#Barb Axefell
toomanycharr · 3 years
👊 🐱 📚🤐🤺 you can answer for several characters if you want the more the merrier.
I’ve already done the orders one, so I’ll roll a few times and see who I get- Numbers are in! 7- Barb Axefell, 66 - Xyx Blackrune, 97 - Parus Direblight, 100 - Rauch Slypoison 👊 Do they have a warband? What role do they play on it? Who are the other members of their warband?  Barb Axefell Barb- I mean, ahem, Centurion Axefell was once Legionnaire of Fell warband 2nd, Blood Legion. Her job as Centurion overtook her job with the warband after she was promoted and her second, Perrinacus Fellswoop, became legionnaire. Most of her old warband was killed by Cleave and Siege Warbands after Fell joined the Dominion, but Barb is still on their hitlist. Xyx Blackrune Xyx was one of the founding members of Black Warband 36th, Ash Legion. She was a scout and intel-gatherer, which lent itself nicely to her steps into the Order of Whispers. Other members that exist include Legionnaire Spinel Blackcarve, Cook Galao Blackcandle, Tuocha Blacksnow and previously Breve Blackeye, but there are plenty of NPC members too, those are just characters on my roster. Parus Direblight Parus is a gladium. He was once part of Dire Warband, a group of Gladium that handled bar security in Divinity’s Reach (NA side,) but he assumes the legionnaire was taken out by a merc, as they made a few enemies. He still works with the taverns of Divinity’s, but without a warband. Rauch Slypoison Rauch is part of Sly Warband 5th, who, honestly, have no lore whatsoever. I have enough warbands to plan and I never played her in-depth enough to go into specifics. 🐱 Were they modeled after a specific feline? Maybe a combination of some? If not, what was your inspiration? Barb Axefell !!CW: Abuse mention!! Axefell is... Modelled after the abusive ex who caused my Fibro’s fursona, a white tiger coeurl, honestly. It’s not a proud thing to admit, as she was very much the ‘big bad’ of my character list before I made Volca, and was done before I had the proper tools to deal with my feelings and resentment towards the person, but the design stuck even after I’d been through therapy and let go of that part of my past as much as I could whilst still suffering the physical concequence. Xyx Blackrune Xyx is based off of an Ocelot, and the Shatterer! She was designed long before GW2 came out, when about the only promotional materials we had were a neat picture of the shatterer, and a picture of Rytlock. I was smitten with the shatterer back then, so Xyx originally had branded horns and purple hair (and, yes, tits, because we had not seen female charr yet. I hate Xyx v1 and am so glad female charr are as they are.) As I learned the lore, I figured ‘hey this is bad’ and that stopped. Parus Direblight Parus was just a random character, honestly. I made him for the warband, and that’s all I can really say! Rauch Slypoison Just an attempt at making a neat-looking old grizzled grey charr, really! I loved her face and hadn’t used it, so I needed to.
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toomanycharr · 5 years
Monsterfucker problems: You just can’t make a charr as gruesome, wartorn, and chillingly horrifying enough to not be considered ‘cute’ by your weird-ass standards 
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toomanycharr · 3 years
just like last time im asking this for ALL ur charr cuz i cant pick one and ur url is irresistable, anyways - 🌳 (What is your OC’s favourite way to relax after a stressful day? Do they have a favourite book to curl up with? A hobby? Or do they have a nice bubble bath and have an early night to bed?)
I have to warn you this answer took me almost an entire day to write out, but I’m no mouse. LONG answer below! I missed out the non-RP charr, charr that have died IC, and the other races, just for my own sanity.
Apnea Spiritmaul Apnea is a Blood gal at heart, even if she is part of Iron Legion. She often spends her free time sparring with any Blood Legion she can find (and kicking their butts, usually.)
Arcturis Spiritmaw Arcturis, being half-legionnaire, doesn’t get much free time. He does enjoy taking far-too-long showers when he can, though. He will also just lay in the snow if he is in that climate.
Nerium Primalgaze (Yeah this isn’t alphabetical, I remade the alphabetical charr as her, hah.) Nerium is the type to enjoy the smaller things in life. Good ‘company’, a nice bath...
Artaios Earthshaker Earthshaker is a very, very old man. He spends his free time teaching any young charr who are interested in the ways of the Elements, or he sleeps. A lot.
Ashran Deadwar Ashran is another charr that likes to spar. He’ll fight, or go to the bane to watch the fights there.
Auva Solarbeast /  Ryta Thundervex Auva likes to spend time with her mate Ryta, and the two enjoy stargazing, cloudwatching, or anything to do with the sky. Auva also likes to read to Ryta.
Barb Axefell Barb was another charr that had little time. She works, she sleeps, and that’s about it.
Caye Bearbreaker Copious amounts of ale. End answer.
Corax Lunarcaller/ Xyx Blacklunar Corax likes to spend time with his ravens and also loves to read.
Cur Blitzpillager Cur likes to go very, very fast on her bike. No destination needed.
Eris Spiritheart Eris, much like her brother and co-legionnaire Arcturis, doesn’t get a lot of time. She used to spend all her free time with her mate, Vanessa, but since Vanessa died she’s mostly just been... Lost. She often just sits, staring into any bodies of water nearby.
Erro Sharkbone Erro is the type that sleeps with one eye open, so she doesn’t really let herself have any downtime. She’s either working or being too paranoid to do anything but watch her back.
Freki The Vile Lionguards and ‘free time’ don’t really mix. When she does find a few quiet minutes, Freki does quite enjoy fishing.
Gacrux Lifebringer Gacrux is an avid reader, from leaflets she finds on her adventures, to books she may happen across. It’s debatable if she can actually READ, but she sure likes to look at words.
Geier Hearthhew When Geier isn’t annoying the Adamant Guard, making unnecessary hassle for Warband charr, or stealing metal from the Citadel to pawn off to whoever may buy it, he likes to go grawl-watching.
Grus Lunarspark Grus enjoys tinkering with his guns and gyros. Whilst in Drizzlewood, he picked up the enjoyment of fishing out of the need for something substantial to eat.
Hadar Tumultcleave Hadar enjoys learning new spells. With the arrival of new-flame into the legions, he’s learning a lot more that he didn’t have a chance to before!
Invidere Envyheart Invidere is a bit of a writer and will spend a few hours before sleep time writing if possible.
Purtia the Brazen Purtia enjoys drinking whiskey, fighting Bloods, and taking trips out to the lakes to swim.
Kai Bossfang Another fighty charr. How original!
King Tyant King is currently in the Stockades. So, uh. Yeah. Not much he CAN do. He does enjoy singing, much to the jailer’s displeasure.
Malice Wrathwalker Before he was a centurion, Malice would enjoy drinking with his warband, or going out for long ‘patrols.’ He has no time for that now, though.
Malin Lunarstone / Malin the Pallid Malin has recently been trying to draw- which has been a hassle, as she’s more recently lost her writing hand. Doesn’t stop her. In the past, she would do alchemy as a hobby. She also brews and drinks a lot of tea.
Murren Rubblecroon While Murren is a singer, he’s a terrible lyricist. But... His hobby is writing some of the worst, non-sensical lyrics ever derived from a charr.
Nenqe the Shield Nenqe makes guitars as a hobby! She also enjoys eating.
Rallus Weldcog Rallus enjoys tinkering with his mechanical devourerer and drinking beer.
Rouzl Crypticfury I guess you could say Rouzl is a... story crafter. Because he likes to make up bullshit stories that never actually happened to make him look like a hero.
Rrul Rivecleave Rrul enjoys a good whiskey, watching the Bane, and more recently spending time with his ‘mate’ (as much as he won’t admit she is,) Sargas.
Sargas Broadcinder Sargas, being an ambassador of Greetsglory, has to keep herself as well-presented as possible at all times. She’d love to drink and fight, but she cannot.
Seamstress Kombucha Kombucha likes to bake (terribly) in her spare time. It’s a shame her talent is all specced into tailoring, as she makes a lot of food waste.
Sergi Serpentfang A charr well past her retirement and too stubborn to become a praetor, Sergi enjoyed complaining about how it used to be before the treaty, complaining about her useless cubs, and complaining about.... Well, anything else. BUT NOW SHE’S A FROSTY SO.
Skurr Arsonfume Skurr is another pain in the Adamant's tail. He enjoys stealing, outrunning those he just stole from and making New Flame legion look bad, apparently.
Speldan Cinderquell Speldan likes to visit Nolan to help with the devourerers. Recently, she’s taken a mild interest in magic thanks to her Legionnaire.
Syn Thunderstalker Being a stinky no-friend flame-licker (And also some really bad crap I’d rather not talk about, but... Old flame. I’m sure you can imagine.)
Tamika Dustshot Tamika likes to volunteer at the orphanage, hoping to change the children’s opinions on charr. She also raises tiger babies!
Temac Gemstrike Another charr that likes to steal, but she doesn’t do it to cause problems like the last two. She’s actually GOOD at it.
The Truest One Poor boy gets no free time. The reason why is a spoiler for my RP storyline, but he’s usually asleep...
Valun Nettlefall Valun is a hobbyist entomologist! He’s a sniper and will hide out within the wilderness for days on end- he’s taken a liking to identifying and documenting bugs whilst he’s out there.
Vega Brinegut Vega enjoys birdwatching! Not a very pirate-y activity for sure, but when you’re on the seas, seeing a bird is a sign of land coming soon.
Veta Wraithvine Veta is still very much in training and dedicates most of her time to that. She does enjoy soaking in rivers when she can, though.
Vopros Redtail Having recently joined the legions, Vopros doesn’t entirely know what to do with his new ‘freedom’. He likes to try a bit of everything.
Wurzel Cidersnout Wurzel enjoys boardgames! He plays with his sire, Xeryl, and his brother, Wassail.
Xeryl Scrapzap Xeryl doesn’t like board games as much as his cub. He plays them because he’s a good dad, but would rather be doing anything else... Like sleeping.
Xyx Blackrune Xyx is an adventurer and likes to go to new, interesting places. She also enjoys cooking!
Yeens Yeens likes to sew, even though she’s terrible at it. She tried to do repairs to her ship’s sails, but the first mate always redoes it after she botches it.
Zyre Endstrider Zyre is a bit of a poet, writing edgy and depressing prose over a bottle of whiskey.
Aries Mistwalker Another charr that doesn’t have much time. She’s a mist commander, and when she’s not sleeping, she’s leading the war.
Auxantious Auxantious (Aka. The Ghost of Godslost) is usually looking for anyone that may need his help, or making potions in his mist-shrouded tent.
Boor Keenjaw A huge glutton, Boor enjoys challenging others to eating contests. He always wins.
Breve Blackeye Breve is an alcoholic. He drinks, a lot. He’s never really in the right mind for hobbies beside that.
Ceres Siezescrap Ceres sometimes swings by the ranches when she needs some time out, sampling their wares and helping tend to the cows.
Congou Drakesdame Congou is always on the move, but when she does settle, she likes to curl up with her drakes and read.
Falk Blazebane As much as Blood has tried to ‘brainwash’ the young charr, Falk is still very much a free mind. He enjoys drawing, and has recently taken up cartography!
Firstmate Razormaw Razormaw likes to grow plants on the ship! They near-always die, but it doesn’t dissuade her. She likes to sing to them.
Galao Blackcandle Galao is usually always cooking. He does enjoy fishing, too, but he gets little time to.
Gannet Aegisjaw Gannet likes to challenge Boor to eating contests. He never wins, but they both have a good time.
Gnarl Shattersiege Gnarl loves to cook! And eat. He’s often found at the grills, making far too much meat and sharing it out with anyone who might be nearby.
Kallisti Smokehunt Kallisti enjoys swimming, and is often seen at a lake. She enjoys seeing how long she can hold her breath underwater (She’s pretty good at it!)
Mayall Stargazer Despite her name and job as an astrologist, Mayall turns to the ground for her hobbies. She enjoys studying plants and mushrooms!
Mehl Kilnsunder Mehl is another charr who isn’t sure what to do with her new freedom. She really enjoys spending time with the other Whispers agents, one of them is currently teaching her how to read. She likes that.
Mitho Deathgrip Another charr that’s always spoiling for a fight, Mitho is usually found getting in trouble by challenging charr double her size.
Parus Direblight Parus likes to talk to the patrons of the bar he works in, and get to know them all. He may or may not take some back to his room. Damn mousepouncers.
Polaris Anvilstone Polaris is a hobbyist brewer! It’s become a little more serious recently. They make all sorts of beers!
Rau Bitterbark Rau spends all his free time doing fahrar refresher courses for charr who seem to have forgotten their training. This is his way of relaxing..?
Rauch Slypoison Rauch likes to try new drinks and foods. She often hangs out in Divinity’s Reach, testing cocktails for a human barkeep there.
Rook Foulflare Rook is another Entomologist! He raises the bugs, though.
Skar Battlebeat Skar... Attempts to write songs. He's the drummer of his band for a reason, though- He cannot sing, or write. Rumor is he just does it to try to impess the lead singer...
Skellur Boomtooth Skellur likes to do anything that makes a big noise. He often hangs at the cannons near the trading post, chatting to the workers when they’re not shooting at ghosts,
Spinel Blackcarve Much like her name suggests, Spinel enjoys carving statues and toys for the cubs out of chunks of wood.
Tabus Anvilshift Tabus enjoys reading, watching leylines,and being a bastard.
Teuen Venomwolf Teuen enjoys listening to music, and reading. He doesn't like metal.
Tiburtius Rendsight This charr never relaxes. Even if she could, she wouldn't.
Tuocha Blacksnow Tuocha will go to any snowy climate and just lay in the snow. If he can't do that, he'll complain how hot it is, constantly.
Volca Slashthroat Volca is a vile creature who wouldn't know 'fun' or 'relaxation' if it hit her in the face. The closest she gets is just killing indiscrimanately.
Vorrar Vorrar is another cook, who often tried to make food out of things that do not belong in food. It never tastes good, and is hardly even edible half the time.
Vurmbait the Feral Vurm doesn't eally have any hobbies besides trying to plot the downfall of the charr legions and the Olmakhan, and training herself to have a chance at doing that.
Xyx Blackbriar No, this isn't the same Xyx, there's just multiples! Xyx enjoys just being in nature, gathering moa feathers, and looking at plants. He's clueless about plants, but he likes them.
Yaxa Oozemaw Yaxa likes to watch, and star in, sometimes, plays! She doesn't get to watch them often, but as soon as she's not on duty with Maw, she's looking for where to enjoy a good (or absolutely terrible) play.
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