#Australia Awards Scholarships 2022
scholarhunter · 2 years
Federation University Scholarships for Bachelor, Honors or Postgraduate in Australia
Federation University Scholarships for Bachelor, Honors or Postgraduate in Australia
Federation University Scholarships for Bachelor, Honors or Postgraduate in Australia: Great opportunity for students to study in Australia with Cameron Beyer International Scholarship at Federation University. The Federation University has organized the Cameron Beyer funding for the academic year 2023-2024 in Australia. This foundation grant is open to domestic and international commencing…
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9jacompass · 1 year
Apply Now: 2023 UNSW Global Academic Award to Study in Australia
Apply Now: 2023 UNSW Global Academic Award to Study in Australia
UNSW Global Academic Award to Study in Australia: UNSW Global offers a range of academic and English language pathway programs to international students who have just missed out on direct entry into university. Applications are now being received from interested candidates. Students who successfully complete a UNSW Global Foundation Studies program and intend to progress to a UNSW bachelor’s…
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mybeingthere · 7 months
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Elisabeth Cummings (born 1934, Brisbane) is one of Australia’s most respected living artists with a career spanning over 60 years. Cummings studied at the National Art School in Sydney and was awarded the AGNSW Travelling Art Scholarship in 1958.
Her most recent exhibition ‘Radiance, The Art of Elisabeth Cummings’ is open at the National Art School, Sydney, August 2023.
In 2022 she was part of ‘Know my Name’ at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. Her 2022 exhibition ‘Through the Window’ at King Street Gallery sold out, leaving us to anticipate her 2024 exhibition.
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indriadetyaputri3 · 8 months
Tugas 21 Agustus 2023
Nama : Indri Adetya Putri
Nim : 20652064
Kelas : 7C Manajemen Pemasaran
Mata Kuliah : Marketing Politik
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Raja Julie Antoni
Mengenal Politikus Muda
Profil/ Jejak Digital Raja Julie Antoni
Raja Juli Antoni, Ph.D.  lahrir pada  13 Juli 1977 yang merupakan seorang politikus Indoneisa dari partai soldaritas indonesia (PSI) 
Raja Juli Antoni, salah satu kader Partai Solidaritas Indonesia, dilantik sebagai Wakil Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang atau ATR/BPN oleh Presiden Joko Widodo di Istana Negara Jakarta, pada Rabu, 15 Juni 2022 silam. Dilantiknya Raja Juli sebagai Wakil Menteri menggantikan Surya Tjandra yang merupakan rekan satu partainya yang maju sebagai Menteri.  
Seperti dilansir dari laman psi.id, Toni (panggilan akrab Raja Juli Antoni) selain menjabat sebagai Wakil Menteri ATR/BPN juga menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Dewan Pembina DPP dan anggota Mahkamah Partai Solidaritas Indonesia atau PSI. Namun sebelum bergabung dengan PSI, dulunya Toni merupakan kader PDIP.
Ia menjabat sebagai wakil menteri Agraria dan tata ruang Indonesia sejak 15 Juni 2022, sebelmnya ia juga merupakan politikus partai demokrasi indonesia perjuangan.  
Raja Juli Antoni merupakan putra dari Raja Ramli Ibrahim, tokoh masyarakat Riau yang pernah menjabat Wakil Ketua Pimpinan Wilayah (PW) Muhammadiyah Riau.  Raja merupakan alumni Pondok Pesantren Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah, Garut, Jawa Barat. Ia meraih gelar sarjana Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir dari IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah (UIN Jakarta) pada tahun 2001 dengan skripsi berjudul Ayat-ayat Jihad: Studi Kritis terhadap Penafsiran Jihad sebagai Perang Suci.  Ia kemudian menempuh pendidikan master di The Department of Peace Studies, Universitas Bradford, Inggris, setelah mendapatkan beasiswa Chevening Award pada tahun 2004, dan menyelesaikannya dengan tesis yang berjudul The Conflict in Aceh: Searching for A Peaceful Conflict Resolution Process. 
Dengan beasiswa dari Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) pada tahun 2010, Raja meneruskan studi doktoral di School of Political Science and International Studies pada Universitas Queensland, Australia. Ia berhasil mendapatkan gelar Ph.D dengan disertasi berjudul Religious Peacebuilders: The Role of Religion in Peacebuilding in Conflict Torn Society in Southeast Asia, dengan mengambil studi kasus Mindanao (Filipina Selatan) dan Maluku (Indonesia). 
Dia menjadi Direktur eksekutif The Indonesian Institute (TII). Dia juga cukup aktif menulis opini dan ditayangkan pada beberapa media nasional Tanah Air.[8]
Aspek ilmu kiprah ranah profesional dan politik
Mantan Ketua Umum Pimpinan Pusat Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah (PP IPM) periode 2000–2002,  ini juga pernah dipercaya sebagai Direktur Eksekutif Maarif Institute yang didirikan mantan Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah, Ahmad Syafii Maarif. 
Pada tahun 2009, Ia sempat menjadi calon anggota legislatif untuk Pemilihan Umum Legislatif 2009 dari Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) untuk Daerah Pemilihan Jawa Barat IX (Kabupaten Subang, Sumedang, dan Majalengka). Akan tetapi, Ia belum terpilih karena kurang suara dengan Maruarar Sirait serta Tb. Hasanuddin (caleg terpilih PDIP dapil Jabar IX). 
Ia sempat menjadi calon Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah periode 2015–2020, tetapi kemudian mengundurkan diri karena ingin berkonsentrasi sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI) yang baru didirikannya bersama beberapa politikus muda lainnya.
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Verrel Bramasta
2. Efektabilitas dan kapabilitas artis muda sebagai anggota partai politik!
Latar Belakang Verrel Bramasta
Verrell Bramasta merupakan artis yang lahir di Jakarta, 11 September 1996. Verrell merupakan putra dari Venna Melinda dan Ivan Fadilla Soedjoko yang merupakan senior di dunia entertainment. Adik kandung Verrell Bramasta yaitu Athalla Naufal, juga terjun di dunia entertainment menyusul jejaknya.Memiliki fisik dan bakat yang mendukung ia mulai terjun ke dunia hiburan, tentu saja dengan dukungan dari orang tuanya. Ia mulai membintangi sinetron pertamanya Bintang di Langit pada 2014.
Setelah itu, ia mulai sering tampil di berbagai acara TV. Namun walaupun demikian sudah terkenal dan suskesnya seorang Verrel Bramasta menjadi seorang artis, verrel memutuska untuk masuk dan terjun ke dunia politik mengikuti jejak ibunya.
Pesinetron Verrel Bramasta memutuskan mengikuti jejak ibunya, Venna Melinda, terjun ke dunia politik. Berbeda dengan sang ibu yang tergabung di Perindo, Verrel memilih PAN sebagai kendaraan politiknya. Verrell juga mengaku bahwa ibunya adalah sosok yang menjadi inspirasinya untuk terjun ke dunia politik.
Dia mengatakan dengan melihat sang ibu berjuang dalam membantu masyarakat.
Pendidikan & Pengeathuan Verrel Bramasta
Verrell Bramasta menempuh pendidikan di Universitas Pelita Harapan. Setalah lulus, Verrell memulai karir di dunia hiburan setelah menyelesaikan pendidikannya. Ia terbilang cukup sukses di dunia kerartisannya dengan memperoleh nominasi dan penghargaan.
Berikut ini daftar prestasi Verrell Bramasta:
Pemenang SCTV Awards 2017 Kategori Aktor Utama Paling Ngetop dalam karya Siapa Takut Jatuh Cinta Pemenang Dahsyatnya Awards 2020 KategoriTrio Terdahsyat dalam karya Putri untuk Pangeran
Pemenang Indonesian Television Awards 2020 kategori Aktor Sinetron Terpopuler karya Putri untuk Pangeran
Pemenang Silet Awards 2020 kategori Aktor Tersilet dalam karya Putri untuk Pangeran
Komunikasi Politik dan Aspirasi dari MasyarakatPartai Amanat Nasional (PAN) resmi memperkenalkan Verrell Bramasta sebagai kader terbarunya di Kantor DPP PAN pada Kamis, 9 Februari 2023.
Eko Patrio mengatakan Verrell bergabung ke PAN bukan karena diajak oleh kader-kader partai berlambang matahari. Melainkan lantaran ada ikatan emosional yang sangat kuat.
Adapun alasan Verrel memilih ikut berpolitik dan bergabung ke PAN adalah Verrle tergerak bergabung ke PAN yaitu karena melalui partai politik dirinya bisa membantu lebih banyak masyarakat atas masalah yang dihadapinya. Verrel pun tergerak untuk bisa melakukan hal yang sama.
Verrel mengungkapkan bahwa misinya untuk masuk ke dunia politik itu yang pertama fungsi dari legislatif, ada tiga.:
Alasan pertama ialah ia ingin membantu lebih banyak orang lagi.
Alasan kedua, menurut Verrel, datang langsung dari sosok Sang Mama, Venna Melinda yang dikenal sebagai politikus yang juga berangkat dari dunia entertainment. Venna, menurut Verrel, berhasil mempengaruhinya untuk terjun ke dunia politik.
Alasan ketiga, Verrel ingin berguna lebih banyak lagi bagi masyarakat luas.
Atas tiga alasan itulah, Verrel memantapkan diri untuk terjun ke dunia yang digeluti sang mama, dan memilih PAN sebagai kendaraan politiknya.Varrel kemudian menjelaskan alasannya memilih bergabung dengan PAN, lantaran partai berlambang matahari itu dianggap Varrel sebagai partai yang membimbing, dan menfasilitasi anak muda untuk terjun ke politik.
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Briana Dinsdale ‘Whiskey Worked That Way’
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Briana Dinsdale Returns With A Soulful Moody Track ‘Whiskey Worked That Way’. Country singer-songwriter Briana Dinsdale is back in 2024 with a refreshing new attitude and maturity and a new single that is going to capture the hearts of music lovers everywhere. Briana Dinsdale’s new single, ‘Whiskey Worked That Way’, signifies a pivotal moment in her career. Produced by Michael and Caleb Flanders in Nashville, the track delves into the complex emotions of anger, lust, heartbreak, and affection all at once. Briana eagerly anticipates this release as the inaugural piece in a series of tracks that will define her musical journey throughout her twenties a compelling and exciting progression. “I’m incredibly thrilled to share this song with the world. Collaborating with three of my favourite industry figures Jen Mize, Robbie Mortimer and Chloe Styler was an incredible joy. The moment we penned it, we sensed how special it was. The urgency to bring it to life in the studio was undeniable, and having the opportunity to do so in Nashville, my dream city, made it even more special. Working alongside Michael and Caleb felt like working with family. I feel immensely grateful for the involvement of these two remarkable individuals in every aspect of the release. I can’t wait for people to hear it, and I hope they love it as much as I do.” In the world of Country music, a fresh, vibrant talent is emerging. Briana Dinsdale has a voice that captures the essence of both heartache and hope, and her journey in music has already been marked by remarkable achievements. In 2022, Briana’s dedication to her craft were recognised when she was awarded the prestigious Keith Urban Scholarship to The CMAA Academy of Country Music. Briana’s live performances are a testament to her captivating stage presence. Having graced the stages of acclaimed festivals such as the Groundwater Country Music Festival and the Gympie Music Muster, whilst also sharing stages with artists such as the Wolfe Brothers, John Williamson, Pete Murray, and The Whitlams. What truly sets Briana apart is her exceptional songwriting prowess. Her lyrics resonate with wisdom beyond her years, delving into deep emotions that connect with listeners of all ages. Recognizing her talent, Briana has had the privilege of collaborating and co-writing with esteemed artists such as Casey Barnes and Bill Chambers, both ARIA award winners, and Melody Moko and Lyn Bowtell, both Golden Guitar winners. Briana Dinsdale’s previous singles ‘Irresistible Force’ and ‘Last Name’ were well received by radio nationally and a with fast-growing fan base and respect from industry peers, firmly cements Briana as one of Australia’s brightest emerging country music artists. Briana is set to create waves with this exciting new single release which promises to captivate audiences with its rich storytelling and soulful melody. Additional Artist/Song Information: Artist Name: Briana Dinsdale Song Title: Whiskey Worked That Way Publishing: Briana Dinsdale Publishing Affiliation: APRA Album Title: Whiskey Worked That Way Record Label: Goldspur Entertainment Record Label: Goldspur Entertainment Publicity/PR: Goldspur Entertainment Manager: Goldspur Entertainment Ken Dinsdale [email protected] Booking Agent: Goldspur Entertainment Read the full article
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mpaskills · 4 months
What are the benefits of Full-Time Pre-Apprenticeship in Painting?​
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Course Description
MPA Skills’ full-time painting pre-apprenticeship is perfect for school leavers and career changers. A pre-apprenticeship is the first step to getting an apprenticeship. The course includes classroom learning and on-the-job training allowing you to gain insights into the construction industry. The best part about the painting pre-apprenticeship is that many of the units are transferable to a number of other construction trades.
Course Duration 
11 weeks (about 2 and a half months) of full-time training including four weeks of work experience with a host employer tailored to you. 
Qualification Awarded
52893WA Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway – Trades)
How to apply 
Click on the "Dates" drop-down menu below 
Select the date under the campus you prefer 
Fill out your information 
You must be 16 years of age or older to complete this program. We strongly recommend that under 16’s complete a School Based Painting Pre-Apprenticeship program. 
Read more on the requirements for alternatives to full-time schooling by clicking here. 
*Exemptions may be made on a case-by-case basis for 15 year old’s. The final decision is made by the Training Manager
MPA Skills Maylands Campus 
12 February 2024 - 26 April 2024 - Click here to enrol 
4 June 2024 - 16 August 2024 - Click here to enrol 
24 September 2024 - 6 December 2024 - Click here to enrol 
Next Step: - 
Pre-App Fact Sheet 
Read the Pre App Fact Sheet for more information about the course and FAQs. 
What happens after you enrol? 
Your enrolment does not confirm your place, we will be in contact with you closer to the start date of the course with your interview details. After your interview, we will send you an email which will confirm if you were successful or not. For more information, please contact MPA Skills on 9471 6603. 
Important- During the online enrolment, please make sure to upload a copy of your birth certificate or passport, and your previous qualifications (if you have any). Without a copy of your birth certificate or passport, we will not be able to accept your enrolment. 
Click here for the 2023 Pre-Apprenticeship Fees 
Construction Training Fund (CTF) $250.00 Pre-Apprenticeship Rebate 
After successful completion of the Pre-Apprenticeship, students may be eligible to claim the *$250.00 Pre-Apprenticeship Scholarship payment directly from CTF. Follow the link below for further information: 
CTF funding Support 
*Please note this payment must be claimed directly from CTF and is not claimed through MPA Skills 
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Lachlan Matheson (Winner) | Antoinette Jackson (Runner up) – 2023 WorldSkills Australia Painting and Decorating 
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1. Reasons to get Professional plumbing Training? 
Website: - https://www.mpaskills.com.au/ 
Address: - https://goo.gl/maps/1GAiF2mDqwwgtitR9 
Location: - https://plumbing.mpaskills.com.au/contact-mpa-skills/ 
Follow us on social media- 
Facebook: - https://www.facebook.com/MpaSkills 
Instagram: - https://www.instagram.com/mpa_skills/ 
YouTube:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC48DzRpP4kmmGPwniqcBvfw/videos 
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baliportalnews · 9 months
Sekda Denpasar Alit Wiradana Paparkan Digital Leadership di Ajang DLGA ASKOMPSI
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Kota Denpasar masuk ke dalam jajaran finalis Digital Leadership Government Awards (DLGA) Asosiasi Diskominfo Provinsi Seluruh Indonesia (ASKOMPSI) Tahun 2023 terkait penerapan Digital Government kategori kota bersama dua kota di Jawa Tengah yakni Kota Semarang dan Kota Surakarta. Pada Jumat (21/7/2023) dilaksanakan proses pemaparan dan penilaian materi di Hotel Swiss-Belresidences, Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan. Acara pemaparan dipimpin Ketua ASKOMPSI, H. Muhammad Faisal dan dimoderatori oleh Direktur Eksekutif ASKOMPSI, Ir. Eddy Santoso. Kota Denpasar hadir diwakili Sekretaris Daerah Kota Denpasar, Ida Bagus Alit Wiradana didampingi Sekretaris Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika dan Statistik (Diskominfos) Kota Denpasar, Gde Wirakusuma Wahyudi dan Kabid Pengelolaan Komunikasi Publik, Dewa Rama. Sekretaris Daerah Kota Denpasar, Ida Bagus Alit Wiradana dalam paparannya mengatakan untuk mewujudkan visi misi Kepemimpinan Digital perlu keterlibatan dan pemahaman ASN dalam menjalankan program melalui pengarahan dan kontroling serta membangun pondasi berupa pedoman tata kelola berbentuk regulasi transformasi digital yaitu Perwali tentang SPBE (Sistem Pemerintah Berbasis Elektronik) dan Perwali Smart City. “Menjalankan    Strategi Kepemimpinan Digital dengan membagi dua layanan yakni Front Office yaitu semua aplikasi layanan publik terpadu dalam Super Application DPS (Denpasar Prama Sewaka) yang berisi fitur lintas OPD serta Layanan Back Office dalam DIVOS (Denpasar Integrated Virtual Office) yang berisi aplikasi internal Pemkot Denpasar seperti Surat Menyurat Elektronik (e-surat), Kinerja dan Absensi Pegawai (Simak Dihati), Progress Anggaran dan lainnya," ujarnya. Ditambahkannya, dalam DPS saat ini yang paling popular di masyarakat adalah Layanan Pengaduan. Melalui aplikasi DPS pengaduan masyarakat bisa direspon dan ditangani dengan cepat. Tercatat rata-rata penanganan pengaduan oleh OPD adalah 1 hari dari batas waktu 7 hari sesuai Perwali. “Kami mempunyai Dashboard untuk memantau dan mengontrol kedua layanan publik dan layanan internal tersebut,” ucapnya. Selain itu, dalam menjalankan Kepemimpinan Digital diperlukan dukungan SDM yang memiliki kompetensi digital memadai. Dalam mewjudkan SDM Digital, Pemkot Denpasar membangun kolaborasi dengan Pemerintah Pusat, Pemda, Perguruan Tinggi, Komunitas dan Praktisi dalam berbagai skema. Antara lain Digital Talents Scholarship (DTS), Digital Leadership Academy (DLA) dan lainnya. Dalam menjawab permasalahan perkotaan, selain melaksanakan Transformasi Digital pihaknya juga terus melakukan inovasi dan berpartisipasi dalam berbagai kompetisi membangun inovasi. Antara lain ikut serta dalam IGA (Innovative Government Award), KIPP (Kompetisi Inovasi Pelayanan Publik/Sinovik) serta terus mengembangkan DPS sebagai inovasi unggulan Pemkot Denpasar, kerja sama luar negeri seperti dengan Kota Darwin Australia, Kota Mossel Bay Afrika, British College untuk peningkatan perekonomian, ketenagakerjaan, pendidikan dan pariwisata, kerjasama antar pemda dalam penanganan Inflasi, kerja sama dengan Komunitas/Kelompok Masyarakat seperti Dewan Smart City, Relawan TIK, Mafindo dan lainnya. Sementara itu Ketua ASKOMPSI, H. Muhammad Faisal mengatakan pelaksanaan Digital Leadership Government Awards ASKOMPSI tahun 2023 ini dalam rangka mendorong percepatan terwujudnya Transformasi Digital di daerah dan sebagai tindak lanjut pelaksanaan kegiatan serupa pada tahun 2022 lalu. “Berdasarkan hasil penilaian dari tim penilai ASKOMPSI Digital Leadership Government Awards 2023 telah ditetapkan beberapa daerah sebagai finalis dalam tiga kategori yaitu kategori Provinsi, Kabupaten dan Kota. Proses penilaian telah dimulai sejak akhir bulan Juni dan penyerahan penghargaan akan dilaksanakan pada 27 Juli 2023,” ujarnya.(bpn) Read the full article
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newmusicweekly · 1 year
Briana Dinsdale Releases Sassy Upbeat Country Tune "Chasing Boys"
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Brisbane based Briana Dinsdale is launching into 2023 with an energy and an attitude beyond her years. Fresh from supporting Australian Country Music heavyweights The Wolfe Brothers in multiple shows, Briana is now set to release a new track ‘ Chasing Boys’. This upbeat sassy country track song draws inspiration from her idols Linda Ronstadt, Keith Urban and The Eagles and expands Dinsdale’s musicianship as a country artist. “I am so excited to have this track in the world. I wrote it after a breakup when I was feeling confused on how to handle my emotions. It was different for me not writing a sad song but rather a sassy, upbeat, country tune. It’s one of my favourites to play live, so bringing it into the studio was so much fun.” Briana continues to go from strength to strength bringing a refreshing style of country music to crowds around Australia. She received support from the Country Music Association where she was announced the winner of the 2022 Keith Urban Scholarship Award and was welcomed into the Gibson Family as an official Epiphone ambassador declaring her as one of the youngerst ambassadors in the country. After the announcement as a Top 10 Finalist in the KIX Country/Groundwater Country Music Festival KIX Start Competition in 2022, Briana went on to perform multiple appearances and guest spots at the 2023 Tamworth Country Music Festival. Read the full article
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Brisbane based Briana Dinsdale is launching into 2023 with an energy and an attitude beyond her years. Fresh from supporting Australian Country Music heavyweights The Wolfe Brothers in multiple shows, Briana is now set to release a new track ‘ Chasing Boys’. This upbeat sassy country track song draws inspiration from her idols Linda Ronstadt, Keith Urban and The Eagles and expands Dinsdale’s musicianship as a country artist. “I am so excited to have this track in the world. I wrote it after a breakup when I was feeling confused on how to handle my emotions. It was different for me not writing a sad song but rather a sassy, upbeat, country tune. It’s one of my favourites to play live, so bringing it into the studio was so much fun.” Briana continues to go from strength to strength bringing a refreshing style of country music to crowds around Australia. She received support from the Country Music Association where she was announced the winner of the 2022 Keith Urban Scholarship Award and was welcomed into the Gibson Family as an official Epiphone ambassador declaring her as one of the youngerst ambassadors in the country. After the announcement as a Top 10 Finalist in the KIX Country/Groundwater Country Music Festival KIX Start Competition in 2022, Briana went on to perform multiple appearances and guest spots at the 2023 Tamworth Country Music Festival. Read the full article
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scholarhunter · 2 years
Postgraduate Research In Solar Power Scholarships 2023 Australia
Postgraduate Research In Solar Power Scholarships 2023 Australia
Postgraduate Research In Solar Power Scholarships 2023 Australia: The Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Solar Research is open at the University of Sydney from 2022-2023. The Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Solar Research at the University of Sydney is now available for students if they have an unconditional offer of admission or be enrolled in a full-time Masters by Research or PhD at…
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9jacompass · 1 year
Apply Now: 2023 Australian Government Awards for Developing Countries
Apply Now: 2023 Australian Government Awards for Developing��Countries
The Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) welcomes applications from eligible and outstanding students for Australia Awards for Developing Countries. This Awards are highly competitive and fully-funded. Australia Awards are prestigious, transformative scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders from developing countries for study,…
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airplayaccess · 1 year
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Brisbane based Briana Dinsdale is launching into 2023 with an energy and an attitude beyond her years. Fresh from supporting Australian Country Music heavyweights The Wolfe Brothers in multiple shows, Briana is now set to release a new track ' Chasing Boys'. This upbeat sassy country track song draws inspiration from her idols Linda Ronstadt, Keith Urban and The Eagles and expands Dinsdale's musicianship as a country artist. "I am so excited to have this track in the world. I wrote it after a breakup when I was feeling confused on how to handle my emotions. It was different for me not writing a sad song but rather a sassy, upbeat, country tune. It's one of my favourites to play live, so bringing it into the studio was so much fun." Briana continues to go from strength to strength bringing a refreshing style of country music to crowds around Australia. She received support from the Country Music Association where she was announced the winner of the 2022 Keith Urban Scholarship Award and was welcomed into the Gibson Family as an official Epiphone ambassador declaring her as one of the youngerst ambassadors in the country. After the announcement as a Top 10 Finalist in the KIX Country/Groundwater Country Music Festival KIX Start Competition in 2022, Briana went on to perform multiple appearances and guest spots at the 2023 Tamworth Country Music Festival. Read the full article
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pathwayeducation · 1 year
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Scholarships In Australia For International Students 2022-23
There is an excellent chance for the student to study for their bachelor master or PhD degree. Around 1000+ scholarships are out each year for international students by the Australian government. It would help if you did not submit the application fee at the time of the application for the Australian scholarship. 
The respective institution or the government of Australia funds almost every expense of each student at the time of the scholarship program. 
Most Australian scholarships are completely funded and cover significant expenses, and Student visa Australia is one of the suitable locations for getting quality education from a trusted education centre. 
When you are looking for a scholarship in Australia, you must go through the scholarship program and then ensure to apply. Therefore, you must find the best scholarship to choose and prepare for your master’s degree. Detailed information about international students in 2022 is given below.
Destination Australia Scholarships 2022:
DAP allows domestic and international students to study in different parts of Australia. 
· It supports regional and remote tertiary education offers by letting activities contribute to growth and sustainability.
·  It provides an excellent chance for the student to take care undertaking high-quality education and research. Then students assure of experiencing life in remote Australia.
·  Make sure the region and share the social and other economic benefits which international student brings best ideas.
 Hence, the student should visit the right educational provider to apply and learn to upgrade the skill at all times. 
Griffith University Remarkable Scholarship:
This university offers bachelor’s and master’s degrees for different international students. And now, the application is open to apply, which is open f up to 18th April to 2022 and 5th August 2022. 
·  If you are a citizen of the country and other Australia or New Zealand
·  You need to minimize the GPA in complete studies with the above 5.5, and if you have an above 7-point scale, then you need to check suitability in the part of the minor GPA criteria below.
· English language entry needs for the chosen undergraduate and postgraduate coursework program.
Hence the student needs to visit a trusted website to apply for a Student visa Australia to learn the course more safely.
  Step to apply:
· Students must apply to study in this university’s Undergraduate or postgraduate coursework program. 
· Students apply for the scholarship by the closing date and must include their academic record and another personal statement. 
· The University panel needs to review the application. 
· We allow the student to know the outcome of the application.
· Then you have to ensure the significant things before applying for this course from the Australian universities.
Australian Awards Scholarships 2023:
 It offers a Bachelor Master’s, and PhD degree program and this application is open till 29th April 2022. Before going to apply, you must ensure everyday things which are listed below 
·  You need to check out the open and close data of the country and then choose the country of the citizen and resident for the list of the participating countries for the data on the eligibility areas and know how to apply. 
· If you come to apply, you must read the Australia award scholarship policy handbook. You must offer the data with standard eligibility requirements, selection and entitlement, and responsibilities. 
 Also Read: How do I get a 2022 scholarship for international students?
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hotjobshub · 2 years
How to apply for 25% Tuition-fee Waiver Scholarships 2022 at University
Welcome to our hotjobshub page.
How to apply for 25% Tuition-fee Waiver Scholarships 2022 at University of Queensland in Australia
2023 Commonwealth Youth Awards for Excellence in Development Work
“Turning the Ti​​de” Scholarships 2023 for African Students at Stellenbosch University in South Africa
Apply for 2022 Scholarship in Gender, Sexuality and Climate Change in the Global South at Leeds University in UK
Apply For International Law Fellowship Program at Columbia Law School, USA 2023-24 Visit our website to know about other content-https://hotjobshub.com
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Briana Dinsdale "Chasing Boys"
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Brisbane based Briana Dinsdale is launching into 2023 with an energy and an attitude beyond her years. Fresh from supporting Australian Country Music heavyweights The Wolfe Brothers in multiple shows, Briana is now set to release a new track ‘ Chasing Boys’. This upbeat sassy country track song draws inspiration from her idols Linda Ronstadt, Keith Urban and The Eagles and expands Dinsdale’s musicianship as a country artist. “I am so excited to have this track in the world. I wrote it after a breakup when I was feeling confused on how to handle my emotions. It was different for me not writing a sad song but rather a sassy, upbeat, country tune. It’s one of my favourites to play live, so bringing it into the studio was so much fun.” Briana continues to go from strength to strength bringing a refreshing style of country music to crowds around Australia. She received support from the Country Music Association where she was announced the winner of the 2022 Keith Urban Scholarship Award and was welcomed into the Gibson Family as an official Epiphone ambassador declaring her as one of the youngerst ambassadors in the country. After the announcement as a Top 10 Finalist in the KIX Country/Groundwater Country Music Festival KIX Start Competition in 2022, Briana went on to perform multiple appearances and guest spots at the 2023 Tamworth Country Music Festival. Feeling at home on stage since the age of eight, Briana has performed at the Gympie Music Muster, Tamworth Country Music Festival, The Triffid and on the Melting Sunsets Festival line-up alongside Pete Murray, The Whitlam’s and more. Her songwriting skills and knowledge are of a top level for her young age, writing with the likes of ARIA award winners Casey Barnes, Bill Chambers and Golden Guitar winner Melody Moko and more. Briana Dinsdale’s previous singles ‘Irresistible Force’ and ‘Last Name’ were well received by radio both locally and internationally and a with fast-growing fan base and respect from industry peers, firmly cements Briana as one of Australia’s brightest emerging country music artists. Briana Dinsdale’s new single ‘Chasing Boys’ is out to radio on 13th February and digitals on 17th February Additional Artist/Song Information: Artist Name: Briana Dinsdale Song Title: Chasing Boys Publishing: Briana Dinsdale Publishing Affiliation: APRA Album Title: Beginnings Record Label: Briana Dinsdale Band Record Label: Briana Dinsdale Booking Agent: Briana Dinsdale [email protected] Read the full article
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duhocblog · 2 years
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[Australia] Học Bổng Toàn Phần Bậc Tiến Sĩ AIML Scholarships Tại Đại Học Adelaide 2022-2023
Hạn cuối: 31/12/2022 The Australian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML) Scholarships offered at the University of Adelaide in Australia for the academic year 2022-2023. A total of 2 students will be selected to be awarded a scholarship worth A$40,000 per annum each. The applicants must be international or Australian national students undertaking a full-time PhD degree study at the University…
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