incorrectcontent · 1 year
Zee: A week ago, I married my best friend.
Dwonk: aww
Zee: Hidden is still upset about it, but Kris and I thought it would be funny
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
Mugo: I'm not even going to ask how I'm still alive, because you know what I think?
Mugo: I think I died long ago and you idiots are my eternal punishment
Dwonk and Hidden: ...
Zee: (lighting more dynamite) You're like a constant downer, huh?
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
Sneke: It's yeeted!
Dwonk: No, it's yote!
Sneke: Yeeted!
Dwonk: Yote!
Zee: Hey! You two arguing won't answer which one of you threw Hidden out the window!
Hidden: Mugo! How Is my favorite idiot cat doing?
Mugo: [hasn't even started but is already done] Oh look, someone left the window open
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
Mugo: Good Morning.
Hidden: Good Morning.
Sneke: Good Morning.
Zee: You all sound like robots, try spicing it up a bit.
Dwonk: *coming through the window* What's up, Motherfuckers?!
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
Zee: Guess what? I have flaws. What are they? I sing in the shower. I cry during romantic comedies. I spend too much time volunteering. I-
Dwonk: You killed Hidden???
Zee: Okay, and OCCASIONALLY I'll commit first degree murder. Are you happy now?
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
Hidden: You look terrible, when did you go to bed?
Zee: I passed out at 11:30
Hidden: okay, that's not too bad-
Zee: Then I woke up an hour later for a snack and played Mario Kart online with Dwonk until about 4:30 in the morning
Zee: I'm ready for the lecture-
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
Hidden: Do you think I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth
Zee: You're a hazard to society
Dwonk: And a coward, do 20
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
Dwonk: What you're doing is dangerous.
Sneke: I'm not taking advice from you. You pronounce the "g" in "lasagna"
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
Zee: I get along with everyone perfectly
Everyone: I've never been more stressed in my entire life
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
Sneke: You lost a lot of blood and passed out, what do you remember?
Dwonk: I remember the ambulance ride here
Zee: There was no ambulance, I drove
Dwonk: Then what was the siren I was hearing?
Hidden: Listen. I was Worried.
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
Sneke: Where's Zee, Hidden and Mugo?
Dwonk: They're playing hide and seek
Sneke: Where?
Dwonk: I don't think you get how this game works
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
Sneke: Do you think lava would taste spicy?
Dwonk: Please DO NOT eat lava!
Mugo: [not looking up from a book] Actually, since lava is molten earth, it would probably taste very bland and dusty.
Sneke: You. You're the only one here who understands me.
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
Mugo: Dwonk is late again
Hidden: how did this happen? I called them at 8 o'clock this morning and pretended it was 11
Sneke: I printed up a fake schedule for them saying we were starting at 9 instead of noon
Zee: I set their clock to say pm when it's really am
Mugo: We may have overdone it
[dwonk bursting into the room]
Dwonk: What Time Is It????
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
Mugo: you really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Sneke: Several traffic violations
Zee: Three counts of resisting arrest
Hidden: roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks
Dwonk: also, that's not our car
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
Mugo: Give me on good reason not to punch your face in!
Hidden: Scheduled beating time isn't for another three hours and fifteen minutes, and Zee specifically instructed me to have a good day.
Zee: I'll open my mouths and swallow your whole arm.
Dwonk: When you move to punch me, I'll hold up an empty bucket in front of my face, so then you'll punch the inside of an empty bucket and look ridiculous.
Sneke: You'll die
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incorrectcontent · 1 year
[Mugo crying]
Sneke: Who gets the Minecraft server if you break up?
[Mugo crying even harder]
[Dwonk hits Sneke on the back of the head]
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