#ELYSSA HC » fierce till the end
tornsurvivors · 2 years
headcanon of the day:  Dark ranger Elyssa has a crow companion, named Diavel, that reports to her, and helps her track people. Especially traitors. He's a little shit, but they have a special bond... just enough for her to understand him clearly. Anyone hurts a single plume on him, do expect to find their body riddled with arrows.
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
friendly reminder, sylvanas, elyssa and liadrin are immortal & will outlive their mortal / human acquaintances.  mmm enjoy that angst lol bye.  also you can click on pics to make them bigger. but if you want more on lifespan lore, here you go.
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update:  apparently the max lifespan isn’t 2000 after a discussion I had. they can go up to 3,800 years or even longer. and plus, the sunwell is basically the high elves’ fountain of eternal life.
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
@torntruth sent in; (  𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑪𝑨𝑵𝑶𝑵 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻. )
( alexi ) headcanon + swords,  ( sylvanas ) headcanon + soul, ( sadie) headcanon + healing,  ( elyssa ) + second chances .
𝐬𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬; 𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑥𝑖 //
Using lethal force is something Alexi tries to avoid at all times. When subduing a criminal or a threat to the Empress, she would use her baton-- it is beneficial that she knows close quarters combat, so she can easily knock them out. If the enemy has a sword, she’ll use hers but only to defend / fend them off. She will use the sword to injure and subdue if she needs to, but she will try to avoid killing with it. That doesn’t mean she won’t if she’s forced in a rather perilous situation where Emily’s life or hers is threatened. Like that one time, when their carriage was ambushed and she threw a live grenade back at the Regenters. A matter of life and death, basically, is when she will use her sword to kill to save Emily and her own life. Or even an innocent person’s life. The day when Ramsey betrayed them and stabbed her is also a reason why she keeps her own sword close by at all times now, even though she still wouldn’t use it if she has other options to subdue an opponent. 
She also trains new recruits in sword fighting with the help of Sylvanas, but they also teach the recruits to only use their sword to defend and subdue. Same thing with crossbows. Going up against those who are hellbent on murdering them is a different story, of course. While it obviously will be unpleasant, they’ll know it’s necessary to protect their people. 
𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥; 𝑠𝑦𝑙𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑠 //
The reason Sylvanas didn’t turn into a monster like Arthas?  The broken fragments of the Ranger-General that fought tirelessly from within. That was probably Arthas’ mistake when he ripped her soul away from the afterlife and shattered it in the process. A fragment of it was devoured by Frostmourne, but he left the rest inside Sylvanas when he raised her as a Banshee... so she could be aware of the terrible crimes she was about to commit upon her people in the Banshee’s stead. But he didn’t really think it through, he had forgotten all about his own humanity-- devoured by the Lich King’s power... that he didn’t think Sylvanas would take advantage of the only thing she had left of her true self and use it against her Jailers when Ner’zhul’s mind control weakened and she broke free. Because of that, she was able to plot her revenge all while pretending she was still a slave to their control. But also to gather information on where Arthas hid her body-- sealed away in an iron coffin to further torment her.
Even as the Banshee Queen, the fragments of the Ranger-General helped her fight against the temptations of the vile creature that lived within her altered body as well. It’s what helped her resist the pull of insanity and bloodlust. Even though she has done questionable things for the sake of the Forsaken... she still didn’t commit genocide, because of the remnants of the Ranger-General. 
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠; 𝑠𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒 //
When she lost Jake, she basically lost a whole half of her and nearly her whole heart went with him. Left behind with broken fragments of it. Healing was a very, very slow and grueling process-- or so you would think. It nearly cost her sanity as well, and her humanity... for that the O’Driscolls had turned her into a monster, as she claimed. Murdering them out of a blinding rage and a desperation for the hope she would find a sliver of relief and satisfaction that she had avenged her husband’s cruel and pointless death. But it never really helped. Just made her feel worse as she would look at her hands stained with the bad blood. She rarely slept, for that she would be plagued with nightmares of that horrific day, and of the monster she would see lurking behind her eyes. She also drank heavily, hoping it would somehow help numb her, but it never really did the job. She’d always be haunted by the loss the next day when she sobers up, over and over. So, you could say that she never really healed. A big part of her is never going to heal completely.
However, when she officially met Piper and fell head over heels for her... she did find her redemption, and that was her shattered heart and bruised soul healing from the trauma she had suffered and inflicted upon herself after Jake’s death. There’ll ALWAYS be a big piece of her that will never heal from Jake’s death, and she’s... okay with that. Because to her, it’s just another reason, a reminder for her to fight harder and to remember her humanity. To not let that monster win and to never get burned again. While she didn’t heal fully on the inside, her newfound love for Piper simply fortified her.
𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬;  𝑒𝑙𝑦𝑠𝑠𝑎 //
Even though she was given a second chance to live again, to fight for Sylvanas and for their people-- she sometimes feels guilty. Because her twin brother didn’t get the second chance to live. He died a cruel death, only to be raised as something that wasn’t of this world... a shell of his former self, to be used as a weapon against humanity and innocence. She still had a chance to be saved, while he didn’t-- she clung to her body after Marwyn killed her and she is haunted by thoughts of what happened to Elwin after he died. Did he watch his own body being paraded around as a monster? Did he watch it murder dozens?  The mere thought of the torment that he undoubtedly must’ve felt as he watched helplessly-- as Sylvanas had when they paraded the Banshee around, was far too excruciating. Elyssa couldn’t help but feel as if she didn’t deserve the second chance to live, when her twin had been robbed of the precious life and future he deserved. However, after she was forced to kill Scourge Elwin and ended his misery... his boundless gratitude was enough to lessen that guilt.  
His last words to her before she watched his spirit fade through the ice and snow: “Don’t feel guilty. It’s not a complete loss. Live for us, Elyssa. I want you to live for us both. To love for us both. To fight for us both. I will forever be grateful to Sylvanas for saving you as you deserved to be. Do not squander this second chance. I am not gone. I will always be with you, in heart and by spirit. This isn’t goodbye.” 
It was then that Elyssa decided that second chances were considered an act of mercy. Something that one shouldn’t ever have to feel guilty for. 
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
“Syl?” Elyssa’s voice was like a melody, echoing through the Windrunner Spire. The very same home Sylvanas grew up in with her sisters, and younger brother. It had been reclaimed, and restored. The Scourge had been cleared out and the land around them had flourished over the decades-- returning to it’s former glory. No longer scarred. Their new family were raised there, and it became their home... it will remain for as long for their children to grow up and raise their own children for centuries to come. It took a while for Elyssa to find her wife, because their room was at the very top of the spire. Where her parents used to stay. Alleria and Vereesa had agreed to visit for the holidays, despite Indra’s qualms with them for personal reasons regarding their past with Sylvanas when she was a Banshee Queen. But the sisters found it harder to come around the Spire for their own reasons, so Sylvanas didn’t push them. She’d forgiven them by now. It took a long time, but in the end... she still found it in her to forgive them, somehow.
When Elyssa found her, Sylvanas was sitting on the end of their bed and something was in her hands. Her head was bowed. But Elyssa knew the shaking of her wife’s shoulders all too well. Knew that she had been weeping. Eventually, blue eyes flick up to meet with Elyssa’s brilliant emerald gaze. She did a doubletake for a moment there, noting for the first time in a long while... because the lighting of the sunset was hitting Elyssa’s face just right. For her to notice how her wife had aged like fine wine. She still looked incredibly young but matured, especially for her age... which was a little over a millennia by now. Sylvanas looked more like her mother, older but still breathtakingly stunning and there were more battle scars littered across her body. 
“Hey.” Elyssa murmured quietly with a warm and kind smile, shutting the door behind her before she made her way across the room to reach her wife. Sylvanas said nothing, but smiled back nonetheless. “I had a feeling I’d find you here. Lirath and Viviana just got back from their travels. They���re eager to share their discoveries with you. Elwin’s still with Liadrin and Fjora in Suramar.” Elyssa chuckled gently as she laid a comforting hand on her wife’s strong back- which was hunched over and soothingly rubbed it in the way Indra would have with them. Just one glance at what Sylvanas was holding, was all Elyssa needed to know why Sylvanas was in a such emotional state right now. 
She’d never forget Indra’s handiwork. Her embroidery was always breathtaking, because it was known that Indra often expressed things that meant so much to her through them. Elyssa remembers this one. It had been given to Sylvanas a few months after they found her and rescued her. Gave her a second chance to keep fighting. It was the very first embroidery, the very first gift she gave Sylvanas. It’s no surprise that Sylvanas kept it all this time. Elyssa figured she must’ve been doing a little spring cleaning and just happened to come across it, tucked away in the safety of the family treasure chest they kept in the room.
Elyssa said nothing as Sylvanas wept some more. She said nothing as Sylvanas reminisced on that day. She said nothing as Sylvanas pulled her into a tight hug. She said nothing, but held her breath when Sylvanas said:
“When I pass away, I want to be buried with this. So, I can take it with me when I see Indra again.” 
Elyssa still said nothing, and she didn’t have to, as she started to cry with Sylvanas. Just holding each other. Unbeknown to them, Lirath and Viviana-- both full grown adults, were standing in the doorway and watched their mothers with a sad, but understanding smile. 
They missed Indra too, terribly. They all would always remember her for as long they lived. 
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
@awesomelyblind sent in;  ( '𝑎𝑠𝑘 𝑚𝑦 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑓𝑓' 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑡. )
When was the moment you fell in love with Justice? (for Fareeha, Slyvannas, Elyssa)
The soldier’s brows knitted together in deep contemplation. Her arms are folded across her chest as she leans back against the counter, and there’s the faintest of blushes touching her cheeks. She’s... never really thought about love. Always devoted to her duty and serving justice as she sees fit, being the protector required giving nearly her whole self. There had been a little room for her to give anything to anyone else. Let alone be committed to a relationship. When she’s not on duty, she’s always having to look after herself. Take care of herself, so she can be healthy and fit to serve. However, the thought of Justice-- has FREQUENTLY crossed her mind as of lately. She isn’t exactly certain how and when it started. All she knew is... that she would grow more and more eager to see Justice, after every time they parted ways and returned to their respective lives for a short duration. 
❝ I... I think the first time I truly realized I felt anything strongly towards her-- is after our first date. Even though we didn’t officially declare it as a date. Just one of our usual hang-outs, after she broke in the Overwatch Headquarters for a swim. ❞   A quiet chuckle and a shake of her head as she remembers the day fondly. But then the blush on her face darkened considerably as the vivid details of what happened later that evening repeated across her mind’s eye. 
Love? The Banshee Queen actually... bristled at the thought at first. Just for a mere moment. Before she takes it into consideration. Handling emotions after entering the state of undeath, was where she lacked the capability. All she has known since the tragic day she fell in battle-- was rage and hatred. Justice, of course, is an exception aside from the Forsaken and the Sin’dorei. Sylvanas would be eternally grateful to the demon for releasing her from the infinite dark. She would not say it’s the precise moment where she... fell in love. Then again, she doesn’t exactly know what real love is. Back in the days, the closest thing she had to a real relationship was a regular fling with a female dragonhawk trainer. Then there was Nathanos... she admired him, but was she in love with him? As it was rumored among her people? Not exactly. She really didn’t have time for love.
❝ I cannot say that I know when. Let alone, if I truly do. I can say though, I admire her very much, and she does make me feel something... and that is more than enough for now. ❞
The Dark Ranger absolutely looks out of place among the other Rangers, with her warm smile spreading across her pale face. Then again, she isn’t like the other Dark Rangers. When Sylvanas Raised her... her soul wasn’t splintered. It was still whole, and the inferno that came with it continued to burn. Just a different kind of flame, but still hot enough to make her appear more alive and allowed her to retain the emotions she had in her former life. Including the undying love she found within Justice-- long before her death. The only difference is that a part of Sylvanas’ Banshee lurked within her, and would test it. Test her. Attempt to corrupt her and snuff that love out, because it repulsed the fragment of the Banshee. However, Elyssa’s love for Justice always prevailed in the end. 
❝ It was when we first dated, and went to that special spot of ours. At the ancient ruins by the lava lake. I’ll admit, I couldn’t believe it at first... how strong the emotion was, it frightened me at first. Because it felt like my heart would explode if it kept pounding as it had by then. I still couldn’t believe that I had found true love, when we got married. But I knew it was meant to be and I wouldn’t trade it in for anything else in the universe. ❞
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
quel’dorei / sin’dorei blood runs hot, so they’re the perfect heating sources for you during winter. imagine restored (living again) / or ranger-general and ranger sylvanas & elyssa, along with liadrin just cuddling you during a snowy day all while purring (yes they purr when very happy / content / comfortable)-- you’re welcome.
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
violet :   how does your muse respond to betrayal ? For Elyssa
headcanon prompt.
Loyalty is in Elyssa’s blood-- she is loyal to a fault, to her family, friends, lovers... especially her Queen, Sylvanas.  Betrayal is something she will not take lightly, and will NEVER forget. However, she knows better than to stoop low to the betrayer’s level and turn into them. Even if they betrayed her by committing murder. Rage is undoubtedly the first emotion she would feel, depending on how cruel the betrayal is. But she has enough of self-control to not recklessly murder out of blinding rage, because she has her friends, family and lovers by her side. They are what keeps her morals intact. She would never murder out of revenge. She only kills out of self-defense, or if the opponent is a threat to the world and life, too evil to be allowed to roam freely. Like Arthas, for instance. Like Marwyn and Falric. She knows there is no hope left to save them, because they have turned into monsters and she would NEVER forgive Arthas for what he’d done to Sylvanas and their people. To Elwin. To the people who he raised to build his Scourge army.
Honestly, it all really depends on the person who is responsible of the betrayal, what they had done and Elyssa knows this, there is no easy way to deal everything.  She’d just know what to do when it comes down to it. 
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
Pride Month regarding my OCs. The LESBIANS Isabel Hart, Elyssa Flameheart, Thora / Thalia Rose. The PANSEXUALS Nicole Existere, Esmeralda Cruz, Atlas Jericho, Persephone / Zahara Hill.
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
Dark Ranger OC (WIP).
Name: Elyssa Flameheart
Nickname(s): Ely.  (More will probably come, depending on the connections she may gain in the future)
Eye color:  emerald green (in life),   pale silver / ruby red (in undeath).
Hair color:  bright red (in life),   ash red (in undeath). 
Species: Sin’dorei (blood elf)
Orientation: lesbian
Age:  Unknown. 
History:  She was eighteen years old when the Scourge Invasion toppled Quel’Thalas and when Ranger-General Sylvanas fell defending their people. She had just started her training with the rangers under Sylvanas’ command. Elyssa was among the few rangers who survived and helped the others escape to safety. Elyssa was utterly devastated to learn of her General’s death,   not knowing she had been taken prisoner by Arthas,   till they came back and Sylvanas was a banshee. 
Unlike Sylvanas’ sisters who did not support her and betrayed her like a coward, Elyssa fiercely believed that there was some part of her Ranger-General left inside the Banshee Queen. She was more willing to join the Horde and do whatever it takes to fight alongside Sylvanas. 
When war was declared upon the Lich King and the fight was taken to Northrend, Elyssa-- having succeeded in gaining ranks among the rangers and becoming Captain of her squad, joined the war. Despite feeling uneasy about the plague being used in the fight, Elyssa was determined to weaken the Scourge’s forces and help blow a way open to the Lich King for Sylvanas... knowing well the Banshee Queen deserved her vengeance.
Unfortunately, during the fight against Falric and Marwyn in Halls of Reflection, Elyssa was slain by Marwyn. One of Sylvanas’ Dark Rangers, Loralen was ordered to fall back to take Elyssa’s body out, to avoid letting the Lich King raise her as one of his scourge. Sylvanas, having become fond of Elyssa due to her fierce loyalty to the Banshee Queen and their connection in the past before the Scourge Invasion, decided to raise her to become one of her Dark Rangers. 
Elyssa’s twin brother, Elwin, was killed during the Scourge Invasion and Arthas raised him among many others to become a part of his Scourge army. When Elyssa and their mother could not find his body, they feared the worse. That fear then becomes reality to Dark Ranger Elyssa when she runs into him on the way to Icecrown Citadel and she is forced to kill him to end his misery.
Family: Kelis (father, he was killed after the Second War),  Valan (mother, still alive), Elwin (twin brother, died during Scourge Invasion and raised as a Scourge by Arthas. Then later was killed by Elyssa to be put to rest)
Personality:  Elyssa was the fierce fighter AND lover. She was the type to draw in attention without any intention to, because of her kindness, sense of humor (playful and dirty types) and never was the type to back down from arguments. She can be quite sassy when the moment calls for it. In undeath, not much has changed but she is more calculating and cunning, due to the banshee nature Sylvanas used to raise her. The difference between her and Sylvanas is that her soul wasn’t fragmented. She had clung to her dead body after Marwyn slain her, and was able to re-enter her body with Sylvanas’ assistance, with a fragment of Sylvanas’ Banshee. She is still an undead with unique powers of her own. 
Dark Ranger abilities / powers:     Shadow Flame Arrow (instigates an arrow with void flame that burns the opponent up on impact from the inside for 30 seconds.)  Void Inferno (volley of arrows that instigates a circle of void flames that damages everything caught within it’s area of effect.)   Shadowflame Daggers (summoning daggers made out of pure void flames that can cut through flesh like butter.)
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
random hc of the day:   elyssa may be kind, but if someone is being absolutely disrespectful to her or those close and dear to her, she will not hesitate to shut them down in the most savage way possible with no remorse. she IS a lover AND a fighter after all.
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
Speaking of ANGST,    Elyssa and her twin brother, Elwin, had this connection where one could sense when the other is hurt or in danger. They were inseparable. They were the type of twins that would finish one other’s sentences. After the Scourge Invasion, when Elyssa and their mother searched everywhere for Elwin, Elyssa felt nothing regarding their connection. Just numbness. It was then that a part of her feared that he was dead. They feared the worst. 
Only for it to be validated, when Elyssa became a Dark Ranger and she was on her way to Icecrown Citadel in search for the Banshee Queen... she ran into Elwin, who had been raised as a Scourge by Arthas. There was a flicker of their connection but it was very, very weak. Because Elwin was no longer the twin she knew. Instead, she felt a devouring void tugging at her-- just pure emptiness.  Devastated and sickened, Elyssa knew she had no choice but to kill Elwin... despite that he was merely a shell of his former self. 
It’s only after then, that she felt the connection strengthen, albeit fleeting-- it was Elwin thanking her for freeing him and to say goodbye. It felt like freedom, the closure that she needed. To this day, she’ll never forget seeing the departing figure of the real Elwin disappearing through the fog of snow and ice, before the connection ended again. Despite her lingering concerns for Sylvanas, the majority of her was finally at peace... knowing that he was at least back with her, in spirit. It’s the only thing she dreams of whenever she sleeps.
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
PAIN SEARED EVERY SINGLE MUSCLE, every single organ and every inch of her soul.   Her mind felt like it was splitting at the seams. The need for air was becoming desperate within seconds, leaving her gasping as she fell to her knees in the Well of Corruption Marwyn had summoned. What appeared to be shadow-like tendrils slithered from the ground where the Well was placed and wrapped around Elyssa’s legs. She could feel her energy being leeched by them, while they inflicted damage to her body. It’s original target was the Sin’dorei priest that came with the group, but Elyssa acted at the last minute-- shoving them out of the line of fire and getting ensnared in the process. Her vision blurred and it felt like the room was spinning. Who would’ve thought that once they downed Falric, it would empower Marwyn? Of course, they should’ve expected more. Wave after wave of mobs summoned by Marwyn nearly overwhelmed them to the point where they all were at risk of getting annihilated. But the group fought harder.
They reminded Elyssa of herself... and the former Ranger-General Sylvanas, who had given chase after the Lich King with her Dark Ranger Loralen in tow. Elyssa doesn’t blame her one bit, she would have done the same had she been in Sylvanas’ position-- the bloodthirst for vengeance too immense, even for an Old God. 
An agonized yell was wrenched from Elyssa’s throat when the Well of Corruption’s damage intensified at the last minute before it faded. Emerald green eyes rolled back in her head, before Elyssa shook her head with a deep growl-- forcing herself to focus her attention on Marwyn again and inhaled deeply, breathing ragged. The Sin’dorei priest was even struggling to keep their group alive... and that was fine with Elyssa. She had always been a fierce fighter and insisted that others be healed first, before her. Blood-stained lips pulled back into a snarl, fangs showing as she planted a foot on the ground. Her bow was only inches away. 
All she’d need to do is reach for it. 
But Marwyn had other plans. The last sight Elyssa had chilled her to the very core of her entity, the terrifying power Marwyn had been granted by the Lich King did her in-- just one blow. Then everything went black. She wasn’t even sure what happened, because it all happened so quickly. One minute she was gathering her strength to push back and the next, she was suspended in an endless abyss. It’s then she felt fear begin to cripple her. Did she die?   She doesn’t feel the pain she had moments ago. Just numbness. Confusion and fear infected her mind. Then it came, a dull ache throbbing in her chest slowly transforming into a burning sensation-- then a flicker of light in the distance. A fire. Elyssa didn’t hesitate to run towards it, before a sight stopped her dead in her tracks-- a loud, strangled gasp falling from her lips. 
She is dimly aware of the group standing over Marwyn’s body. But that’s not what made her stop. It was the vivid sight of her own body.  Horror devoured her alive as it dawned on her that she was having an out-of-body experience. She IS dead. Marwyn had killed her.
No. No, no, no... please ---     her plea came out in a broken whisper as she dropped down to her knees. The group faded away into the darkness, leaving her with the chilling vision of her dead body. Elyssa felt the dull ache fade from her chest and becoming numb once more. The fire that had guided her to THIS began to wither into dying embers. Only momentarily, before denial slowly surrendered to a simmering rage... which was the fuel to feed the dying embers and turn them back into a full-blown flame that had always been in her heart. 
Green eyes stared into the fire... as she subconsciously did everything in her power to keep it going, so she wouldn’t get lost in the infinite void.  Unaware of the vision. Unaware of Dark Ranger Loralen returning to save her body and carrying her out at Sylvanas’ command. 
“Elyssa.”   A voice broke through the suffocating silence and startled her, jaded emerald eyes snapping away from the flame and searched the shrouding darkness. Till she saw them, a pair of crimson eyes staring back at her. Never had she found so much... so much... comfort in such an intimidating gaze.  They belonged to none other than the Dark Lady herself. Elyssa now recognized that voice. 
“Sylvanas... I tried. I gave it all I had, and I failed you. Forgive me.”  
“Most who fall usually cross-over to the otherside by now. And yet, here you are. Clinging to your lifeless body stubbornly like how a fierce rookie I once knew, would. The flame that burned in your heart continues to burn even in this infinite dark. Do you wish for another chance to fight again? Do you wish to face the Lich King and end his reign?” 
“Yes.”  Elyssa breathed out without missing a beat, knowing well what the Dark Lady was offering. She doesn’t need to contemplate the offer. Because it was the one desire that burned in her heart. To serve alongside Sylvanas Windrunner. It always had been. It was one of the biggest reasons why she chose to become a ranger.
“You are very fortunate your soul has not been splintered, which would make for an even easier transition from death to undeath. However... there is one small price. A fragment of my Banshee. Heed this warning, it will attempt to tempt you. It will attempt to corrupt you and turn you against those who are undeserving of atrocities it is capable of performing. While one war may have ended, another may will begin... within you. Are you prepared to take on this burden and master it, for the sake of serving alongside me? The option of permanent death, of course, will still stand if it becomes too much to handle.”
“I knew what I was signing up for as a ranger. I knew what I was getting into when I became Captain. I knew what I was risking when I joined the war against the Lich King. I lived to fight for my people, and for you, My Lady. I want to continue to do so in undeath. I swear fealty to you. My bow is yours.” 
Even though Elyssa could only see Sylvanas’ eyes in the darkness, she could FEEL the proud smile spread across the Banshee Queen’s face and hear it in her voice.
“Very well. Elyssa Flameheart, embrace your fate and hold this flame close to your heart... even though it may no longer beat... and rise.”
The flames in front of her flickered-- right when she feels a burst of air blow by and distantly, she could hear an amplified wail. The flames then changed colors, from bright yellow, orange and red, into light and darker shades of purple. Void Flame. Before she knew it, the flames begun to grow and grow... swirling around her. Engulfing her. 
As she was swallowed whole by the void flames, a loud ringing began pounding at her eardrums-- an effect from the Banshee’s wail, most likely. Then when the ringing finally started to die down, becoming quieter... she was drifting out of the void and back into reality. When eyes snapped open to greet the Dark Lady standing over her, they were no longer emerald green. They were pale silver,   momentarily flashing ruby red when the banshee’s fragment within her tried to test her,   and she was quick to suppress the temptation regardless of how strong it was-- irises fluctuating back to silver. Her hair was no longer fiery red, now a dull shade of ash red.
When she accepted Sylvanas’ offered hand, she noticed that it didn’t feel as cold anymore. Because her own skin was now cool. No longer in it’s healthy glow, but a pale hue. Her joints felt stiff at first and creaked when she stood, but she knows with some stretching... she’ll get used to it.
Blinking once, then twice-- Elyssa brought a hand up to inspect her skin and fingernails. Before a burst of void flame appeared in the palm of it, then she quickly closed her hand into a fist, putting the flame out. When she looked back up to her Dark Lady, she noted the pleased expression on Sylvanas’ face. 
Elyssa knew she made the right choice. This was what she wanted. 
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
random hc of the day:   sylvanas, elyssa and indra has kids after they all get their bodies restored back to the way they were before undeath. there’s probably going to be more than three, but so far... two boys and one girl. they are named after their departed loved ones: lirath, elwin and viviana.  warning, do not leave the kitchen unattended when you’re baking cookies if sylvanas and the boys are around. they will sneak in and steal bites of the raw cookie dough. sylvanas is a bad influence on them. indra would often have to chase sylvanas out of the kitchen with a wooden spoon.
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
PRIDE MONTH HC;  ft. Elyssa Flameheart
Elyssa didn’t really figure out she was a lesbian till around the age of fourteen. It started with a sudden attraction to her female partner at ranger camp. The two became really close friends, and they were Elyssa’s first kiss. Unfortunately, they came from a rich conservative family and they were betrothed to a male of another wealthy family. It devastated Elyssa to learn of this, but she respected that-- despite longing for them. She also realized that she never found interest in any males. Her twin brother, Elwin, was bisexual but she did not know this till she was fifteen when she decided to come out of the closet. She was terrified to tell her mother and brother, afraid they would shun her. But much to her surprise, her brother admitted he was attracted to males just as much he was to females. 
Then to make it all more shocking for them, their mother happened to be pansexual. She explained that she had a crush on Lireesa Windrunner for the longest time and ironically enough, Elyssa had a crush on Sylvanas.
“Who could blame us? They are quite attractive, no?”  Valan’s emerald eyes were filled with amusement and mirth, lips curling into silent laughter behind the rim of her tea cup-- watching her daughter’s face redden. Almost matching the fiery hue of her hair. 
“By the Light, Mum... you’re not going to let me live it down, are you?” A hearty chuckle from Valan was the answer. Yep, she’s ‘doomed’. But still genuinely relieved and happy her family could relate and understand. She no longer felt alone.
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
random hc of the day:   Elyssa is an unique dark ranger. Unlike the other rangers, she is capable of feeling more, and showing more emotion. Very rarely is she seen as a stoic individual.  It’s due to the fire that burned in her heart, and continues to burn... even though it’s void flame. Her soul wasn’t splintered when she died, it was still whole as she clung to her body and it didn’t take too long before Sylvanas raised her from death. Her personality is still the same, mostly. The only difference is if she becomes rather cunning at times, it’s because of the fragment of Sylvanas’ banshee that was used when raising her. It would try to test her and corrupt her... especially during stressful / traumatic situations, but thanks to her flame, she is able to suppress it and ignore it. 
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮? (ft. Elyssa Flameheart)
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the Lionheart.
The loyal one, the stubborn one, the one who fights for others. The guarder, the watcher, the brave, foolish, valiant person who is not the same person by the end of the story.
tagged by: no one. stole it from Q.  tagging: YOU.
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