#American Cheetos supplier
kirpafoodnl · 3 months
Find the best Candy B2B Wholesaler in the Netherlands. Kirpa International Foods provides a wide variety of beverages to retailers and enterprises, ranging from well-known sodas to unique drinks. We are your go-to source for filling shelves with the greatest American snacks because we place a strong emphasis on quality and dependability. As a reputable beverage distributor, we put quality and client happiness first, giving them access to the best American beverages for their locations. Call us at (313) 0251296806 to place an online order.
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baltimorevending · 2 years
Top Three Vending Machine Business Ideas to Start in Baltimore
Vending machines have always been a convenient option for food and beverage for Americans. Physical stores may not be easily accessible at specific locations, but you can easily spot vending machines anywhere in Baltimore. Since the popularity of vending machines has spiked and is yet to grow, starting a vending machine business would be a great idea!
More than 6.9 million vending machines are installed all over America, according to Smallbizgenius. You can also be a part of this 36.5 billion dollar industry by starting a small vending machine business in Baltimore. So, here is a list of vending machine ideas you can consider for a small business.
1. Chips vending machine
Chips are the favorite snacking choice among people in America. A study has found that an individual spends $9.22 per week on snacks, so it would be an excellent opportunity to start a chip Vending Machine Company in Maryland . The global market size of chips is also vast. Therefore, you can cover many consumers to earn a huge profit!
To start a vending machine business, approach a supplier in Baltimore. Tortilla chips, Cheetos, Doritos, and ruffles are some popular chip options to keep in your vending machine.
2. Beverages Vending Machines
Who doesn't like freshly brewed coffee? Hot beverage lovers always prefer beverages like coffee, cold drinks, tea, and hot chocolate! The demand for freshly brewed coffee is always high among individuals working in offices; therefore, starting a vending machine business in offices would be profitable. Because no employee would like to step out of office premises for a cup of coffee or tea, your vending machines could provide a handy option.
3. Vending Machine for Fresh Food
In the hustle and bustle of busy life, people often forget to take food with them when stepping out of the home. You can install a vending machine in the middle of the market so people can easily access fresh food while shopping.
Keep some handy fresh food options in your vending machines, such as burgers, fresh sandwiches, pizza, muffins, submarine sandwiches, and bagels, so that people can get them on their way to work.
The Bottom Line
For a small business, you can approach a vending machine service in Baltimore that provides you with several food options, snacks, and beverage options. With a reputed service provider, you can rest assured that your machine is stocked with fresh products.
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shadowron · 4 years
Vegas, Chummer!  Peacekeeper, the adventure for Native American Nations, Vol. 1, for Shadowrun (1st Edition). Part 3.
Catch up on things here:
Part 1: Road Trip!
Part 2: Benny Hill
The runners now find themselves in Las Vegas, which will seem familiar to their hometown of Seattle, what with all the bright lights, tall buildings, and people trying to kill them every half hour.
“It’s time to start working the streets. If this were Seattle, you’d just talk to your regular contacts. Here, you’re a stranger.”
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How in the Great Dragon Dunkelzahn is this really supposed to work?
Skipping over to the Debugging section of this Legwork section:
“The only problem that can arise here is that the runners do not check any contacts at all.”
Oh, right, because it has to work in order to move forward with the adventure. A good GM will create some drama and fake some die rolls, but in the end, they’ll drop the next soy crumbs so that the runners can move on to the next ambush.
Alright alright alright. You know I’m just kidding.
There are two ambushes.
Two?? Again? That would be ridiculous.
There are three.
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First Ambush: Renraku
Renraku? Was there just a random die roll made?
The players start to pick up on some more details of Jesse John’s jarring juju junta – he has stolen a plot device from Renraku called a McGuffin “tonal generator” that he will later use to… generate tones? Getting ahead of ourselves. Renraku, being the responsible corporate citizens that they are, have dropped a seven-member Field Ops team into the sovereign Ute Nation which I’m sure will have no political repercussions whatsoever.
Plus, they put the jump on the runners at the most amusing time – before the runners have any fracking idea about the tonal generators at all! That’s literally not until the next section.
After the players finish making their third set of new characters, as they, already full of holes and out of ammo from their drive to Vegas, have surely been turned to pulp by the professional corporate hit squad with wired reflexes, partial heavy armor, and SMGs, they can finally move on to the next automatically determined plot point. 
The Kokomo.
There. Now it’s in your head.
This is a North Las Vegas slummy hotel (which, if you’ve been to North Las Vegas, you know is redundant) where they pick up the next set of automatically determined plot points after shooting up some of Jesse John’s goons:
They learn Jesse John might be a toxic shaman
They get a broken tonal generator (hey! Maybe those Renraku folk will return so you can just give it to them? But what are the odds of that happening?)
They get a computer chip with an address to an LTG in the Pueblo Corporate Council
They get a printed note with Jesse’s next location of DASTARDLY DEEDS MUHAHAHAa
This section is funny because it plays like a cutscene – the runners have no choice but to hear expositional dialogue between Jesse’s goons, no matter how they approach. With an ear to the door. Surveilling astrally. Listening from the fire escape outside (seriously! It’s listed as an option!). Then, no matter what happens, the tonal generator must get destroyed, and the PCs must get the note and computer chip. Otherwise the story ends and the players have to go see sunlight.
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You can almost see the chapped, Cheetos-dusted hand of the GM reaching down from heaven to shove these things in the runners’ hands, then gently patting them on their way to the next section.
Here the editing gets sloppy and confusing, as references to “Provo”, presumably from an earlier draft, are not fully replaced with “Pueblo”.
They are in Vegas now, part of Ute Nation. The note from Jesse gives the address as:
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The LTG address, and really the only reason for the decker to be on this mission at all, is definitely in Pueblo Corporate Council. But when they jack in, still in Vegas, it’s written assuming that they’re in PCC.
“You’re lucky that Pueblo is so fully computerized. Virtually every hotel room has an ISDN jack in the wall, allowing you to access the Matrix.”
When the Trace IC finally hits upon the decker’s location, later in the section, it says a detachment of PCC security soldiers will arrive in 10 minutes. That’s fine, if they’re in Pueblo, BUT THEY’RE NOT IN PUEBLO YET, as the VERY NEXT PARAGRAPH says:
“This is how the scene shapes up if the team is operating somewhere in Vegas.”
So apparently, it only takes 10 minutes for PCC to drop an eight-member hit squad into the sovereign Ute Nation which I’m sure will have no political repercussions whatsoever. I mean, if Renraku is doing it…
(Note: I’m not counting this as an ambush because, honestly, the decker always has it coming)
The GM better have fully read the adventure and see this Provo/Pueblo goof, because otherwise things are going to get weird when the runners want to go to Provo and somehow end up in Pueblo.
The next section has them trying to leave Vegas, only to be…
Second Ambush: the FBI.
Because, again, the Ute Nation – the most pro-Native, anti-everyone else member of the NAN, is a sieve when it comes to allowing strangers into their country to attack shadowrunners.
This FBI team is the one the runners might have met at the Seattle/SSC border if they were too dumb to play Shadowrun in the first place and didn’t try to escape custody. So hopefully this is the first time the team sees them – the two cybernetically enhanced mage Federal Agents (who are given names and Timothy Bradstreet illustrations so they must be important) and thirteen Fast Response Team Troopers (also with wired reflexes, heavy armor, and SMGs), who aren’t even given condition monitors because seriously the runners are going to get turned into a dull red streak on the hot, Vegas pavement by them.
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We call ourselves “The Baker’s Dozen”.
But before that happens, the Benny Hill meter gets turned up to eleven with…
Third Ambush: Renraku (again)
The next batch of Red Samurai must have just been air-dropped from Kyoto, because a team of ten Field Ops troopers then show up to compare their wired reflexes, heavy armor, and SMGs with the Feds. I bet they have the same APDS ammo supplier.
The idea here is that, because no one is willing to stop shooting long enough to even attempt an Etiquette roll and try to smooth over this obviously misunderstanding, the runners will be able to make their escape.
Which they will.
Because the plot demands it.
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Healthy and balanced Consuming: The Novice's Guide on Exactly how to Eat Healthy And Balanced and also Stay With It
Healthy eating. It's something everybody understands they need to do, but few of us do as consistently as we would certainly like. The objective of this overview is to share useful methods for how to consume healthy and balanced and also damage down the science of why we frequently fall short to do so.
Currently, I don't declare to have a perfect diet plan, but my study and also writing on behavioral science and also habit formation has aided me establish a couple of simple strategies for building and reinforcing a healthy eating practice without much initiative or thought.
You can click the links listed below to leap to a certain section or simply scroll down to review whatever. At the end of this page, you'll locate a total list of all the short articles I have written on healthy and balanced consuming.
I. The Science of Healthy Eating
Every nutritionist as well as diet guru talks about what to eat. Rather, I 'd such as to go over why we consume the way we do and just how we can alter that. The purpose of this guide is to share the scientific research as well as approach you need to get the results you want.
Currently, the advantages of excellent nutrition are rather obvious to most of us. You have a lot more energy, your health improves, as well as your productivity blossoms. Healthy and balanced eating also plays a big role in preserving a healthy weight, which means a lowered risk of type 2 diabetes, particular cancers, heart troubles, high blood pressure, as well as a host of other health and wellness disorders. (Genetics likewise plays a considerable function. I'm not some deranged person who assumes genetics don't matter.).
Yet if there are numerous great factors for healthy eating, why is it so hard to actually do? To address that inquiry, we need to begin by learning why we yearn for processed food.
Why We Crave Junk Food.
Steven Witherly is a food researcher who has actually spent the last 20 years researching what ensures foods more habit forming than others. Much of the science that follows is from his excellent record, Why Humans Like Junk Food?
According to Witherly, when you eat yummy food, there are 2 factors that make the experience pleasant.
Initially, there is the experience of eating the food. This includes what it tastes like (salty, wonderful, umami, etc.), what it scents like, and also exactly how it feels in your mouth. This last quality-- called orosensation"-- can be particularly vital. Food business will invest countless dollars to find one of the most gratifying level of crisis in a potato chip. Food scientists will examine for the excellent quantity of fizzle in a soda. These elements all incorporate to develop the feeling that your mind connects with a particular food or drink.
The second variable is the real macronutrient make-up of the food-- the blend of proteins, fats, and also carbs that it has. In the case of processed food, food producers are searching for an ideal mix of salt, sugar, as well as fat that delights your brain as well as gets you coming back for more.
Right here's how they do it ...
How Food Scientists Create Cravings.
There is a range of factors that scientists as well as food suppliers utilize to make food much more addictive.
Dynamic contrast. Dynamic comparison refers to a combination of different experiences in the same food. In the words of Witherly, foods with dynamic contrast have an edible shell that goes problem followed by something soft or creamy and packed with taste-active substances. This guideline relates to a variety of our favorite food frameworks-- the caramelized top of a creme brulee, a slice of pizza, or an Oreo cookie-- the mind discovers grinding with something such as this very novel and thrilling.".
Salivary reaction. Drool belongs to the experience of eating food, and also the more a food creates you to salivate, the extra it will swim throughout your mouth and cover your palate. As an example, emulsified foods like butter, delicious chocolate, salad clothing, gelato, and mayo promote a salivary feedback that assists to lather your taste with goodness. This is one reason that lots of people enjoy foods that have sauces or glazes on them. The outcome is that foods that advertise salivation do a satisfied little faucet dancing on your mind and also preference far better than ones that don't.
Rapid food crisis and also vanishing calorie density. Foods that swiftly vanish or melt in your mouth" signal to your mind that you're not consuming as much as you really are. Simply put, these foods essentially tell your mind that you're not complete, despite the fact that you're eating a lot of calories.
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In his very popular publication, Salt Sugar Fat (audiobook ), author Michael Moss explains a conversation with Witherly that explains vanishing calorie density perfectly ...
He zeroed right in on the Cheetos. This," Witherly claimed, is just one of one of the most marvelously created foods on earth, in terms of pure pleasure.".
I brought him two shopping bags filled with a selection of chips to taste. He zeroed right in on the Cheetos. This," Witherly said, is among the most marvelously built foods on the planet, in terms of pure pleasure." He ticked off a loads characteristics of the Cheetos that make the mind state a lot more. However the one he concentrated on many was the smoke's exceptional capacity to melt in the mouth. It's called disappearing caloric density," Witherly stated. If something thaws down promptly, your mind thinks that there's no calories in it ... you can simply maintain eating it forever.".
Sensory-specific feedback. Your brain likes selection. When it concerns food, if you experience the exact same preference over and over once more, after that you start to obtain less pleasure from it. In other words, the sensitivity of that details sensing unit will reduce gradually. This can occur in simply mins.
Processed food, nevertheless, are made to avoid this sensory details feedback. They give enough taste to be fascinating (your mind doesn't get tired of consuming them), yet it's not so promoting that your sensory action is dulled. This is why you can ingest a whole bag of potato chips and still prepare to eat another. To your brain, the crisis as well as feeling of consuming Doritos is unique and also fascinating each time.
Calorie thickness. Processed food are developed to encourage your mind that it is obtaining nutrition, yet to not load you up. Receptors in your mouth and tummy inform your brain concerning the combination of proteins, fats, and also carbs in a certain food, and also just how filling that food is for your body. Convenience food provides just sufficient calories that your mind states, Yes, this will offer you some power" but not numerous calories that you believe That's enough, I'm complete." The result is that you crave the food to start with, but it takes rather a long time to feel full from it.
Memories of previous eating experiences. This is where the psychobiology of junk food actually antagonizes you. When you consume something tasty (say, a bag of potato chips), your mind registers that sensation. The next time you see that food, odor that food, and even check out that food, your brain starts to activate the memories and also reactions that came when you ate it. These memories can in fact trigger physical responses like drool and develop the scrumptious" desire that you obtain when thinking of your preferred foods.
These elements all incorporate to make processed food tasty and preferable to our human minds. When you incorporate the science behind these foods with the unbelievable occurrence of food (cheap convenience food everywhere), consuming healthy comes to be really tough to do.
II. Exactly How to Make Healthy Eating Easier.
The majority of people think that building far better practices or changing your activities is everything about determination or motivation. However the more I learn, the much more I think that the primary driver of behavior change is your atmosphere.
Your setting has an incredible ability to shape your behavior. Nowhere is this more real than with food. What we eat daily is often a result of what we are presented.
Let me share an interesting experiment to show you specifically what I suggest ...
The Importance of Environment for Healthy Eating.
Anne Thorndike is a health care physician at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Thorndike and also her colleagues conducted a six-month research that was published in the American Journal of Public Health.
This research study privately happened in the hospital lunchroom and aided countless people establish healthy consuming habits without altering their self-control or inspiration in the slightest way. Thorndike and her team utilized a principle known as choice style." Selection architecture is just an expensive word for altering the means the food and also beverages are presented, yet, as it ends up, it makes a huge distinction.
The researchers started by changing the option style of the beverages in the snack bar. Originally, there were 3 main fridges, all of which were full of soda. The researchers ensured that water was added to each of those devices as well as likewise placed baskets of bottled water throughout the room.
What occurred? Over the following 3 months, the variety of soft drink sales visited 11.4 percent. On the other hand, bottled water sales raised by 25.8 percent. Similar modifications as well as results were made with food alternatives. Nobody claimed a word to the site visitors who consumed at the snack bar. The researchers merely altered the atmosphere and individuals normally followed suit.
Option style is a lot more important when you're already stressed out, tired, or sidetracked. If you're currently worn-down, you're probably not mosting likely to undergo a great deal of effort to prepare a healthy supper or suit an exercise. You'll grab or do whatever is easiest.
That implies that if you take just a bit of time today to arrange your space, your office, your kitchen, and also other areas, then that adjustment in option architecture can assist you towards much better options even when your determination is fading.
Exactly How to Eat Healthy Without Noticing.
Brian Wansink is a professor at Cornell University, and he has completed a variety of studies on just how your atmosphere shapes your consuming decisions. Most of the concepts listed below come from his preferred book, Mindless Eating (audiobook ). Here are several of his best practical strategies for utilizing selection style to make healthy and balanced consuming less complicated.
1. Usage smaller sized plates. Bigger plates imply bigger parts. And that implies you consume more. According to a research carried out by Wansink as well as his research study group, if you made a basic change as well as offered your dinner on 10-inch plates rather than a 12-inch plate, you would eat 22% less food throughout the next year.
On an associated note, if you're thinking I'll simply place less food on my plate" ... it's not that easy. The photo listed below clarifies why. When you eat a little section off of a big plate, your mind really feels unhappy. At the same time, the same portion will feel extra filling up when eaten off of a tiny plate. The circles in the picture below coincide size, however your mind (and also stomach) does not view them that way.
2. Want to consume alcohol much less alcohol or soft drink? Use high, slim glasses rather than brief, fat ones.
As it turns out, both lines are the same size, but our mind tends to overstate vertical lines. In other words, taller drinks look bigger to our eyes than round, straight cups do. As well as because height makes points look bigger than width, you'll really consume less from taller glasses. In fact, you will usually consume alcohol around 20% much less from a tall, slender glass than you would certainly from a brief, fat glass. (Hat tip to Darya Pino for initially sharing this picture and also concept.).
3. Usage layers that have a high comparison shade with your food. As I pointed out in this post, when the shade of your plate matches the color of your food, you normally serve yourself more due to the fact that your mind has problem differentiating the part size from the plate. As a result of this, dark green as well as dark blue make great plate shades since they contrast with light foods like pasta as well as potatoes (which suggests you're likely to offer less of them), yet don't comparison significantly with leafy eco-friendlies and also veggies (which implies you're most likely to place more of them on your plate).
4. Present healthy and balanced foods in a famous place. As an example, you might put a bowl of fruits or nuts near the front door or somewhere else that you go by prior to you leave the house. When you're starving and in a rush, you are most likely to get hold of the first thing you see.
5. Cover junk foods in tin aluminum foil. Wrap healthy foods in cling wrap. The old saying, out of sight, out of mind" turns out to have some fact to it. Consuming isn't simply a physical occasion, yet likewise an emotional one. Your mind typically identifies what it intends to consume based upon what your eyes see. Thus, if you conceal junk foods by covering them up or tucking them away in less prominent locations, then you are less likely to eat them.
6. Keep healthy and balanced foods in larger packages and also containers, and unhealthy foods in smaller sized ones. Huge boxes and containers tend to capture your eye extra, take up area in your kitchen and also cupboard, and also or else get in your method. Because of this, you're more likely to notice them and eat them. On the other hand, smaller products can hide in your kitchen area for months. (Just have a look at what you have existing around now. It's probably little containers as well as containers.).
Perk tip: if you buy a large box of something undesirable, you can re-package it right into smaller Ziploc bags or containers, which should make it much less most likely that you'll binge as well as eat a great deal at once.
What Should I Eat?
As I pointed out initially, this is not a guide regarding what to consume. It's an overview about why we consume the method we do and also just how to do something regarding it. That claimed, I'll offer 2 ideas regarding what to place on your plate.
1. Eat much more eco-friendlies. There isn't a consensus on the very best diet plan, however pretty much everyone settles on one point: eat more veggies. You'll be hard-pressed to find a single diet plan that doesn't believe consuming even more plants is a great idea.
2. Eat a selection of foods. As we covered previously, the brain yearns for novelty. While you may not have the ability to duplicate the crunchy/creamy contrast of an Oreo, you can differ your diet regimen sufficient to maintain points fascinating. For example, you might dip a carrot (crunchy) in some hummus (velvety) and get an unique sensation. In a similar way, discovering methods to add new spices as well as flavors to your dishes can make eating healthy and balanced foods a better experience.
Healthy and balanced eating doesn't have to be bland. Mix up your foods to get different feelings and you may discover it less complicated than consuming the exact same foods over as well as over once more. (At some factor, nonetheless, you may need to fall for monotony).
2 Simple Ways to Eat Healthy.
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The main point of the majority of excellent diet plans coincides: eat entire foods that are unrefined which expanded or lived outdoors. Several of them have different variations-- no pet items, no grains, and so on-- however a lot of them fit the basic genuine food" framework.
The trouble is that-- if you're anything like me-- you will eat whatever is close to you, whether it originated from Mother Nature or not. Because of this, the best technique is to border yourself with healthy food.
1. Utilize the Outer Ring" Strategy. When I most likely to the supermarket, I only walk around the outer ring" of the store. I don't walk down the aisles. The external ring is where the healthy food usually lives: fruits, veggies, lean meats, fish, eggs, as well as nuts. These are products that expanded or lived outdoors. That's what I eat.
The aisles are where every one of the boxed as well as processed things is positioned. Don't drop those aisles as well as you won't get those foods. Do not buy those foods as well as they will not be around for you to eat. Try this the following time you most likely to the store and do your best to not to make exceptions.
Certain, there will certainly be the occasional time that you'll need to decrease an aisle to get flavors or get a container of olive oil, but this is uncommon. The last 3 times I've gone to the supermarket, I have actually conveniently stayed on the external ring" and I wager you can do the very same.
Just how to Eat Whatever You Want Without Feeling Guilty.
2. Never Miss Twice. I assume life is suggested to be lived joyfully. I have no wish to judge myself for eating pizza or to feel guilty for consuming alcohol a beer. But, I additionally know that I feel much better when I consume healthy and balanced.
In order to balance both, I have a simple rule that I attempt to comply with: whenever I consume a harmful meal, I follow it with a healthy and balanced one.
Address the Root Problem of Unhealthy Eating.
There's a reason why many individuals consume as a method to cope with tension. Tension triggers certain regions of the brain to release chemicals (especially, opiates and also neuropeptide Y). These chemicals can activate systems that resemble the desires you receive from fat and sugar. To put it simply, when you get stressed out, your brain feels the habit forming telephone call of fat and sugar and also you're pulled back to convenience food.
We all have stressful scenarios that occur in our lives. Discovering to handle stress differently can aid you get over the habit forming pull of unhealthy food. This might include simple breathing strategies or a short directed meditation Or something extra physical like workout or making art.
Just how to Say No to Temptation.
Knowing how to claim no is one of the most beneficial abilities you can establish, particularly when it concerns living a healthy life. Research study is starting to reveal that little modifications can make it less complicated for you to say no, stand up to temptation as well as stay with healthy consuming behaviors.
In a research study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, 120 students were divided right into 2 various groups.
The difference between these 2 teams was claiming I can't" compared to I don't.".
One team was told that each time they were faced with a temptation, they would certainly inform themselves I can't do X." For example, when tempted with gelato, they would claim, I can't eat ice cream.".
When the 2nd group was confronted with a temptation, they were informed to state I do not do X." For example, when lured with gelato, they would say, I do not eat gelato.".
After duplicating these expressions, each pupil responded to a collection
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lindafrancois · 5 years
Junk Food: Deal The Menace With Healthier Food Choices
In the past decade alone, the consumption of junk food among the population has multi-folded steadily. Junk foods excite your taste-bud, it’s much cheaper to buy and packaged foods take less than 10 minutes to cook. These factors have made junk foods extremely popular in the food market.
While enjoying these benefits, we tend to forget one thing – the nutritional quotients of what we eat. We might have heard stories of mothers reprimanding their children if they eat out too often or bring junk food home. Well, those admonishing happened for a reason – the lack of nutrition in junk foods.
Table of content
 Studies have collectively agreed that junk and fast foods are extremely high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS). These foods are very high in calories that do no good.
From the commencement of junk foods to its prevalence across the globe, we bring you all about this unhealthy food and the effects it has on the human body in the long run.   
Junk foods – An Introduction
The idea of junk foods was introduced to the world in the late 1880s and early 1900s.  According to ‘Encyclopaedia of Junk Food and Fast Food’, the first junk food that was introduced in America was Cracker Jack by Frederick and Louis Rueckheim in the year 1896.
The brand went on to capture the American market and since then, there has been no looking back for the junk food market.
During the 1900s, packaged and processed foods quickly occupied the world food market and the advent of transportation made it easier. By the 1950s and 60s, packaged commercial foods were introduced to a number of countries, especially in the west. After the late 1970s, India also caught up with the trend. [1]
The 1900s was an era for fast food chains as well. The 1950s and 60s saw the emergent of McDonald’s which would later become an extremely popular fast-food chain. With McDonald’s, the franchise market also boomed.
Junk Foods
During a time when you had to wait for several minutes to get your meal in a restaurant, the concept of a fast-food chain that provides a meal in less than 10 minutes had people thronging.
By the late 1990s and early 2000s, fast food chains cropped up in India. By the end of 2010, fast food restaurants became a thing in the country. By the end of 2022, the food market in India is estimated to be Rs 5, 52,000 crores. [2]
The success behind junk foods
Determining the success of junk foods is no rocket science. From attractive packaging to increased shelf life, several factors make junk food appealing to the masses.
Foods like pizzas and burgers are very easy to prepare since the primary ingredients are precooked and readily available. Customers can get their meal as quickly as possible, saving them a lot of time.
Likewise, packaged foods like Lay’s, Cheetos, fruit cakes, biscuits etc can be eaten right out of the package. These foods do not require so much as a preheating let alone cooking. This propels teenagers and young adults to choose packaged foods who are always on the go.
Fast food and junk food makers add additives, artificial flavours and use an excessive amount of salt, oil and sugar than the recommended amount to enhance the taste.
Kids, youngsters and adults alike develop a taste-bud to these flavours and resort to eating junk foods often.
Attractive packaging
Proprietors behind the packaged foods industry have long learned the art of the visual appeal.
Be it a regular store or a huge supermarket, bright and attractive packages of junk foods have drawn the attention of both children and adults. This makes the consumers curious and urges them to buy the product just to know how it tastes.
Shelf life
Ready to cook junk foods as instant noodles and pasta come for a very long time without refrigeration. Other packaged foods like crisps, biscuits, wafers etc also have a longer shelf life making it an easy option for snacking.
Unlike regular wholesome foods, carrying junk foods is hassle-free, thanks to the impeccable packaging.
The well-developed transportation system that we enjoy today has also contributed to this factor.
Affordable cost
Compared to healthy foods, junk foods are priced very low. A small sized chips packet costs only Rs 5 when compared to 50 g of almonds that can cost more than Rs 50. 
This price difference has made junk foods affordable for all.
Role of advertisements
In the recent past, the marketers of junk food products have cleverly used advertisements to their advantage.
Studies conducted on television advertisements and its impact on children determined that advertisements aired on children’s TV channels influenced the latter’s choices and behaviour.
The bright and colourful visuals used for depicting junk foods trigger children to want these foods and the taste factor makes them addicted to it. These advertisements were aired majorly during the prime time targeting a maximum number of children and parents. [3]
Following television, internet and smartphone users became the prime target for junk food advertisers. Since even children are drawn towards smartphones, the popularity of soft drinks and fast foods grew fast and vast.   
Additionally, advertisements on billboards, banners and peer pressure contributed to this junk food craze.
Types of junk foods and how to identify them
Junk foods have donned various avatars since its introduction. They come in the form of crisps, pastries, pizzas, burgers, instant noodles and pasta, biscuits and oil-laden ‘traditional foods’ sold in local eateries and restaurants.
Fast foods: Eateries like Pizza Hut, Dominos, Burger King, McDonalds etc fall in this category. In these eateries, tasty pizzas and burgers are prepared in a very short amount of time making it very appealing to the younger generation. However, these foods are quite pricey and not everyone can afford it.
Ready-to-eat packaged foods: Foods like Lay’s, Cheetos, Oreo, packaged baked goods etc are considered as ready to eat junk foods. These foods are cheaper and can be bought by anyone.
 Ready-to-cook packaged foods: Instant noodles and pasta fall in this category. It takes less than 10 minutes to cook these foods which are loaded with additives and artificial flavours.
 Soft drinks: We all are familiar with drinks like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, 7UP, Fanta etc.  These are carbonated drinks extremely high in sugar and have tons of chemicals and additives in it.
 Restaurant food: These foods are usually native foods sold in local eateries unless stated otherwise. Though traditional in nature, unlike home-cooked meals, these foods are high in fat.   
Identifying junk foods
Simply reading the nutritional values printed behind the package will enlighten you about the food you are eating. [4]
You can tell the food you are eating is junk if,
The calories from fat are more than 35%
Saturated and trans fat contribute to more than 10% of calories
The calories contributed by sugar is more than 35%
Per serving is more than 200 calories (especially snack product)
The sodium (salt) is more than 480mg/serving
The primary ingredient is eir oil or sugar
The product is high in fructose (corn syrup)
Children and junk food
Studies have reported that the consumption of junk food has increased among children (less than 12 years old). The frequent advertisements have made junk food attractive to them. Children in general, prefer snacking on crisps, biscuits, sweets and cakes rather than nuts, vegetables and fruits.
Intake of junk food has increased among children
Likewise, lifestyle choices parents make also influence a child’s eating habits. When you take children to restaurants frequently, they naturally believe that it is totally acceptable to eat outside food often. Children these days are so used to drinking artificially flavoured drinks that they cringe at milkshakes and juices that contain real fruits.[5]
Another key element adding to this problem is the lack of physical activity. Gone are the days when children used to play with their counterparts at outdoors. Children being glued to smartphones have become a common sight. Excessive junk foods coupled with little to no physical activity has upped childhood obesity.
Adolescents and junk food
Adolescence (aged between 13 and 21) is also called as the ‘growth period’. Just in a matter of years, teenagers grow long pairs of limbs and their appetite doubles. This means, eating nutrient-dense foods is a must.
However, teens of today eat foods that are far from nutritious. They are exposed to unhealthy lifestyles and subjected to peer-pressure. They also go through myriad emotions.
Teens of today are attracted to junk food
Teens are more attracted to foods like pizzas and burgers than home-cooked wholesome meals. Children and adolescents disliking vegetables have become so common that it is unsurprising.  Few studies also noted that teenagers tend to consume more refined carbs since their appetite is increased.
Additionally, foods offered in school and college canteens are doing no good. Canteens usually sell foods like puffs, rolls, sandwiches and soft drinks. These foods are high in unhealthy calories, sodium, fat and carbohydrates. Even regional foods sold by these eateries are loaded with fat (ghee/oil) and have very little vegetables. Similarly, superfoods like millets and ragi are seldom used by these suppliers.
All these factors make awareness of the need of the hour. It is important to note that what teens eat now have a larger impact on their health in the future. When these food habits go unchecked for a long period of time, these teens may develop diabetes and cardiovascular disease during their adulthood.[6]
Role of food delivery services
In the last decade, food delivers applications like Zomato, Swiggy and now UberEats has carved a niche in the food industry. Though they have benefitted a number of individuals and sectors, they have also increased the junk food consumption in away.
Since these food delivery apps deliver the desired food to the doorstep, a number of people simply order calorie-laden food to their home. The added convenience here has only increased the usage of these apps. People are now ordering outside food more often than ever-increasing their junk food intake. [7]
Junk food and its harmful effects
What we eat now has a profound impact on our health in the future.
Studies have pointed out that when children and teenagers eat junk food every day, they are very likely to develop obesity and Type 2 diabetes and even certain types of cancers when they become adults.  Little to no physical activity can also increase the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases.[8]
A Harvard article reported that people who eat excessive added sugars can die of heart diseases even though they are not obese. Time and again, nutritionists and health specialists have advised against drinking energy drinks and sodas that are loaded with sugars. These drinks are called empty calories since they contain no vitamins, minerals or fibre. [9]
Another study observed that eating junk foods affect our productivity. Our body processes junk food quickly. This leads to a spike in blood glucose level.
When the body’s digestive system works extra hard to digest the food, the oxygen supply to the brain is reduced. This is responsible for the grogginess we experience to post a heavy meal.   This directly affects brain function and productivity.[10]
Junk food vs. healthy food
This is a topic that has been debated often. Despite junk food is unhealthy, it has advantages of its own like affordable cost, tasty, ready to cook and shelf life. Whereas, healthy foods are a lot more expensive and need cooking before it can be consumed.
However, one must consciously choose between the two if they wish to lead a healthier life. Yes, healthy foods are high-end and cooking might pose a slight hindrance if you are a busy person. But clean eating and a good amount of physical exercises will reward you in the long run.
Junk Food Vs Healthy food
By avoiding junk foods, you are preventing several lifestyle-related diseases and saving thousands of rupees on your medical bills. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of healthy foods and junk foods.
How to incorporate healthy eating
A little lifestyle changes here and there is all you need to include healthy eating habits in your life. Simple steps like replacing fruit drinks with real fruits will go a long way.
Here are some tips that you can consider to cultivate clean eating habits.
Cut out whites (except dairy)
Firstly, reduce the intake of refined white rice, pasta and maida which are gluten-rich. Since these foods have simple carbs, the body digests it quickly spiking the glucose level. This process makes you hungry sooner and prompts you to eat more.
Add fibre and protein
 A healthy diet should be rich in protein and fibre. Include lentils, pulses, legumes, eggs, lean meat like fish and chicken for protein. For fibre, eat foods like millets, Ragi and Jowar, brown rice or red rice.  
Include vegetables and fruits
Eat plenty of vegetables, especially greens. Remember to eat fruits at least twice or thrice a day. These will provide the necessary micronutrients for your body.
Eat nuts
Replace junk snacks with nuts. Nuts are full of good fat and a great option for snacking.
Drink water
Replace sodas and energy drinks with water. Water will keep your body hydrated and well-nourished.
Make time for cooking
Homemade meals are best any day. These meals are wholesome and since you cook them, the ingredients are fresh.  
Plan your meal
If you are struggling to get out of the junk food habit, plan your meals. Cook them and take it to your work. Your food is not only sorted but you also have a healthier option now.
Stock fridge with clean foods
 Instead of junk foods, stock your fridge with fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts, etc.
Avoid sugary drinks
When you are thirsty drink plain water, buttermilk or tender coconut water instead of sugary sodas or drinks. These drinks are loaded with empty calories and offer no nutritional value. Also, these drinks are responsible for obesity and weight gain. [11]
In today’s fast-paced world, eating junk food is much easier than eating healthy, wholesome foods. To overcome this menace, we need to vigorously spread awareness about the ill-effects of eating junk foods.
If your child loves eating junk food, speak to him/her about it and make the effort to cook wholesome meals not just for your child, but for your whole family. Following the aforementioned tips can have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing.
Eating clean can take some effort but it is not unachievable. If you are unsure about how to proceed, speak to a nutritionist who can guide you better. Just like how oil is important to keep the engine running, healthy eating is important for nourishing the body.
When you eat healthily, your body is active and your mind is productive. You feel more energetic than before. Well, what are you waiting for? Pick that kale today and reap the benefits tomorrow!  Happy binging on those nuts and veggies!
Q: Is junk food healthy?
A: No, junk food is not healthy
Q: How junk food affects your health?
A: Eating junk food often can lead to lifestyle-related diseases like obesity and diabetes etc.
Q: How junk food affects children’s health?
A: Eating junk food often can cause childhood obesity in children and they tend to become lazy.  
Q: Can junk food cause cancer?
A: Excessive junk food consumption may lead to the development of certain types of cancer. 
Q: Is junk food and fast food the same?
A: Yes. Fast food is a type of junk food. 
 The post Junk Food: Deal The Menace With Healthier Food Choices appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Junk Food: Deal The Menace With Healthier Food Choices published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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lindafrancois · 5 years
Junk Food: Deal The Menace With Healthier Food Choices
In the past decade alone, the consumption of junk food among the population has multi-folded steadily. Junk foods excite your taste-bud, it’s much cheaper to buy and packaged foods take less than 10 minutes to cook. These factors have made junk foods extremely popular in the food market.
While enjoying these benefits, we tend to forget one thing – the nutritional quotients of what we eat. We might have heard stories of mothers reprimanding their children if they eat out too often or bring junk food home. Well, those admonishing happened for a reason – the lack of nutrition in junk foods.
Table of content
 Studies have collectively agreed that junk and fast foods are extremely high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS). These foods are very high in calories that do no good.
From the commencement of junk foods to its prevalence across the globe, we bring you all about this unhealthy food and the effects it has on the human body in the long run.   
Junk foods – An Introduction
The idea of junk foods was introduced to the world in the late 1880s and early 1900s.  According to ‘Encyclopaedia of Junk Food and Fast Food’, the first junk food that was introduced in America was Cracker Jack by Frederick and Louis Rueckheim in the year 1896.
The brand went on to capture the American market and since then, there has been no looking back for the junk food market.
During the 1900s, packaged and processed foods quickly occupied the world food market and the advent of transportation made it easier. By the 1950s and 60s, packaged commercial foods were introduced to a number of countries, especially in the west. After the late 1970s, India also caught up with the trend. [1]
The 1900s was an era for fast food chains as well. The 1950s and 60s saw the emergent of McDonald’s which would later become an extremely popular fast-food chain. With McDonald’s, the franchise market also boomed.
Junk Foods
During a time when you had to wait for several minutes to get your meal in a restaurant, the concept of a fast-food chain that provides a meal in less than 10 minutes had people thronging.
By the late 1990s and early 2000s, fast food chains cropped up in India. By the end of 2010, fast food restaurants became a thing in the country. By the end of 2022, the food market in India is estimated to be Rs 5, 52,000 crores. [2]
The success behind junk foods
Determining the success of junk foods is no rocket science. From attractive packaging to increased shelf life, several factors make junk food appealing to the masses.
Foods like pizzas and burgers are very easy to prepare since the primary ingredients are precooked and readily available. Customers can get their meal as quickly as possible, saving them a lot of time.
Likewise, packaged foods like Lay’s, Cheetos, fruit cakes, biscuits etc can be eaten right out of the package. These foods do not require so much as a preheating let alone cooking. This propels teenagers and young adults to choose packaged foods who are always on the go.
Fast food and junk food makers add additives, artificial flavours and use an excessive amount of salt, oil and sugar than the recommended amount to enhance the taste.
Kids, youngsters and adults alike develop a taste-bud to these flavours and resort to eating junk foods often.
Attractive packaging
Proprietors behind the packaged foods industry have long learned the art of the visual appeal.
Be it a regular store or a huge supermarket, bright and attractive packages of junk foods have drawn the attention of both children and adults. This makes the consumers curious and urges them to buy the product just to know how it tastes.
Shelf life
Ready to cook junk foods as instant noodles and pasta come for a very long time without refrigeration. Other packaged foods like crisps, biscuits, wafers etc also have a longer shelf life making it an easy option for snacking.
Unlike regular wholesome foods, carrying junk foods is hassle-free, thanks to the impeccable packaging.
The well-developed transportation system that we enjoy today has also contributed to this factor.
Affordable cost
Compared to healthy foods, junk foods are priced very low. A small sized chips packet costs only Rs 5 when compared to 50 g of almonds that can cost more than Rs 50. 
This price difference has made junk foods affordable for all.
Role of advertisements
In the recent past, the marketers of junk food products have cleverly used advertisements to their advantage.
Studies conducted on television advertisements and its impact on children determined that advertisements aired on children’s TV channels influenced the latter’s choices and behaviour.
The bright and colourful visuals used for depicting junk foods trigger children to want these foods and the taste factor makes them addicted to it. These advertisements were aired majorly during the prime time targeting a maximum number of children and parents. [3]
Following television, internet and smartphone users became the prime target for junk food advertisers. Since even children are drawn towards smartphones, the popularity of soft drinks and fast foods grew fast and vast.   
Additionally, advertisements on billboards, banners and peer pressure contributed to this junk food craze.
Types of junk foods and how to identify them
Junk foods have donned various avatars since its introduction. They come in the form of crisps, pastries, pizzas, burgers, instant noodles and pasta, biscuits and oil-laden ‘traditional foods’ sold in local eateries and restaurants.
Fast foods: Eateries like Pizza Hut, Dominos, Burger King, McDonalds etc fall in this category. In these eateries, tasty pizzas and burgers are prepared in a very short amount of time making it very appealing to the younger generation. However, these foods are quite pricey and not everyone can afford it.
Ready-to-eat packaged foods: Foods like Lay’s, Cheetos, Oreo, packaged baked goods etc are considered as ready to eat junk foods. These foods are cheaper and can be bought by anyone.
 Ready-to-cook packaged foods: Instant noodles and pasta fall in this category. It takes less than 10 minutes to cook these foods which are loaded with additives and artificial flavours.
 Soft drinks: We all are familiar with drinks like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, 7UP, Fanta etc.  These are carbonated drinks extremely high in sugar and have tons of chemicals and additives in it.
 Restaurant food: These foods are usually native foods sold in local eateries unless stated otherwise. Though traditional in nature, unlike home-cooked meals, these foods are high in fat.   
Identifying junk foods
Simply reading the nutritional values printed behind the package will enlighten you about the food you are eating. [4]
You can tell the food you are eating is junk if,
The calories from fat are more than 35%
Saturated and trans fat contribute to more than 10% of calories
The calories contributed by sugar is more than 35%
Per serving is more than 200 calories (especially snack product)
The sodium (salt) is more than 480mg/serving
The primary ingredient is eir oil or sugar
The product is high in fructose (corn syrup)
Children and junk food
Studies have reported that the consumption of junk food has increased among children (less than 12 years old). The frequent advertisements have made junk food attractive to them. Children in general, prefer snacking on crisps, biscuits, sweets and cakes rather than nuts, vegetables and fruits.
Intake of junk food has increased among children
Likewise, lifestyle choices parents make also influence a child’s eating habits. When you take children to restaurants frequently, they naturally believe that it is totally acceptable to eat outside food often. Children these days are so used to drinking artificially flavoured drinks that they cringe at milkshakes and juices that contain real fruits.[5]
Another key element adding to this problem is the lack of physical activity. Gone are the days when children used to play with their counterparts at outdoors. Children being glued to smartphones have become a common sight. Excessive junk foods coupled with little to no physical activity has upped childhood obesity.
Adolescents and junk food
Adolescence (aged between 13 and 21) is also called as the ‘growth period’. Just in a matter of years, teenagers grow long pairs of limbs and their appetite doubles. This means, eating nutrient-dense foods is a must.
However, teens of today eat foods that are far from nutritious. They are exposed to unhealthy lifestyles and subjected to peer-pressure. They also go through myriad emotions.
Teens of today are attracted to junk food
Teens are more attracted to foods like pizzas and burgers than home-cooked wholesome meals. Children and adolescents disliking vegetables have become so common that it is unsurprising.  Few studies also noted that teenagers tend to consume more refined carbs since their appetite is increased.
Additionally, foods offered in school and college canteens are doing no good. Canteens usually sell foods like puffs, rolls, sandwiches and soft drinks. These foods are high in unhealthy calories, sodium, fat and carbohydrates. Even regional foods sold by these eateries are loaded with fat (ghee/oil) and have very little vegetables. Similarly, superfoods like millets and ragi are seldom used by these suppliers.
All these factors make awareness of the need of the hour. It is important to note that what teens eat now have a larger impact on their health in the future. When these food habits go unchecked for a long period of time, these teens may develop diabetes and cardiovascular disease during their adulthood.[6]
Role of food delivery services
In the last decade, food delivers applications like Zomato, Swiggy and now UberEats has carved a niche in the food industry. Though they have benefitted a number of individuals and sectors, they have also increased the junk food consumption in away.
Since these food delivery apps deliver the desired food to the doorstep, a number of people simply order calorie-laden food to their home. The added convenience here has only increased the usage of these apps. People are now ordering outside food more often than ever-increasing their junk food intake. [7]
Junk food and its harmful effects
What we eat now has a profound impact on our health in the future.
Studies have pointed out that when children and teenagers eat junk food every day, they are very likely to develop obesity and Type 2 diabetes and even certain types of cancers when they become adults.  Little to no physical activity can also increase the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases.[8]
A Harvard article reported that people who eat excessive added sugars can die of heart diseases even though they are not obese. Time and again, nutritionists and health specialists have advised against drinking energy drinks and sodas that are loaded with sugars. These drinks are called empty calories since they contain no vitamins, minerals or fibre. [9]
Another study observed that eating junk foods affect our productivity. Our body processes junk food quickly. This leads to a spike in blood glucose level.
When the body’s digestive system works extra hard to digest the food, the oxygen supply to the brain is reduced. This is responsible for the grogginess we experience to post a heavy meal.   This directly affects brain function and productivity.[10]
Junk food vs. healthy food
This is a topic that has been debated often. Despite junk food is unhealthy, it has advantages of its own like affordable cost, tasty, ready to cook and shelf life. Whereas, healthy foods are a lot more expensive and need cooking before it can be consumed.
However, one must consciously choose between the two if they wish to lead a healthier life. Yes, healthy foods are high-end and cooking might pose a slight hindrance if you are a busy person. But clean eating and a good amount of physical exercises will reward you in the long run.
Junk Food Vs Healthy food
By avoiding junk foods, you are preventing several lifestyle-related diseases and saving thousands of rupees on your medical bills. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of healthy foods and junk foods.
How to incorporate healthy eating
A little lifestyle changes here and there is all you need to include healthy eating habits in your life. Simple steps like replacing fruit drinks with real fruits will go a long way.
Here are some tips that you can consider to cultivate clean eating habits.
Cut out whites (except dairy)
Firstly, reduce the intake of refined white rice, pasta and maida which are gluten-rich. Since these foods have simple carbs, the body digests it quickly spiking the glucose level. This process makes you hungry sooner and prompts you to eat more.
Add fibre and protein
 A healthy diet should be rich in protein and fibre. Include lentils, pulses, legumes, eggs, lean meat like fish and chicken for protein. For fibre, eat foods like millets, Ragi and Jowar, brown rice or red rice.  
Include vegetables and fruits
Eat plenty of vegetables, especially greens. Remember to eat fruits at least twice or thrice a day. These will provide the necessary micronutrients for your body.
Eat nuts
Replace junk snacks with nuts. Nuts are full of good fat and a great option for snacking.
Drink water
Replace sodas and energy drinks with water. Water will keep your body hydrated and well-nourished.
Make time for cooking
Homemade meals are best any day. These meals are wholesome and since you cook them, the ingredients are fresh.  
Plan your meal
If you are struggling to get out of the junk food habit, plan your meals. Cook them and take it to your work. Your food is not only sorted but you also have a healthier option now.
Stock fridge with clean foods
 Instead of junk foods, stock your fridge with fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts, etc.
Avoid sugary drinks
When you are thirsty drink plain water, buttermilk or tender coconut water instead of sugary sodas or drinks. These drinks are loaded with empty calories and offer no nutritional value. Also, these drinks are responsible for obesity and weight gain. [11]
In today’s fast-paced world, eating junk food is much easier than eating healthy, wholesome foods. To overcome this menace, we need to vigorously spread awareness about the ill-effects of eating junk foods.
If your child loves eating junk food, speak to him/her about it and make the effort to cook wholesome meals not just for your child, but for your whole family. Following the aforementioned tips can have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing.
Eating clean can take some effort but it is not unachievable. If you are unsure about how to proceed, speak to a nutritionist who can guide you better. Just like how oil is important to keep the engine running, healthy eating is important for nourishing the body.
When you eat healthily, your body is active and your mind is productive. You feel more energetic than before. Well, what are you waiting for? Pick that kale today and reap the benefits tomorrow!  Happy binging on those nuts and veggies!
Q: Is junk food healthy?
A: No, junk food is not healthy
Q: How junk food affects your health?
A: Eating junk food often can lead to lifestyle-related diseases like obesity and diabetes etc.
Q: How junk food affects children’s health?
A: Eating junk food often can cause childhood obesity in children and they tend to become lazy.  
Q: Can junk food cause cancer?
A: Excessive junk food consumption may lead to the development of certain types of cancer. 
Q: Is junk food and fast food the same?
A: Yes. Fast food is a type of junk food. 
 The post Junk Food: Deal The Menace With Healthier Food Choices appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Junk Food: Deal The Menace With Healthier Food Choices published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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