#This was far too much of a ramble BUT-
Mega Man A Live? Love to hear it, since jel got Mario and I did Disney.
Okay, so- There are so many scenarios, but I'll just ramble so-
First idea- As an Additional LaL chapter- This is going to sound absolutely stupid, but hear me out here:
In Megaman ZX, there's a thing called "Model W." It was once a human/cyborg, but hated so much that it's will continued over 100 years later. Therefore, it has the ability to corrupt and control anyone who feels too much hatred near its remaining fragments. At this point in the story, humanity is still trying to recover from the messes it made, so... hatred isn't really hard to find. The protagonist (either Vent or Aile) almost fall to them because they have Issues regarding the death of their family.
Each of the "Chosen Ones" have a different Model that enhances their powers, and choses a wielder based on... something. I have my headcanons but I won't say anything that can be taken As Fact. Anyway- One of them, an old, forgotten one, that's optional- is called Model Omega. (Or just Model O).
So. My absolutely dumb idea is that Model O ends up with the Not Protagonist (Vent if Aile is secected, and Aile if Vent is selected) and is a usurped Odio incarnation. Model W basically took their place- sure, Model O wants to bring about untold destruction, but it's Model W that has the Hatred.
The Protagonist is still the Protagonist, but in the background with be their twin occasionally helping or fighting them, and would probably not be able to help in the final fight due to it being too much of a risk to fight Model W with the amount of hatred they have. So- Protagonist fights Villain, they end up in the final chapter, and discover what was originally meant to happen to their twin. Free Emotions.
2. Second idea- If we're doing the Live A Live but all Megaman:
Okay, the last point I spent too long on, so I'll try to keep this brief-
The protagonists would be: Blues (The first android- trying to escape his creators to keep his free will), Rock and/or Roll (Modern Day- Helper Robots willing to battle), Quint (Close Future- A wondering robot trying to find it's purpose in a time that seems out of place), X (Unknown Future- A pacifist forced to fight- the fallen hero), (MM)Zero (Distant Future- An amnesiac trying to rebuild and protect those left, modelled after an old hero), Model ZX (Far Future- A support Model trying to find it's next wielder), Volnutt (Furthest point- A Carbon searching who lives a simple life, trying to collect minerals long past humanity's extinction), Lan Hikari (Parallel word- A human trying to train with his companion to became The Strongest(TM), and Geo Stelar (Digital World- A youth granted the ability to see aliens who needs to fight them off).
...I swear I'm not making these up. But I am bending the plot to suit the LaL format-
Anyway- I was thinking of, in this scenario, Sigma would be the Fallen Hero, but then I realised that X was the ideal choice. Originally, he was going to become the villain of the Zero series, but I won't go into Details. In this scenario, (MM)Zero doesn't meet X until the the Final Chapter, with his current one being focused on rebuilding from the previous war.
So in this scenario, X's lost memories in the Bad End remain lost, and all he remembers is the worst side of reploids. Because of this, he decides to maintain peace for humanity at any cost, all while he's believing he's the hero.
...I'm only just realising how much context this is missing. I'm so, so sorry.
3. Third idea- I will sum this up in one paragraph because I should probably stop:
Lumine from MMX8 is one of the Light Side Incarnations. His desire for paradise and belief of superiority would work with it. Including the idea that he and his model are the only ones with "free will" when it looks like they're the ones walking a destined path.
Anyway- Thanks for giving me permission to ramble! If you made it this far- Thanks again! And sorry if it didn't make a lot of sense, but it was fun to type about!
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oobbbear · 5 months
I want to post this here too because I’ve seen it happen a few times
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Please understand that there are cultural differences and language differences, if you see this happening let the person clarify what they meant, that person might just not be familiar with words the western side of the internet use
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bluerosefox · 5 months
The Drakes
It's been years since the Bats had seen Red Robin much less Tim Drake-Wayne. It started with a rather dumb argument that after years of holding back his tongue and the stress of being a TEENAGE CEO that Tim finally ripped into them.
They were too stunned by the end of his speech, him also admitting that yes he has his own problems and mistakes but at least he's trying to make amends or get over himself unlike others. It was their prolonged silence that was the final straw for him it seemed though, because Tim finally announced he was done, he was done bleeding for those that kept him on the edge of the family and that he wanted to rest, and with that Tim turned and left the Batcave for the final time.
They of course didn't take Tim's retirement announcement seriously, after all Tim was the last person other than Bruce they all believed would ever leave the life of a vigilante and a hero behind, and they all knew Bruce would keep working on the 'mission' even as a frail old man. It took them a few weeks before one of them finally decided to go see Tim and try to... talk about everything he said.
Only when they reached Tim's Nest, they discovered it was empty and he was no where to be found did they realize he was serious. It was a quick call to Wayne Enterprises to see if he was in and Tam no doubt holding back her sharp response to them that she told them that Tim had stepped down from CEO weeks ago and hasn't been heard from since. The one who went to see Tim immediately called the others, which sent many of them onto goose chase of false leads, arguments, and pointing blame.
Despite looking for their long lost Red Robin, he was good at hiding his tracks and any who might have an idea where he could be weren't talking.
So yeah it's been a while since the Bats had heard any news relating to their lost bird.
So imagine their surprise when Ra's latest attempt to upset the balance in their family again (did he want Damian to return as his heir? Take control over Gotham in the shadow? Upset Bruce? None of them honestly knew what his plan was anymore. Same old song and dance) and having captured them all that he brought up Tim to them. Or rather "shame the Detective is going to be late, but I'm sure his little family shall inform of things once he gets here."
None of them were expecting for Ra's to look away from them and with a snap of his fingers, three assassins brought forth into the room two others. One was being dragged by two assassins, black hair, pale skin, and lean swimmers build of a body. He looked roughly around the age Tim would be. He was placed on the floor right by Ra's boots, arms and legs tied up, clearly but alarmingly breathing low and slow from the raise and fall of their chest. He wore a simple T-shirt but had dark jacket that was covered in stars, NASA logos, and other galaxy themed patches all over it, his dark jeans also held some star patches but also held everyday stains from being outside in the grass and other normal day to day thing. All in all this person seems like a normal civilian individual and none of the Bats knew why Ra's had taken him.
The other assassin that had walked into the room was holding a toddler, a girl from the little pigtails on her messy head indicated. Her hair was just as dark as the passed out male by Ra's and her skin was shade healthier than him. She wore grass stained and messy paints caked overalls with a plan shirt under it and two different kinds of kids shoes (one was a green with dinosaurs and the other blue with little stars). She, unlike the young man on the floor, was awake and was looking around the room while sucking her thumb in clear distress, she also used her free hand that wasn't in her mouth to push the assassin holding onto her away from her as far as she could and was squirming her tiny legs enough to kick their sides. Thankfully the assassin didn't look too hostile or upset meaning she wasn't doing to much damage or being too annoying.
"What a lovely family the Timothy has gained for himself don't you think? I will admit Daniel put up a rather interesting fight, it was only due to us having the element of surprise that we managed to take him down and his little Eleanor has his fighting spirit it seems." Ra's said as he slowly reached over to the toddler to lightly fiddle (just to unnerve them as well) with her hair. However the moment he touched her hair, the little girl's eyes flashed from frosty blue to neon bright green and she had spat her thumb out of her mouth in order to hiss like a cat at him, her little feet kicking hard enough to cause a small 'oomph' from the one holding her.
Ra's gave an amused chuckle as he stared at the toddler in fascination before also casting his gaze down at the passed out young man, remembering the way his eyes also had flashed from blue to green and the amount of power he had saw bubble to the surface when they had ambushed the two in their home. As Ra's said before, if they hadn't had the element of surprise on their side when they went after Timothy's little family it wouldn't had worked. No doubt little Eleanor Drake was a hint of power Daniel Drake held.
Ra's turned to look at the Bats, and could clearly see the emotions on their faces which amused Ra's deeply, and couldn't help but say "Although I wasn't expecting him to marry a being with pure Lazarus blood flowing in their veins. Quite a interesting discovery that was. And that his offspring seemed to carry it also from birth. What lovely and priceless boons he has granted the League to have once he joins us."
Ra's could clearly see the questioning, fear (for the family in his clutches), confusion, and disbelief on the Bats faces and knew it would be so entertaining to watch the little.. family reunion he had set into motion.
He was so amused watching Batman the others he never noticed the light twitch on Daniel's face or the shifting breathing pattern. When he would later check to see of the large amount of tranquilizers they had given Daniel was still in-effect he was none the wiser that it had already wore off and that Danny was merely bidding his time for a opening.
#danny phantom#danny fenton#dp x dc#crossover#blue rambles#writing ideas#random idea#danny phantom dc#dpxdc#Tim and Danny had meet when they were 13 and 14#they meet during Tim's training in Paris when becoming Robin and Danny had wanted some time alone to think after beating his future evilsel#Danny had flown far to clear his head and didnt notice he was in Paris until he ran into Tim and Tim tried talking French to him#they did become friends#because this is during then time Bruce wasnt... ok. Tim wasnt willing to tell him he made a ghosty friend#thus kept Danny his little secret#Danny was the person Tim talked to about everything#well almost. He didnt wanna burden his friend during the time Kon and Bart died or when Batman was thought to be dead too#Danny had felt hurt during that tbh and bit did strain their friendship for a bit but they talked about it.#Danny likes talking to Tim because he gets it#he gets and understands the stress of being a teen hero with so much responsibility#understands the worry and stress that his friends or Jazz dont get#Tim was the one that helped Danny understand that despite his parents loving him. that their work should never ever come first#Eleanor is Danielle btw#she had destabilized a few years ago#and only thanks to CW Frostbite and Tim's help they managed to save what they could of her#meaning she had to be deaged with Tim's human DNA to stabilizes her halfa genes#Tim is not going to be a happy when he storms Ra's little base btw#not at all#and neither is Danny tbh#brain dead
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kagoutiss · 10 months
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oot zelda doodle i liked :’-)))
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Barnaby deserves caterpillar smooches.
so!!! True!!!
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horsemeatluvr23 · 13 days
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the juppet !! i just realised he is jerma posing i swear that was unintentional...... i spent so long digging thru muppet concept art and looking at old puppet designs just to end up doing a rly simple drawing but. i love joehills!! i have only been watching them for like 4 years but their videos r so special to me :3
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whathorselegs · 1 month
Given that it's not everyday an Executive gets deployed to carry out the boss' direct orders and how big the how three-way war conflict got, I have no doubt Chuuya's subordinates were eagerly awaiting his return from delivering the Agency's gift from Mori.
And with Chuuya's love of fighting, I also don't doubt he likes to brag about his accomplishments to an audience hyping him up.
So he starts telling them how he blew though the Agency's defence system easily and how dumb it was for them to only send out two members to fend him off. "They were lucky I wasn't looking for a real fight." Type of thing.
Only when he says who they sent out, his subordinates start to pale. Chuuya notices this and asks what's wrong. He knew the doctor had a reputation after she wrecked Kajii but he didn't think it was that bad.
And whilst, yeah, Yosano is fearsome, it's Kenji, the bright-eyed kid, all his subordinates are telling him to be weary about making angry.
Later on, he's out for a drink with Hirotsu. He knows the older man has had run ins with the Agency so he decides to tell him how his subordinates reacted. "It's ridiculous!" He says with a laugh, "Sure the he's strong, but he's a kid. They're mafia, they shouldn't be so scared of a damn child."
Hirotsu takes a long sip of his drink before replying deadpan. "Of course, what child could possibly ever pose a threat to the mafia, I wonder?"
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flumpermergen · 3 months
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Listen… comparing hoyoverse characters can be a bit annoying but sometimes it’s just too un-fucking-canny to NOT point out
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can-of-slorgs · 2 months
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Completed the Shenkuu Stamp collection some time ago, so it was only fair to draw my girl Mirsha
#neopets#neotag#neoart#vin doods#gnorbu#drawing this was actually really fun in a way that when i was looking for references i didn't know she was such a lesbian icon#not surprised but hey lets cheer for the lesbian alpaca!#I'm not as happy with the colors as I thought#I'm a bit rusty in just really warm colors without it looking burnt for some reason HJSD#but looking at pictures of AC teams have made me really fall into my old virtupets fix#i love everyone so much on that team and not really that many ppl play for it#i still remember winning a long long time ago and was completely blown away as it was basically just 5 ppl in a forum going mad#i just really love the designs of most of the players on all groups??#i don't even like playing in the AC that much i just love the characters LMFAOO#i think i still remember I drew fanart of Sela and the gelert from the darigan team when i was like 8-9 and submitting in onto deviantart#and getting hate comments probably like 8 years later because i missed his wings or i made them too small or sth#that was hilarious thinking about it now but it did made me hate the darigan team for that year SDHFKSD#ok this is too long it always ends up wit me just rambling#I love my boy XL Striker 3.8 and Sela#ok nobodys reading uhhhh#send me an ask with the weirdest emoji out of context if you've read this far tbh nobody cares by this point HJSKSFD#idk if ill draw someone for the AC team everytime i complete a stamp collection but if i'm feeling like it maybe#or if they're requested tecnically#thats it bye
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seralyra · 1 year
Grian is an enigma in the Life Series. He’s playing to win. He’s ruthless. But he’s also fiercely loyal and the dichotomy of those two aspects messes him up so bad every time.
He is the victim of his own nature. Grian forges alliances out of necessity. Because that’s what he needs to succeed. But he stays because he’s growing attached to his allies every time. No matter how hard he fights against it. How much he rebels against the bonds he creates. He always ends up staying. And he always ends up alone.
The most obvious is Scar. Grian is his ally in 3rd Life. He bonds with him out of obligation and stays because he can’t find it in himself to leave. And in Double Life he tries to get away from Scar, but let’s not forget that he is the one to seek Scar out in the first place. And He’s not the one to use that golden apple. It’s Pearl. Even though he was the one who suggested creating an item to break bonds.
He’s the one to talk Scar into basing together. And while he is secret soulmates with BigB he always comes back to Scar. In Limited Life it is obvious, too. Grian never really attacks Scar without being provoked first. Whenever the two are alone together they just talk and tease each other. And while Grian desperately tries to keep his distance, to make sure they are not allied. He ends up becoming family anyway.
Last Life was a bit of an outlier. But Mumbo was in Last Life and Grian will always fixate on Mumbo first. And even then Grian still couldn’t help but go to Scar after he turned red to give him his stuff back and comfort him.
Jimmy is another case. Whenever he is allied with Grian there will always be an attempt at kicking him out of the group. But it never feels too serious. Grian is used to teasing Jimmy. And ultimately Grian tends to be the voice of reason in the groups he ends up in. The Southlands fell apart as soon as Grian turned red and was kicked out. And the Bad Boys would have died of stupid stunts much earlier if Grian didn’t give them a few things to focus on instead.
Grian is constantly in denial. Yes, Grian, this game as no rules. Now who are you bending those rules for, hm? Oh, allyships don’t matter? Then why are you chosing to stay when all you do is complain about your partners?
It’s because he can’t decide what’s more important to him: Winning or friendship.
His very nature kicks him in the butt every time. He’s so lovely undecided in what he wants. He’s a bastard. He loves chaos. He shoves people off bridges and pushes buttons and is surprised when people die because of it.
He also hates betrayals. Grian doesn’t much care for accidental deaths, but he won’t stand for any backstabbing. And so he’s ruthless in his judgement. He kills Mumbo for it. And Jimmy. And he would have killed Scar for it in 3rd Life, too, had Scar not proven to him that he had not betrayed him.
They are all their own curse. Jimmy and Joel and Grian. They fail because their nature always gets the better of them. Jimmy picks fights he can’t win and let’s himself be strung along crazy missions. Joel falls for his own funny, but oftentimes dangerous ideas and let’s panic consume him once he’s confronted with his consequences.
And Grian is always the downfall for his partners because he can never decide whether he wants to go or stay and just has to cause mayhem wherever he goes.
I think all of that shines through so clearly this season because they are all more careless. They can die more often and that, funnily enough, makes them all have more time to actually act on their nature.
Of course, I know in the end they are just a group of friends having fun playing a game. But in a narrative sense this tickles my brain so bad.
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Continuing to think about This AU idea and just, slowly rotating it like a microwave.
@phoenixcatch7 had the fun idea of xenomorph-inspiration and the dollhouse being replaced by the Hive instead and I am here for that. A large cave that feels utterly wrong to anyone not part of their colony, if they can even find it. I am thinking something similar to Gemini Home Entertainment if anyone has watched that, with something between plant and flesh growing across the walls. Where one can't tell the difference between the two, or realize that it's already gripping onto them. The caves are already dangerous after all, nevermind the depths that It doesn't let anyone else into.
Also made me think about Jason, and like, so he doesn't die in the cryptid au, and definitely wouldn't in a world where he has a flesh puppet. But that still makes me think about how badly said puppet would be utterly maimed, right? Not to mention the explosion that would burn a lot of it too alongside whatever affect that'd have on his mind and human body. But now I am thinking of how the tunnels are everywhere under Gotham, how the bits of tendrils can reach through that ash, can meld with it, can for a cocoon of sorts. Turning a little robin into something else, letting it evolve into something new.
I am also rotating on if they'd be known to the Justice League like in the Doll au or if only Clark knows about them like in the Genesis au. Tempted for the second if only so there can be fun distinctly Not Human moments. Maybe the Justice League even getting concerned for their friend Superman because there's times he'll whistle or chirp under his breath (he might have picked up a few habits from his friends from Gotham) or literally snap his teeth if he's startled.
But oh the lil robins would probably be so adorable. Very fluffy and downy and brightly colored in a clear warning, but still unsettling. The way they move isn't right, like a jerky contortionist, but can also go too fluid or completely inhumanely still within a heartbeat. Not helped by the fact they don't need to breathe. O h, the batfam could most definitely be venomous. What with how in both Aus they use paralytics and sedatives on their claws and spikes, It could definitely include that within the secondary bodies.
#what's out there au#possessed doll au#y'know what I think I might call this the Meat Marionette Au lol#Meat Marionette Au#Batman Au#Cryptid batman#Cryptid batfam#body horror#rambles#I like to think that if their gifted bodies are damaged too much It takes from their human bodies#Bruce wakes up with a spine of metal partially ripped into his back one day#Jason finds ones of his arms becoming rough & clawed like a bird's-the same one that was obliterated in the other body-#It means there's still stakes for the bodies & that they can't just tank everything#They're lucky that it's been things easy to hide so far but there's always that worry of *what if* in the back of their minds each battle#Thankfully it has to be like permanent damage to effect both of their bodies#like straight up maiming#Smaller injuries just mean horrible migraines or phantom pains depending on the type of wound & the severity#They might struggle with humanity slightly because they forget that normal humans can't make certain noises or hear that well#or that they can't *smell fear*#Gotham is both terrified of and loves the bats#The babies are adorable but the parent is terrifying & can unhinge its jaw and open up its ribs and *yeah*#But that's Gotham for you they suppose#Honestly also pondering Jarro because like his body shape is very different compared to a human lol#I do like to think that they all have bits of black veins across their bodies over their hearts and such#Honestly perhaps Alfred is more mentally effected than the others seeing as he's right on top of the cave all night#I'm just saying he also deserves a second body#Tumblr plz don't eat my tags thank you
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rainedroptalks · 4 months
Everyday I think about Penelope Everpetal and feel like ripping my hair out
#ramblings#d20#dimension 20#fantasy high#penelope everpetal#SHE WAS A TEENAGER. SHE WAS 17.#and yes. she did do that shit. I am not denying that she did all that#but it just drives me crazy that her life literally ended before it started#she was used as a pawn by a man who didn’t care less if she died and then she did#and she’s in hell for it. forever#wearing a mockery of the crown she died for#she delights in pain I suppose…#and when Sam was having her… weird symbolic grave hallucinations in ep 9 of the seven#the Penelope she saw in there. the one she told that she didn’t love anymore. wasn’t the real Penelope#BECAUSE IT NEVER IS IS IT???#it was just the idea of her#Penelope has spent so much time curating this person so far removed from the middle schooler with braces and a clumsy smile#no one ever really knew her. maybe not even herself#not her parents obviously#her dad was too busy being a bad husband and her mom was too busy picking up the slack#not Sam who was clearl devestated by her betrayal#definitely not dayne#and now no one ever will. it’s too late#she’s just some concept now ig#a villian the bad kids defeated. a shitty friend in sams life. nothing else#she’s not a good person. but she’s never treated like a person either#anyway what I’m trying to say here is that she would’ve done numbers in jawbones office. by which I mean he’d be so concerned#(this rambling was brought to you by that bit in house of leaves where it says ‘you die at fifteen’ and talk about how karen died at 15)#(so Penelope Everpetal coded)#also I haven’t watched the seven in a bit so if any of this is wrong feel free to hunt me for sport
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alitherandom · 2 months
I'm rewatching episode five and there's just something about the way it's Echo that gets to reassure Omega she did the right thing by escaping Tantiss and what mattered was that she got out of there. It's like he knows she feels guilty about leaving the others behind and he knows she wants to do more, because he does too. It's a subtle nod to what he went through but also another little moment showing their dynamic and I love that.
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so-very-small · 2 months
victorian borrowers must have been off the rails. most efficient guys EVER. imagine having constant immediate access to medicinal cocaine while also being two inches tall. dudes would be ZOOMING
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I know you probably won't answer this, which is fine.
But, I just wanted to say thank you, for everything you do.
Whether it's a simple shitpost, a artistic comic about gay puppets, or even a life update about sprinkles, everything you make brings me joy.
Life's been pretty shitty lately, and I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done.
I can't what to see what else you post, lol
jokes on you, I'm Answering This! ha, get pranked
but really, that's one of my big goals, i'm going to be honest. it's why i started posting fic & now art - i wanted to provide for people the joy and escape it all gave me over the years. if i can make One person's day better, it's worth it!
so... really i should be thanking You! it warms me to know that i've brightened your hours even a little <3 KITTEN BLAST:
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kinstein-art · 9 months
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my friend finally managed to get me into one piece and now these stupid pirates wont leave my brain
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