#FOR REFERENCE i am 5'0. but that is still bad.
wizardnuke · 9 months
they did nawt give me enough nausea medication perhaps by a longshot
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villains4hire · 1 year
Julie Joyful
1 - This character is subject to change in the future potentially or simply being rewritten as Julie's older sister 'Jewel' who's nickname is Julie if I dislike the direction of the character. As she canonically, so far grew up from a cave into her adulthood with her siblings, so it's easy enough to do, or explain honestly. On that note, with other Julie's? She is known as Jewel with them but also referred to as Julie or Double J, JJ or Big J, Big Sis since she's their older sister.
2 - While this character will be relatively vague at first, there will be dark elements, sinister undertones at times as this is a horror comic.
3 - What to expect: basically 1970s kids songs based of an artwork of her with a microphone, upbeat songs, granted she could be absolutely terrible at it in canon but I like it enough. Then goofiness, jokes, playfulness and maybe the occasional murder/vague extreme violence. But more often than not will just be unsettling. I will admit I might accidentally at times make this a touch too similar to my other character 'Chalice' but will try my best to avoid that presentation. I do not expect you to sing along with Julie if you don't want to.
4 - This character is canonically bi and genderfluid, I am not a stickler for that. So long as she/he's some form of canon into men/women with whatever lean and a form of two genders? I do not care what you do.
5 - I do have this character more or less thought out for what I want in terms of powers, inner characterization, so while I doubt this will ever line-up with other Julie's? Know that she's relatively powerful for some vague rainbow monster thing. I don't plan on using her to fight really unless asked. I may come back and update this. Do take note that I won't have her use this power unless discussed and more or less just fine with her acting like a 'silent-hill/supernatural horror'-esque fighter in terms of movement etc.
6. I don't plan on smutting with this character because she's a literal Muppet almost? But I'm open to the idea as well. Ships in general are fine, however.
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Do I want them to die: Sure. It won't be permanent though and might just be part of the game. Will I have/get icons: I have them. Ask me if you want them since she's a bit scarce right now but it ranges to around 120. Still collecting and updating. Tag: bleeding rainbows Age: ??? Adult Sex: AMAB Gender: Genderfluid - he or she is fine. Race: ??? Rainbow Monster Sexuality: Bisexual Personality traits: Goofy, extremely loving, loyal, a bit odd, can be unsettling. Is down for extreme violence toward 'bad people', but tends to avoid it. She'll counter-bully people in a fun way though if they're merely just jerks. Dislikes bully types. Deceptive intelligence. A bit sassy. Likes to sing and dance. Likes to rhyme sometimes or talk like that. Likes jokes. Likes pun. Likes games anything from board games, outdoor games, video games, toys etc. Likes to bake, clean, and cook. Likes surprises. May do odd things to get a reaction out of people, talk weirdly or otherwise. Dislikes cursing herself, but doesn't mind it from other people, doesn't mean she won't always. Mental traits: ??? Not human by any means but seemingly friendly. Physical traits: Is that of nearly a humanoid 'muppet', but is seemingly made of flesh outwardly. She is around 5'0 to 5'2, featureless chest wise but a little built but certainly not shaped like a human. Powers: "Let's hope you never find out!" Motivations: To have fun by any means, maybe a little love. Backstory: She grew up in a cave and eventually moved out and is visited by her siblings in 'The Neighborhood'. There she plays games, hi-jinx and goes on adventures and totally nothing else there.
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keiko-is-me · 5 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @seigibathala! Thank you so much for letting me join in the bandwagon! (Sorry for replying so late to this!!)
Nickname: I don't exactly have a nickname since most people call me by my name or rare times something else but I don't consider that name to be a nickname since it's so rarely used.
Height: 4'11, 5'0. Yes I'm know I'm short. I doubt that I'm going to grow taller than this since I'm taller than my Mom.
Last movie I saw: Rush Hour 2. I'm planning to watch Rush Hour 3 since the last two movies were so fun to watch!
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Favorite artists: Lady Gaga, Janelle Monaē, Nicki Minaj, and recently Rihanna.
Song stuck in my head: Umbrella by Rihanna and G. U. Y by Lady Gaga.
Do I get asks: I very rarely get any asks at all. I'm not very interactive in Tumblr since all I do is like and reblog .
Other blogs: I do have other blogs that I constantly reblog on. My other blogs are where I put specific content like a blog for saving fanfiction, art reference, and videos.
Following: I follow 437 blogs! A lot of these blogs that I've followed aren't online anymore but the content in their blogs are still amazing!
Lucky number: I can't say that I have a lucky number but I do tend to lean into numbers that has a 5.
What I’m wearing: Waring: I'm bad at describing. I'm currently wearing a long red tank top and long redish-brown pj pants
Dream job: For now I'm maybe thinking of getting a job as an EMS but I'm not so sure if this will change. It would be nice to actually do the the job!
Favorite food: Basically almost anything except for spicy food. I can't tolerate it since it burns the back of my throat if I do eat it.
Dream trip: I'd like to go to England (before the Queen passes) and maybe even Japan. I'm kind of worried about visiting Japan since I don't speak or understand Japanese at all.
Play any instruments: I'm illiterate in playing an instrument. I've tried playing the piano and flute but that didn't work out so good in my favor.
Languages: Cebuano, which I'm not very good at it. I wasn't formally taught to speak it but I picked it up since I grew up with people speaking it around me. I also speak English but there are times where I cannot pronounce some words right. An example would be sew. I would pronounce it as sue instead of sew.
Favorite song: It's honestly all the songs in The Fame and The Fame Monster Album of Lady Gaga. I'm not good at picking once song as a favorite but I do like listening to one(any) specific song most of the times.
Random fact: I've been playing a game called "Woozworld" for 4 years now! It doesn't really feel like 4 years has passed playing the game but here I am still actively playing it!
Aesthetic things: Anything cute I guess? Aesthetics that are usually in my vocabulary is pastel, steampunk and "old" which is basically vintage
Tagging: I'm not going to tag 21 people but I'll tag 10. @ashleymeowtese, @michaorange, @kee29, @kerretssss, @ferlystudios, @friskycourgettes, @rinareblogs , @artistdoreen, @caffineandanimals, and @mrhunhun
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