#Calling Pariah War and Fright Knight Fear
radiance1 · 23 days
Tim, officially, does not have a new caretaker.
Tim, unofficially, does have a new caretaker.
A large, large man with long flaming purple hair that was capable of touching the floor if it didn't move like fire with sharp glowing green eyes and a neutral, if a bit of a resting bitch face, expression on his face.
Comparatively, he was not dressed oddly. Nothing but a white compression shirt, grey sweatpants and a pair of black sandals. The only thing odd about it was the sword constantly strapped to his waist, though Tim ignored it when he saw the man using it to chop ingredients.
Fright, he called himself, and Tim never asked if it was his actual name or not. He was just glad someone came over as constantly as he does.
He doesn't know where the man goes at night, after making sure he's tucked into bed and asleep, but he never pried. Mostly because he wasn't supposed to know that, and he doesn't want Fright to catch onto the fact that he was constantly sneaking out at night either.
So they'll both keep their secrets.
Fright Knight was at a loss with himself.
His master, Pariah Dark, had been once again released from the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep and he wasted no time to return to his side. Even with his previous betrayl.
The events that followed were unexpected.
His master did not continue his eons long war with life. Though it had long since turned silent with his imprisonment, it was still brewing under the current of 'peace' that the Ghost Zone fell into.
Fright Knight knew that well.
So, what exactly was he supposed to do when his master returned to his time as naught but a humble farmer and started to rebuild the bridge he had long burnt with the Master of Time?
He felt... conflicted.
Of course, reconnecting with the Ghost of Time was a good thing, and he has been subject to witness just how much passion they had for each other during days long past.
But his master picking up a life that was not one honed through blood was always an odd thing for him to experience. Two peas in a pod, as some would say they were.
War and Fear.
Where War went, Fear followed. Rivers of flowing blood with storms of fear promised was something too tempting for him to resist.
Fear was a sword, and he was War's blade.
So it was not something easy for him to adjust to when War settled down into peace and sought prosperity instead of his namesake. Of course, he, as always, adjusted regardless of the situation and followed his master in his newest endeavor.
It was much harder to preserve a life, than it was to end it. They both came to realize. On his master's part, farming was something he pondered over and donned for a brief time eons ago, the new methods of today clashing wildly with what little he knew of the activity before War sung to him again. For Fright Knight, he had not a single nail's worth of experience in the act, never having had an interest like War did and as such, never learned.
It felt rather odd to use his blade to cut gifts from the land, but if he replaced them with images of enemies long since snuffed, it wasn't exactly hard.
He could not stay there for long; however, it was just too... different, from what he was used to. The Ghost King knew this and told him he was free to be left to his own devices so long as it did not affect the rules the Master of Time had set for them.
Or rather, War. But as Fear was in his service, he was not exactly exempt from said constraints, either.
So he wandered, keeping to his 'human' persona he was told to set for himself here. He was thankful that these beings called Meta's existed as no one gave him more than a second glance.
Though if that was more something to do with his height he did not know.
He came upon a city, one of shadows and filled with curses in numbers that even made him pause in slight bafflement. Lady Gotham, the city's spirit, brushed against him as soon as he stepped foot within her haunt, and it did not take long for them to reach and accord.
Fear was allowed to stay, so long as he did not do anything she did not permit. He was fine with said rules, after all, what was another constraint compared to those set by Time itself?
He had a favorable view of this city, just the ambient fear alone made it worth stepping inside. It was better than War's attempt at peace, though it was nothing due to the being itself he was just... used to being surrounded by fear.
Then he met a human child by the name of Timothy Drake. A meeting by chance and nothing else, but he did need something to do by Lady Gotham's suggestion.
So he became the boy's 'caretaker' though if he were a good one was something he could not comment on.
He did not need sleep, his new ward did, so when night fell, he always stepped out of the city to go back to his master and reappeared the next morning.
The thing about his new master's attempt at peace, was that he was quite willing to give away the gifts he received from the land. Which was helpful, considering he had no idea how to acquire money in this new age.
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phantom-rambling · 2 years
King Pariah Dark.
There’s no way that’s his real name.
It sounds like a Sith lord name. Then again, lots of ghosts have edgy self-chosen names, don’t they?
But there’s also no way he’s anybody’s actual king.
Maybe when he was alive, he was a king. A really bad one. So bad that the people revolted and exiled/executed him. He calls himself “Pariah” out of self-pity.
I’m probably not the first to say this, but I don’t think the “ghost king” actually has any political power over the Ghost Zone. It seems that ghosts are kind of ungovernable by nature. Even those in positions of relative authority like Walker or Aragon only seem to be so as part of the mechanics of their unique purposes as ghosts, and they only “rule” over those in their own domains. They may vie for more power, but it’s more of a scrappy turf war kind of thing. Greater bodies like the Watchers and Clockwork seem to be the closest thing to formal organization, but it hardly seems related to the King. And Danny consistently struggles to wrangle any number of ghosts to do anything under one banner, so clearly nobody sees the Ghost Zone as a kingdom. It’s more like the wild west. Law of beasts. Every specter for itself. Yadda yadda.
So then, why is there a crown? Why is Fright Knight there to serve it?
Here’s my theory.
The Ghost Zone is memetic, right? Its entities and architecture are born from consciousness, impulse, and intent that reflect the living world. Including objects (the Infimap, Fright Knight’s Sword, dragon amulets, etc.). Call them cursed objects.
What if the crown is a cursed object that reflects a desire for power and control based on fear. The crown feeds on that potent emotional energy from its wearer to sustain itself. In exchange, the wearer gets a massive power boost. (I bet Pariah wasn’t always that big.) the Crown is conscious enough to want to exist, so it’s motivated to keep generating that fear. It deludes the wearer. Makes them hallucinate. Whispers to them. Tempts them with powers that could eliminate all their problems with force. But it’s never that simple, is it? It only ever creates more conflict. More enemies. More fear. More power.
The crown is the embodiment of man’s need for dominance. Every entitled insecure thought and action that justified taking an ounce of control or capital from someone else. And the absolute terror and anguish at losing it all. A beacon of power and a vacuum of loss. A prize claimable by taking down the biggest dog in the yard. (The crown can’t be worn by anyone except its paired champion—the wearer must be destroyed to pass it on. The change is instant the second the old King is gone.) I guarantee there’s no shortage of dead rulers and aspiring egomaniacs in the Ghost Zone desperate to have that kind of security and agency… and scared angry people who just want some peace. I bet that’s why they built the coffin.
Fright Knight might have once been a captain who followed his king into tyranny. He refused to question his orders to avoid facing the meaning of his actions. In death, without the enforcement of command, he was lost. So he went looking for something to help reassure him. Rather than taking the Crown from its wearer, he swore his ghostly soul to it. He became the Crown’s executor—physically unable to resist its will. Why would he want to? As far as he’s concerned, fear is how the world works.
Pariah is only the latest King, and others will follow. My money’s on Vlad… But in the wrong moment of a heroic action, it could be Danny. I wonder what the Crown would whisper to either of them.
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