honey-fia · 2 months
Was thinking about an au for my bois Andreil and get this,
• Andrew murders someone and gets sent to a mental asylum.
• Neil is a Psychiatrist who is assigned to him.
• Now Andrew ain't exactly the talking type but he finds neil amusing. (Bcoz ofc he does)
• Neil on the other hand is very nonchalant and unbothered about this.
• Cause many patients behaved around him like Andrew AND they always wanted something of their purpose.
• Neil thinks Andrew's the same.
• Andrew isn't.
• this guy is genuinely infatuated with the Psychiatrist.
• But why? Isn't neil just some normal vanilla guy?
• that's the thing. He isn't. The reason why Andrew is so attracted to him is because of Neil's secretive and mysterious nature.
• And he's right. Neil is hiding something. But what is he hiding?
• Maybe that his father is the BUTCHER OF BALTIMORE and that he's secretly involved with the fucking MAFIA?
• Maybe?
• Definitely.
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