#Do NOT try to argue the nonexistant virtues of the BoS to me
You know what?
I just had to threaten a dickbag who is trying to take over a friend's home through bullying by banking on no one believing her because she's poor. Which means I am about to become his worse fucking nightmare because he is playing a game I won a long fucking time ago.
I am new levels of angry.
I have also had to argue with her to stop her from walking in 100°, 80% humidty heat to get away from that shit.
We are helping feed humans and animals in my neighborhood while also trying to be selfish enough to save some money because I want to buy LAND OF OUR OWN. (We are not fucking rich. We never will be. But by the gods, I will have land!)
Oh, I am having to rein in our landlady and her fucking sister across the street because we are living in a landlord's version of godsdamn high school. (They argue and our rents go up unless someone confronts them...guess who that is?)
I am watching my rights as a woman being stripped away because fascism is the new trend. My queer rights stripped away for the same. And watch non-white people's rights, few that they are, being argued as "equally unimportant". And know I have to watch my niece and nephew and the generations after them suffer for it if we can't turn this shit around.
All of this shit is triggering me from the shit I lived through as a kid and the new PTSD as an adult, so it's like I am living it twice! Yay me!
I am exhausted. I am frustrated. And, I just had some fuckwad try to argue the "good points" of the BoS.
They have been blocked, deleted, and I am going to go sit in front of a fan turned on its highest speed, and go follow Danse's questline just long enough to get me onto the Prydwen so I can turn it into my personal version of Doom because that is my happy place.
I might record it and share.
Oooooh...maybe I need to go clear out Nuka World, too!
Being a Sneaky Little Shit is So Much Fuuuuuun!
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