#Arosepc Pride
galacticmessup · 5 years
Aromantic/Arospec Person: *In a romantic relationship*
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Pre-Pride Sign-Making & craft/zines fundraiser (& t-shirts)
Pre-Pride Sign-Making social! (Info here about our participation in Toronto’s Trans March, Dyke March and Pride Parade).
Everyone welcome! (including allies) You don’t need to be planning to attend one of the marches to come to this.
Friday, June 16, 2017: 6-8pm Ryerson Student Centre (55 Gould St.) 2nd floor lounge outside the RyePride Office
Sign-making supplies provided, but you can bring your own too! Bring your sign ideas!
There will also be a mini craft / zine fundraiser to raise money to cover the costs of participating in the Parade (mostly the sampling permit and printing of leaflets).
If you’re planning to attend one of the marches and have not yet RSVP’d please do so ( [email protected]  ). 
Also trying to have the t-shirts ready for pick-up there! (pwyc, suggested donation $5-$10) If you would like a t-shirt and have not yet submitted your size, please do so.
Size Specification (in inches)
Sizes_____Width _____ Length _____ Sleeve Center Back
“youth” M ___ 18  _____  23.5   _____ 15.5  
“youth” L  ___  19 _____  25      _____ 16.5
youth XL  ___  20  _____  26.5   _____ 17.5
S       _______ 18  _____    28    _____ 15.63
M      _______  20  _____   29     _____ 17
L       _______  22   _____   30     _____ 18.5
“ladies” XL  _  23.25 _____   28     _____ 15.75
XL     _______   24   _____   31     _____ 20
Edit: I have a possible lead on matching 2XL and 3XL shirts from a company that does custom printing. Now I just have to see if they’re willing to sell me some blank ones.  (We don’t have any left from when we’ve ordered them and there isn’t a store that carries them locally intended for purchases as-is.) If you’re interested, please let me know so I can work out numbers.
Sizes_____Width _____ Length _____ Sleeve Center Back
2XL   _____26_________32______________21.5 3XL  _____28_________33______________22.88
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corelliaxdreaming · 3 years
Pride Kickstarter Aspec Inclusion Study
A lot of LGBTQIA+ pride based campigns appear on Kickstarter. Most commonly, these are pins either including the actual flags or various designs that incorporate the colors of the flags. If you've been following me for awhile, you know I'm particularly weak for these pins and am given to complaining about the lack of aspec, and particularly aromantic, rep in these campaigns. Now that Pride month - when the heaviest concentration of them understandably appear - is over, I wanted to crunch some numbers just to see what the percentances are. This was mostly for my own curiosity, but I thought others might find it interesting as well.
First, I'll go through how I got the numbers I used. The campaigns I counted for my "study" were: 1. Launched during the month of June 2021. 2. Appeared when I searched the term "pride." 3. Offered multiple designs (subject to my discretion - campaigns offering solely the gay/LGBTQIA+ rainbow or only the rainbow and the trans flag were not included). 4. This study covers the inital and stretch goals offered whether the campaign in general or all of the goals were funded or not.
Asexual and Aromantic Inclusion
Now, the numbers! I surveyed 29 campaigns in total. Here's how the baseline inclusion of the aromantic and asexual flags panned out:
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Of the 29 campaigns, two included neither ace nor aro flags (6.9%). Eight included only the asexual flag (27.6%). Nineteen included both the asexual and aromantic flags (65.5%).
I was pleasantly surprised by this! The majority of people are including both, which is great. But really, if ace is represented, aro should be too, every time. I'm very disappointed in the two that left aspec identities out entirely.
Acespec and Arospec Inclusion
I've noticed over and over again that while demisexual tends to be included maybe half the time, it is very rarely matched by demiromantic inclusion. It's clear to me that aromanticism should be represented at an equal level to asexuality: if ace is included, include aro; if both ace and demisexual are included, include both aro and demiromantic; etc.
Nine of the campaigns I studied included a demisexual flag option, and here's how the aro looked:
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Of those nine campaigns, a single one also included demiromantic (11.1%). The other eight only included demisexual (88.9%) - i.e. these, save one*, included multiple instances of acespec rep but no arospec rep at all. Extremely frustrating. We need more inclusion of demiromantic, and other arosepc, identities.
(A few campaigns included other aspec identities, but not enough to turn into reasonable graphs. One included both demisexual and gray ace but no aro identities. *One included demisexual and aroace. One included demisexual but only as an additonal descriptor of the base ace flag.)
A Special Mention
Though it wasn't included in this study because it launched in May and has now reached its conclusion (all goals fully funded!), I really wanted to mention Shout Your Pride! Flag and Pronoun Pins. This was by far the most inclusive pride pin campaign I've ever seen. There were 82 flags and 27+ pronoun options included in the end. The creator took suggestions and actually included pretty much all of them. Also, after a dozen of the most common/popular flags were unlocked, they unlocked all of the rest in a random order so no one would feel any favoritism/tiering of identities was happening. (IE, we didn't have to see aromantic way out in the highest stretch goal as happens too often). I know not everyone has the money to do this, as paying for multiple molds to make so many different designs is expensive, but this is was an awesome offering that made me feel more seen than any other ever has, and I can't wait to get my order!
Final note: obviously I'm only one person and mostly threw this together to satiate my own curiosity. It is completely possible there are errors here, and, obviously, this information should not be used to attack anyone. (But, no, politely requesting for someone running a pride campaign to include an ace or aro option is not an attack, and many times they will!)
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