#At least if Volnutt is one of the protagonists X will get him off the moon
Mega Man A Live? Love to hear it, since jel got Mario and I did Disney.
Okay, so- There are so many scenarios, but I'll just ramble so-
First idea- As an Additional LaL chapter- This is going to sound absolutely stupid, but hear me out here:
In Megaman ZX, there's a thing called "Model W." It was once a human/cyborg, but hated so much that it's will continued over 100 years later. Therefore, it has the ability to corrupt and control anyone who feels too much hatred near its remaining fragments. At this point in the story, humanity is still trying to recover from the messes it made, so... hatred isn't really hard to find. The protagonist (either Vent or Aile) almost fall to them because they have Issues regarding the death of their family.
Each of the "Chosen Ones" have a different Model that enhances their powers, and choses a wielder based on... something. I have my headcanons but I won't say anything that can be taken As Fact. Anyway- One of them, an old, forgotten one, that's optional- is called Model Omega. (Or just Model O).
So. My absolutely dumb idea is that Model O ends up with the Not Protagonist (Vent if Aile is secected, and Aile if Vent is selected) and is a usurped Odio incarnation. Model W basically took their place- sure, Model O wants to bring about untold destruction, but it's Model W that has the Hatred.
The Protagonist is still the Protagonist, but in the background with be their twin occasionally helping or fighting them, and would probably not be able to help in the final fight due to it being too much of a risk to fight Model W with the amount of hatred they have. So- Protagonist fights Villain, they end up in the final chapter, and discover what was originally meant to happen to their twin. Free Emotions.
2. Second idea- If we're doing the Live A Live but all Megaman:
Okay, the last point I spent too long on, so I'll try to keep this brief-
The protagonists would be: Blues (The first android- trying to escape his creators to keep his free will), Rock and/or Roll (Modern Day- Helper Robots willing to battle), Quint (Close Future- A wondering robot trying to find it's purpose in a time that seems out of place), X (Unknown Future- A pacifist forced to fight- the fallen hero), (MM)Zero (Distant Future- An amnesiac trying to rebuild and protect those left, modelled after an old hero), Model ZX (Far Future- A support Model trying to find it's next wielder), Volnutt (Furthest point- A Carbon searching who lives a simple life, trying to collect minerals long past humanity's extinction), Lan Hikari (Parallel word- A human trying to train with his companion to became The Strongest(TM), and Geo Stelar (Digital World- A youth granted the ability to see aliens who needs to fight them off).
...I swear I'm not making these up. But I am bending the plot to suit the LaL format-
Anyway- I was thinking of, in this scenario, Sigma would be the Fallen Hero, but then I realised that X was the ideal choice. Originally, he was going to become the villain of the Zero series, but I won't go into Details. In this scenario, (MM)Zero doesn't meet X until the the Final Chapter, with his current one being focused on rebuilding from the previous war.
So in this scenario, X's lost memories in the Bad End remain lost, and all he remembers is the worst side of reploids. Because of this, he decides to maintain peace for humanity at any cost, all while he's believing he's the hero.
...I'm only just realising how much context this is missing. I'm so, so sorry.
3. Third idea- I will sum this up in one paragraph because I should probably stop:
Lumine from MMX8 is one of the Light Side Incarnations. His desire for paradise and belief of superiority would work with it. Including the idea that he and his model are the only ones with "free will" when it looks like they're the ones walking a destined path.
Anyway- Thanks for giving me permission to ramble! If you made it this far- Thanks again! And sorry if it didn't make a lot of sense, but it was fun to type about!
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