lumiink · 1 year
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the girls are gossiping~
a cheeky sneak peak of a drawing i'm working on which is part of next chapter of my fic, but i was just too pleased with how my ladies turned out to hold onto it!
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edenwolfie · 1 year
why not, it is wip wednesday
small snippet from ch 10 of 'Til our compass stands still :
“Hello!” Xie Lian called as he entered the kitchen. Five heads snapped in his direction, two of them bending very unnaturally.
“Wujin, what the fuck!” Yanxun shouted, leaping over the counter to throw herself at him. Her arms gripped his shoulders, looking over him carefully. “Are you okay? I went to Paradise Manor but that fucking Waning Moon Officer turned me away—”
“Huh, he is pretty handsome though,” Baihua said behind her. “Yanxun, you said he wasn’t.”
“I said he wasn’t my type, idiot, I never said he wasn’t good looking,” she retorted, then slyly turned her focus back to Xie Lian. “Though from what I’m hearing around town you shouldn’t say such things about Chengzhu’s new wife, huh? Seems dangerous to covet something that isn’t yours.”
Baihua blanched, swore at her, and went back to chopping vegetables, though both their ears were perked in Xie Lian’s direction. Predictable.
Xie Lian turned to see Dianshui, Chunchun, and Lianzhu pushing in through the hanging cloth of the entry. Longtan and Wang Lu had abandoned their games and followed them in as well. Apparently the allure of gossip was too strong to be resisted, even at the expense of running the Den.
“Ahaha, hello,” he called back, sending them a little wave.
“Damn, you were right, Chunchun, gege is cute,” Dianshui noted, eyes roving over his face as they came to a stop.
Xie Lian resisted sighing. Was his face so exciting?
Chunchun squeezed his cheek gently. “Don’t make that face at your meimeis! We’re here to congratulate you! It looked like Chengzhu had his tongue pretty far down your throat just now.”
“So, tell us, tell us,” Yanxun cut in, batting Chunchun’s hand away and dragging Xie Lian over to the nearest table, maximising the kitchen audience’s ability to hear everything. He sat down and she set a plate of almond biscuits before him. “Is it true?”
“Thank you for the food.” Xie Lian laughed, picking up a biscuit and chewing blissfully. Ah, her cooking really was the best. “Is what true? I don’t know what’s being said.”
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otnev · 4 years
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OC Liang dianshui梁点水
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edenwolfie · 8 months
For the writer ask - 13, 17, 27, 28, 36!
Hallo and thank you for the ask! I'll stick to my fanfics for answering these :)
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy? I always always struggle with sex scenes, they tend to not take too long, but are then followed by the most god awful amount of editing to try and make it at least vaguely sexy. Local aroace tries their best lol. Otherwise I don't think I struggle quite as much as that with much else?
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why? I think it was probably Madam Yu from my MDZS fic series Just Say Yes. Every scene she was in was a trial for me to get my head around because the series was very much a 'fix-it everything you can' kinda deal, but I also didn't want to drastically change anyone's character, so she was a difficult line to walk. Mostly I avoided this by keeping her out of scenes when I could lol. I remember one or two people wanting a chapter from her POV and just, I would have died of frustration and the fic would have never been finished lol.
27. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why? I have to be honest, writing Xie Lian for Compass has probably been my fave. I feel like I just get him (whether this is true or non lol) and can just go when writing him.
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you Know? So much random shit; working in a medical setting, working in a school setting, working in a retail/food service setting, illustration (traditional & digital), animation (2D & 3D), sports (springboard diving, soccer, skiing), music (esp. cello, bass guitar, singing, with group orchestra, choir, bands etc), D&D and board games, and cooking/baking. Probably some other stuff I'm forgetting, but oh well! I think only the music, art, and retail/food service topics have wormed their way into my writing thus far, I'm not much for a modern setting, so a lot of that doesn't tend to apply lol.
[from weird questions for writers ask meme]
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text. Well, let's go with Compass cause it's still in my brain, and the extras are still WIPs. So here's some random brain faff (under the cut):
- Hua Cheng scared the shit out of Xu Hao when he came back to town and cornered him like 'who the fuck is the new guy? name? age? occupation? appearance? birthday? tax file number? etc' and Xu Hao is just like, that's just Wujin he's just our lil guy now. i don't know shit. please blink. - Hua Cheng basically spent the month he was gone out of Ghost City after Zhongyuan having the worlds longest panic attack and sculpting the most frantic bunch of statues he could to prove to himself he still remembered how Xie Lian looked. This also stopped him destroying anything because he was Not Allowed to break them. Is why he got himself out of the city, because otherwise a few blocks were gonna go bye bye. - Dianshui remembers in very awful detail how she died but she will not ever fucking share that with anyone. - I already shared this with a commenter but re: the wine Xie Lian gives to Hua Cheng in Ch 4 (the one where he had worked for the winemaker for a while), there's so many bottles in the cellar because the winemaker is now a ghost now and still making the wine so Hua Cheng likes to buy them as the winemaker spoke kindly of Xie Lian. - The section where Xie Lian makes the drinks for Chunchun's ex was called "Evil Ratatouille" in my WIP doc for absolutely no good reason.
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