#Bruce Wayne x reader x tony stark would break the world actually
darling-i-read-it · 2 years
the feminine urge to write cross overs for every superhero I’m in love with
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uncpanda · 3 years
Parental Disapproval
Prompt 26: Defending the person
Warnings: Standing up to parents. 
Requested by: ANON 
Pairing: Lex Luthor x Fem!Reader
AN: I actually want to try this trope with other characters like Hotch (age gap and divorcee with a kid), Bruce Wayne (Playboy),Tony Stark (Play boy/ seems like an alcoholic to the outside world), Steve Rogers (Grandfathers age too different). I might have to do a series. Let me know! 
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You knew this was going to be a problem. You knew it the moment you had first kissed him, you knew it when you decided to actually date him, and you knew it the moment you admitted you loved him. But that knowledge had never stopped you. You’d followed your heart straight into Lex Luthor’s arms despite knowing your father would throw a fit. 
You had expected anger, ranting, and yelling, but you hadn’t expected this. 
“Excuse me?” 
“I said get out!” 
You stare at your father. Jonathan Kent had been your father from the time you were three days old and he and Martha had adopted you. And he had been a good father. He had loved you, and taught you, and stood by you. And now? Now he was telling you to leave your childhood home because you had fallen in love with someone he didn’t like. 
You bite the inside of your cheek, and grab your purse. You hear your mother call your name, but you don’t stop. You head out the screen door and towards your car. You can hear your mother crying and yelling at your father. You’re just grateful that Clark is out with friends. You can only imagine how much worse it would have been if he’d been there. He would have tried to defend you, tried to defend Lex, and you imagine that probably would have been enough to make your father’s head explode. 
You drive home to your apartment: numb. And you pause outside the door. As you expected the light is on, and you can hear the TV and smell something cooking. You unlock it and step in to find Lex in the kitchen chopping something, and watching the football game on the TV. He pauses as he sees you. 
And then he’s moving towards you and you run to him. The moment you’re safely in his arms the tears finally come. He holds you tight, tucking your head under his chin, his arms wound around you as a hand rubs up and down your back. “I’m so sorry.” He repeats those words over and over again. 
And finally you shake your head. He loosens his hold on you enough that you can wiggle your hands up and cup his face. Your voice is rough thanks to the tears, “This isn’t your fault. You are not your father. And he’s blind if he can’t see that.” 
He opens his mouth to protest and you kiss him to stop it. His lips move against your and when you break apart he leans his forehead against yours. You know he feels guilty, even though he shouldn’t, because you know the truth. You know the pain Lionel had inflicted on his son. You know that Lex never wanted the extravagances he’s been granted. You know that he’d rather hang out in your small apartment than in the mansion his father purchased. You know he’d rather cook you dinner than take you to some overpriced restaurant. And you know that he’s grateful to have found someone who loves him for him and not his money. 
Lex watches you while you sleep. He has a million plans running through his mind. Plans to get the two of you out of Smallville, and away from your toxic fathers. He wonders if there’s a way to take Clark and Martha with the two of you. 
He has his own income, income and companies completely separate from his father. And those businesses make more than enough to support the two of you and the future you’ve discussed; a house in a different small town, a couple of kids, and life together. He also knows that it would hurt you, to not have your family around. He needs to fix this. 
With that in mind, he slips out of bed and heads towards your family farm. He isn't surprised to find Mr. Kent outside on the porch. And the glare he gets isn’t unexpected. But before the man can start he holds up his hand to stop the oncoming rant. He’s very plain in his speech, “I’m not here to fight. I’m here to tell you how things are. I’m in love with your daughter, and she’s in love with me. We’ve been together for over a year, and I’m not letting her go . . . and that’s with her blessing. 
“We have plans. Plans to get out of this town. Plans to stay away from my father. And those plans can involve staying away from you . . . the same way you stay away from Martha’s father. So, you can continue on this way, mad that she chose me, mad that I’m my father’s son. That’s fine. Just keep in mind you won’t see us again, because I won’t let you hurt her again. I refuse to have her come home and cry because of things you said. 
“She is the love of my life. And if I have my choice she’ll be my wife soon. And one day we plan to have kids. And I want you to know them and for them to know you, but if you hurt her again I’ll find a way to make sure that doesn't happen. It’s my job to protect her, and our future family. Even from her own father.” 
There’s anger in Mr. Kent’s eyes but Lex feels like he’s made his point. “I recommend thinking on it.” 
With that, he turns around and heads back to his car. When he gets back, you’re waiting for him on the couch. You look up at him with sad eyes, and he gives you a small smile, “I talked with your dad. Well, not with . . .I talked at your dad. I told him I didn’t like him making you cry, and that where our relationship with him went from here was up to him. I don’t want to see him hurt you again. Ultimately that’s up to you, but . . .” 
You smile at him, and then launch yourself into his arms. You’re more than capable of handling your dad by yourself, but it’s nice to know you have someone in your corner, that you have a partner. And you swear to yourself, that you’ll do the same for Lex the next time you see Lionel. 
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