#Belos is the best written villain period
johnny-boy-17 · 2 years
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No, ‘cuz let’s talk about this real quick!
This gonna be a long post, my b.
Back in “Hollow mind” when we’re finally getting to know Philip and all, his child form is introduced as this weeping scared child...
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I know in Hollow Mind, the weeping child was a cover up for how he was the actual monster Luz and Hunter were running from...
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but after what Masha said, I don’t think that first one was a lie just for the sake of reveal. 
Because lookit: it’s told that Philip was Caleb’s younger brother, and that the two of them were wandering orphans that found themselves in Gravesfield.
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And obviously puritanical blood-thirsty sexists that believe in sorcery don’t exactly make for a healthy growing up environment
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So when Evelyn comes along and starts opening up Caleb’s mind to witchcraft...
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of course little Philip is going to go in there for dat smoke...
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The problem is it’s too much smoke, and he ends up killing the person he came for in a fit of puritanical fuckery, instead of examining his biases. 
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Plus, being the puritanical he is, of course he blames the witch that brings Caleb here and took the only family he had. So in retaliation, he dedicates his life to ridding her entire species off the plane of existence, losing his own humanity in the process
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So there’s more of his homebrew BS that’s “tHe WiTcHeS fAuLt.” 
Another instance of why Dana Terrance is an amazing creator/writer/artist: in just one english-major’s sarcastic sum-up, Philip Wittebane becomes so much more of a complex antagonist. He’s constantly telling and reasoning with himself that witchcraft took the only family he had away from him... after years of indoctrination from the people who would be telling him that.
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I encourage you to go back to that scene in the S2 finale, and listen to his cadence. Even the prospect of becoming a famed Witch Hunter seems like afterthought to him. Like that correction was simply a correction, rather than a demand for respect from another human.
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Belos, at his core, is just some scared kid from Connecticut who only wanted his brother back. He just also happens to be a puritan that bastardised something beautiful to do it.
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Big Bro got a hot-witch girlfriend, and Little Bro got upset is putting it lightly, and that makes it so brilliant.
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