 et Revolut annoncent avoir déjà séduit près d'un million de clients en France. Un succès dû en grande partie à leurs fameuses cartes sans frais sur les paiements à l'étranger.
L'offre de cartes bancaires sans frais à l'étranger
C'était une offre qui n'existait pas encore chez les banques en ligne en française. Jusque là, seule la carte bancaire Max, rachetée par le crédit Mutuel Arkea (dont Fortuneo est une filiale), était le seul service français à proposer une carte bancaire sans frais sur les retraits et les paiements à l'étranger.
Boursorama Banque (avis Boursorama Banque), la banque en ligne numéro sur le marché français a été la première à réagir en force pour combler ce manque.
En juin dernier, la banque en ligne a sortie son offre Ultim. Tout comme la nouvelle offre de Fortuneo, ce compte est accompagné d'une carte gratuite accessible sans conditions de revenus et sans frais à l'étranger.
Autant dire que le succès ne s'est pas fait attendre puisque la banque a enregistrée 300 000 nouveaux clients en 3 mois rien que pour l'offre Ultim, l'aidant ainsi à dépasser les 2 millions de clients en France il y a quelques semaines.
Fosfo, la réponse de Fortuneo
On image bien que le succès d'Ultim a donné des idées aux autres banques en ligne. La preuve avec la nouvelle offre de Fortuneo appelée Fosfo qui reprend les codes de l'offre Ultim ainsi que du compte gratuit de Revolut et de N26.
Cette nouvelle offre comprend donc une carte bancaire internationale gratuite, sans conditions de revenus, sans frais de tenue de compte et évidemment sans frais sur les paiements et les retraits à l'étranger.
C'est aussi un changement de stratégie pour Fortuneo qui a désormais pour la première fois une offre sans conditions de revenus.
Jusque là l'offre de Fortuneo (avis Fortuneo) se voulait haut de gamme accessible accessible à partir de 1 200€ de revenus par mois avec une carte Visa Classic gratuite.
L'arrivé de Fosfo marque donc un changement de stratégie pour Fortuneo qui rejoint la liste des banques en ligne accessible sans conditions de revenus.
La seule banque en ligne française déjà rentable semble ne pas vouloir s'arrêter en si bon chemin et continue ses efforts pour gagner des parts de marché.
Les opérations à l'étranger désormais gratuites pour le reste des clients de Fortuneo
Bonne nouvelle pour le reste des clients de la banque. Avec l'arrivée de l'offre Fosfo, Fortuneo a aussi annoncé qu'elle offrirait désormais les frais à l'étranger au reste de ses clients qui ont une carte Mastercard Gold ou World Elite.
Une nouvelle qui devrait être bien accueillie par les clients de la banque qui devaient jusque là payer 1,98% de frais sur chaque transaction à l'étranger.
C'est encore une fois la preuve que la guerre commerciale que se livrent les banques en ligne bénéficie aux clients et tire les prix vers le bas.
Et ça fait un avantage de plus pour l'offre de Fortuneo qui était déjà parmi les meilleures du marché.
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floatmagazin · 4 months
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dimensionsvelo · 4 years
Tour 2020, le matériel des Arkea-Samsic
Tour 2020, le matériel des Arkea-Samsic
En dehors du nouveau Canyon Ultimate CFR chez Arkea-Samsic, on pouvait voir le nouvel Aeroad SLX avec Warren Barguil aux commandes !
Point de fantaisie dans l’équipe Arkea-Samsic, qui est resté fidèle à son matériel du Dauphiné pour le Tour 2020. On retrouve donc un équipement tout Shimano du groupe aux pédales. Le plus intéressant c’est donc le nouveau Canyon Aeroad SLX qui intègre tout et…
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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The Enchantress' parentage is unknown, though it is known she was born in Asgard and has a sister by the name of Lorelei. Amora began learning magic as an apprentice of Karnilla, Queen of the Norns, but was eventually banished.[3] She continued learning magic on her own, notably by seducing others well versed in magic and learning their secrets. In time, Amora became one of the more powerful magic-wielders in Asgard, with her magical arsenal focused on (but not limited to) charming and mind-controlling people. Her by-then well-renowned beauty did not hinder in this.
In her first appearance, she is sent by Odin to eliminate Thor's human love interest, whom Odin sees as a distraction. She also hopes to have the thunder god for herself. She is assisted by a powerful minion — Skurge, the Executioner. The Executioner loved the Enchantress, and she strings him along with her feminine wiles, using him as her muscle.[4] She aids Loki by attempting to seduce Thor in his Don Blake identity and by sending the Executioner to kill Jane Foster, but though the Executioner traps Foster in another dimension Thor is able to bring her back by giving Skurge his hammer. When the Enchantress, angry at Skurge returning Jane, begins to turn Skurge into a tree, Skurge releases Thor from the pact in exchange for his help. Amora then tries to change Thor's hammer into a hissing serpent, but it is immune to her magic. Thor then transports the two back to Asgard.[5]
The Enchantress and the Executioner are exiled to Earth by Odin. They become members of Baron Heinrich Zemo's original Masters of Evil, the opposite number to the Avengers, a superhero team that Thor had joined. The Enchantress hypnotizes Thor into attacking the other Avengers with her own spells and a special brew, making him believe they are enemies of humanity, but Iron Man wakes Thor from his trance by reflecting sunlight into his eyes. Thor sends the Masters to another dimension through a space warp, but two issues later, the Enchantress uses a spell to send them back to Earth. She recruits Wonder Man into the Masters of Evil after paying his bail. She also meets Immortus, who helps Zemo attack the Avengers. When this attempt fails, she turns back time to prevent it from happening, though the Masters retain their memories of this event. When Immortus begins to contact the Masters, the Enchantress prevents this from happening.[6] She then joins in the Masters of Evil's final assault against the Avengers and breaks the Black Knight and Melter out of jail. She manages to escape in the end with the Executioner when the other two are transported to another dimension where their weapons rebound due to different scientific laws.[7] As a member of the Masters of Evil, the Enchantress (and Executioner) repeatedly face the Avengers. She is especially affronted by the attempts of the Scarlet Witch, a mortal, to subvert her divine spells, though she is occasionally genuinely challenged by the Scarlet Witch's mutant gifts.
Art by Alan Davis.
With the Executioner, she menaces Jane Foster again at Loki's behest.[8]
The Enchantress is also notable in that she has given other superhumans their powers. For example, she used the deceased Zemo's equipment to make a henchman of his, Erik Josten, into the original Power Man, who aids her in battling the Avengers. Her illusions and traps turn the city against the Avengers, forcing them to disband and making Power Man seem like a hero. Captain America, in disguise, corrects this by obtaining a taped confession from the Enchantress and Power Man. Power Man is able to defeat him, but the Enchantress is knocked out by gas from Hawkeye's arrow. Realizing the tape is on its way to the police, the Enchantress used her spells to teleport away.[9] The Enchantress is then recruited by the Mandarin, along with the Executioner, Swordsman, Power Man, and Living Laser for his plan for world domination. With the Executioner, she attacked the Asian sub-continent with an army of trolls, but they were defeated by Hercules and the Scarlet Witch.[10]
Amora poses as the Valkyrie and forms the Lady Liberators, which battle the male Avengers. She dupes Arkon into fighting the Avengers.[11] Amora also uses her magics to make Samantha Parrington and later Barbara Norris into the Valkyrie.[12] With the Executioner, she battles the Defenders and the Thing.[13]
With the Executioner, Amora attempts to conquer Asgard with a troll army. She also served as Loki's lieutenant in his brief rule of Asgard.[14]
During the "Secret Wars," she is placed on the villains's side, but she spurns the idea of fighting a gladiatorial game for the amusement of a higher being. She instead proposes to Thor that the two of them simply join forces, leave both heroes and villains behind, and go back home to Asgard.[volume & issue needed]
On the appearance of Amora's sister Lorelei, it is established that the two sisters have something of a strained relationship, rooted in rivalry. More than a little friction is seen between the pair, not the least due to competition over which one of them would manage to seduce Thor.[15]
The Enchantress joined the Asgardian gods and heroes in final battle against the world-ender Surtur. She establishes that she is motivated by enlightened self-interest: Surtur seeks to end the world, in which case Amora would perish.[16]
Another regular foe of Amora's is the Scarlet Witch, as seen here in The Vision and the Scarlet Witch (Vol. 2) #9. Cover art by Richard Howell and P. Craig Russell.
Soon after the Surtur War, Thor leads a number of Asgardian heroes to Hel, the realm of the death goddess Hela. The Executioner asks Thor to let him join the expedition for reasons he does not immediately reveal. In truth, he had seen the Enchantress dallying with Heimdall, and, heartbroken, Skurge wishes to lose himself in a noble cause — such as rescuing lost souls from Hela. Thor's forces accomplish their mission but need one man to guard their retreat from Hel by holding the bridge Gjallerbru. The Executioner, knowing there was no more Amora for him, chooses to be that man, giving his life so the others might flee. When Amora hears the news, to everyone's surprise, she is truly grief-stricken.[17]
After Skurge's death, Amora continues her regular hi-jinks, occasionally helping Asgard, occasionally opposing it. She aids Asgard against the evil Egyptian God Seth's legions.[18]
Lorelei later perishes as Amora refused to give her life for her sister's. The deceased Skurge (in Valhalla) rejects the Enchantress, and Amora goes on to empower the Earthman Brute Benhurst into a short-lived new Executioner to serve as her minion in Skurge's stead.[19] Amora becomes vexed with the Avenger Wonder Man and assists Thor and the Warriors Three in their quest to return Odin to the throne of Asgard. During this time, an attraction between Amora and Asgard's guardian Heimdall is explored. Amora even battles the powerful entity Nightmare on behalf of both of them as Heimdall was unable to protect himself at the time. She ultimately rejects Heimdall when she realizes that he wishes to be married and she does not.[volume & issue needed]
In Acts of Vengeance, Amora and Skurge join forces and attack Doctor Strange, only to be bested by Clea when she flies to his aid.[volume & issue needed]
Later, Thor has been spurned by his father Odin, exiled to Earth and disempowered. In this vulnerable state, Thor ends up forming a willing liaison with Amora, with the two of them living out of a loft in New York City as lovers. This status quo would remain until Thor goes missing during Heroes Reborn and is presumed dead.[20]
During Ragnarök, Amora is present with the other Asgardian deities and dwarves when Eitri and his brothers are sealed into a tomb they had carved due to the Mjolnir mold destroying them, albeit accidentally. When Surtur's forging of new Mjolnirs creates chaos, Thor attempts to fly to the skies to discern the source, but is at once struck down by a blast from a Mjolnir duplicate of Loki's; Amora is slain by the same blast, one of the first victims of Loki during this event. Neither her magic nor her inherent durability is capable of shielding her. Heimdall falls soon afterward; Amora is not seen again except, seemingly, in one of the realms of death, unable to use her magic to assist her once-lover.[volume & issue needed]
After Ragnarök, when Thor, Asgard and the other Asgardians return, Thor is manipulated by Loki into inadvertently awakening some of Thor's enemies, among them Amora, though when she was last seen, she is the victim, falling by Loki's hands and mourned by Thor and the other Asgardians. She does not return to Asgard but instead goes to attack the world tree, Yggdrasil in order to resurrect Skurge and release him from Valhalla. Amora is ultimately thwarted after Thor, Loki, and Balder convince her that she is dishonoring his memory with her actions.[21]
She has returned after Thor's resurrection, with Donald Blake - bitter about his separation from Thor and his non-existent past - offering the Enchantress his soul if she can make him a god again.[22] The resulting god is a twisted abomination, with Thor defeating the Enchantress and her new god before banishing them from Asgard, leaving Blake - reduced to a living head after his body was consumed to create the god - connected to a series of dream-weaving creatures to make him dream that he is living a full life.[23]
After this Amora was defeated by Thor and banished to the forest in Norway. She was trapped in an Odinforce barrier and stripped of her powers. Lady Deathstrike and Typhoid Mary were on a quest to find Arkea, an intelligent gestalt microorganism capable of controlling machines and people. They found Amora and offered to help her regain her powers.[24] In exchange they founded a new sisterhood to battle the X-Men, who were hunting Arkea and Lady Deathstrike. Arkea hacked the Odinforce spell and restored Amora's full powers. In exchange for this, Amora restored the physical form of the immortal mutant witch, Selene,[25] and helped Arkea resurrect Madelyne Pryor. Before the Sisterhood could add more members, the X-Men attacked and killed Arkea. Amora was ambushed by the X-Man M, who defeated her in a surprise attack. However, Madelyne Pryor swore to continue the Sisterhood, which presently has Madelyne, Selene, Lady Deathstrike, Amora, and Typhoid Mary as members.[26]
During the "AXIS" storyline, Enchantress appears as a member of Magneto's unnamed supervillain group during the fight against Red Skull's Red Onslaught form.[27] After the heroes and villains present at the battle experience a moral inversion due to the Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom's attempt to bring out the Xavier in Onslaught backfiring,[volume & issue needed] Magneto recruits Enchantress as one of his new 'Avengers' to stop the now-villainous Avengers and X-Men.[volume & issue needed]
Following the "Secret Wars" storyline, she has become a member of Malekith the Accursed's Dark Council.[28] Through a spell, she takes control of the queen of the Light Elves, allowing her marriage to Malekith to happen and the conquest of their realm.[29]
During the "War of the Realms" storyline, Enchantress accompanies Malekith the Accursed in his invasion on Midgard.[30] She and Kurse fight Ghost Rider and She-Hulk until Jane Foster slams Skidbladnir into Enchantress.[31] In Uruguay, the Enchantress raises the dead, but Ghost Rider, Doctor Strange, and Balder ward her off.[32]
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It will be on January 7 when the first ever solo race non-stop around the world starts for the Ultim 32/23 Class, providing a 40+ day test for these maxi multihulls. Measuring up to 32m in length and 23m in width, the five entrants in the 2024 ARKEA ULTIM CHALLENGE – Brest successfully completed the 2023 Transat Jacques Vabre, a transatlantic course from France to Martinique in which the winning average speed was 21.66 knots.
The first conclusion is that of a measure of reliability. All of the five boats that started crossed the finish line. And as the boats leave Martinique to head to France and tackle the last phase of preparation before the ARKEA ULTIM CHALLENGE – Brest, that alone that gives some satisfaction to the teams
But now vigilance is still required and the race against time is ongoing. There was no downtime for the technical teams in Martinique. As soon as the boats arrived in Fort-de-France, the teams were busy repairing and working to put the ULTIMs back in good order before they all left for the crewed delivery back home across the Atlantic.
And this return crossing will be no picnic. There will be hazardous low pressure systems on the second part of the route. All the time, the clock is ticking and a speedy return will give teams their maximum opportunity to fully prepare for the imminent round the world race. A fine balance will be needed on this return trip, as they cannot hang around but they have to take care to avoid major damage on the way back.
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