ven-lou · 5 months
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craigkinnietime · 2 years
i cant fucking believe my tumblr used to be its-zuka MF IM WHITE WHAT WAS I THINKING 
and i reblogged shit w the captions me, oof, oop, why did this make me laugh, and mood way TOO FUCKING OFTEN
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mistystarshine · 7 years
so i have been reading your fic (btw i love it and i anxiously wait for more updates!!) and i have been wondering, how did Yoriko and Shizuka meet??
Yoriko let out a tiny huff. She wasn’t eager to be outside, yet she was there anyway. (Since she wasn’t much of an outdoors enthusiast, it was actually rare for her to want to be outside, but that was another matter entirely.) Hayato was talking about moving out again. When you combined that with their mother’s intense desire not to see him leave, the atmosphere in the house got a lot tenser. She had left with the hope that the issue would resolve itself in the time it took her to walk around the block.
The intensity with which she gazed ahead was odd for a nine-year-old. It was the gaze of someone trying to avoid looking at something; but what was there to avoid looking at? The answer was ghosts. There weren’t too many and they tended to move around, but she knew that she looked like a freak when she looked at them. It would be worse if she saw one like the faceless man or exploding lady - then she would be a scared freak.
Where her eyes told of some brand of determination, the way she kept winding and unwinding a lock of hair around her finger spoke of anxiety. She hadn’t even noticed that she was doing it, just like how she didn’t notice a girl in roller skates come barreling down the street.
A scream was the only warning she got. Too little, too late. The pair girl slammed into her and sent her sprawling to the ground with a thud and alarming crunch. 
Yoriko was immediately aware of a starburst of pain in her wrist and shoulder. The part of her mind that wasn’t caught in the unexpected pain dully realized that she’d landed on her side. With a somewhat delayed yelp, she wiggled out from under the catastrophic stranger, who was sprawled across her legs. Once she was free, she heard her struggling to sit up and a faint whimpering noise.
That was when Reaper decided to manifest. It stared blankly down at her. Yoriko stared haggardly back. For a moment, frustration over her situation overwhelmed her reluctance to seem odd(er) enough to make her say, “you are useless.”
“Y-you have a stand?”
The fact that the girl had said something was processed before what she said. Yoriko had tensed up and, upon recognizing the words, did not relax. She quickly forced herself to her feet despite the ache and looked at the girl. She looked like she was around the same age as her, dark hair, Japanese - so why did she sound like it was a second language? Her eyes were watery with unshed tears. Hadn’t gotten up off the ground yet. All these details were filed away while she dealt with the urgent matter. “You can see it too?” A hint of undisguised skepticism colored her tone.
Despite all evidence pointing to the answer being positive, a part of her was still surprised when she nodded. “I have one too. I-I’m Shi-zuka Joestar.” Her speech was broken up as she occasionally paused to grit her teeth.
A series of thoughts ran through Yoriko’s head. The first was that the name ‘Joestar’ sounded familiar, but she didn’t remember where from. The second was a warning siren of sorts. Her brother’s many, many, many warnings about strange stand users echoed in her mind. As she continued to watch the girl and finally noticed one more prudent detail, they got a little quieter.
Shizuka’s ankle was at an odd angle.
“Your ankle’s broken.” It wasn’t how someone generally responded to an introduction and said more monotonously than such a statement ought to be. Yoriko furrowed her eyebrows in concern, but their lightness made the expression hard to see.
Despite the shards of bone that were doubtlessly sinking into her muscles as they spoke, Shizuka forced a smile. “It’ll be fine - my brother has a healing stand.”
That was when the meaning behind ‘Joestar’ came to her. “You’re Higashikata’s sister.”
Something that she thought was surprise rippled across Shizuka’s face. It also might have been a spasm. “You know him.”
“In a way.” There wasn’t a term for ‘he’s an acquaintance of my older brother and helped me understand what a stand was’ that didn’t take up too many words. Rather than elaborate, she went on to change the conversation in a way she knew her brother would consider needlessly risky. “Do you have a way to reach him?”
Shizuka bit down on her lower lip. “No...” It looked almost like she was growing translucent. Yoriko squinted, but wrote it off as a side-effect of her fall. Unfortunate, since she would have to tell her mother what had happened or ask Josuke for help too if that was true.
“I see.” She looked out into the street then. No cars had passed since their fall, but one would have to come eventually. “What about hitchhiking?”
This time, she knew exactly what expression Shizuka made. That was definitely alarm. “N-no! What if I’m abducted!?”
Yoriko tilted her head to the side a little. “I didn’t think of that. There are a lot more people who would rather help someone than abduct them. Most people.”
While she was speaking, Shizuka tried to rise to her feet. Tried. The way she wobbled and the strain on her face was downright pitiful. “It’s oka-y, I-I’ll just w-walk home.”
This time, Yoriko didn’t hesitate at all. She nodded decisively and said, “okay. I’ll help you.” Her own pain had started to fade anyway. Apparently, the instigator of the collision was the one who suffered the most.
More surprise - or maybe another spasm. “W-what? Why? You don’t h-have to.” 
Maybe it was a little odd to go out of your way to help someone you just met in such a way. Since she had already wrapped an arm around Shizuka to help support her, that didn’t matter. Besides, she had a much better question. “Why wouldn’t I?”
She was too focused on getting them moving to notice the small but genuine smile that Shizuka had managed. Once they had made in several yards, she finally remembered to add, “I’m Kawajiri Yoriko.”
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