#Canyon Biome Bonfire event
elite-amarys · 5 months
Event Announcement: Canyon Biome Bonfire
Greetings. After some discussion with fellow students, it has come to my attention that there is a desire to connect with each other outside of our respective clubs. For this reason, I will be hosting a Bonfire night within the Canyon Biome. There will be multiple fires set up and an abundance of items which can be roasted for consumption, including but not limited to: marshmallows (with assorted s'mores ingredients), veggie dogs, hot dogs, corn, apples (with toppings available), and kabobs. Specific details are as follow:
Location: Nature Preserve Plateau, Canyon Biome
Date: This coming Saturday, January 13th
Time: 18:00 onward
Open to: All current Blueberry Academy student, staff, alumni, and visitors.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
//OOC event details
Hi all! Hosting my first ever event on this blog, heehee. This will be a #no-stakes or #drama-stakes at most, meaning the intention is to keep it lighthearted and fun. It is open to anyone who wishes to join, but if your character isn't at all connected to BB Academy or in Unova you will have to come up with a reason as to why they are there (at a school event no less).
I couldn't in good faith have Amarys NOT put a time on this (it's like. Her whole thing), but the event will run basically all day Saturday, and if you start a thread and don't wrap it up then obviously you can wrap on your own time. I'm in EST and will likely start posting around mid-afternoon, but feel free to make posts and ask questions anytime!
That's pretty much it. Have fun, muah!
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nelson-and-friends · 5 months
I'm gonna be bringing my flute to the Canyon Biome Bonfire! Anyone going should bring an instrument too! Music is better enjoyed with friends!
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ribesrubrum · 5 months
canyon biome bonfire event: open (+1 private starter)
[As Carmine rocks up to the Canyon Biome, one could be forgiven for easily mistaking the girl as calm as can be. The ever present neutral face that almost looks like a scowl is there, though the second someone sees her, she puts on a smile like nothing is wrong. The ways her nervousness are expressed are through the worrying at her sleeves, fidgeting and adjusting them almost constantly as she keeps trying to psyche herself up.
But at least for the party, Carmine is pretty cordial. If you call 'taking personal offense to any wallflowers' cordial, then Carmine is the very picture of it! ...Speaking of, if you happen to be wallflowering without perfectly good seeming reason, Carmine is going to go over--]
"Hey, come on. What's with this? Don't tell me you're nervous to be at a party or something?"
[Of course, Carmine is going to be out and mingling about too--checking in with people, doing anything she can to keep herself occupied, so if you happen to see her? Feel free to flag her down for conversation, she'll gladly oblige.]
for @elite-amarys
[She's so nervous. She's so damn nervous. But if she keeps worrying the entire night away, what else is she going to do?
It takes a bit for Carmine to work up her gumption, after being a social butterfly of course. She breathes deep, centering herself (just as her anger management therapist has told her, again and again--) before going over to where Amarys is and flagging her best friend down.
...Yes, she may have been waiting for the song she picked out on the playlist to come on SHUT UP--]
"Amarys! You've gone and outdone yourself tonight, look at all of this! Everyone looks like they're having an amazing time." Carmine's grin is bright, though slightly nervous--likely in a way only Amarys can tell. "Don't suppose I could spirit you away for just a little bit...?"
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wisteria-violet · 5 months
Canyon Biome Bonfire: open post
The young trainer was happily running about, interacting with as many others as possible. She thrives in these kind of socialization events. She was definitely having a great time. Nothing but big smiles and friendly interactions from her!
Though, some people would be intimidated, mostly due to her pokémon she had out. Well, she shouldn't be surprised by that. Two of her teammates were Pokémon people barely even heard about. They were most likely just nervous since they didn't know the Pokémon. They've always been sweet Pokémon to her.
Mewtwo stuck close to the trainer. While he has gotten used to being around humans, this event was something he'd rather stick to being around those he's familiar with. Badbeard, on the other hand would roll onto his back any time they were up to someone new in hopes of getting bellyrubs.
Wisteria was now happily sitting down by the fire with her whole team. She was making s'mores. Or at least she was trying. She... was burning her marshmallow. But she didn't seem to mind much.
"... Here you go, Frye! Just the way you like it!" She offers the burnt marshmallow to the Talonflame. She chirped, and happily munched on the treat. The young trainer puts another marshmallow on the stick.
Okay... She can do it this time. She definitely won't burn this one!
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elite-amarys · 5 months
Greetings, bonfire participants. Please behold.
<A video is attached. We see Amarys standing back from the camera, one hand stiffly at her side and the other holding up a Heavy Ball. She gives a curt nod to the camera.
“Time to alternate Amarys Syncho-Machine arrival: 5…4…3…2…1.”
Upon finishing her countdown, the Heavy Ball bursts open and out pops a Skarmory. The Skarmory looks around for a moment, then spots Amarys, looks up at her, and speaks.
“Greetings. It seems our theory was correct.”
Amarys’ eyes widen somewhat, it seems she was not certain about this outcome. She quickly reels in her reaction, however. She does a small applause to communicate her delight.
“Wonderful, welcome to this reality, Amarys. We will have to share this discovery with the Science Club as soon as possible. In the meantime, please do enjoy the bonfire.”
End video ID.>
@right-on-schedule and I were able to make a discovery. By utilizing Rotumblr’s connection with the multiverse, she was able to send her Skarmory to me in my universe. Then, with the assistance of the Synchro Machine, she was able to send her consciousness to the transferred Skarmory, thus effectively transferring her consciousness to a new reality. Truly a remarkable discovery, to be able to transfer a consciousness to a new reality via our pokemon. I am very pleased we came up with this, and I hope you will all treat her with hospitality and respect during her time at our bonfire.
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elite-amarys · 5 months
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<The walk out to the Canyon Biome is a treacherous one, but at least there are other students, staff, alumni, and a bizarre assortment of guests to keep each other company along the way. For the steeper sections of the climb there are volunteers to assist, as well as ride pokemon for those with mobility issues or without pokemon of their own that can help them. You can hear the event before you can see it, the music drifting gently down the mountainside to greet you as you finish the exhausting hike.
When you crest the peak you see a large plateau, covered in grass and dotted with trees. There is a path leading to the main area, with multiple campfires lit and burning happily. Each fire has a small stack of wood beside it and roasting sticks resting along their borders, the tips of which are all empty and pointed into the fire. There are multiple options for seating around each fire, ranging from logs, lawn chairs, folding chairs, and stumps. A fence has been set up along the perimeter of the plateau to ensure no one accidentally falls off, and the whole thing is encircled by string lights strung up between the trees, both to add ambience and to mark where the border of the event lies. There is an outdoor table off to the side, and you can see a mountain of marshmallows, hot dogs, fruits, chocolate, graham crackers, and other assorted snacks stacked neatly on top. There are also several large carafes with various hot drinks, and a stack of disposable paper cups. A sign greets you at the start of the path.>
“Greetings! Please stay within the event area to limit the disturbance to the local pokemon. Feel free to help yourself to snacks and drinks. There are medics on site as well as volunteers to keep an eye on the fires and help you when it is time to make the descent back down. Song requests can be communicated directly to Amarys. Enjoy!”
//OOC getting the kick off post up a little early to give people in all time zones lots of time to play in the space and interact. I will keep adding songs to the playlist, so lmk if you have any other requests!
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elite-amarys · 5 months
Canyon Biome Bonfire: Open Starter
Amarys is not an extrovert by nature. Planning the event had been an enjoyable challenge, with so many small details that go into executing a large event she found herself thriving in ensuring every small need was met. She had developed multiple checklists and processes so that she could ensure that every permit, event announcement, supply, safety precaution, wildlife consultation, and logistical concern was addressed.
Socializing at the event itself, however, is less thrilling than it is exhausting. She is still enjoying herself, but interacting with so many people in such quick succession had her drained. So it was that she was taking a brief break by one of the fires.
Thankfully, she is quite skilled at detecting exactly when she needs to step away to recharge, so it didn't take much more than a quick, quiet moment of staring into the fire and listening idly to the sounds around her for her to regain her energy. With a quick huff, she brings herself back to the present and flicks her eyes away from the fire, looking for someone she has not yet greeted.
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elite-amarys · 6 months
Hello. My name is Amarys, and I am a student at Blueberry Academy in Unova. I am also a member of our school's Elite Four. As you will be able to see from my team, I prefer steel type pokemon. I look forward to expanding my knowledge with you all.
Trainer Card:
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(Template Source)
((ooc under the cut))
Hello hello! It's Robby, mod of @paldean-ranger-brandy and others. I adore Amarys, and her personality is pretty much the exact personality I assigned to my main character while playing through the game (right down to the colour scheme!)
There will be DLC spoilers ahead, and all posts will be tagged with "pkmn irl". I also am operating on the headcanon that she's related to Lenora (I mean look at her) but I'm not leaning too heavily into it, since nothing has been mentioned in canon.
Amarys is a teen, so no NSFW whatsoever for this one. Also no magic anons or legendary pokemon please. Sapient pokemon are allowed to interact. Pelipper mail/malice is OFF.
Effort Post Links
Sometimes I get a nice juicy ask that lets me spill a whole bunch about my headcanons for this world, which I like to make easily accessible for you AND me to refer back to you. Also sometimes I post lil fics. These will be linked here.
Precise Confrontation - a short fic about Amarys confronting an online bully.
Environmental Management of the Terrarium
Blueberry Academy and Student-Led Learning
Amarys and Carmine sitting in a tree~ - thread where Amarys and Carmine agree to start dating. An incredibly fun thread with the wonderful @ribesrubrum ☺️
BB League Ranking System
BBA Student Council Positions
Beldum Evolution Training
Also, a Christmas ficlet written by @/the-drayster that is SO GOOD and you should read.
Student OCs Masterpost
Past Event Tags:
#Indigo Disk Arc, #BBA Election 2024, #Canyon Biome Bonfire
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elite-amarys · 1 month
Platform Announcement
Thank you all for taking the time to consider me for your Student Council President. Please read the below carefully, as there are some changes compared to previous years.
To begin, I would like to take a quick moment to list my accomplishments from the previous year:
After being notified of our previous nurse’s poor performance and harsh demeanor, I successfully campaigned for the school to hire a new nurse in his place. This new nurse has proven to be respectful, responsive, and proactive. She has increased mental health resources for students, and receives significantly more visits than our previous nurse.
I have increased the number of social events for students this year (new events include: Canyon Biome Bonfire, stabbing and burning of a foam effigy on the Ides of March)
Increased the accessibility of the plazas in the Terrarium for those with mobility issues.
Now, on to the most important aspect of the platform. My campaign promises are as follows;
Increasing student control over staffing: Many students have noted, and I agree, that the staff at Blueberry Academy are woefully detached from their students. If re-elected, I will campaign for student control over staffing. This will be a two-pronged project - primarily, all faculty heads, teachers, and Terrarium supervisors will have to complete regular performance reviews conducted by the students to keep their professional standing. Secondarily, all new hires must have at least one student on the interview panel. I believe this will encourage staff to be more engaged when students are facing crisis, and is perfectly in-line with BBA’s philosophy of hands-on learning.
Universal Basic Income (UBI) for BP: This is a project that has been very dear to my heart since first gaining the presidency. It has taken quite a lot of work, and we have had to iron out many logistical questions, but I am extremely pleased to say that, if re-elected, this project will be officially rolled out in the 2024-2025 Fall semester. This means that every student, regardless of club participation, will receive a bi-weekly amount of BP into their personal account to be used as they wish. For more details, please see the “UBI” page on the Student Council website.
Anti-Bullying and Mental Wellness: As I discussed in this post, the previous year has drastically changed my perception of my fellow students. I am incredibly pleased that most of my fellow candidates have also included a form of anti-bullying as part of their platform. I believe their platforms are missing one important aspect to this however. My fellow students at BBA are not split into innocent victims of bullies and their perpetrators. You are as much responsible for this culture as you are a victim of it. I will not hold your hand and pretend that I am talking to someone who must be protected. You are all hurting, and I wish to help you heal. However, if you want my help you must also acknowledge that have also hurt others. You have taken your hurt and inflicted it outward. If elected, I will work tirelessly to stop this cycle. But I will not perform this work without the student body’s commitment to doing the same.
A vote for me is an admission of guilt. It is also a commitment to performing the genuinely difficult work it will take to make ourselves better. I ask that you not make this decision lightly. Should you conclude that this work is worthwhile, I promise I will make us something to be proud of once again. Thank you for your consideration.
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