#Australian Scholarships 2022-2023
scholarhunter · 2 years
Federation University Scholarships for Bachelor, Honors or Postgraduate in Australia
Federation University Scholarships for Bachelor, Honors or Postgraduate in Australia
Federation University Scholarships for Bachelor, Honors or Postgraduate in Australia: Great opportunity for students to study in Australia with Cameron Beyer International Scholarship at Federation University. The Federation University has organized the Cameron Beyer funding for the academic year 2023-2024 in Australia. This foundation grant is open to domestic and international commencing…
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9jacompass · 1 year
Apply Now: 2023 Australian Government Awards for Developing Countries
Apply Now: 2023 Australian Government Awards for Developing Countries
The Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) welcomes applications from eligible and outstanding students for Australia Awards for Developing Countries. This Awards are highly competitive and fully-funded. Australia Awards are prestigious, transformative scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders from developing countries for study,…
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indriadetyaputri3 · 8 months
Tugas 21 Agustus 2023
Nama : Indri Adetya Putri
Nim : 20652064
Kelas : 7C Manajemen Pemasaran
Mata Kuliah : Marketing Politik
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Raja Julie Antoni
Mengenal Politikus Muda
Profil/ Jejak Digital Raja Julie Antoni
Raja Juli Antoni, Ph.D.  lahrir pada  13 Juli 1977 yang merupakan seorang politikus Indoneisa dari partai soldaritas indonesia (PSI) 
Raja Juli Antoni, salah satu kader Partai Solidaritas Indonesia, dilantik sebagai Wakil Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang atau ATR/BPN oleh Presiden Joko Widodo di Istana Negara Jakarta, pada Rabu, 15 Juni 2022 silam. Dilantiknya Raja Juli sebagai Wakil Menteri menggantikan Surya Tjandra yang merupakan rekan satu partainya yang maju sebagai Menteri.  
Seperti dilansir dari laman psi.id, Toni (panggilan akrab Raja Juli Antoni) selain menjabat sebagai Wakil Menteri ATR/BPN juga menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Dewan Pembina DPP dan anggota Mahkamah Partai Solidaritas Indonesia atau PSI. Namun sebelum bergabung dengan PSI, dulunya Toni merupakan kader PDIP.
Ia menjabat sebagai wakil menteri Agraria dan tata ruang Indonesia sejak 15 Juni 2022, sebelmnya ia juga merupakan politikus partai demokrasi indonesia perjuangan.  
Raja Juli Antoni merupakan putra dari Raja Ramli Ibrahim, tokoh masyarakat Riau yang pernah menjabat Wakil Ketua Pimpinan Wilayah (PW) Muhammadiyah Riau.  Raja merupakan alumni Pondok Pesantren Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah, Garut, Jawa Barat. Ia meraih gelar sarjana Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir dari IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah (UIN Jakarta) pada tahun 2001 dengan skripsi berjudul Ayat-ayat Jihad: Studi Kritis terhadap Penafsiran Jihad sebagai Perang Suci.  Ia kemudian menempuh pendidikan master di The Department of Peace Studies, Universitas Bradford, Inggris, setelah mendapatkan beasiswa Chevening Award pada tahun 2004, dan menyelesaikannya dengan tesis yang berjudul The Conflict in Aceh: Searching for A Peaceful Conflict Resolution Process. 
Dengan beasiswa dari Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) pada tahun 2010, Raja meneruskan studi doktoral di School of Political Science and International Studies pada Universitas Queensland, Australia. Ia berhasil mendapatkan gelar Ph.D dengan disertasi berjudul Religious Peacebuilders: The Role of Religion in Peacebuilding in Conflict Torn Society in Southeast Asia, dengan mengambil studi kasus Mindanao (Filipina Selatan) dan Maluku (Indonesia). 
Dia menjadi Direktur eksekutif The Indonesian Institute (TII). Dia juga cukup aktif menulis opini dan ditayangkan pada beberapa media nasional Tanah Air.[8]
Aspek ilmu kiprah ranah profesional dan politik
Mantan Ketua Umum Pimpinan Pusat Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah (PP IPM) periode 2000–2002,  ini juga pernah dipercaya sebagai Direktur Eksekutif Maarif Institute yang didirikan mantan Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah, Ahmad Syafii Maarif. 
Pada tahun 2009, Ia sempat menjadi calon anggota legislatif untuk Pemilihan Umum Legislatif 2009 dari Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) untuk Daerah Pemilihan Jawa Barat IX (Kabupaten Subang, Sumedang, dan Majalengka). Akan tetapi, Ia belum terpilih karena kurang suara dengan Maruarar Sirait serta Tb. Hasanuddin (caleg terpilih PDIP dapil Jabar IX). 
Ia sempat menjadi calon Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah periode 2015–2020, tetapi kemudian mengundurkan diri karena ingin berkonsentrasi sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI) yang baru didirikannya bersama beberapa politikus muda lainnya.
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Verrel Bramasta
2. Efektabilitas dan kapabilitas artis muda sebagai anggota partai politik!
Latar Belakang Verrel Bramasta
Verrell Bramasta merupakan artis yang lahir di Jakarta, 11 September 1996. Verrell merupakan putra dari Venna Melinda dan Ivan Fadilla Soedjoko yang merupakan senior di dunia entertainment. Adik kandung Verrell Bramasta yaitu Athalla Naufal, juga terjun di dunia entertainment menyusul jejaknya.Memiliki fisik dan bakat yang mendukung ia mulai terjun ke dunia hiburan, tentu saja dengan dukungan dari orang tuanya. Ia mulai membintangi sinetron pertamanya Bintang di Langit pada 2014.
Setelah itu, ia mulai sering tampil di berbagai acara TV. Namun walaupun demikian sudah terkenal dan suskesnya seorang Verrel Bramasta menjadi seorang artis, verrel memutuska untuk masuk dan terjun ke dunia politik mengikuti jejak ibunya.
Pesinetron Verrel Bramasta memutuskan mengikuti jejak ibunya, Venna Melinda, terjun ke dunia politik. Berbeda dengan sang ibu yang tergabung di Perindo, Verrel memilih PAN sebagai kendaraan politiknya. Verrell juga mengaku bahwa ibunya adalah sosok yang menjadi inspirasinya untuk terjun ke dunia politik.
Dia mengatakan dengan melihat sang ibu berjuang dalam membantu masyarakat.
Pendidikan & Pengeathuan Verrel Bramasta
Verrell Bramasta menempuh pendidikan di Universitas Pelita Harapan. Setalah lulus, Verrell memulai karir di dunia hiburan setelah menyelesaikan pendidikannya. Ia terbilang cukup sukses di dunia kerartisannya dengan memperoleh nominasi dan penghargaan.
Berikut ini daftar prestasi Verrell Bramasta:
Pemenang SCTV Awards 2017 Kategori Aktor Utama Paling Ngetop dalam karya Siapa Takut Jatuh Cinta Pemenang Dahsyatnya Awards 2020 KategoriTrio Terdahsyat dalam karya Putri untuk Pangeran
Pemenang Indonesian Television Awards 2020 kategori Aktor Sinetron Terpopuler karya Putri untuk Pangeran
Pemenang Silet Awards 2020 kategori Aktor Tersilet dalam karya Putri untuk Pangeran
Komunikasi Politik dan Aspirasi dari MasyarakatPartai Amanat Nasional (PAN) resmi memperkenalkan Verrell Bramasta sebagai kader terbarunya di Kantor DPP PAN pada Kamis, 9 Februari 2023.
Eko Patrio mengatakan Verrell bergabung ke PAN bukan karena diajak oleh kader-kader partai berlambang matahari. Melainkan lantaran ada ikatan emosional yang sangat kuat.
Adapun alasan Verrel memilih ikut berpolitik dan bergabung ke PAN adalah Verrle tergerak bergabung ke PAN yaitu karena melalui partai politik dirinya bisa membantu lebih banyak masyarakat atas masalah yang dihadapinya. Verrel pun tergerak untuk bisa melakukan hal yang sama.
Verrel mengungkapkan bahwa misinya untuk masuk ke dunia politik itu yang pertama fungsi dari legislatif, ada tiga.:
Alasan pertama ialah ia ingin membantu lebih banyak orang lagi.
Alasan kedua, menurut Verrel, datang langsung dari sosok Sang Mama, Venna Melinda yang dikenal sebagai politikus yang juga berangkat dari dunia entertainment. Venna, menurut Verrel, berhasil mempengaruhinya untuk terjun ke dunia politik.
Alasan ketiga, Verrel ingin berguna lebih banyak lagi bagi masyarakat luas.
Atas tiga alasan itulah, Verrel memantapkan diri untuk terjun ke dunia yang digeluti sang mama, dan memilih PAN sebagai kendaraan politiknya.Varrel kemudian menjelaskan alasannya memilih bergabung dengan PAN, lantaran partai berlambang matahari itu dianggap Varrel sebagai partai yang membimbing, dan menfasilitasi anak muda untuk terjun ke politik.
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n8-shaw · 1 year
{ JACOB ELORDI, 22, CISGENDER MALE, HE/HIM } Is that NATHANIEL SHAW? A JUNIOR originally from SAG HARBOR, NY, they decided to come to Ogden College to study UNDECIDED on an ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP. They’re THE BRUISER WITH A SOFT CENTER on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
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Nathaniel Shaw hates rich people. Raised in a poor family, by an on-and-off single mother thanks to his absentee father, he had to work for every single cent he’s ever had. He dealt with this with bitterness and resentment, choosing to take it out by punching whoever pissed him off, getting into fights and trouble more often than not as he was growing up. With his athletic talents, it was enough to get him a scholarship to Ogden, but not enough that he’d ever get the chip off his shoulder about being the poor kid around the unbelievably wealthy. He’s over-sensitive, withdrawn, and tactless, but if you get on his good side, he may just allow you to share his weed and show that underneath that, he does have a pisces stellium, and does in fact have feelings beyond just letting them get hurt so he can start hitting people.
pinterest - muse tag
ryan atwood  (the oc) - billy dunne (daisy jones and the six) - nate macauley (one of us is lying) - marcus baker (ginny and georgia)-  jj maybank (obx) - william magnusson (skam) - tim riggins (fnl) - jess (gilmore girls) - johnny castle (dirty dancing) - the ninth doctor (doctor who) - roy kent (ted lasso) - patrick verona (10 things i hate about you) - diego hargreeves (the umbrella academy) - john bender (the breakfast club) - alex karev (grey’s anatomy) - conrad fisher (tsitp)
BRUISER WITH A SOFT CENTER - dark and troubled past - the stoner - byronic hero - abusive parents - disappeared dad - fish out of water - scholarship student - the casanova - jerk jock - delinquents - book dumb - tall dark and snarky - sour outside sad inside - hidden depths 
Undecided - some classes he has been taking, beyond gen-eds are: ceramics/wheel-throwing, photography, literature classes, and avoiding anything to do with music thus far xoxo
Swimming, Crew, Boxing Club
FULL NAME: Nathaniel Shaw
NICKNAME(S): Nate, Natey (only from his younger sister, if anyone else calls him that, they’re consenting to be punched in the face)
DATE OF BIRTH: march 23rd, 2001
AGE: twenty-one
ZODIAC SIGN: aries sun, pisces moon, aries rising, pisces mercury, pisces venus (in retrograde), aries mars. have fun!
OCCUPATION: ????????????? part time pool boy, illegal street fighter. idk was this man does beyond that
HOMETOWN: sag harbor, ny/melbourne, australia
NATIONALITY: american and australian dual citizen
ETHNICITY: a white man?! no!.gif
LANGUAGE(S): english (barely)
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: straight, to make him worse. but also it's sorta "straight"
RELIGION: definitely an atheist
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: i don’t think he has political opinions other than eat the rich
FACE CLAIM: Jacob Elordi
HEIGHT: 6′5″ 
HAIR COLOUR + STYLE: dark brown, worn like this (yes, the mullet, sorry).
ACCENT + INTENSITY: Australian - it comes and goes with how strong it is. He lived in Melbourne from age 3-15, so it’s definitely there, but it also is faded at this point, especially on certain words. it can come out stronger as well, and he definitely do be emphasizing it sometimes
TATTOO(S): a thin line around his left forearm, with a wave above it on the inside of his arm (going almost up into his elbow), coordinates of sag harbor and melbourne on the back of his left arm above his elbow, rowing oar along the outer bone of his right forearm, initial tattoo on the inside of his right forearm (gotten with all four siblings when his younger sister turned 18)
SCAR(S): probably a lot
PIERCING(S): one in each ear lobe - usually wears either a plain gold hoop in them
GLASSES: yes, but he doesn’t wear them 99% of the time. is this man just wandering around blind? very possibly
CLOTHING STYLE: honestly i imagine a lot like Jacob Elordi’s more lowkey style - something like this, this or this. Josh Heuston's style is very fitting too, like this, this, this or this. He also wears all the jewlery/rings/necklaces and often has his nails painted. and this pic is the ultimate nate style for me.
POSITIVE TRAITS: passionate, loyal, independent, honest, brave
NEGATIVE TRAITS: all of them. over-sensitive, short-tempered, aggressive, pessimistic, cynical, crass, withdrawn, resentful, impatient, reckless, (overly) competitive, attention seeking, tactless, brash, intense, aloof
GOALS/DESIRES: (suicide tw) literally nate barely even wants to be alive, so no, he doesn’t have any goals
FEARS: turning into his father
HOBBIES: ….smoking weed, contemplating the misery of his existence, punching people in the face, fucking bitches and getting money (except the money part because he’s poor), playing the guitar/lowkey fucking around with music production
HABITS: his habits include smoking a joint daily, punching whoever pisses him off, scowling when people speak to him……there’s probs more but that’s what i got tbh
SMOKES? weed, constantly.
DRINKS? most definitely
DRUGS? has dabbled....and will get worse if the plots i want work out
Nate is the BRUISER WITH A SOFT CENTER because, at the end of the day, he is far more sensitive than he will ever let on. Everything hurts this Pisces moon, even as he glowers and glares, and yes, punches his way through them. He’s quick to react with anger - which often translates into violence - all while hiding how things are constantly hurting him. It’s easier to ignore it, because there’s nothing he can do. It’s just the hand he was dealt. And if he’s good at anything (which he still thinks may be debatable), it’s throwing a punch.
Most of Nate’s personality is negative. Even what could be a positive trait (such as competitiveness, honesty, sensitivity, intensity….) he tends to turn it up to 1000 until it’s damaging. But honestly, most of it just negative to start with. He’s very withdrawn and broody, spends most of his time and interactions just glowering at people, and yet has an extremely short fuse, so will go from no reaction to swinging in the blink of an eye. he basically throws tantrums like a toddler, albeit a very large, 6′5″ toddler who actually knows how to fight.
However, he is extremely loyal if he decides someone is worth it - spoiler alert, most people aren’t - he will be there for them in the best way Nate knows how. Still tactless, but like, he tries his best. Basically his way of showing emotional support is being like so, uh, you wanna smoke a joint? Because at the end of the day, Nate is not very smart. Emotionally, or in a book smart sense. He can come off a bit of a himbo, just with his attempts to be charming and flirt with women (when he wants to). Plus he’s hot. And he knows it. And isn’t afraid to use it.
Speaking of women (ladies, please run), Nate likes to be pursued. He hates having to make the first move - probably due to of feeling like he isn’t worth it, more on that below - and he will flirt, charm, seduce, but when it actually comes down to it, he wants the other person to make that final leap. Some sort of validation or something. He likes when girls pay attention to him, and tries to coax it out of them. However, he also has a lot of resentment towards his mother for chasing after his father and bending over backwards to try to make things work, so he also loses interest as soon as a girl is too interested. And when he loses interest, he won’t say anything, he’ll just ghost or cheat. The only kind of confrontation Natey boi is good at is one that involves his fists.
His default way of connecting with people is…well, sex. Nate has no examples of a healthy emotional relationship, and he isn’t good at making friends, so typically, when a girl wants to get close to him, he fakes intimacy with his head between their legs, making them feel like they have him because he’s sleeping with them. Like he’s open and connected to them just because they boned. In reality, it’s just his way of avoiding the emotional intimacy he’s petrified of, because he knows it’ll come back to hurt him. The only downside to all that is the rare times he does want to emotionally connect with someone, he has no idea how to. All he knows how to offer is his body, really. 
Nate’s very dry, prone to swearing (he did grow up in Australia), and his sense of humor is very deadpan. If you actually talk to him, you realize there’s a lot of sarcasm in his cynicism, put the issue is that he’s extremely withdrawn from most people, and honestly doesn’t even see the point in having conversations with them. He also uses this to hide a lot of his fundamental insecurities - he genuinely feels like he’s not going to amount to much, mostly because he’s been made to feel that way. He acts brash and confident, but he really does struggle with feeling like he’s worth anything. It’s part of why he gets so over-competitive, because he wants to prove he’s good at something.
some wanted dynamics -
a childhood friend from australia (one day i will submit this wc to the main)
i still really would like nate to get into music, so someone to help encourage him along that path would be....amazing. he really loves music, but his father was a deadbeat musician, and since nate HATES him sm...he's gotta come to terms with that side of himself
in general, someone(s) who encourages his artsy soft boi side to come out
hamptons enemies - people who summared in the hamptons, dynamic would be dependant on muse. maybe people whose families he worked for (outside of the Morrison's?)?? Bonus points if they had a hot mom he could've banged !!
fight club - nate street fights for money, so ppl who participate or aware of that would be funsies
hook-ups/fwbs/ons's to help him get over the girls in his past since they are all no longer options rip
flirtationships - bc nate rarely makes the first move
the other man - nate has no morals, so if u need someone for ur muse to cheat on their significant other with...here he is
and as always - down to brainstorm and put nate into anything that would fit !!
When the Shaw family moved back to Sag Harbor from Australia, where Nate’s mother grew up, they instantly realized they were not on the same class playing feel as everyone else. They had never been wealthy. Four children and barely steady incomes from their parents - when they were even together - guaranteed that. The kids all realized pretty quickly they were going to have to get jobs, especially now that their father was completely out of the picture. Nate ended up working for a few families who ‘summered’ (god, he hated that word) nearby, working as a pool boy. One of those families…yeah, you guessed it, was the Morrison’s. Greer took interest in the pretty Australian pool boy who was her age, inviting him along to join some of the parties she and her friends had, despite him being her family’s staff. No way was that going to end badly.
Also, they may have hooked up a time or two their senior year of high school. But that’s irrelevant.
SOCIAL CLASS: lower class
FATHER: Luke Shaw
MOTHER: Ella Shaw, née Quentin
SIBLING(S)? 3 - older brother; Liam Shaw , older sister; Melanie Shaw, and a younger sister; Quentin "Quinnie" Shaw.
CHILDREN? do not let this man reproduce no matter what you do (also having children is also his worst nightmare, since the last thing he wants is to his father)
nate is the third out of four kids in five years to two highly incompatible people
his mom followed his dad back to australia when he was 3, only to call it all off 12 years later, and move back to sag harbor when nate was 15
nate took the move v hard in general, got into a lot of fights, briefly ended up in juvie after being charged with assault
couldn't pay for a lawyer, but the kid he was defending became his best friend (xoxo keys) and his father was a public defender and got the charges dropped, so he doesn't TECHNICALLY have it on his record
shortly after he got invited to an illicit fighting ring, which had money being given to winners and tossed around in bets by the rich kids who vacationed in the summer
that's how nate ended up hanging out with them and partying with them despite being poorTM
early in the fall his senior year, there was a back to school party where the house they were in ended up burning down - since nate was the only one who didn't have rich parents, who do you think took the fall? (hint: nate)
stanford stopped recruiting him & he broke up with his girlfriend at the time (actually, he just ghosted her, but that counts)
did he end up getting a scholarship at ogden in return for keeping his mouth shut? maybe (yes)
when he came to ogden as a freshman in college, he came in as an engineering major (why? no idea - think someone told him too and he was like, well, i have no hopes or dreams of my own, so y not), failed a bunch of classes, and then ended up switching to an undecided major for his junior year…so is he going to graduate on time? absolutely not. he is very much behind in his schooling.
yes, nate has jacob's australian accent
he is basically ryan atwood and i regret nothing
he worked as a pool boy and mowed lawns and shit during the summer once he moved back to the Hamptons as a teen to make some extra cash, so rubbed shoulders with a lot of rich kids, which just made him more bitter about all of it
he did in fact sleep with several milf housewives while he was doing above jobs
plays the guitar and piano and likes to fuck around with music production in his free time - his father is a musician so his lack of acknowledging this/sharing this/actually allowing himself to enjoy it is due to his ~ daddy issues ~
deep down he is an artsy soft boi, and he just refuses to acknowledge that he loves music because of his father, and the fear that exploring that side of himself will just turn him into his dad. it's definitely something he needs to come to terms to still
he started taking more art classes this semester now that he is undecided and he signed up for a wheel-throwing class so he QUICKLY became one of those slutty shirtless wheel-throwing tik tok boys. his first successful pot he made he gave to rhia so she could plant things in it.
jesse threw nate under the bus, nate threw jesse under the bus, they kissed fought, the cops were looking at nate real sussy
so yeah from the very first sit down with the cops, nate was not making a good impression
he did get dragged outta the pool during a swim practice to be questioned
after their second interview, he is in their list of suspects :)
overall, nate is trying very hard to not be involved with greer or her disappearance at ALL because he does not want to be held responsible
he did overhear (with pippa) penny saying that she knew why greer left
oh also, he hooked monty and ollie up with a half built house to use as a drug base, thanks to his connects in the construction industry near ogden
he has those connects bc the summer between his freshman and sophomore years, he worked for nat's dad while they were dating. and nat's dad hates him. so nate said fuck u i'ma have my friends deal drugs outta ur house
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freequizbank · 3 months
Industry demands action as Australias road toll surges _ FreeQuizBank.com - Free Exam Practice Questions for LANTITE Numeracy, Mathematical Reasoning - OC, Selective and Scholarship Tests @acereduau #NSWeducation #AusEdu @AusGovEducation @ServiceNSW
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vprogresseducation · 3 months
Industry demands action as Australias road toll surges _ FreeQuizBank.com - Free Exam Practice Questions for LANTITE Numeracy, Mathematical Reasoning - OC, Selective and Scholarship Tests @acereduau #NSWeducation #AusEdu @AusGovEducation @ServiceNSW
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ndoverseas · 11 months
Advantage of studying in Australia for international students
1. World-class education:
Australia is home to some of the world's leading universities, which are consistently ranked among the best in the world. In the 2023 QS World University Rankings, 11 Australian universities are ranked in the top 100, and 33 are ranked in the top 500. This means that Australian students have access to a world-class education that will prepare them for successful careers in any field.
2. Strong research output:
Australian universities are also known for their strong research output. In 2022, Australia ranked 6th in the world for research output, according to the Nature Index. This means that Australian students have the opportunity to work with leading researchers on cutting-edge projects.
3. Diverse student body:
Australia is a multicultural country, and this is reflected in its student body. International students make up over 20% of the student population, which means that Australian students have the opportunity to learn from and interact with people from all over the world. This diversity can help students to develop a global perspective and to become more tolerant and understanding of other cultures.
4. Beautiful environment:
Australia is a one of the most beautiful country with landscape. Students can enjoy living in a country with stunning beaches, rainforests, mountains, and deserts. The country also has a warm and sunny climate, which makes it a great place to study and live.
5. High quality of life:
Australia has a high quality of life. The country is safe, clean, and well-organized. This means that students can be confident that they will be able to find a good job after they graduate.
6. Work opportunities:
International students in Australia are allowed to work up to 40 hours per week during their studies. This can help them to cover their living expenses and to gain valuable work experience. After they graduate, international students are eligible to apply for a post-study work visa, which allows them to stay in Australia and work for up to 2 years.
7. Scholarships and financial aid:
There are a number of scholarships and financial aid programs available to international students in Australia. These programs can help to reduce the cost of studying in Australia and to make it more affordable for students from all backgrounds to pursue their education.
8. Visa process:
The visa process for international students in Australia is relatively straightforward. Students can apply for a student visa online or at an Australian embassy or consulate. The visa process usually takes a few weeks to complete.
9. Cost of living:
The cost of living is generally higher than in many other countries. However, there are a number of ways to save money, such as living in a shared accommodation, cooking at home, and using public transportation.
10. English language:
English is the official language of Australia. This means that international students who speak English will be able to communicate easily with their classmates, professors, and other members of the community.
Overall, there are many advantages to studying in Australia. The country offers a world-class education, strong research output, a diverse student body, a beautiful environment, a high quality of life, work opportunities, scholarships and financial aid, a straightforward visa process, and a relatively affordable cost of living.
In addition to the above, here are some other specific advantages of studying in Australia:
High-quality teaching: 
Australian universities are known for their high-quality teaching. Professors are experts and are passionate about teaching. They use a variety of teaching methods to engage students and help them to learn.
Small class sizes: 
Australian universities typically have small class sizes, which means that students get to know their professors and classmates well. This allows for more individual attention and support.
Modern facilities:
Australian universities have modern facilities, including libraries, laboratories, and computer labs.
Research opportunities:
Australian universities offer many research opportunities for students. This is a great way to gain hands-on experience and to develop your research skills.
International experience:
Studying in Australia is a great way to gain an international experience. You will have the opportunity to meet people from all over the world and to learn about different cultures.
If you are looking for a high-quality education in a beautiful and welcoming environment, then Australia is the perfect place to study abroad.
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newmusicweekly · 1 year
Briana Dinsdale Releases Sassy Upbeat Country Tune "Chasing Boys"
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Brisbane based Briana Dinsdale is launching into 2023 with an energy and an attitude beyond her years. Fresh from supporting Australian Country Music heavyweights The Wolfe Brothers in multiple shows, Briana is now set to release a new track ‘ Chasing Boys’. This upbeat sassy country track song draws inspiration from her idols Linda Ronstadt, Keith Urban and The Eagles and expands Dinsdale’s musicianship as a country artist. “I am so excited to have this track in the world. I wrote it after a breakup when I was feeling confused on how to handle my emotions. It was different for me not writing a sad song but rather a sassy, upbeat, country tune. It’s one of my favourites to play live, so bringing it into the studio was so much fun.” Briana continues to go from strength to strength bringing a refreshing style of country music to crowds around Australia. She received support from the Country Music Association where she was announced the winner of the 2022 Keith Urban Scholarship Award and was welcomed into the Gibson Family as an official Epiphone ambassador declaring her as one of the youngerst ambassadors in the country. After the announcement as a Top 10 Finalist in the KIX Country/Groundwater Country Music Festival KIX Start Competition in 2022, Briana went on to perform multiple appearances and guest spots at the 2023 Tamworth Country Music Festival. Read the full article
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Brisbane based Briana Dinsdale is launching into 2023 with an energy and an attitude beyond her years. Fresh from supporting Australian Country Music heavyweights The Wolfe Brothers in multiple shows, Briana is now set to release a new track ‘ Chasing Boys’. This upbeat sassy country track song draws inspiration from her idols Linda Ronstadt, Keith Urban and The Eagles and expands Dinsdale’s musicianship as a country artist. “I am so excited to have this track in the world. I wrote it after a breakup when I was feeling confused on how to handle my emotions. It was different for me not writing a sad song but rather a sassy, upbeat, country tune. It’s one of my favourites to play live, so bringing it into the studio was so much fun.” Briana continues to go from strength to strength bringing a refreshing style of country music to crowds around Australia. She received support from the Country Music Association where she was announced the winner of the 2022 Keith Urban Scholarship Award and was welcomed into the Gibson Family as an official Epiphone ambassador declaring her as one of the youngerst ambassadors in the country. After the announcement as a Top 10 Finalist in the KIX Country/Groundwater Country Music Festival KIX Start Competition in 2022, Briana went on to perform multiple appearances and guest spots at the 2023 Tamworth Country Music Festival. Read the full article
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Briana Dinsdale "Chasing Boys"
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Brisbane based Briana Dinsdale is launching into 2023 with an energy and an attitude beyond her years. Fresh from supporting Australian Country Music heavyweights The Wolfe Brothers in multiple shows, Briana is now set to release a new track ‘ Chasing Boys’. This upbeat sassy country track song draws inspiration from her idols Linda Ronstadt, Keith Urban and The Eagles and expands Dinsdale’s musicianship as a country artist. “I am so excited to have this track in the world. I wrote it after a breakup when I was feeling confused on how to handle my emotions. It was different for me not writing a sad song but rather a sassy, upbeat, country tune. It’s one of my favourites to play live, so bringing it into the studio was so much fun.” Briana continues to go from strength to strength bringing a refreshing style of country music to crowds around Australia. She received support from the Country Music Association where she was announced the winner of the 2022 Keith Urban Scholarship Award and was welcomed into the Gibson Family as an official Epiphone ambassador declaring her as one of the youngerst ambassadors in the country. After the announcement as a Top 10 Finalist in the KIX Country/Groundwater Country Music Festival KIX Start Competition in 2022, Briana went on to perform multiple appearances and guest spots at the 2023 Tamworth Country Music Festival. Feeling at home on stage since the age of eight, Briana has performed at the Gympie Music Muster, Tamworth Country Music Festival, The Triffid and on the Melting Sunsets Festival line-up alongside Pete Murray, The Whitlam’s and more. Her songwriting skills and knowledge are of a top level for her young age, writing with the likes of ARIA award winners Casey Barnes, Bill Chambers and Golden Guitar winner Melody Moko and more. Briana Dinsdale’s previous singles ‘Irresistible Force’ and ‘Last Name’ were well received by radio both locally and internationally and a with fast-growing fan base and respect from industry peers, firmly cements Briana as one of Australia’s brightest emerging country music artists. Briana Dinsdale’s new single ‘Chasing Boys’ is out to radio on 13th February and digitals on 17th February Additional Artist/Song Information: Artist Name: Briana Dinsdale Song Title: Chasing Boys Publishing: Briana Dinsdale Publishing Affiliation: APRA Album Title: Beginnings Record Label: Briana Dinsdale Band Record Label: Briana Dinsdale Booking Agent: Briana Dinsdale [email protected] Read the full article
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diplomamaker · 1 year
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Edith Cowan University (abbreviated as “ECU”), located in Perth, the capital of Western Australia, Australia, is a public university famous for its modern innovation, rich artistic and academic atmosphere, and full of youthful vitality. Named after Edith Dircksey Cowan, Australia’s first female member of Parliament, and a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities [18], It has eight schools: School of Business and Law, School of Arts and Humanities, School of Engineering and Technology, School of Medicine and Health, School of Nursing and Midwifery, School of Natural Sciences and Science, School of Education and Western Australian College of Performing Arts. All majors of the university include different forms of internship or Work Integrated Learning arranged by the university. The four-year doctoral degree and full scholarship in cooperation with the China Scholarship Council are the unique highlights of the university’s research courses. The university has also set up scholarships, tuition waivers and accommodation discounts for Chinese students.
THE University is ranked 351-400th in the World University Rankings in 2023, and 42nd in the World University Impact rankings in 2019. In the QS Subject Rankings 2018, the school is ranked 19th in the world for Sport and exercise Science, and top 200 in education, Media and Cultural Communication. The discipline of Hotel and Tourism Management is ranked 30th in the 2022 Soft Science World Top Discipline Ranking.
Another identity of the university’s network security Research Center is the National Network Security Research Center of Australia, which is funded by the Federal government. In addition to the accreditation of the Australian Computer Society (ACS), authoritative teaching combined with high-standard internship or work practice also provides the strongest employment security for the university’s students. The Engineering Graduate program is fully accredited by the Institution of Engineers Australia (EA) and the Washington Protocol.
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airplayaccess · 1 year
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Brisbane based Briana Dinsdale is launching into 2023 with an energy and an attitude beyond her years. Fresh from supporting Australian Country Music heavyweights The Wolfe Brothers in multiple shows, Briana is now set to release a new track ' Chasing Boys'. This upbeat sassy country track song draws inspiration from her idols Linda Ronstadt, Keith Urban and The Eagles and expands Dinsdale's musicianship as a country artist. "I am so excited to have this track in the world. I wrote it after a breakup when I was feeling confused on how to handle my emotions. It was different for me not writing a sad song but rather a sassy, upbeat, country tune. It's one of my favourites to play live, so bringing it into the studio was so much fun." Briana continues to go from strength to strength bringing a refreshing style of country music to crowds around Australia. She received support from the Country Music Association where she was announced the winner of the 2022 Keith Urban Scholarship Award and was welcomed into the Gibson Family as an official Epiphone ambassador declaring her as one of the youngerst ambassadors in the country. After the announcement as a Top 10 Finalist in the KIX Country/Groundwater Country Music Festival KIX Start Competition in 2022, Briana went on to perform multiple appearances and guest spots at the 2023 Tamworth Country Music Festival. Read the full article
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pathwayeducation · 1 year
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Scholarships In Australia For International Students 2022-23
There is an excellent chance for the student to study for their bachelor master or PhD degree. Around 1000+ scholarships are out each year for international students by the Australian government. It would help if you did not submit the application fee at the time of the application for the Australian scholarship. 
The respective institution or the government of Australia funds almost every expense of each student at the time of the scholarship program. 
Most Australian scholarships are completely funded and cover significant expenses, and Student visa Australia is one of the suitable locations for getting quality education from a trusted education centre. 
When you are looking for a scholarship in Australia, you must go through the scholarship program and then ensure to apply. Therefore, you must find the best scholarship to choose and prepare for your master’s degree. Detailed information about international students in 2022 is given below.
Destination Australia Scholarships 2022:
DAP allows domestic and international students to study in different parts of Australia. 
· It supports regional and remote tertiary education offers by letting activities contribute to growth and sustainability.
·  It provides an excellent chance for the student to take care undertaking high-quality education and research. Then students assure of experiencing life in remote Australia.
·  Make sure the region and share the social and other economic benefits which international student brings best ideas.
 Hence, the student should visit the right educational provider to apply and learn to upgrade the skill at all times. 
Griffith University Remarkable Scholarship:
This university offers bachelor’s and master’s degrees for different international students. And now, the application is open to apply, which is open f up to 18th April to 2022 and 5th August 2022. 
·  If you are a citizen of the country and other Australia or New Zealand
·  You need to minimize the GPA in complete studies with the above 5.5, and if you have an above 7-point scale, then you need to check suitability in the part of the minor GPA criteria below.
· English language entry needs for the chosen undergraduate and postgraduate coursework program.
Hence the student needs to visit a trusted website to apply for a Student visa Australia to learn the course more safely.
  Step to apply:
· Students must apply to study in this university’s Undergraduate or postgraduate coursework program. 
· Students apply for the scholarship by the closing date and must include their academic record and another personal statement. 
· The University panel needs to review the application. 
· We allow the student to know the outcome of the application.
· Then you have to ensure the significant things before applying for this course from the Australian universities.
Australian Awards Scholarships 2023:
 It offers a Bachelor Master’s, and PhD degree program and this application is open till 29th April 2022. Before going to apply, you must ensure everyday things which are listed below 
·  You need to check out the open and close data of the country and then choose the country of the citizen and resident for the list of the participating countries for the data on the eligibility areas and know how to apply. 
· If you come to apply, you must read the Australia award scholarship policy handbook. You must offer the data with standard eligibility requirements, selection and entitlement, and responsibilities. 
 Also Read: How do I get a 2022 scholarship for international students?
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hamzaaslam · 2 years
S P Jain announces a new Global MBA Scholarship for Singaporeans
S P Jain announces a new Global MBA Scholarship for Singaporeans
SINGAPORE – Media OutReach – 21 September 2022 – Australian business school S P Jain School of Global Management announced today the launch of a new scholarship for Singaporean citizens applying for the February 2023 and June 2023 intakes of the Global MBA program. The Singapore Scholarship Award covers 100% of S P Jain’s Global MBA course fee (including tuition and registration fees) and…
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freequizbank · 6 months
School pathways review reveals dramatic drop in early uni offers _ FreeQuizBank.com - Free Exam Practice Questions for LANTITE Numeracy, Mathematical Reasoning - OC, Selective and Scholarship Tests @acereduau #NSWeducation #AusEdu @AusGovEducation @ServiceNSW
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vprogresseducation · 6 months
School pathways review reveals dramatic drop in early uni offers _ FreeQuizBank.com - Free Exam Practice Questions for LANTITE Numeracy, Mathematical Reasoning - OC, Selective and Scholarship Tests @acereduau #NSWeducation #AusEdu @AusGovEducation @ServiceNSW
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